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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

English 5
Quarter 2 – Module 1
Lesson 1: Aspects of Verbs

MELC: Compose clear and coherent sentences using

appropriate grammatical structures. (EN5G-Ia-3.3)

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I
English- Grade 5
Quarter 2 – Module 1, Lesson 1: Compose clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures: Aspects of Verbs (EN5G-Ia-3.3)
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Josie G. Cabuyadao
Editors: Ritchelle B. Dejolde, Myprimadona R. Ganotisi
Reviewer: Ritchelle B. Dejolde
Illustrator/Layout Artist: Josie G. Cabuyadao
Management Team: Joann A. Corpuz
Joye D. Madalipay
Santiago L. Baoec
Jenetrix T. Tumaneng
Ritchelle B. Dejolde

Division Design & Layout Artist: Aldrin Y. Paguirigan

Printed in the Philippines by ______________________________

Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Office Address: Brgy. 7B, Giron Street, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
Telefax: (077) 771-0960
Telephone No.: (077) 770-5963, (077) 600-2605
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Quarter 2 – Module 1
Lesson 1: Aspects of Verbs
MELC: Compose clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate grammatical structures. EN5G-Ia-3.3
Introductory Message
This Contextualized Learning Module (CLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each
lesson with ease.
This CLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-test is provided to measure your prior knowledge on the lesson. This will
show you if you need to proceed in completing this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the
end of this module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning.
Answer keys are provided for all activities and tests. We trust that you will be honest
in using them.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher is also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you in your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this CLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
Likewise, read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any question in using this CLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module is written to further improve your understanding

about verbs and its aspects. You have learned in the previous grades about verb as
an action word.

Do you know what the tenses of verbs are? When to use the tenses properly
and correctly?

In this module, you will enhance your grammar skills using the aspects of
verbs. These acquired skills will be applied in your everyday lives. It was also
designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own destined place and pace of time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

In this module you are expected to:

• Differentiate the different aspects of verbs

• Compare and contrast the different aspects of verbs
• Use the different aspects of verbs correctly

What I Know

Good day, learner! To start this module, you are encouraged to

answer exercises A, B and C. Let’s find out if you have stored knowledge
or ideas about verbs. If you find hard to answer it, don’t worry this
module will guide you to learn more about this lesson.

A. Verb Pool
Direction: Read the words inside the box and find for the verbs. List
them down on your paper.

walk kitten fly paper dive

stone stop mouse stood blanket

B. Spot the Verb!

Direction: Read the following sentences and identify the verbs used in
each sentence.
1. They will buy food for their pets.
2. Liza carried Toby and brought him to the clinic.

3. We go to church every Sunday.
4. Every Saturday, Liza takes her dog for a walk along the seashore.
5. Aunt Liza is writing a poem about the environment.
6. The policemen were giving instructions when a visitor arrived.
7. My son joined the hiking during the BSP Camporee.
8. The scouts obeyed the rules and regulations promptly.
9. There COVID 19 brought health tension in the whole world
according to the news.
10. She received many awards during the Virtual Graduation.

What’s In

Direction: Read the story “The Playground”. The story below is written in
the present tense with the action happening now. Copy the present tense of
verbs from the story then give its past tense form. The first one is done for

The Playground
It is time for recess. I am on the playground with my friends. First,
we play jumping rope. Next, we throw a ball. Later, we see the swings, and
we race over to them. I pump my swing faster and higher than my friends
Arnel and Julius. We get off and run to the slide. We have to wait in line
for the slide. When my turn finally comes, I climb to the top of the ladder
and sit down on the slide. I push off with my hands and go down very fast.
I laugh because it is fun. Then the bell rings. I quickly drink some water
and wave goodbye to Arnel and Peter.

Present Tense Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense

1. is was 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

What’s New

Activity 1: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Direction: Identify if the underlined verb is simple present, simple past, or

simple future. Write your answer on your paper.
1. They will buy food for their pets.
2. Liza carried Toby and carried him to the clinic.
3. We are all stewards of creation.
4. Every Saturday, Liza takes her dog for a walk along seashore.
5. How Toby writhed with pain!

Activity 2: Have Fun with Present Progressive Form of Verbs

Directions: Read each sentences carefully. Write on your paper the correct
verb form to be used in each sentence.

1. I (are reading, am reading) about wildlife conservation.

2. My brother (are joining, is joining) a local environmentalist group.
3. These organizations (are sending, is sending) volunteers to different
places in the country.
4. Many endangered animals (are dying, is dying) because of smuggling
and illegal hunting.
5. He (are looking, is looking) for ways of helping his group.

Activity 3: Enjoying the Past Progressive Form of Verbs

Directions: Read each sentences carefully. Copy the correct verb form to be
used in each sentence.

1. I (was preparing, were preparing) dinner when the visitors arrived.

2. Many government workers (was giving, were giving) aids to the
COVID19 victims.
3. The phone rang while he (was writing, were writing) an email.
4. Some fishermen (was catching, were catching) fish when the storm
surge happened.
5. Carla (was thinking, were thinking) about her birthday when the
doorbell rang.

Activity 4: Using HAS and HAVE
Direction: Fill in the blank with has or have. Do this on your paper.

1. Vincent _______ never been to the circus since he was a little boy.
2. At the circus, the acrobats _______ tumbled out for a few minutes.
3. The woman and man acrobats _______ never fallen off the wire since
they have joined the team.
4. Vincent _______ enjoyed what he has seen.
5. The teachers _______ praised the children’s manners.

What It Is.

A VERB is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a state. A

sentence may have a main verb, a helping verb or both. In other words, a

• Main Verbs or Action Verbs are used to express action, something that
an animal, a person or a thing does.
1. The sun shines brightly.
2. The horse neighs loudly.
3. The monkey swings from one branch to another.

• Helping Verbs supports the main verb


1. We are learning at home because of the pandemic.

main verb
. helping verb

2. We are answering the modules given to us by our teachers.

main verb
. helping verb

• Linking Verbs are state of being verbs. It explains a link between the
subject of the sentence and noun or adjective being linked to it.
1. Diamond is the hardest substance.

Noun adjective
Linking verb

2. The flowers are bright.

Noun adjective
Linking verb

• Understanding Verbs:
✓ The words am, is, are, was and were belong to the Verb “to be”.

✓ We use am or was with the pronoun I.

Example: I am eleven years old.
I was late for school yesterday.

✓ We use is or was when the subject of the sentence is singular.

Example: She is a brilliant speaker.
She was the guest speaker during the graduation day.

✓ We use are or were when the subject in the sentence is plural.

Example: The exercises are difficult.
They were great learners.

• Verb Tense

Tense indicates when the action expressed by a verb takes

place. The three simple tenses are past, present, and future.

Different tenses take different verb forms, either by changing

the word itself or by adding helping verbs. There is no single formula
for how to change verb tenses.
Here are the simple tenses of Verb

1. Present Tense
Present tense expresses unchanging actions and states of being. It is
also used with recurring actions and with universal or widespread
➢ I walk
➢ She runs
2. Past Tense
Past tense is used for actions that started and finished in the past.

➢ I walked
➢ She ran
3. Future Tense
Future tense expresses an action or event that will take place in the
➢ I will walk
➢ She will run

• “Verbal aspect” refers to the timing of the verb. More specifically, it
addresses whether the action occurs in a single block of time, continuously,
or repetitively. All verbs have both tense and aspect. Verbal aspect consists
of simple, progressive, perfect, or perfect progressive, where each refers
to a different fabric of time.

1. Simple
The simple aspect is used to express a single action, a repeated
action, or a permanent state.

Permanent state: Mrs. Cabuyadao lives in Nalasin, Paoay, Ilocos

Repeated or habitual action: She runs every morning.
Single action: She graduated from the Philippine Normal University.

2. Progressive
The progressive aspect is used to talk about continuous events.
➢ Mrs. Dejolde was lecturing about grammar.
➢ Joyce is reading a novel.

3. Perfect
The perfect aspect is used to discuss completed actions. It is often
formed by the verb have combined with a past tense verb.
➢ My family had left before the flooding reached
our home.
➢ She has visited their home in the province.

4. Perfect Progressive
The perfect progressive combines the perfect and the progressive to
refer to the completed portion of a continuous action.
➢ The news crew had been working for more than
twelve hours to provide full coverage of the event.
➢ I will have been sleeping for many hours by then.

• The different aspects of verbs are: simple past, simple present, simple
future, present progressive, past progressive, future progressive,
present perfect and past perfect tense.
• The base form and the –s form of verbs are in the present tense.
• The past tense of verbs is used for events that happened at a specific
time in the past.
• The following are used to show future tense; will + verb, will have, be
+ going to +verb.
• The progressive aspect of verb tells about events or actions that are
incomplete or somehow limited.
• The present progressive is used when talking about an action or event
that is going on now or at the moment.

• The past progressive aspect tells that something was going on at a
certain time in the past.
• Present perfect tense is formed with the verb has for singular subject
and have for plural subjects.
• Past perfect tense is formed with the verb had and had been.

What’s More

The following are examples of how action verbs are used in sentences,
keep in mind that you can use more than one action verb in a sentence.
Remember that action verbs don't have to describe movement; the action can
be mental. Now, spot the verb in each sentence and list them on your paper.

1. Lester is throwing the football.

2. My sister accepted the job offer from Canada.
3. Lovely visited her friend for a while and then went home.
4. The dog ran across the yard.
5. She yelled when she hit her toe.
6. The cat sat by the window.
7. I will play Christmas song on my guitar.
8. He hit a home run at the last game.
9. In the summer, we will swim in our pool.
10. Will you help me with the laundry?
11. He rode his new bike around the plaza for hours.
12. The horse trotted along the trail.
13. We ate dinner then walked around the park.
14. Did you fix the mistake in your homework?
15. She waited for her friend at the Robinson’s mall.
16. She lay on the couch and slept there all night.
17. The bird sings a cheery song every morning.
18. The teacher reads a book to her students then asks them
questions about the story.
19. The roof on the house leaks.
20. The lightning struck the tree.

What I have learned

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Do this in your
paper. Choose your answer from the words inside the box.

simple past future aspect

Verb present progressive past progressive

1. ____________ is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a

2. The base form and the –s form of verbs are in the __________ tense.

3. ______ tense is used for actions that started and finished in the past.
4. ______ tense is used to show actions that will happen in the future.
5. The ___________________ of verb tells about events or actions that
are incomplete or somehow limited.
6. The __________________ aspect is used when talking about an action
or event that is going on now or at the moment.
7. The ________________ aspect tells that something was going on at a
certain time in the past.

What I Can do

Activity 1: Direction: Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of
the given verb in parenthesis. Write the answer on your paper.

1. Emily ______________ delicious cakes. (make)

2. Rolan _____________ at a supermarket. (work)
3. Hannah _____________their house with Christmas lanterns. (decorate)
4. My little daughter ______________ her dolls. (adore)
5. Mother ____________our favorite adobo dish. (cook)

Activity 2: Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense form of the given
verb in parenthesis. Write the answer on your paper.
1. Carlo ______________his favorite noontime show. (watch)
2. The cleaner _____________ the trash in the dustbin. (empty)
3. . The gardener _____________the soil around his plants. (cultivated)
4. She ________________her time in reading books. (spend)
5. The dog ___________ at the man who passed by the place. (bark)

Activity 3: Fill in the blanks with the simple future tense form of the given
verb in parenthesis. Write the answer on your paper.
1. I _______________ build a hospital to the poor when I grow up. (build)
2. Mother __________________all the sandwiches in foil. (wrap)
3. We ____________________a good salary and some privileges. (demand)
4. The police ______________________the thief sooner or later. (catch)
5. The quizmaster ____________ the winners after the contest. (announce)


Activity1: IDENTIFY ME!

Direction: Identify the aspect of verb used in each sentence. Write your
answer on your paper.
1. I gave her permission to use my new computer.
2. Typhoon Yolanda greatly damaged many homes and buildings in
Tacloban two years ago.
3. Father and mother will celebrate their wedding anniversary this
coming month.
4. The people waited for the government officials to improve the
5. They are eating their breakfast with relish.

Activity 2 : THINK AND WRITE!

Direction: Choose the correct past progressive aspect of verb in the
parenthesis. Write the correct answer on your paper.
1. Carla (is thinking, was thinking) about her birthday when the doorbell
(ring, rang).
2. While she (is opening, was opening) the door, her pet dog Mosino
(barks, barked).
3. Her classmate Lorna said, “I (am making, was making) Science
project when I (remember, remembered) your birthday.”
4. Surprised but delighted Carla replied, “Oh thanks, Lorna. But my
birthday will be on Sunday. Today is Friday. In fact, I (am planning,
was planning) when you (come, came).”
5. I (am preparing, was preparing) my birthday lists when I (hear, heard)
you calling.


Direction: Choose the correct present perfect aspect of verb in the
parenthesis. Write the correct answer on your paper.
1. My family (has, have) lived in Ilocos since 1993.
2. I (has, have) just written my journal for my week’s lessons.
3. Ana is very responsible. She (has,have) just cleaned the room.
4. Aunt Nena and Kaye (has, have) just arrived from Hawaii.
5. The baby (has, have) drunk the milk.

Additional Activities

Direction: Read each sentence. Identify the verb and write whether it is in
the past, present or future tense.

Examples: Danilo played baseball yesterday.

Answer: played- past tense
He plays baseball everyday.
Answer: plays- present tense
We will go to Danilo's baseball game.
Answer: will go-future tense

1. Danilo will choose a baseball bat.

2. He steps up to the plate.
3. The pitcher tossed the ball.
4. Danilo will swing hard.
5. The ball struck the bat.
6. The ball flies through the air.
7. It landed over the fence.
8. Danilo will run around the bases.
9. The crowd screams loudly.
10. Danilo smiled proudly.

What I Know p. 1-2 What’s New p. 3
A. Verb Pool B. Spot the Activity 1: Yesterday, Today and
1. walk Verb Tomorrow
2. fly 1. buy 1. simple future
3. dive 2. carried 2. simple past
4. stop 3. go 3. simple present
5. stood 4. takes 4. simple present
5. writing 5. simple past
6. giving Activity 2: Fun with Present
7. hiking Progressive Form of Verbs
8. obeyed 1. am reading
9. brought 2. is joining
10.received 3. are sending
4. are dying
5. is looking
Activity 3: Enjoy the Past
Progressive Form of Verbs
1. was preparing
2. were giving
3. was writing
4. were catching
5. was thinking
What’s In p. 2 12
Present Tense Past Tense Activity 4: Using HAS and HAVE
1. is 1. was 1. has
2. am 2. was 2. have
3. play 3. played 3. have
4. throw 4. threw 4. has
5. see 5. saw 5. have
6. race 6. raced What’s More p. 7
7. pump 7. pumped
1. throwing 11. rode
8. get 8. got
2. accepted 12.trotted
9. run 9. ran
3. visited 13.walked
10.wait 10.waited
4. ran 14.fix
11.come 11.came
5. yelled 15.waited
12.climb 12.climbed
6. sat 16.lay
13. sit 13.sat
7. play 17.sings
14.push 14.pushed
8. hit 18.reads
15.go 15.went
9. swim 19.leaks
16.laugh 16.laughed 20.struck
17.ring 17.rang
18. drink 18.drank
19.wave 19.waved
Answer Key
What I Have Learned p. 8 Assessment p.9
1. Verb A. Identify ME
2. simple 1. gave- past tense
3. past 2. damaged – past tense
4. future 3. will celebrate – future tense
5. aspect 4. waited – past tense
6. present progressive 5. eating – present tense
7. past progressive
What I Can Do p.8 B. Past Progressive Aspect
Activity 1 1. was thinking-rang
1. makes 2. was opening-barked
2. works 3. was making- remembered
3. decorates 4. was planning- came
4. adores 5. was making- heard
5. cooks
Activity 2 C. Present Perfect Aspect
1. watched 1. has
2. emptied 2. have
3. cultivated 3. has
4. spent 4. have
5. barked 5. has
Activity 3
Additional Activities p. 10
1. will build
1. will choose – future tense
2. will wrap
2. steps – present tens
3. will demand
3. tossed – past tense
4. will catch
4. will swing - future tense
5. will announce
5. struck – past tense
6. flies – present
7. landed – past tense
8. will run – future tense
9. . screams – present tense
10. smiled – past tense
Answer Key

Castillo, Kristine Erika C & Angeles Evelyn B. (2016). Joy in Learning

English 5. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc.
Cipriano, Aurora M. & Manlungat, Julieta B. (2005). English Made Easy
5. Quezon City: Cultural Publisher.
Balajadia, Ma. Corazon. Workbook on English Grade 5 (5775 Reverse the
Education CRISIS)

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division of Ilocos Norte – Curriculum Implementation Division

Learning Resource Management Section (SDOIN-CID LRMS)

Office Address : Brgy. 7B, Giron Street, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
Telefax : (077) 771-0960
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