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Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289 – 300

Reconstructing habitats in central Amazonia using megafauna,

sedimentology, radiocarbon, and isotope analyses
Dilce de Fátima Rossetti, a,* Peter Mann de Toledo, a
Heloı́sa Maria Moraes-Santos, a and Antônio Emı́dio de Araújo Santos, Jr. b
Museu Paraense Emı́lio Goeldi, Av. Perimetral, 1901, CP 399, CEP 66710-530 Belém, PA, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Pará, Centro de Geociências, Campus do Guamá S/N, Belém, PA, Brazil
Received 14 November 2002

Available online 30 April 2004


A paleomegafauna site from central Amazonia with exceptional preservation of mastodons and ground sloths allows for the first time a
precise age control based on 14C analysis, which, together with sedimentological and y13C isotope data, provided the basis to discuss habitat
evolution within the context of climate change during the past 15,000 yr. The fossil-bearing deposits, trapped within a depression in the
Paleozoic basement, record three episodes of sedimentation formed on floodplains, with an intermediate unit recording a catastrophic
deposition through debris flows, probably favored during fast floodings. The integrated approach presented herein supports a change in
humidity in central Amazonia through the past 15,000 yr, with a shift from drier to arboreal savanna at 11,340 (F50) 14C yr B.P. and then to a
dense forest like we see today at 4620 (F60) 14C yr B.P.
D 2004 University of Washington. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Amazonia; Pleistocene; Paleontology; Mammals; Sedimentology; Radiocarbon dating; Landscape evolution

Introduction such a large and complex natural system. Although the

entire history back to at least the Early Tertiary is relevant to
Deciphering the origin of the Amazon biodiversity has these studies, the Pleistocene should be particularly
been a challenge to the scientific community with special addressed, as it bears the closest relationship with the
interest in issues related to natural history and conservation modern ecosystem. Only a broad picture of what happened
of communities and ecosystems. An important aspect of this in the Amazon region during the major ecological shifts
multidisciplinary field is the understanding of the main between ice-age aridity and more humid interglacial periods
historical factors relating physical and biological phenome- has been provided so far (reviewed by Latrubesse, 2000).
na that acted upon the shaping of the modern biome as we This is mainly due to the following reasons: (1) geological,
see today. In order to reconstruct the origin and the historical palynological, and vertebrate paleontological data are still
events of the main ecological processes that took place to scarce and spotty; (2) information refers only to some areas
form the rain forest, an analysis and organization of a series located in southeastern and southwestern Amazonia; and (3)
of multidisciplinary data related to geology and climate and the best information is related to times before 24,000 yr ago
a reasonable control of the fossil history are needed. So far, (Latrubesse, 2000). The incomplete information has moti-
geological and paleontological data are relatively scarce, vated many debates, with the arid Amazonia refugia model
considering the continental dimensions of the Amazon (Haffer, 1969; Prance, 1982) on one side against stability of
region, and the information available furnishes only a broad the forest throughout the Cenozoic on the other side
view on the evolutionary patterns. The building of historical (Colinvaux et al., 2000; Colinvaux and Oliveira, 2001).
datasets is an important contribution to the understanding of This paper reports a new fossil quarry bearing two
megafauna elements consisting of Haplomastodon waringi
* Corresponding author. Fax: (091) 249-0466. and Eremotherium laurillardi from the locality of Itaituba,
E-mail address: (D. de Fátima Rossetti). State of Pará, northern Brazil (Fig. 1), in Central Amazonia,

0033-5894/$ - see front matter D 2004 University of Washington. All rights reserved.
290 D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300

Fig. 1. Location and geologic map of the Itaituba area in the state of Pará, northern Brazil, with the location of the fossil quarry bearing the megafauna of
mastodon (Haplomastodon waringi) and giant ground sloth (Eremotherium laurillardi).

which allowed precise age control. Integration of paleontol- Paleozoic, which took place in three stages and gave rise to a
ogy and sedimentology, as well as radiocarbon and isotope 6500-m-thick sedimentary package represented by three
data, provides the basis for discussing the possible changes megasequences formed in the Ordovician – early Devonian,
in this landscape through the past 15,000 yr. middle/late Devonian –early Carboniferous and middle Car-
boniferous – Permian. The opening of the South Atlantic
Ocean and rise of the Andean Cordillera resulted in the
Geological framework and physiography tectonic reactivation of the area during the Cretaceous –
Cenozoic and deposition of a fourth megasequence up to
The Itaituba area is located in the southern margin of the 500 m thick. This later phase of tectonism continued even in
Amazonas Basin, which is a large (i.e., nearly 500,000 km2) more recent times in the late Quaternary, having a strong
depression located in the middle and low Amazonas. This effect in the development of the modern drainage system
basin is bounded by the Guianas Shield to the north, Brazil- (e.g., Costa and Hasui, 1997; Bemerguy, 1997).
ian Shield to the south, Purus Arch to the west, and Gurupá The fossil-bearing sedimentary deposits emphasized in
Arch to the east. The origin of the Amazonas Basin is related this study rest in the left margin of the middle Tapajós River
to rifting associated with intraplate stretching during the and occur overlying limestone of the upper Carboniferous
D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300 291

Today, the central Amazonia is characterized by a humid

to subhumid, equatorial climate, with well-defined dry (June
to November) and rainy (December to May) seasons. The
registered mean annual precipitation is 2000 mm and the
mean temperature is 35j. Vegetation pattern is complex,
ranging from dense to open tropical forests, as well as areas
of cerrado.

Sedimentology of the fossil beds

Facies description

The Itaituba megafauna occurs within a thin (<2 m thick)

sedimentary package that directly overlies Carboniferous
limestone of the Itaituba Formation. A sharp erosional
contact occurs between these deposits, forming an uncon-
formity locally marked by a surface with erosional relief of a
Fig. 2. A view of the Itaituba fossil quarry, illustrating the sharp, erosional few meters and with microkarstic structures that form
contact between the Pleistocene deposits and the underlying Paleozoic
Itaituba Formation. Note the karstic structures at the bounding surface
dissolution holes up to 15 cm deep (Fig. 2). The succession
(arrows) and the ragged, straight vertical segments of the basement, with the megafauna also occurs laterally at the same
probably resulting from fault displacement. horizontal level as the limestone. In this case, the edge of
the Itaituba limestone is defined by a ragged, sharp surface
Itaituba Formation (Fig. 1). The Tapajós River runs through displaying straight, vertical segments (Fig. 2), which sug-
a NE/SW-oriented normal fault zone, which is part of a gest fault displacement. Although detailed tectonic studies
triple junction formed by strike– slip reactivation of Meso- in the Itaituba area are still unavailable, regional works attest
zoic structures during the Quaternary (Costa and Hasui, that the Amazon area from Manaus to Belém displays a
1996). This river is in general straight but it becomes highly variety of faults formed by a relatively young strike –slip
meandering in the Itaituba region, with large coarse-grained, tectonism, which took place during the Miocene/Pliocene
sandy point bars. The fossil quarry is located in the flood- and even more recently during the late Pleistocene/Holocene
plains, which at this locality reach up to 7 km wide and (Bemerguy, 1997; Costa and Hasui, 1996).
extend through an area with relief <20 m. A hilly area with Three sedimentary successions were distinguished in the
Paleozoic rocks displaying altitudes up to 300 m occurs Itaituba fossil quarry (Fig. 3). The lowermost unit (unit I) is
surrounding the floodplains. up to 30 cm thick and rests directly on the basal unconfor-

Fig. 3. Stratigraphy of the Itaituba fossil site, displaying the main characteristic megafauna-bearing sedimentary units formed from late Pleistocene upon a
basement with Paleozoic rocks.
292 D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300

Table 1 mixed with the carbonaceous matrix. Ground sloth bones,

List of bone elements of Haplomaston waringi and Eremotherium
including several parts of four incomplete E. laurillardi (one
laurillardi collected from the Itaituba site
newborn and three adults; Fig. 7; Table 1), occur within this
Cranial elements Post cranial elements
facies, being particularly concentrated at its base (Fig. 8).
H. waringi Isolated molars Not preserved The fossiliferous bed of unit II contains a large amount of
and fragments of
wood fragments, with individual logs reaching up to 15 cm
mandible skull
E. laurillardi Partial skull and Incomplete acropodial, long and 3 to 4 cm in diameter. The amounts of both fossils
jaw fragments of stylopodial, pectoral, and pebbles decrease upward, which is followed by an
three adult specimens and pelvic girdle elements increase in the amount of matrix, thus characterizing an
and one newborn plus several isolated vertebrae overall normal grading. The upper facies in unit II consists
individual and ribs belonging to four
of massive, carbonaceous mudstone bearing disperse quartz
individuals (3 adults and
1 newborn). Complete and pebbles and shells, the later sourced from the basement,
broken bones are identified as represented by Paleozoic rocks of the Itaituba Formation.
the following: femur, humerus, The mudstone displays a lighter color relative to the lower
tibia, fibula, ulna, radius, facies of this unit, due to a lower content of carbonaceous
scapula, pelvis, calcaneum,
debris. Fine-grained quartz sands are dispersed in the
astragalus, and other bones of
the manus and pes. mudstone. The contact between the conglomerate and the
mudstone in unit II is gradational, and the clay minerals
consist of kaolinite and illite, with only minor amounts of
mity. It consists of a sandy and a light-colored clay facies smectite (Figs. 5B and 6).
with a very low content in plant debris. The sandy facies is The uppermost unit III averages 20– 25 cm thick and
white to yellowish and comprises well-sorted, fine-grained, consists of black, highly organic mudstone. This unit con-
massive sands. The overlying clay facies is light gray to trasts with the underlying ones, as it does not contain neither
greenish and has no observable sedimentary structures. vertebrate fossils nor quartz pebbles, and it is characterized
Disarticulated bone fragments of the mastodon H. waringi by a high content of organic matter. The clay content is the
(Table 1; Fig. 4) were found concentrated at the base of this highest of the whole succession, being represented by up to
clay facies. The top of unit I is sharp and defined by vertical, 95% of the grain sizes. Similar to the underlying units, this
wedge-shaped holes that average 10 cm deep. These cavities succession also shows smectite, illite, and kaolinite, but it is
were filled with sediments derived from the overlying bed. interesting to notice that the relative proportions among
Grain size analysis shows that the contents of clay and silt these minerals are lower compared to unit I, where smectite
fractions in unit I reach up to 86%. Analysis of X-ray clearly dominates (Figs. 5C and 6).
diffraction of the clay minerals revealed the presence of
smectite, illite, and kaolinite, with the first being by far the Depositional history
dominant one (Figs. 5A and 6).
The intermediate unit II averages 1 m thick and consists The Itaituba fossil quarry is located in the central intra-
also of two facies. The lowermost one is represented by cratonic Amazon Basin (Fig. 1). It records an area of great
poorly sorted, massive conglomerate characterized by quartz stability, without significant sediment preservation since the
and, subordinately, limestone pebbles. Pebbles vary in size, Paleozoic, when the Itaituba Formation was formed in a
but are usually <3 cm in diameter, and they are sub- to well- shallow marine setting. It is possible that after this time,
rounded. The matrix is composed of mud and a high volume sedimentation returned to this area only at the end of the
of plant debris, which gives a black color to this facies. Pleistocene, when the sedimentary succession described
Granules and fine- to medium-grained quartz sands are here was formed. The sharp boundary between these depos-

Fig. 4. Fossils of H. waringi found at the base of unit I in the Itaituba fossil quarry, illustrating (A) a lateral view of a mandible and (B) an occlusal view of a
tooth. Scale bar, 5 cm.
D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300 293

Fig. 5. Results of X-ray analysis of clays from sedimentary units (A) I, (B) II, and (C) III in the Itaituba fossil quarry (I, illite; S, smectite; K, kaolinite).

its and the underlying Paleozoic rocks, forming vertical The low-energy conditions prevailing in the latter would
straight segments, as well as the record of numerous fault have been ideal for preservation of the H. waringi remains.
traces in the area as indicated by regional studies, suggest The abundance of smectite and illite relative to kaolinite in
that sedimentation might have been renewed due to fault these beds is suggestive of deposition under climates rela-
reactivation associated with the late Pleistocene/Holocene tively drier than for the upper units.
phase of strike –slip deformation (Costa and Hasui, 1997). After lake formation, there was a period of nondeposi-
Fault processes would have created traps in the limestone, tion, when the lake surface was exposed to a period of
where the deposits and the megafauna of mammals accu- subaerial exposure (Fig. 9C), as interpreted from the vertical
mulated. Initially, the rate of fault displacement might have wedge-shaped holes at the top of unit I, attributed to root
been reduced, creating a shallow depression, where low- development. A renewed period of sediment accumulation
energy sediment deposition took place. During this time took place, forming a thicker succession, represented by unit
(Figs. 9A and 9B), a thin sedimentary succession, repre- II. This unit formed under high-flow energy conditions, as
sented by unit I, was formed most likely through streams indicated by its high volume in quartz pebbles. The lower
(sandy facies) and then a small lake or pond (clay facies). facies records maximum flow energy when, together with
294 D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300

Fig. 6. Relative proportions in clay minerals comparing the three

sedimentary successions of the study area, based on peak intensity as
indicated by the X-ray diffractometers.

the pebbles, a huge amount of vertebrate bones and plant

fragments, as well as quartz sands and muds, were all
brought together and deposited into the basin as debris
flows (Fig. 9D). As flow energy decreased, normal grading
was developed. Debris flows occur in most climatic regimes
but they are usually initiated in slope areas after heavy
rainfall (Leeder, 2001). The four incomplete skeletons of
ground sloths, including three adults and a juvenile, mixed Fig. 8. A detail of the base of unit II, with remains of E. laurillardi. Note
with a high volume of other disarticulated bones, suggest also abundant quartz pebbles, which decrease in size upward, forming
accidental death as the most likely, which together with the normal grading.

Fig. 7. Examples of fossils of E. laurillardi found in unit II of the Itaituba fossil quarry, illustrating (A) a calcaneum, (B) a dorsal view of a skull from an adult,
and frontal views of skulls from (C) an adult and (D) a newborn. Scale bar, 5 cm.
D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300 295

would be that these debris flows were favored by a combi-

nation of fast flooding and fault reactivation, which created
space to accommodate the three described sedimentary
units. Holocene clay – pebbly conglomerate beds rich in
reworked Tertiary fossil vertebrates extensively exposed in
western Amazonia have been attributed to a catastrophic
flooding resulting from the sudden draining of glacial Lake
Titicaca (Campbell and Frayley, 1984; Campbell et al.,
1985). Although we do not have evidence to support their
model, it is interesting to note that coarse-grained deposits
would be expected in such a flooding event and the high
amount of quartz pebbles associated with the debris flow
deposits from the base of unit II could be a record of such a
large-scale phenomenon. However, the data presented in
this study are local and allow only speculation about the
origin of the flooding event.
The upper facies in unit II is also attributed to debris
flows, but this deposit differs from the underlying one as it
bears a higher amount of matrix, has only dispersed verte-
brate fossils, and shows a high content of shell fragments
eroded from the Paleozoic basement. These characteristics
point to a genesis related to waning flows as the most likely.
The high content in plant debris supports a vegetated area,
and the prevalence of kaolinite relative to the other clay
minerals suggests deposition during a period of higher
humidity compared to the underlying stratigraphic unit.
The sharp, undulating surface at the top of unit II
suggests another period of nondeposition. This was fol-
lowed by the accumulation of a thin succession, represented
by the black clay in unit III. This deposit records the return
to basin stability and sediment accumulation in low energy
areas of the floodplain, which was then densely vegetated
(Fig. 9E). The high amount of organic matter and clay
minerals (up to 96%) is consistent with this interpretation.
The low proportional difference between smectite and illite
relative to kaolinite and the high content in plant debris
point to an environment developed under high humidity
(e.g., Tucker, 1981; Chanley, 1989).

Radiocarbon dating

Four samples were dated at the Beta Analytic Radiocar-

bon Dating Laboratory (Table 2). Carbon from samples 1
and 2, corresponding to the Haplomastodon and Eremothe-
rium derived from depositional units I and II, respectively,
Fig. 9. Proposed reconstruction of landscapes for the Itaituba area, as
indicated by the depositional units described in this paper. (See text for
was extracted from collagen using alkali (NaOH) washes,
explanations). reduced to graphite (100%C), and dated by accelerator mass
spectrometer (AMS). The first sample might include some
exogenous carbon within the collected organics due to
occurrence in the debris flow deposits, is consistent with a degradation of bone protein, but sample 2 provided accurate
catastrophic event. An event such as a flash flooding might measurement. Samples 2 and 3, corresponding to wood and
have promoted slope instability, death of the ground sloths, organic sediments derived from depositional units II and III,
and their transportation into the basin together with the other respectively, were dated by scintillation spectrometer. The
debris. Considering the proposed fault displacement as the first sample was pretreated with acid to remove carbonates
origin for this Pleistocene basin, an alternative explanation and weaken organic bonds, washed with alkali to remove
296 D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300

Table 2 28x and from 12 to 28x, respectively (Merwe, 1982;

Conventional and AMS radiocarbon dates of the Itaituba quarry samples.
Tieszen, 1991). This allows making a distinction from
14 13
Sample Dep. Type of C yr B.P. C/12C Cal year B.P. forest- to grass-dominated vegetation, an approach that has
unit material (x)
been used to characterize modern and ancient vegetation
4 III Wood 4620 (F60) 29.6 5570 – 5540; patterns (e.g., Merwe and Medina, 1991; Bird et al., 1992;
5470 – 5270;
Magnusson et al., 2002; Kastner and Goñi, 2003). However,
5170 – 5070
3 II Wood 37,700 (F540) 31.3 Outside the empiric studies have shown a broader range of values, and
calibration range even overlaps, within plant groups (Medina et al., 1986).
2 II Bone 11,340 (F50) 26.9 13,760 – 13,700; For the particular case of Amazonia, depleted values as low
collagen 13,470 – 13,140 as 37x have been recorded for the undergrowth vegeta-
1 I Bone 15,290 (F70) 28.5 18,730 – 17,860
tion and 31.5x for the upper canopy (Merwe and Medina,
Stable carbon isotope was measured in materials derived
secondary organic acids, and then combined with acid again from the three stratigraphic units of the Itaituba site (Table
to provide more accurate dating. Sample 4 was repeatedly 1). Collagen from H. waringi collected in unit I indicates
washed with acid (HCl) to ensure the absence of carbonates. y13C value of 28.5x. Unit II shows values of 26.9 and
The 14C results confirm that, during the past 15,000 yr, 31.3x for collagen from E. laurillardi and the reworked
sedimentation in the Itaituba quarry did not take place as a wood fragment, respectively. Organic debris derived from
continuum, but through different episodes of deposition unit III gave a y13C value of 29.6x. Before interpreting
alternated with erosion. The bone fragment of H. waringi these data, the collagen – diet spacing must be considered. In
collected from unit I was preserved within mud deposits general, the ratio in bulk plants is transferred to higher
formed in a low-energy setting (i.e., lake or pond) and does trophic levels, but the absorption of carbon by the collagen
not show any evidence for reworking. The age obtained by may vary according to metabolic rates, food preferences,
AMS indicates 15,290 (F70) 14C yr B.P. Despite the body size, and, possibly, phylogenetic distances (e.g.,
possibility that some exogenous carbon might have been Merwe, 1982; Merwe and Medina, 1991; Tieszen, 1991).
added to this sample, given some degradation of the bone The collagen –diet relationship of extinct megafauna can be
protein attributed to subaerial exposure during formation of only estimated. Considering the enrichment of collagen
a discontinuity surface at the top of unit I, the indicated age relative to diet for large size browsers of +5.3x (Merwe
is consistent with the stratigraphic position of this sample. and Medina, 1991), the isotope data obtained from the
The two samples from unit II provided very distinctive Haplomastodon and Eremotherium of the Itaituba site
radiocarbon ages. Hence, sample 2, corresponding to bone indicate a C3 vegetation corresponding to 33.8 and
material of E. laurillardi, indicated 11,340 (F50) 14C yr 32.2x, respectively. Considering these corrections, the
B.P, while the wood fragment was dated at 37,700 (F540) y13C values of the Itaituba site, ranging from 28 to
C yr B.P. Because the analyzed ground sloth bone came 33.8x, indicate the prevalence of C3 plant types in this
from an articulated specimen, and bone protein was excep- central Amazonian area at least for some of the past 37,700
tionally well preserved, it is concluded that deposition of yr. That is not to say, however, that a dense forest vegetation
unit II took place at 11,340 (F50) 14C yr B.P. The wood would have dominated through this time, as arboreal sav-
sample indicating a much older age was clearly reworked annas with more than 40% of tree cover might display y13C
from older deposits underlying the studied sedimentary values that are undistinguishable from forest values (Merwe,
succession, or from nearby depositional sites, during mass 1982; Magnusson et al., 2002). Taking this into account, the
failure through debris flows. Unfortunately, the small pieces y13C isotope results must be used in integration with
of this material did not allow further studies concerning the geological and paleontological data in order to provide a
type of vegetation. full discussion of paleolandscapes in the study area, as
Unit III was deposited much more recently, as revealed presented below.
by radiocarbon analysis of its organic content, indicative of
4620 (F60) 14C yr B.P. These data are consistent with the
presence of a discontinuity surface at its base, which is The use of megafauna as a paleoecological indicator
attributed to another period of nondeposition and/or erosion.
Two major points must be taken into account regarding
the usefulness of megafauna as past environmental indica-
y13C isotope data tors. The first is related to definition of paleoecological
variables, such as of broad or specific preferences for open
y13C data have been increasingly used as an important and/or closed habitats. The second is related to the historical
tool for reconstructing ancient landscapes regarding C3- and control of events, which poses the major restriction in
C4-dominated plants. This is possible because, in general efforts of timing correlation between the different megafau-
the y13C values of C3 and C4 plants range from 26 to na sites.
D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300 297

The megafauna association, mostly including large mas- A similar approach is provided in the case of terrestrial
todons (Haplomastodon) and ground sloths (Eremothe- sloths. As opposed to mastodons, there is no modern
erium), is common in several Brazilian sites and has been analog for these animals, thus any effort toward ecological
used to support changes from closed to more open habitats reconstructions must rely on its geographical distribution,
during the late Cenozoic in northern South America (Rancy, fauna associations, and inferences from biomechanical
1991). Studies based on the analysis of body design led to information. Eremotherium displays, with the modern
relate mastodon with a savanna-like environment and Ere- puma (Felis concolor), one of the largest latitudinal
motherium with a forest edge (Webb and Rancy, 1996; distributions of a mammalian species in America (Hoff-
Rancy, 2000). Based on this information, it has been stetter, 1982; Toledo, 1986; Cartelle and de Iullis, 1995).
proposed that such mammals are reliable indicators for Pleistocene occurrences of this terrestrial sloth are known
reconstructing past Amazon landscapes. However, four from southeastern North America to southern Brazil. The
main problems must be considered: (1) most of the studies other sister taxon, Megatherium, was restricted to southern
have solely reported the occurrence of taxa, without precise South America with northern limits at the central portions
dating; (2) the data available have included only transported of the Andean valleys. There is a consensus among most
fossils along riverbanks, which do not allow one to test the of the authors (e.g., Toledo, 1986; Cartelle, 1999; Webb,
hypotheses on the timing and mode of environmental 1999) that the large herbivores were mixed feeders and
changes in northern South America; (3) the findings of that the pan-American megafauna taxa inhabited a mosaic
Pleistocene mammals in the Brazilian Amazon, especially of savanna with forest patches. The broad latitudinal and
mastodons and ground sloths, are concentrated in the altitudinal biogeographic distribution suggests that Eremo-
western and southern marginal areas, leaving a void of therium occupied a wide range of ecological habitats and
information about the advance and retreat of open-environ- might have fed on a variety of plant types sourced from
ment/savanna-like habitats in the central and northern por- gallery forests, open woodlands, and shrub-covered areas.
tions of the basin; and (4) findings regarding the combined This is particularly suggested on the basis of morpholog-
association of Haplomastodon and Eremotherium have been ical features of dental patterns and postcrania, which
regarded as a stratigraphical marker for the late Pleistocene/ resulted in a combination of a unique body design and
Holocene (Rancy et al., 1984), which has led interpretations large size (up to 6 m in length). Such adaptations include
of regional geographical correlation to be so far highly a doubled parallel chisel-like tooth wear pattern adapted
speculative. for cutting/crushing of foliage, twigs, and possibly fruits;
Furthermore, the use of megafauna elements as habitat long anterior limbs and large-clawed manus, which were
indicators (Owen-Smith, 1988) has been questioned on the very efficient for branch reaching while displaying a
basis of the statement that large mammals, like tapirs, bipedal stance and particularly for defense, avoiding
may develop adaptive capability to different types of predators in open environments (a frequent incursion in
landscapes (Colinvaux et al., 2000). In fact, some modern dense forests would increase the vulnerability against
African proboscideans, which are modern counterparts of ambush predators such as large cats); and long tongues
mastodons, occupy a variety of habitats, including open frequently used in the process of food gathering. The
savanna, wet marsh, thorn bush, semidesert scrub, and hairy and thick skin was adapted for protection against
even deep forest, and the Asiatic elephant, which also plant structures such as thorns and needles. Such charac-
shows large body size, varies in habitat from grassy plains teristics suggest that these ground sloths were better
to thick jungles (Nowak, 1999). The wide distribution for adapted to open vegetation communities than to dense
such large-size animals, and mostly their record in deep forests.
forest habitats, leads us to review the overall assumption In addition, paleontological data support that megatheres
that mastodons were actually restricted to savanna-like displayed a gregarious social behavior. This is shown by the
habitats. Itaituba ground sloths and other findings, such as the one
However, one must take into account the large differ- from the Toca dos Ossos in the State of Bahia, central
ence in sizes among the megafauna associated with the Brazil, where a large number of complete skeletons were
Pleistocene deposits throughout the Amazon, such as recovered from a natural trap cave (Cartelle and Bohórquez,
ground sloths, mastodons, glyptodonts, pampatheres, tox- 1982). These characteristics are strong evidence to discard a
odons, camelids, large-sized capybaras, and litopterns, closed canopy forest as the preferential habitat of these
which is in great contrast to the small size range of animals, since group behavior among large mammals in
the modern mammals that inhabit the dense Amazon modern habitats is more frequently observed in open
forest, like tapirs and artiodactyls (Webb, 1991; Webb habitats.
and Rancy, 1996; Rancy, 2000; Croft, 2001). This Finally, it has been demonstrated that Eremotherium
strongly supports the presence of relatively more arid had a high browser adaptation (Toledo, 1998), as sug-
climate regimes and the existence of large areas with gested by its giant size, the large claws of the upper
more open, though not necessarily grass-dominated, Pleis- members, and the possibility of standing in the upright
tocene environments. position.
298 D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300

Habitat evolution in central Amazonia: an integrated Based on the combination of these data, we envisage a
approach landscape with arboreal savannas for the study area 15,000
yr ago.
Evolutionary models relating to the Amazonian biodi- It is appropriate to include a brief discussion on the
versity are based on the assumption that global climate potential paleoenvironmental significance of the wood as-
during the Quaternary was the major driving force of sociated with the fossil sloths. This is because the obtained
habitat modification, which affected and, at the same time, age of 37,700 14C yr B.P. is close to those from many other
enhanced the changes in precipitation, depositional/ero- Amazonian sites, which have been related to open habitats
sional levels, and, ultimately, the geomorphologic frame- (e.g., Rasänen et al., 1990; van der Hammen et al., 1992;
work. Despite a recent proposal favoring a continuous Latrubesse and Rancy, 1998). As previously mentioned, the
forest cover throughout most of the Amazon region since wood fragment dated here was reworked from older depos-
the mid-Cenozoic (Colinvaux and Oliveira, 2001), a mul- its, being derived either from underlying beds or from
titude of scientific fields, coming mainly from geology, nearby depositional sites. In either case, it records a period
palynology, genetics, and biogeography, has led to the of sedimentation taking place before deposition of the
general acceptance that the Amazonian ecosystem experi- studied deposits. The y13C value of 31x could suggest
enced several alternating wet and dry periods, which a dense forest rather than open habitats in this central
resulted in forest and savanna expansion, respectively Amazon area at 37,700 14C yr B.P., but this interpretation
(Mörner et al., 2001; van der Hammen, 2001; Haffer, is biased considering the reworking nature of this material
2001). Among these data, pollen analysis has been so far and the absence of any further information related to this
the only reliable source from the fossil record, providing depositional time.
information about Pleistocene paleoenvironmental changes At 11,340 (F50) 14C yr B.P., the landscape seems to
in the Amazonia with precise age control (Absy et al., have remained similar, though the humidity might have
1991; Sifeddine et al., 2001). However, the pollen record been slightly enhanced. This is suggested by the relative
is still scarce and spotty, providing only a broad picture of increase in kaolinite relative to other clay minerals in unit II.
what happened during the major ecological shifts of glacial The high content of logs and plant debris in this unit could
and interglacial periods. also be a further support for the proposed increased humid-
There are few studies of the Amazonian megafauna with ity. However, the deposits with abundant quartz pebbles
precise stratigraphic control (e.g., Rancy, 1991; Latrubesse attributed to debris flows conform to the presence of open
and Rancy, 1998). These works have been crucial to support land areas. This information suggests an environment with
dry periods, with savanna expansion in the western Ama- arboreal savannas similar to the one that occurred at 15,000
zonia. This paper represents the first documentation based yr ago. The presence of E. laurillardi in unit II is consistent
on an integrated approach using paleontology, sedimentol- with a landscape with abundant trees, as this ground sloth
ogy, and radiocarbon and isotope data that allow insights genus had a high browser nature. The possibility of a diet
into past habitats from the latest Pleistocene in a central including upper canopy leaves could explain the slightly
Amazonian area. This time was characterized by a world- heavier y13C values of the giant sloths, as in a same area the
wide drop in sea surface temperature of 1 – 4j, with the undergrowth vegetation is usually depleted in y13C relative
proposed impact in low-latitudinal areas, such as the Ama- to the upper canopy (Merwe and Medina, 1991). Finally, as
zonia, being represented by several periods of dry climate, shown in the foregoing discussion, the presence of Eremo-
with changes in river discharge and sedimentation and therium in these deposits is in itself highly suggestive that a
development of savanna vegetation (van der Hammen, dense forest was not present yet in the Itaituba area around
2001). 11,000 yr ago, when open woodlands seem to have domi-
The data collected from the Itaituba site do not appear to nated the habitat.
indicate any drastic landscape changes at least during the At 4620 (F60) 14C yr B.P. even moister conditions seem
past 15,000 yr, although slight variation in vegetation to have prevailed, with the establishment of a forest vege-
density seems to have taken place through this time. The tation similar to that seen today in the Itaituba area. The
y13C data, as discussed above, unequivocally discard any y13C value of 29.6x for organic soils indicates a C3 tree
significant contribution of tropical grassland savanna vege- cover (values obtained from modern Amazon soils are
tation, recording instead a landscape dominated by C3 usually less than 27x according to Magnusson et al.,
plants. However, the low content in plant debris observed 2002). However, the high amount of organic matter and
in the muddy unit I is more consistent with scarce vegetation clay minerals, the latter with low proportional difference
15,000 yr ago, suggesting a period with a tendency to between smectite and illite relative to kaolinite, is consistent
aridity. It is interesting to notice that the abundance of with an environment developed under higher humidity than
smectite relative to the other clay minerals is consistent those recorded for the underlying units. Hence, it is pro-
with an area undergone to low humidity. In addition, posed that after sediment deposition through debris flows
although probably not exclusively, Haplomastodon has been (unit II), there was a return to low-energy deposition, with
preferentially found in association with open paleohabitats. development of ponds and/or marshes along floodplains in a
D. de Fátima Rossetti et al. / Quaternary Research 61 (2004) 289–300 299

forested area undergoing higher humidity than in the previ- change in landscape in central Amazonia. Instead, integra-
ous time intervals recorded here. tion of geological, paleontological, and isotope data
While pollen data from deep-sea fan hemipelagic and revealed only a slight change in humidity and, as a result,
continental shelf sediments through the past 50,000 yr vegetation density, with a shift from arboreal savanna to
support that the Amazon Basin forests were not extensively forest. Such interpretation can be easily accommodated with
replaced by savanna vegetation during the glacial period the data obtained from Amazon deep sea fan sediments
(Heberle and Maslin, 1999; Kastner and Goñi, 2003), other (e.g., Heberle and Maslin, 1999; Kastner and Goñi, 2003),
sources of information led to the proposal of drastic changes as arboreal savanna would show y13C values that might be
in environmental conditions during this time interval. A indistinguishable from those of forest vegetation. The in-
wide array of data from different fields of biology and formation provided in this paper should be taken as an
geology has pointed out successive periods of dry and wet additional source of data in the design of large-scale climatic
climate throughout the Pleistocene and on, which resulted in scenarios, but a word of caution must be considered in the
changes from savanna to rain-forest vegetation. For in- interpretations, as the modern landscape in the Central
stance, in a seminal work revising the hypotheses to explain Amazônia area is complex, with open and dense forest
the origin of species in Amazonia, Haffer (2001) has and even areas with savannas.
eloquently put strong arguments for drastic changes in
climate pattern supported by a large body of hard evidence.
In addition, pollen data from the Carajás area shows a period Acknowledgments
of dry climate with savanna vegetation between 25,000 –
10,000 yr ago (Absy et al., 1991) and 22,000 – 13,000 yr ago We acknowledge the support given by Dr. Ima Célia
(Sifeddine et al., 2001). According to these authors, heavy Vieira as the chair-in-charge of the Goeldi Museum during
rainfall and high sediment inflow with variable lake levels the initial fieldwork. We thank Mr. Antônio Anildo Aguiar
and low organic carbon seem to have prevailed between and Mr. Joelson Aguiar, who first reported the fossil
13,000 and 10,000 yr ago, as a result of climates transition- occurrence on their farm, geologists Every Aquino (DNPM)
ing from arid to humid. From 10,000 to 8000 yr ago there and Elias Leão Moraes (SEMMA) for field assistance, and
was a relative increase in humidity, which was followed by to Dr. Walter Neves (USP) for payment for one 14C analysis.
drier conditions up to 4000 yr ago, when humidity returned, Finally, we thank two anonymous reviewers for comments
giving rise to development of rain forests (Sifeddine et al., that improved this paper significantly.
2001). Studies along the Rio Negro record abundant sus-
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