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Republic of the Philippines


2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018



This chapter deals with the background of the study, statement of the

problem, significance of the study and scope and delimitations.

Background of the Study

Androcentrism, the practice of placing men at the center of one’s world,

has been prevalent in movies and headline and in society in general. It is a

cultural perspective where man is generically taken to be the norm of

humanness. It mainly originates from the monopoly of men on cultural leadership

and the shaping and transmission of culture. In psychological studies, men are

considered the defaults for several social categories. The use of masculine

generic pronouns (e.g. he, him) to refer to individuals and groups support this

androcentric thinking. In religion, this means that males dominate priestly and

teaching roles of religion and do not allow women to have both exercises of

these roles and from the education that such roles require but they can be a part

of the religion. Male-dominated TV shows and organizations may be described

as androcentric, and personalities and characters who fall short of masculine

standards are often portrayed as ‘queer’ or mistaken for the third sex as far as

plot narratives are concerned.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

According to Connell (2013), the critical focus on machismo and mensees

challenges to the dominance of ‘hegemonic’ or idealized dominant masculine

scripts. A man’s increasing consciousness of improving their imagesand buying

facial cosmetics – aspects of so-called ‘metrosexuality’(Simpson, 2002). Scholars

have also examined ‘metrosexuality’ from sociological viewpoints, arguing that

challenges gender and sexuality through an attention tofeminine practices, but by

means of separating it as well from gender and sexuality as an asexual personal

creative lifestyle. (Carniel, 2009; Coad,2008; andMiller,2008)

Most films in the 21st century are written and directed by men such as

action movies, drama, and romance. Meaning, most of the films and film

characters were made out of men’s perspective. According to the latest Celluloid

Ceiling Report (2017-18), of the top 250 grossing films in 2007, 82% of the

employees (directors, writers, producers, executive producers, editor, and

cinematographers) are men. Women comprised only 18% of it. Therefore, male

perspective is dominant and this may result androcentric bias.

In current times, men are easily being judged by the community based on

their physical appearance and if they do not conform to the “machismo mentality”

of everyone that a man is a man if he has the features of machismo. There are

principal characteristics that appear in the study of machismo. Some of the

characteristics of machismo include aggressiveness, sexual prowess,physical

strength, dominance, control, and power. Macho must show that he is

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

strong,masculine, and physically powerful.The true macho should not be afraid of

anything. They are expected to be the protector and the caretaker. These

qualities, based on the standards of the society are what men should have in

order to prove that they belong to the group. The researchers are eager to study

this issue of men on how they are being judged based on the societal standards

through 21st century films.

This research aims to determine how society identifies masculinity and

how men are judged based on its norms through 21st Century films that

perpetuate unyielding gender roles which can affect everyone’s sense of self,

relationships, and career aspirations. The study also aims to find out how men

are considered as ‘others’ in those films.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to determine on how the participants judge

masculinity based on its norms through 21st Century Films.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How is androcentrism identified or represented in 21st century films as

perceived by the participants using semiotic codes?

a. The Diary of Wimpy Kiddirected by: Thor Fruedenthal

b. Scott and Sid directed by: Scott Elliot and Sid Sadowskyji

c. Tag directed by: Jeff Tomsic

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

d. Fifty Shades of Grey directed by: Sam Taylor-Johnson

e. How to Be Single directed by: Christian Ditter

2. How are these androcentric biases identified by the researchers?

3. How are these androcentric biases identified by male and female


Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the BTTE English majors in

Marikina Polytechnic College. The findings will help improve their ways on how to

analyze movies which is also applicable in literature. This study will be beneficial

to the following:

Students.The proposed study will help the students in analyzing and

critiquing movies or literatures more specifically the characters in the story and to

be mindful enough regarding androcentrism.

Teachers.The proposed study will serve as a guide for teachers in

integrating gender sensitivity in their lessons and to teach the students on how

important it is not to easily judge ones’ identity based with its physical features as


Administrators.The proposed study will serve as a basis for the

administrators to enhance the Gender and Development in the institution. The

study aims to give them an idea on the lapses that the researchers discussed.
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Parents. The proposed study will help the parents to guide their children

regarding gender or identity which is one of the most sensitive things in terms of


Directors.The proposed study will help the directors to manage and guide

the actors and actresses how to act appropriately based on the script, gender

and the standard of the society.

Film Writers.The proposed study will help the film writers to be sensitive

in writing the script that he/she should not only focus on his/her own point of view

but rather consider the views of the society.

Gender and Development Offices and Advocates. The proposed study

will help the gender and development offices to have some ideas about

androcentricism so that they could include this in their seminars regarding gender

to enlighten the people in the society.

Future Researchers.The proposed study will help the future researchers

explore more ideas regarding the lapses and gaps on identifying androcentric

features through 21st Century Films.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Scope and Delimitation

This study is intended only to identify how participants judge masculinity

based on its norms through 21 st Century Films. This study is conducted at the

Marikina Polytechnic College with the respondents consisting of 3 male and 3

female students from BTTE English majors particularly 4 th year students.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018



This chapter consists of review of related literature and studies, theoretical

framework, conceptual framework of the study and definition of terms.

Review of Related Literature

Bailey (2018) states that Androcentrism refers to the propensity to center

society around men and men’s desires, priorities, and values and to relegate girls

to the bound. Androcentrism conjointly positions men because the gender-neutral

normal whereas marking girls as gender-specific. Samples of androcentrism

embrace the utilization of male terms (e.g., he), images, and analysis participants

to represent everybody. Androcentrism has been shown to own serious

consequences. As an instance, women’s health has been adversely plagued by

over-generalized medical analysis primarily based exclusively on male

participants. Yet, comparatively very little is understood concerning

androcentrism’s proximate psychological causes. Within the gift review, we tend

to propose a social psychological feature perspective contention that each social

power and categorization processes are integral to understanding androcentrism.

We tend to gift and appraise doable pathways to androcentrism derivation from

(a) men being additional oft instantiated than girls, (b) masculinity being
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

additional “ideal” than trait, and/or (c) masculinity being additional common than


On the other hand, Eagly (2013)stated that Social role theory originated as

a trial to know the causes of sex variations and similarities in social behavior.

Within the Eighties once the speculation emerged, several analysis psychologists

had begun to use meta-analytic ways to mixture analysis findings referring to the

difficulty of whether or not feminine and male behavior differs.

Meanwhile, Thorne (2015) said that effects of acquisition on categorical

perception are detected in multiple domains. We have a tendency to extend the

strategies of those studies to gender and cavities the predictions of

androcentrism theory and therefore the special agency bias against one another.

Androcentrism is that the tendency to require men because the default gender

and is liberal through acquisition. The special agency bias could be a tendency to

imagine men before ladies within the left–right axis within the direction of one's


According to Sauermann (2016) migration analysis has long been

characterized by a scientific tendency to ignore gender problems. Migration has

been thought to be being “genderless” or has been viewed from associate

degree androcentric perspective, for instance, in early studies on the “migration

of guest staff.
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Androcentrism as pointed out by Mon (2016) refers to the character of,

aware or not, of putting male of individuals at the central read of one’s thought

that the universe and also the cultures as well as history.

Wade (2015) said that men face a great deal of pressure to perform

masculinity severally. But, ironically, those who bolt adapt to rules concerning

gender, people who enact good performances of masculinity, area unit typically

the butt of jokes. Many of us, maybe, assume the physique builder is reasonably

gross; we have a tendency to suspect that he is alsocompensating for one thing,

dumb sort of a rock, or perhaps selfish.

Williams (2017) Androcentrism refers to views involved with masculinity or

men to the exclusion of alternative views. The alternative of androcentrism, that

happens once the female purpose of read is stressed over another, is termed

gynocentrism. Androcentric bias happens once one makes the idea that the male

read is that the norm for all individuals.

Review of Related Studies

According to Bailey & LaFrance (2016) Androcentrism refers to the

tendency to view men as more normative or representative than women.

Androcentric wondering is distinct from viewing men as being higher or gold

standard to women. While people regard menas better suitable for many roles,

particularly these requiring instrumental qualities (Cejka&Eagly, 1999;

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Eagly&Karau, 2002; Heilman&Eagly, 2008), androcentrism alternatively

describes the faith that men are more generally human than

women. Androcentrism in employment and instructional settings discourages

female from pursuing those possibilities (Bem&Bem, 1973; Stout &Dasgupta,

2011) and discourages others from wondering of women as being proper for

these positions (Stahlberg &Sczesny, 2001, as stated in Sczesny et al., 2016).

Moreover, Thorne, et al (2015) states that Androcentrism is the tendency

to take men as the default gender and is socialized thru language learning.

Androcentrism is a feminist concept that describes how people are designated to

be men or male through default for cultural reasons, and that such default

designations work to women’s downside (Bem, 1993; DE Beauvoir, 1949; see

Hegarty, Parslow, Ansara, & Quick, 2013 for a latest review). Androcentrism is

socialized by the getting to know of languages that include masculine typical

pronouns such as “he”, and noun terms such as “man” that both prompt male

imagery and are used as “defaults” to refer to individuals whose gender is now

notregarded (Hyde, 1984; Stout &Dasgupta, 2011). In addition, many social class

labels prompt imagery. Androcentrism principle would be validated by way of

evidence that gender-ambiguous stimuli are processed as male-by-default extra

readily when introduced in the RVF than when in the LVF.

We portray how evaluates and Freyja Quick of androcentrism, by

clinicians and others, have re-mapped societies in areas, for example, work,

solution, mental science, and the law. We contend that these progressions have
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

adjusted the scene however not evened the odds. As our case of signage

illustrates, androcentrism stays incorporated with numerous human societies. In

addition, it is difficult to imagine– and harder to bring about– a perfect world free

of the sort of deception of which 'androcentrism' is a model according to Hegarty,

P., et al. (2013)

Buechel (2006) said that Androcentric thinking expects maleness to be

regularizing and ascribes sexual orientation contrasts to females. Most by far of

movies are composed and coordinated by men. This may result in an

androcentric predisposition, with most movies (and film characters) being made

from a male point of view. Of the best 250 earning films in 2007, 82% had no

female authors and just 6% had a female executive. 70% of all film audits

distributed in the USA are composed by men. In this way, not exclusively do men

have more impact than ladies over the storyline and characters of most movies

yet additionally they have the most impact with regards to openly looking into

them. Since most film commentators are male, androcentric (films from a manly

perspective) may have a tendency to get more sparkling audits than female-

driven movies.

According to Geena Davis Institute (2009) A recent report led by the

Geena Davis Institute examined 122 youngsters' movies (discharged somewhere

in the range of 2006 and 2009) and discovered both a male inclination 'in the

background of the movies and also a male predisposition in the substance of the
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

films. Of this example, 93% of executives, 87% of journalists, and 80% of makers

were male. In this way, an androcentric (male) point of view was prevailing in the

vast majority of the movies. The report contended that the male predominance

behind the vast majority of the movies was associated with a male inclination (an

androcentric predisposition) in the substance of the movies themselves.

According to Schimmel(2010) Androcentrism alludes to social viewpoints

where the male is blandly taken to be the standard of human-ness.

Androcentrism begins from a male imposing business model on social initiative

and the forming and transmission of culture. In this manner ladies are kept from

bringing their own involvement and perspective to the forming of the official open

culture of religion, anyway much they may standard participate in the religion as

shoppers of general society faction or in assistant cliques confined to ladies. The

official open definition of the religion regarding law, clique, and image is defined

both without female support and so as to legitimize their rejection.

Media comes in to play, since they have maintained this androcentric

generalization. Many fall indicates have male leads, or the ladies leads are

groveling over the men they need to browse. Like in "His Girl Friday", the

watchers may feel that the female is the hero, yet it might in actuality be the

male. Toward the finish of the motion picture, it was on account of she got the

person that her life was then total and every one of the occasions in the motion

picture were all to win her man back. Consequently, media needs to draw far

from this sexist perspective and work on making not objects of a man's love, but
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

rather females working determinedly for their own inspirations (not a man's)

according to Snyder, A. (2011).

Spigel (2018) states that this is mostly because of androcentrism, by

which we either intentionally or unwittingly put a manly perspective at the focal

point of culture and history, subsequently seeing ladies or any "other" as a

deviation from the standard. This androcentrist point of view is profoundly

implanted in American social standards and once in a while recognized, even

while we think about sexism and sexual orientation segregation at the individual

level and in our associations and networks.

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework


GENDER & Androcentrism in 21st FILM



Figure 1.Research Paradigm

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

The theoretical framework describes (4) theories that support the ideal

research topic. It includes the following theories:

Gender Schema Theory. It talks about the development of gender

schemas is due to the pervasive gender messages in our society and that

gender-typed behavior emerges as one’s self-concept gets assimilated in their

gender schemas. This theory supports the topic research in accordance on how

the male and female viewers perceived males in films as androcentric. Gender

schema theory focuses on the ways that gender schemas organize, bias, and

regulate thinking and behaviors by the society.

Social Cognitive Theory.It talks about how observing other people

engage in gender-typed behaviors and witnessing the responses affects their

perception about gender roles. This theory helps the researchers to analyze how

films in 21st century affect the perception of viewers about androcentricity. This

theory is pervasively employed in studies examining attitude or behavior changes

triggered by the mass media. According to Bandura, through media

modelling,people can learn how to perform behaviors.

Gender and Development Theory.It talks about how being focused on

the socially constructed differences between men and women affects the need to

challenge existing gender roles and relations. This theory is an umbrella of

gender analysis that is a type of socio-economic analysis that uncovers how

gender relations affect a development problem. Gender analysis frameworks

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

provide a step-by-step methodology for conducting gender analysis that can be

used by the researcher to analyze andocentricity in 21 st century films.

Film Theory.It talks about how the essence of cinema provides

conceptual frameworks for understanding film's relationship to reality, and

individual viewers, and society.

Definition of Terms used in the Study

Androcentrism.This is the practice or cultural perspective where the male

is generically taken to be the norm of humanness. It is the practice of placing

a masculine point of view at the center of one's world view, culture, and history,

thereby culturally marginalizing femininity.

Androcentric Biases.It is an observation of culturethat is male centered

which focuses only on male activities that lead to wrong perception of society.

Gender lenses.These are hidden assumptions about sex and gender in

cultural discourses social institutions, and individual psyches.

Hegemonic masculinity.It is defined as a practice that support men's

dominant position in the society and justifies the inferiority of women, and other

marginalized ways of being a man.

Masculinity.This is theattributes, qualities, and behaviors associated with

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Metrosexual. Thisis aheterosexual male that enhances his personal

appearance by fastidious grooming, beauty treatments, and fashionable clothes.

Machismo.It is the sense of being manliness. It is an assumptive attitude

that courage, strength, and right to dominate are attributes of masculinity.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018



This chapter includes the method of research used, the sources of data,

the gathering instrument, the gathering procedure and the ethical considerations.

Research Methodology

To attain its main objectives, this study used case study and exploratory

research methodology. The case study research method is in-depth investigation

about something, typically, the data are gathered from a variety of sources and

by using different methods, such as, observation and interviews. The exploratory

research method is conducted for a problem that has not been studied more

clearly, it is an attempt of connecting ideas to know the cause and effect, it

means the researchers wants to explains what is going on.

The researchers watched the films first within themselves and had an

analysis of the men’s role and actions in the selected 21st Century films. Then,

the researchers conducted film viewing to the selected 3rd Year BTTE of

Marikina Polytechnic College. The researchers also conducted interviews from

each participant after watching the movie.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Sources of Data

The sources of data in this study have been provided by 3 male and 3

female BTTE 4thYear English majors with the total of 6.

According toCrossman (2018) Qualitative research is a type of social

science research that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks

to interpret meaning from these data that help us understand social life through

the study of targeted populations or places.

Data Gathering Instrument

The prominent and conducive instrument that was used in the study was

the interview protocol. It includes the interview questionnaires that were

disseminated to the participants of Marikina Polytechnic College.

Interview protocol is the most common format of data collection in

qualitative research. A qualitative interview is a type of framework in which the

practices and standards are not only recorded, but also achieved, challenged

and reinforced. It is the common and easiest way of gathering the data. The

researchers will be using the provided interview protocol as a guide before,

during and after the interview.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Data-Gathering Procedure

In this study, the data-gathering procedure is composed of the following:

(1) researches’ analysis of the movies, (2) development and evaluation of the

interview questions and (3) interview sessions with the respondents.

The study used personal interview in gathering data. The researchers

constructed a set of questions for the participants, asked their permission and set

the date and time for the interview. The interview sessions were recorded for

documentation and transcription of the dialogue.

Data Analysis

The researchers used semiotic analysis in analyzing the chosen films.

Semiotic analysis was used to analyze the meaning behind the signs and

symbols seen from the characters and other elements of the film. The

researchers transcribed all the responses of the interviewee and review the

encoded data if the written statement corresponds to the actual response of the

participants gathered by the researchers. It was used to encode the information

so that the written data given is considered original statement.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are required for privacy and security of the

participants. The researchers considered the following (1) the original name of

the participants. Pseudonym is used as a representation; (2) the responses

should be used for research purposes only for their security; (3) the researchers

must ask first the participants if they will allow to take a video or recordings

during the interview; (4) the researchers respect the answers/insights of the

participants pertaining to the given questions.

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis of the data performed by the

researchers. It includes the analysis and the results of the interviewer, the

procedures of the researchers pertaining to the information and the findings.

Data Analysis

To re-state the problem of this study, it is under Gender and Development

wherein, the aim is to determine how society identifies masculinity and how men

are critiqued based on its norms through 21 st century films. As stated in Chapter

1, this study have used case study and exploratory research methodology

wherein the researchers used interview protocol as an instrument in conducting

their interview sessions with the participants to gather information to support the

study and semiotic coding to decode the signs and symbols found in the male


Results and Discussion

At the very beginning, the researchers analyzed the chosen movies first.

Afterwards, series of interviews happened and the researchers analyzed the data

and information gathered from the participants through semiotic coding and

through the four theories which are part of the conceptual/theoretical framework

(Gender and Development Theory, Gender Schema Theory, Social Cognitive

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Theory and Film Theory). The interviewees were not forced to answer the

questions. They were given the freedom to say what is on their mind without any

hesitations. Data were carefully transcribed and compared to the analysis of the


General Objectives of the Protocol

The researchers sought to determine how society identifies masculinity

and how men are judged based on its norms through 21 st century films. The

following explains how these objectives were perceived;

QUESTION NUMBER ONE (1): Do you think the action of the male

characters in the movie clips affect their masculinity as men?

Student 1:

In the movie “50 Shades of Grey” the male lead character, Christian Grey,

show a lot sides of a man. It shows how a man affected a man, and also the

different perspective of a man. The gestures that were shown showed that a man

is very persistent with what he wants and that a man’s eyes will show his

sincerity and he will not insist or act unless given a signal. Sometimes people

misunderstood the way a man acts in the movie, like in the “Diary of a Wimpy

Kid”, it shows that men also have their soft spot, men are also afraid of

something. In the “Scott and Sid” however, shows that men are also organized to
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

their things and brings us a whole new perspective that some men are not too

scattered to their own things.

The participant’s response shows that he really saw that the actions

of the men in the movie clip which really affected their masculinity and that

the people misunderstood them from their actions. The participants also

mentioned about men having their soft spot, being organized, and being

afraid of something which are the things that are unusual for a man. There

is an association of the Gender and Development Theory and Film Theory

in the response of the participant since it is shown in her answer that a

man can also have a soft spot. The connection of the real world from the

movie clip was also shown.

Student 2:

Yes, by the behaviors or actions that they have shown in the movie. It

didn’t reach the standards of the people in the society, it’s like the reciprocal of

what should men do. Being masculine you should have guts, you should be

dominant, and fearless, but in the 6 video clips that was presented, it’s the

opposite behaviors of a real man should do.

It was stated by the participants that the behaviors and actions of the

male characters in the movie clips did not pass the standard of the people

in the society. Therefore, it is evident that the masculinity of the male

Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

characters were affected by the way they behave. The participant

mentioned specific characteristic of men should have. According to the

participant, men should be brave, dominant and fearless. He used his

schema about the way a man should act. Gender schema theory was


Student 3:

Yes, the society characterizes men as they knew it the old times wherein

they portray a human that is strong, fierce, and a leader. Unlike what the

characters have shown in the clips, it is the opposite on how the society

stereotype what man should be.

The participant connected how people characterizes men in the real

world and as a man, they should have the qualities of being strong, fierce

and being a leader.

Student 4:

No, like in the “Diary of the Wimpy Kid” even though the character got

easily scared because of watching horror movie, we cannot say that they are not

masculine. There are different things that we are scared of, considering the

character is a child which got easily terrified.

The respondent did not agree that the behavior of men, specifically

pointing out the movie “Diary of the Wimpy Kid”, affects their masculinity.
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

He generalized his answer by giving only one example from the movie clips

that the researchers have shown. The respondent pointed out that it has

their own fear. Meaning, men can also be scared and terrified of something.

Therefore, fear is not considered as an evidence for the participant to

measure the masculinity of a man.

Student 5:

Yes, the way they talk, the way they organize their things, the gestures.

Like the chubby one, he knows a song that is by far viral entitled “TikTok” the

way they moved from the other men, the way they dressed, the suits are to neat,

the nerdy one, usually boys are known as not studious type, with that, these men

characters their actions affect their masculinity.

The participant agreed that the actions and behaviors of the male

characters affect their masculinity. Specifying the movements, kind of

conversation they have with the other characters in the movie clip, the way

they dressed and the way they organized their things. The mentioned

behaviors are the things that the participants have observed that may be

the reason why people who will watch the movie may misinterpret the male

characters observed.

Student 6:
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Yes, by means of stereotyping, the other characters misinterpret the male

characters, just like in the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey”, Anastacia seems

intimidated Grey, because Grey has this aura that you don’t want to mess with

him because he looks respectable.

It shows here that the movie clips they have watched affect his

perception and standards in seeing men as acceptable beings in the

societal standards.

The observations and answers of the students were supported by

the Film Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, and Gender Schema Theory. It

shows that the essence of the movies affect the schema development of

the respondent through the process of adaptation, specifically

accommodation. It also shows that by observing other people, it can affect

our standards about gender; this means that mass media in the 21 st century

films have a big effect in the society’s standards about the gender of men

and how men are easily being judged based on the set standards.

QUESTION NUMBER TWO (2):What are the characteristics of the men in the

movie clips that you’ve watched in terms of their physical features,

attitudes, and gestures?

Student 1:
Republic of the Philippines
2 Mayor Chanyungco, Sta Elena, Marikina City
1st Semester S.Y. 2017- 2018

Man have fine gestures, gentleman and they are difficult to read. It’s hard to

know what’s going on in their minds. They do not react unless given a signal to

do so. They are very deep thinkers and they will think in every possible just like

women but the difference is man are just good at hiding of what they really feel.

The participant stated that the character in the clips that the

researchers shown are like women. The first participant judged the male

character in the clip based on what their schema of how men should act.

Student 2:

In terms of their physical features, most of the characters are prim and proper

which is not a nature of man. They are well-dressed. I noticed one character in

the movie clip “How to be Single”; the color of his long sleeve is light blue, and

some people are stereotype, meaning that color should be at least dark blue,

black, or grey to avoid judgments. The character said that he is seeing someone

else, even though he has a girlfriend. I just suspected that perhaps those guys

has an affair with another man, in short word, he’s gay.

The participant based his judgment mostly on their physical

appearance and the way they dressed. The participant emphasized that the

color of the clothes that a man is wearing will affect the perception of other

people to their gender and men should wear clothes like dark blue, black,

or grey in order to avoid judgment by other people.

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Student 3:

Generally, they are opposite of how the traditional view of a man is then in the

movie clips clothes that depict softness and contrary to man that is bold and

brave. In terms of attitude, they tried to release their own perception of

themselves that again is a protest of what a man should be.

The participant based his answer to the schema that he have that a

man should be brave and bold in order to be called a man. The participant

saw the male characters in the movie clip that the researcher have shown

that they act in contrary of how men should act.

Student 4:

They are gentleman, direct to the point, organized, observing, determine and

well-dressed specially Christian and Scott.

The response of the participant is very specific. He mentioned the

different characteristics that he saw to the male characters in the movie


Student 5:

In terms of their physical feature, they are well-groomed, very neat in terms of

their suits, the hair style. Those male characters are not the usual men we

usually see in our society. When it comes to their attitudes, they are too calmed,
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organized, and serious that is not usual guy. Nerdy and studious. When it comes

to their gestures, Christian Grey sat in crossed-leg; the hands and the way move

his hands. To other male character, the hands are girly.

The participant mentioned the word ‘girly’ which he connected to the

male characters in the movie clip. The male characters’ attitude, gesture,

and physical appearance is perceived as ‘girly’ by the participant. The

student noticed that the male characters in the movie clips are not the

usual men that they see in the society.

Student 6:

In terms of physical features, most of the male characters are well-groomed.

Meaning, the way they dressed is not the typical feature of a simple man. Also,

you imply that they have position in the industry and they are not an ordinary

people. Their gestures differ the way other man do.

In terms of their attitude, there is something in them that you want to

know. By just looking at them, you feel like, that it’s not their real characters, that

they hide something in them that you want to find out. Based on my observation,

I am doubting the men characters because I feel like they are wearing a mask

hiding their real characters, and making the people around them believed that the

personality that they are showing is the real them.

Their gestures are more finest and refined.

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The participant notice that the way the male character in the movie clips

act is not like other man in the society should act. He based his answer on the

schema he have that they should not act that way as a man.

The responses of our participants are evidence that men are being

judged based on the standards that they have on how men should act

which supports the Gender Schema Theory. They perceived the characters

in the movie clip that the researchers shown as not men especially in the

way they move. They are too organized and too conscious about

themselves. The students’ schema affect the way they see the male

characters in the movie. It also supports film theory because they

connected reality in our society to what they have seen in the clips. The

attitudes, gestures and other features that the characters have shown

according to them are not how men in the society should act.

QUESTION NUMBER THREE (3):How do these actions affect your

perception about men?

Student 1:

Men are strong on the outside but weak in the inside. They show dominance,

strong appearance intimidating aura and bold movements as defense

mechanism. They don’t want to be seen as weak or emotionally wrecked but they

don’t have a choice because a woman can see through a man.

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Men 21st Century can be whatever they want to be. It doesn’t matter how

emotional they get for us long as they show what they feel. There are different

shades of men it can be light, grey, black, white or whatever they may feel like it

shows their emotions, they are allowed to be angry, scared, worry, or in love.

The student stated how men look so strong outside but weak inside,

and he pointed the different colors to distinguish real men like grey, black,

white. The student used Social cognitive theory because this theory

involves our perception about andocentrics.

Student 2:

I am part of those people who are easily affected by acts of men. My perspective

can easily change by their actions, especially if it is not natural or common with

men. For example in the movie clip a diary of a wimpy kid since the fat fat kid

presented different actions or responses from a real guy should do, I might have

a judgment that he’s not straight. He is screamed and performed music video for

girls, those behaviour should be done by women.

According to the student answer, his perception about men was

subtly affected because of those act of men. The student stated that the

behaviour of a kid in the movie clip entitled “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid” are

contrary on how real guys should act. This is under Social cognitive theory

because this theory explains the behaviour of individual.

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Student 3:

Men are controlled. Men are stereotyped and forbidden to show the real features,

attitudes and gestures because they are afraid to lose or somehow lessen their


The student stated that men are controlled by the society, the

student also pointed the attitudes, gestures of men involving in Social

Cognitive theory because in this theory, pervasively employed and

examined the attitude and the response of student is based how effect on

the believe of a man.

Student 4:

After watching the videos, it does not really affect my perception about men.

Because I am aware about individual differences which makes me consider the

different attitude of men.

The student stated that his perception about being a man does not

change because of his background knowledge and experience about the

real things regarding men.

Student 5:

Those actions affect my perceptions about men in a way that men should act like

this and not like the men characters on the clips. But I have a perception that real
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men are not needed to be masculine. Rich men are not needed to what women


The student answered directly as he said that his perception was

affected about being men through those actions but it does not mean that

real men are not needed to be masculine anymore.

Student 6:

As for me, whenever I see men acting like a girl, I immediately think that they are

gay or queer. Because for me, a straight guy acts like a real men. They are

strong and by just looking at them you will feel intimidating. It easily affects me if

they act very girly because I’m starting to doubt their personality.

According to the student, if a man acts like a girl then he is

considered as gay already because real men should act boldly. The student

pointed out the difference between actions of real men and girls or gays.

QUESTION NUMBER FOUR (4): How do androcentrism films affect male

and female millennials?

Student 1:

As a woman, it gives the feel of being submissive and also you can choose to be

the dominant as you see through a man. It gives an on how a man or real man

should act. “Chivalry” should not be dead by this generation. As these

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androcentric films are being shown they should show how a man should act at

this generation and be an ambassador of moral focussed films.

According to the participant, these films affect the male and female

millennial by means of how man or real man should act by this generation.

Student 2:

It affects their perception, it becomes their basis in looking with what men and

women should act. Androcentrism films controlled the thinking a human. It like

what they have watched, on it will are their beliefs, and true with them.

As the participant watched the films it affects their perception and it

becomes their basis in looking how men and women should act. This

response is under Film Theory because it shows the essence of the films

and how it affects the participants’ perception on how men and women

should act. Gender Schema Theory was also used because it focuses on

the ways that gender schema regulates thinking and behaviours by the


Student 3:

These movies affect both male and female millennial in the way of fixing

themselves to comply on the social standard of acceptance. “Male and female

should be liked this” is making people displace their own uniqueness and

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According to the participant, these movies affect both male and

female millennial today. They are so busy in fixing themselves to comply

on the social standard of acceptance in the society. This is under Gender

and Development Theory because it focuses on the socially constructed

differences between men and women that affect the need to challenge

existing gender roles and relations. Like the standard of the society which

is an example of social constructed differences that men should comply.

Based also on the answer of the participant, it uncovers how gender

relation affect a development problem because male and female millennial

today are very conscious about what the others may say to them. So they

decided to fix themselves based on the standard of the society for them to

be accepted.

Student 4:

It gives the standard/ criteria of how a real man should acts, dress, live and etc.

which for me is acceptable because each man has different ways on how they

will express their personality.

According to participant, these films give the standard/criteria of

how real men should act, dress or live. The participant also agree that

those are acceptable on our society because men have different ways to

express their personality. The respondent’s response is under Social

Cognitive Theory and Gender and Development since there is a

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contradiction of idea. They observed the films that there is a standard

needed to be attained that affect their perception about androcentrism. On

the other hand, there was also a used of Gender Development because it

talks about the differences of men.

Student 5:

Androcentric films affect male and female millennial in a way that millennial think

that when act like this, talk that and think like the other men a women think. And

an individual will have this mind set “That is the real men. “

Based on the participant these films affect the male and female

millennial in a way that me should act, talk, and think based in the standard

of society to say that "That is a real men." This is under Social Cognitive

Theory because by observing the male character in the film the participant

got an additional knowledge about androcentric films about setting a

standard to men so that society would not judge them. Millennials have

their own perception on how men should act.

Student 6:

By this androcentric films male and female are expecting that in these films, they

will only see male characters. In our world today where gays are very rampant,

we stereotyping other men if their gestures are like the gestures of the girl. By

just the flinch of their hand, female and probably male millennial will doubt them.
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So they are expecting that the male protagonist or character should be the

epitome of a real man.

According to participant they were expecting that in these films they

will only see male characters. Also, by these films, male and female

millennial easily judge the male character by its gestures like flinching their

hand and if they do some girly stuffs. Millennials are expecting that the

male protagonist or character should be the best example of a real man.

Social Cognitive Theory was used because the participant observed the

behavior of the male character that affects his perception about


QUESTION NUMBER FIVE (5): Does our generation affects the way men


Student 1:

The way men act affects our generation for men were known as the foundation of

a home the one we will seek first are these men. Men were known as submissive

of their own dominance. It affect how a woman reacts on the way men act

because in this generation of men are confusing they give different signals to

women like in the past generation men are bold with their actions and straight to

their words.
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According to student 1, there is a big impact with regards on how the

current generation affects the way men act because men are known to be

the foundation and the go to person of every member of the family. This is

connected on what Social Cognitive Theory states wherein it talks about

how people engage in gender-typed behaviors and witnessing the

responses affects their perception about gender roles.

Student 2:

Yes, because there are required actions or behaviors for a man and a woman. In

our era, there’s a lot of judge mental people, even a slightest act can be judged.

Clearly our generation affects the way men act. There should be proper gestures,

way of fashion, style of the haircut, and even the brand of the bag that you have

can be critiqued.

As what the student 2 said, true enough that there are required

standards for every man or woman who are living in current times

regarding their own identity. There are some factors which are needed to

be considered like gestures, way of fashion, style of the haircut, and even

the brand of the bag. This is under Social Cognitive Theory because the

idea talks about how men and women must perform in the society to

conform to its standard on how true men and women should act.

Student 3:
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Yes, this generation has its own standard to satisfy its needs for approval. Mind

are fixed to judge a man who is involved in girly stuff. It is disappointing that this

generation tolerates and continue to promulgate this kind of mentality.

According to student number 3, acceptance and tolerance regarding

the mentality of our current society are two different things and tolerating

the machismo mentality is such nowadays to the point that even those who

are real guys who only do some girly stuff are being judged so quick as

gay/queer. This kind of idea is under Gender Schema because of the fixed

idea of the society regarding gender and Film theory on how the student

analyzed the movie.

Student 4:

I can say yes. Since individual who are part of the LGBT community is now

somehow accepted by society. Some real men were comfortable socializing with

gays which latter became they friends / close friend and that instance cannot be

prevented that those straight could adapt the way how gays prevented that those

straight could adapt the way how gays talk or even some of their mannerism.

Because our current society accepts the LGBT community and

because of the comfortableness of every gender with each other, the

student 4 stated that our generation is truly affected by the way men act.
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Also, he said that real men nowadays do adapt the way gays/queers act,

talk etc.

Student 5:

Yes, because our society has a basis/ standard when it comes to men. If that

standard was not met, others easily judge someone because of the action, the

way the man talk and the way the man think. Because of that basis/standards, an

individual is trying to act, think and talk that way just to please others and for

them to feel that they are accepted and loved by others.

According to student 5, the way men act is being affected by the

current generation because of the standards and mentality of the society

about the difference between real guys and not. This idea is under Social

Cognitive Theory because it talks about how men should conform or act

based on the norms set by the society.

Student 6:

Yes, because nowadays, many people misinterpret a man because of his

actions. If a man acts so “siga”, people will think he is a real guy and many girls

will admire him. But, if a man think he is not a straight man. Stereotyping is very

rampant in our society today. Because of this, men wear their mask and do the

things that the society are expecting them to do. They were not able to show their
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true selves. They are living to impress and not to express. They hide their real

personalities in a box and keep it there until finally, the society accepts them.

According to Student 6, the main thing that people look for a guy is

being “siga” or bold before he could possibly be touted as a real man.

Because of this notion, men tend to wear masks to hide their true identities

or personalities and were not able to be who they truly are. Gender Schema

Theory was tapped with this idea because the society is too much

controlling in terms of the gender of everyone wherein they tend to act

based on what the society wants and not what they really want.

Researchers’ Analysis

“Tag” Analysis

Tag is a 2018 American comedy film directed by Jeff Tomsic. This movie

is all about the game known as “Tag” that is played by five competitive friends.

They need to be careful and they should not be touch by the It, no contact

protocol. They played it every month of May for over 30 years. Time came; the

month of the game coincides with the wedding of the undefeated player and

never been tagged, Jerry Pierce. The four other players planned and executed it

just to defeat Jerry.

The focus of the analysis is with Hannibal Amir Buress, an American

stand-up comedian, actor, and writer. His name in movie is Kevin Sable.
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Kevin Sable is a black American who always talks about other’s dicks,

especially the dicks in the holes. He is paranoid talking and overthinking about

dicks in holes. He got a psychiatrist to check him, but it was useless.

Sable is a real man, but his characteristics and the way he acts in the

movie doesn’t passed the standards of society about being machismo like his

posture, his body, how he talk, and his fashion.

Androgyny is visible to the character of Sable. He acts with the

combination of male and female characteristics. His posture as he stands is

slightly slouched. It means he failed to pass the well-postured stand of a real

man. He looks maliciously and seems to be interested to the conversation of

other people which is not a normal thing to do for a real man. His choice of

fashion failed to pass the standards of being machismo. The content of his

utterances are all about dicks and most of the time that is not a usual content for

male conversations. This means the modern homosexual is visible to Sable even

though he’s actually a real man.

The essence of this film character is connected to the real life situation

where there are real modern homosexuals who have the androgyny

characteristics that affect the viewers and the society based on the Film Theory.

By observing Sable in the movie and analyzing the way he acts, the way

he talks, his posture, and his choice of fashion affected the viewer’s perception

and the standards of the society in perceiving males as machismo based on

Social Cognitive Theory.

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Fifty Shades of Grey Analysis

Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2015 American erotic, romantic drama film

directed by Sam Taylor Johnson. The film is based on E.L James 2011 novel of

the same the name of the stars are Dakota Johnson as Anastasia a college

graduate who begins a sadomasochistic relationship with business montage

Christian Grey played by Jamie Dorman.

Based on Social Cognitive Theory, this theory helps the researchers to

analyze how films in 21 century affect the perception of the viewer about

androcentricity. In this movie we observed the male character his name was

Christian Grey, as we described Mr Christian Grey was very well groomed about

his hair, he was very organized on the arrangement of his pen, papers on his

office, Mr Grey was conservative because he always used a powder on his face,

every time, like a girl. He seated was cross legs like a girl, the way Mr Grey smile

was finest, he smile was like a girl. The actions, attitude, gesture, fashion of Mr

Grey was like a female based on the Semiotic Coding.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Analysis

The Diary of Wimpy Kid is a 2010 movie directed by Thor Freudenthal.

According to English dictionary, wimpy is an unadventurous person.

RodrickHeffley and Rowley Jefferson are the persons that wanted to be matured

and wanted to have an adventure in their lives even if they are young.
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The wimpy kid in the movie is RodrickHeffley, he has a chubby best friend

named Rowley Jefferson. Rowley Jefferson is our target male character in the

movie that we need to observe and analyze.

According to Social Cognitive Theory, it is about observing other people

engaged in gender-typed behaviors and witnessing the responses affects their

perception about gender roles. Based on the chosen scene in the movie, Rodrick

and Rowley watched the funniest video ever in the internet. They saw that there

are million views so they decided to have their own funny video. This part of the

movie, we observed Rowley Jefferson, the way he talked and laughed, he talked

so soft and finest and he laughed like a girl that he covered his mouth with his

hand while laughing.

On taking their video, RodrickHeffley is the videographer while Rowley

Jefferson is the one who will do funny or crazy dances. Upon taking the video,

Rowley is dancing while there is a background song TikTok by Kesha. The

researcher observed Rowley the way he dance while he is swaying his body. The

choice of song is very girly, they can choose that was sang by male but instead

they chose a song that is usually for girl. Also his reaction when he sat on a toy

with thorn. He shout that boys usually do because usually, man do not shout

when they get hurt.

Another scene that was taken from the movie is when they are watching the

horror movie entitled “The Foot”. While watching, the reaction of Rowley is not

appropriate for boys because his reaction while watching was his mouth is quite
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open and frowning. Also the way he shout while covering his face with his hands

and shouting to turn off the television and last, when they shout and run away

because they thought there is a ghost foot inside their room. Shouting was not

usually done by male. It was a girly thing usually done when watching horror or

when they get hurt.

Scott and Sid Analysis

Scott and Sid is a 2018 British coming-of-age movie based on the

filmmakers’ real lives which are Scott Elliott and Sid Sadowskyj. The story

revolves around the lives of the two male protagonists who strive to fulfil their

ultimate goal which is to make a film before they reach the age of thirty.

It was the debut film of the actor who portrayed Sid, Tom Blyth. He is the

focus of the researchers’ analysis. In the movie, he is an awkward son of an

alcoholic mother. He is working hard to escape at his own life.

Effeminacy is obviously seen from the gestures and behavior of Sid in the

movie. He does not wear clothing that will make people think of him as other but

his actions does affect the perception of the people. Sid is a very organize,

careful and clean person. It was one of his ways to succeed in life. However, that

behavior is considered as act of effeminacy. Being organized is a women’s

nature. Since the other protagonist, Scott, is also a man, it is inevitable not to

compare the two. In contrary to the character that Sid portrays, Scott is careless.

He walks and moves gracefully especially when he was preparing food for

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The masculinity of men is affected by the way people perceive the nature

of men and women. People know that men and women are different in a lot of

aspect such as their behaviors, actions, gestures, appearance. According to

Gender schema theory, it all depends on the schema of people on how men and

women are different and how they should act accordingly based on their gender

role that their perception about a certain person is being affected.

How To Be Single Analysis

How to be single is a 2016 movie directed by Christian Ditter. The focus of

the analysis is one of the main characters named Nicholas Braun or “Josh” in the

movie. He is the ex-lover of Dakota Johnson or “ Alice” wherein they had a great

start but had a rough ending.

As seen in the movie, he is a very hygienic type of guy because he is very

neat and his clothes are well-ironed. He also has a very fixed hair and he is too

finest by the way he talks, moves etc. In the video clip gotten from the movie

wherein the particular scenario is when they are inside the restaurant and Josh

came wearing a suit and tie, neat and with a fixed hair.

When macho men watch this movie and even the normal guys, they will

think of him as queer because of his clothing, actions, postures and physical

appearance. His effeminacy might serve as a ground for the viewers to judge him

as queer or gay and this kind of idea is under Social Cognitive Theory which is
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about observing other people engaged in gender-typed behaviours and

witnessing the responses affects their perception about gender roles

General Interpretation

In general, as the researchers analyzed the chosen movies and

interpreted all the responses of the students, the researchers concluded that their

analysis and the responses of the participants are somehow the same on how

men are being critiqued by the society through 21 st Century Films because there

are sort of differences like one of the participants said that “men who are easily

scared because of watching horror movie cannot be concluded as not men or

masculine because there are different things that we scared off, considering the

character which is young boy which got easily terrified” which is contrary to the

researchers’ view based on the analysis that men who are scared so easily with

some horror movies are queer in way that they are not brave and bold enough

and easy to be swerve by the horrifying characters/scenarios . Then, other

participant said that Christian Grey, the male character in the movie Fifty Shades

of Grey, with his legs crossed while sitting couldn’t be considered as being gay

which is different again to the researchers’ analysis that sitting with your legs

crossed is an act of queerness.

Androcentric biases in the movies are perceived by the participants and

the researchers through the actions, postures, clothes, gestures, colors,

conversations and reactions of the male characters and those male characters
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are critiqued and touted to be “queers” or “gays” because of the said biases.

Meaning, those biases affect the way men act in the society. Therefore, the male

characters are considered “others” because they are real men but they did not

conform to what the society thinks real men should have like being bold,

aggressive, macho and not too neat and hygienic.

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This chapter presents the summary of the study, the conclusion derived

from the findings of the study, and the researchers recommendations for future

use of the institution.

Summary of the Research Study

The research study aims to determine on how men are critiqued based on

its norms through 21st Century Films.

More specifically, the study answers the following questions:

1. How is androcentrism identified or represented in 21 st Century Films?

a) The Diary of Wimpy Kid directed by: Thor Fruedental

b) Scott and Sid directed by: Scott Elliot and Sid Sadowskyii

c) Tag directed by: Jeff Tomsic

d) Fifty Shades of Grey directed by: Sam Tailor- Johnson

e) How to be Single directed by Christian Ditter

2. How are these androcentric biases perceived by male and female viewers?

The research study used case study, expository-qualitative type of research

with three (3) male and (3) female Fourth Year Bachelor of Technical Teacher

Education (BTTE) English majors who served as the participants for the research
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study. An interview protocol was used as instrument for gathering data. The data

were then transcribed, analyzed, and interpreted through semiotic coding.


After interpreting the data using semiotic coding, the results of the

research study were as follows:

 The influence of the 21st Century Film Male Characters that affect the

perception of the viewers and the standards of society about men.

 The effect of chosen fashion of males that dissatisfied the norms of the


 The end product of the physical appearances and actions of men that

failed to pass the societal ideals about men.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


 The unpreparedness of the society to accept those androcentric males in

terms of the following factors:

a. Most of the viewers are lack of knowledge about the androcentric

physical appearance where men are too conscious about how they

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b. The actions and the way how men talk that makes them as other and

not part of the real and ideal males.

c. The directors, script writers, and actors that spread awareness

implicitly to the society.


Based from the conclusions drawn, the researchers strongly

recommended the following:

 Make a lot of movies regarding guys who are real ones but do not have

the machismo characteristics to expose the society regarding that kind of


 Consider the color codes in dressing-up male characters in the movies to

avoid unnecessary criticism.

 Conduct more seminars about Gender and Development to widen the

horizon of everyone regarding different genders.

 Establish an organization that will govern the concerns about androcentric


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