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Government of Manitoba,
represented by the Minister of Economic Development and Training (“Manitoba”)
Participant Name: TARIK BATANE
Case Number: 872856

1.0 Dates of Service

1.1 Start Date: January-11-21
1.2 End Date: January-28-22
2.0 Details of Service
2.1 Service Provider: University of Winnipeg – PACE
2.2 Course/Service: Supply Chain Management
2.3 Program Name: Skills Development

Whereas the client is requesting services to secure the skills for employment and Manitoba wishes to
provide these services, Manitoba and the client agree as follows:
3.0 Participant obligations
You must:
3.1 Make your best efforts to participate in and finish the program named in this agreement.
3.2 Immediately report your withdrawal from the program and your reasons for doing so to your
case worker(s). Withdrawing from the program will affect your financial assistance.
3.3 Report changes about the program to your case worker(s), including changes to the start or
end dates of your courses or projects, and changes to the costs that you contribute to
participate in the program.
3.4 Report changes to your legal name, street address, phone number, fax number, and email
address to your case worker(s).
3.5 Report any absences from the program and your reasons for the absences to your case
3.6 Report your progress during the program and your results on finishing the program to your
case worker(s).
3.7 Provide information to your case worker(s) in the form that he or she specifies, if asked by
your case worker(s).

4.0 Limits on Manitoba’s obligations

4.1 Manitoba is not responsible under this agreement for anything other than providing the
services or financial assistance, or both as outlined in this agreement.
4.2 Manitoba will pay the financial assistance only if the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba
appropriates sufficient funds in the fiscal period, April 1 to the following March 31, in which
the funds are required, to pay financial assistance.
4.3 You agree that you will not sue Manitoba or its officers and employees for any of the
following losses resulting from your participation in the program:
4.3.1 Personal injury or harm to you or anyone else,
4.3.2 Damage to, or loss of, your property or another person's property, and
4.3.3 Any other losses.
5.0 End of agreement
5.1 This agreement ends when you finish all of your obligations and Manitoba finishes all of its
obligations, unless Manitoba ends this agreement earlier under section 7.2 or 7.3.
6.0 Overpayments by Manitoba
6.1 Any overpayment is a debt due by you to Manitoba, and you must repay it to Manitoba when
Manitoba asks for it.
6.2 The amount you must repay includes amounts that Manitoba
6.2.1 Paid to you,
6.2.2 Paid to others for you, and
6.2.3 Held back and forwarded to a government office for you.
6.3 Manitoba may obtain repayment of an overpayment from you by not paying other amounts
that Manitoba or an agency of Manitoba would otherwise pay to you outside this agreement.
7.0 Breach of agreement and ending of agreement
7.1 You will breach this agreement if, at any time, you
7.1.1 Stop attending, withdraw or are expelled from the program,
7.1.2 Do not achieve the minimum standards for continuing in the program, as decided
by your case worker(s),
7.1.3 Do not comply with one or more of your obligations under this agreement,
7.1.4 Give Manitoba inaccurate or untrue information, or not all relevant information,
whether before or after you sign this agreement.
7.2 If you breach this agreement, Manitoba may do one of the following:
7.2.1 Delay or hold back one or more payments, or part of any payment of financial
assistance due under this agreement, until you abide by the terms of this
agreement to the satisfaction of Manitoba,
7.2.2 Reduce the amount of financial assistance to be paid under this agreement,
7.2.3 Require repayment of any overpayment paid to you under this agreement,
7.2.4 End this agreement, or
7.2.5 Decide not to take an action they are entitled to. This will not mean Manitoba will
not be entitled to take an action for any other breach of the agreement.
7.3 If the program or part of the program ends, Manitoba may end this agreement.
7.4 If Manitoba decides to end this agreement, Manitoba will notify you in writing. This
agreement will end on the date in the written notice.
7.5 When the agreement ends, your rights under this agreement to receive services or financial
assistance, or both, will end on the date in the written notice.
8.0 General terms of this agreement
8.1 After this agreement ends, you and Manitoba must abide by the ‘continuing obligations in
this agreement. The obligations in sections 6.1, 6.3, 7.2.3 and 8.4 are examples of
‘continuing’ obligations.
8.2 This agreement contains all of the terms of your agreement with Manitoba.
8.3 A change to this agreement has legal effect only if it is in writing and signed by you and by a
representative of Manitoba with the authority to sign it, unless one of the exceptions below
8.3.1 When you report a change to your legal name, street address, phone number,
fax number, and email address, or a change to the start or end dates of your
courses, projects, programs of instruction and work experience activities in the
program, if your case worker(s) approves the change, he or she will make an
amendment to this agreement and tell you when the change is made.
8.3.2 When you report a change to the costs that you pay to participate in the program
of more than 10%, your case worker(s) will discuss the changes with you.
Manitoba will decide whether it will increase, decrease or not change the financial
assistance that will be paid to you or others for you under this agreement. If Manitoba decides that the financial assistance it pays to you or others
for you: Should change, your case worker(s) will make an amendment
to this agreement, an authorized representative of Manitoba
will sign the amendment and your case worker(s) will send you
a copy, or Should not change, your case worker(s) will tell you.
8.3.3 If you object to Manitoba’s decision regarding your financial assistance, you must
contact your case worker(s) within 2 weeks of being told about the decision or
receiving a copy of the amendment. If you do not contact your case worker(s) to
object to the decision within this time period, Manitoba will consider that you
agree with the decision, and it will have legal effect.
8.4 If you are required under this agreement to give information to Manitoba in writing, you must
deliver it by hand, regular mail in a stamped envelope, email or fax to Manitoba’s
Department of Economic Development and Training at:
Skills and Employment Partnerships
100-111 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0T4
204-948-2280 fax

8.5 To phone your case worker(s) call:

Angelica Salas
204-945-3031 phone

8.6 If Manitoba is required under this agreement to give you information in writing, Manitoba will
deliver it to you by hand, courier, regular mail in a stamped envelope, fax or as a scanned
document attached to an email, at the street address, fax number or email you provided to

Revised November 2019

8.7 Information will be considered to be received by the person to whom it is addressed:
8.7.1 On the day it is received, if it is delivered by hand, courier or email; or
8.7.2 On the following day, if it is faxed; or
8.7.3 5 business days after it is mailed, if it is delivered by regular mail. If mail service
stops, you and Manitoba must deliver information required to be given in writing
under this agreement, by hand, courier, email or fax.
9.0 Financial Assistance by Manitoba
9.1 Manitoba will provide financial assistance as follows:
Cost Element Total
Tuition to school $9,000
Living Allowance $4,000
Work/Training Supplies $2,000

Total financial assistance $15,000

9.2 The participant directs Manitoba to pay the tuition or a portion of my tuition directly to
the service provider.


Minister of Economic Development Participant’s Signature

and Training or Minister’s designate

January 11, 2021

Date Date

In this agreement:
1. “agreement” means
a. The document to which this Appendix A is attached and
b. This Appendix A and
c. Your signed Consent to Obtain and Disclose Personal Information and Personal Health Information (not
2. “business plan” means a written plan to start up and carry on a business, and includes a financial plan.
3. “case worker(s)” means the person named by Manitoba to assist you with your program.
4. “Employment and Income Assistance” means aid in any form paid by the Government of Manitoba under the
Employment and Income Assistance Act to or for a person in need for those things and services that are
essential to health and well-being, including a basic living allowance, an allowance for shelter and essential
health services.
5. “Employment Insurance” means assistance paid by the Government of Canada under Part 2 of the Employment
Insurance Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. E-5.6.
6. “overpayment” means an amount paid to you that would otherwise not have been paid if you disclosed all
financial information at the time of signing this agreement or failed to disclose a change in your financial
information after signing this agreement. This can include living allowance paid while receiving Employment
Insurance benefits or Employment and Income Assistance benefits, monies advanced for specific purchases that
were not made or extra payments made that you are not entitled to under this agreement.
7. “program” means the Manitoba program in which you participate, which may include some or all of services,
courses or projects offered to you by Manitoba or service providers, and funded by Manitoba Economic
Development and Training.
8. “living allowance” means the basic living expense portion of your financial assistance.
9. “service provider” means an organization that does one or more of the following:
a. Offers courses to you,
b. Provides employment assistance services and
c. If applicable, assists you in developing and implementing a Business Plan

Revised November 2019

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