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Alamat : Jln. Dwikora Gang.15 No.8 Kuripan Yosorejo Pekalongan Selatan 51137



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VI
Waktu : 90 menit
Hari, Tanggal : Sabtu, 13 Mei 2023.

1. Isikan identitas anda dalam format lembar jawaban dengan teliti dan benar
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal ini
3. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima, apabila halamannya tidak lengkap mintalah pengganti pada
pengawas ruang ujian
4. Baca dan pahamilah dengan baik pernyataan atau soal sebelum anda menjawab
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan Kepada pengawas ujian

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
1. look at those peacock! 5. Tina lebih kecil dari anggi. In english language
is ....
A. Tina is taller than anggi
B. Tina is smallest than anggi
C. Tina is smaller than anggi
D. Tina is longest than anggi

6. The colour of banana is ....

A. Brown C. Green
B. Black D. Yellow

7. Dino is .... water

gee ! they very _____
A. drink C. drinks
A. funny C. dangerous
B. drank D. drinking
B. beautiful D. cute
8. He ... in the bedroom
2. Rina has .... nose.
A. sleeps C. sleeped
A. long C. pointed
B. sleeping D. sleep
B. fat D. short
9. The monkey like eating ....
3. The number before fifty two is ...
A. Banana C. Fish
A. fifty one C. twenty two
B. Fruit D. Apple
B. fifty three D. sixty one
10. The third month is ....
4. Fifty eight devided by two equals ...
A. March C. May
A. twenty nine C. twenty four
B. April D. January
B. twenty two D. twenty six
11. The antonym of "happy" is ...
A. sad C. mad
B. confused D. angry

12. "Flood" in Indonesia is ...

A. banjir C. tanah longsor
B. gempa bumi D. tsunami
The correct sentence is ....
13. The leaded of republic is.......................... A. She is a pilot. She fly an aeroplane
A. king C. minister B. She is a pilot. She fly a aeroplane
B. governor D. president C. She is a pilot. She flies an aeroplane
D. She is a pilot.
14. Who is the president of indonesia now ? 20. Dia memakai dasi merah.
A. mr. ma'ruf amin The translation into English is ....
B. mr. joko widodo A. he wear a red tie
C. mr.budiono B. he wear a red cap
D. mr.abdurrahman wachid C. he wears a red tie
D. he wears a red cap
15. Look! That is a...
A. wheelchair 21. The direction according to the picture is ...
B. syringe A. turn left
C. chruthces B. turn right
D. thermometer C. crossroad
D. park sign

16. I have a blue book. The translation into

Indonesian is .... 22. The cat is ... the table
A. saya memiliki buku biru
B. buku saya biru
C. saya memiliki sebuah buku biru
D. sebuah buku berwarna biru

17. How many balls are there?

A. There are four balls A. between C. behind
B. There is four ball B. beside D. in front of
C. Three are four balls
D. Three is four ball 23. Aldo is sick, he goes to ...
A. hotel C. market
18. What is he? he is a .... B. hospital D. post office
A. cook
B. chef 24. The book is ... the table.
C. nurse A. across
D. waitress B. beside
C. on
D. under

19. Look at the picture!

25. My grand father is old, he has ... hair.
A. black C. purple
B. white D. green

26. The elephant is ... the lion.

A. older than C. bigger than
B. smaller than D. younger than 33. A :” … borrow your book?”
B :” yes, of course”
27. Icha has long and straight hair. The underlined
words means .... The correct request sentence is …
A. rambut hitam dan panjang A. can you C. may I
B. rambut pirang dan hitam B. lend me D. would you
C. rambut panjang dan lurus
D. rambut lurus dan pirang 34. I take a picture with….
A. Suitcase C. Ticket
28. This is not direction is .... B. Glasses D. Camera
. . 35. I see beautiful scenery in the beach in
Indonesia is…
A. Saya melihat pemandangan indah di gunung
B. Saya melihat bunga yang indah di gunung
C. Saya melihat pemandangan indah di pantai
B D D. Saya melihat ombak indah di pantai
. .
36. Prambanan temple is legend of…
A. Sangkuriang C. Roro Jonggrang
B. Dayang Sumbi D. Malin Kundang

37. My family went to Malang last week In

Indonesia is…
29. A : What time is it? A. Keluargaku pergi ke Malang minggu lalu
B : It is ... B. Keluargaku akan ke Malang minggu lalu
A. four o’clock C. Keluargaku pergi ke Malang minggu depan
B. five o’clock D. Keluargaku akan ke Malang minggu depan
C. ten o’clock
D. seven o’clock 38. My father bought a bag just now The negative
form is…
30. Must – buy – the – tickets – visitors. The correct A. My father did not bought a bag just now
sentence is ….. B. My father did not buy a bag just now
A. The ticket must buy visitors C. My father do not buy a bag just now
B. The buy visitors must ticket D. My father do not bought a bag just now
C. The visitors must buy ticket
D. The visitors buy must ticket 39. A. read the menu
B. eat the food
31. This is _______ C. order the food
A. sandwich D. pay the bill
B. burger
C. hotdog
D. spaghetti 40. Would you like some chicken ?
32. The - cut - Don't - tree I am ______
A. don't cut the tree C. the tree cut don't
B. cut don't the tree D. cut tree the don't A. thirsty C. angry
B. hungry D. funny

1 1 1
Jawaban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 20
1 4 7
A √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √

3 3 3
Jawaban 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 40
1 4 7
A √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
D √ √


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