Questionário de Sustentabilidade Do Fornecedor

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08/09/2023, 10:46 Email – Jeanini Omena - Tecfibra & Glastec – Outlook

ENC: ROBERTA NÓBREGA, Thank You for Completing the Keppel Sustainability Questionnaire
Roberta Nóbrega - Tecfibra & Glastec <>
Sex, 08/09/2023 09:51
Para:Jeanini Omena - Tecfibra & Glastec <>

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De: Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate <>

Enviado: sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2023 09:48
Para: Roberta Nóbrega - Tecfibra & Glastec <>
Cc: <>
Assunto: ROBERTA NÓBREGA, Thank You for Completing the Keppel Sustainability Questionnaire


Thank you for completing the Keppel Supplier Sustainability Questionnaire on behalf of TECFIBRA EMPREITEIRA E

Your responses are shown below for your reference. If you need to make additions or changes to the information, please DO NOT
submit a new response but contact the Keppel Buyer or Commercial/Procurement Executive whom you are liaising with.

Section 1 - Supplier Information
1. What is the name of the company/entity that you represent in dealing with the Keppel Group of Companies?

2. Please let us know your name.


3. Please let us know your current designation in your company.


4. Please let us know your company email address for verification purposes.

5. Which Keppel Business Unit(s) are you intending to supply/have you been supplying your product or service to?
["Seatrium Offshore & Marine Limited","Seatrium Offshore & Marine Technology Pte. Ltd."]

6. Please confirm that you are fully authorized by your company to fill up and complete this questionnaire before proceeding.

Section 2 - Human Rights

7. Do you have a COMPANY policy or code of conduct for employees that addresses at minimum the areas such as Basic Human
Rights, Forced / Compulsory Labor, Child Labor, Discrimination and Harassment, Freedom of Association, Health & Safety,
Compensation and Working Hours including overtime?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

8. Do you have a SUPPLIER code of conduct that you implement on your suppliers that addresses at minimum the areas such as
Basic Human Rights, Forced / Compulsory Labor, Child Labor, Discrimination and Harassment, Freedom of Association, Health &
Safety, Compensation and Working Hours including overtime?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

9. Does your company have a process in place to ensure working conditions practices of your employees in accordance with ILO
guidelines on working conditions?… 1/3
08/09/2023, 10:46 Email – Jeanini Omena - Tecfibra & Glastec – Outlook

Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

10. Does your company have a process in place to measure or verify working conditions practices of your suppliers in accordance
with ILO guidelines on working conditions?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

11. Does your company place a contractual requirement of your suppliers (including staffing agencies) to be in compliance with
Labour and Human Rights laws and regulations?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

12. Please list down the location(s) of main facility(ies) of your suppliers that provides goods or services to your company in the
“Remarks” column. The goods and services referred to in this question shall be related to the goods and/or services that you are
currently providing/have provided in the past three (3) years, or intend to provide to Keppel.
Please list down the location(s) of main facility(ies) of your suppliers that provides goods or services to your company in
the “Remarks” column. The goods and services referred to in this question shall be related to the goods and/or services
that you are currently providing/have provided in the past three (3) years, or intend to provide to Keppel.

13. Additional Information for Human Rights Questionnaire

Section 3 - Health and Safety

14. Does your company have a process in place to ensure awareness on health and safety matters at work, through regular training
and educational opportunities for employees, including new hires?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

15. Does your company have a process in place to evaluate the health and safety impact of new chemicals (gas, liquid, solid) in your
facilities or during the course of providing the goods and services?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

16. Does your company have a process in place to encourage employees to be actively involved in risk assessment and mitigation
plans for safety-related issues?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

17. Does your company have a process in place to conduct safety audits on a regular basis with proper tracking and closure of
corrective action plans?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

18. Does your company have a process in place to verify health and safety practices of your suppliers?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

19. Does your company have a process in place to collect and process data with regards to the number of safety incidents, and
report to the relevant government authorities?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

20. Additional Information for Health and Safety Questionnaire

Section 4 - Compliance and Ethics

21. Does your company have a written code or policy in place that addresses corruption, bribery, excessive gift-giving, extortion or
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

22. Does your company have a process in place to provide regular compliance and ethics training and communication to your
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

23. Does your company have a process in place to detect, eliminate and prohibit situations in which managers or workers have a
potential conflict of interest between the company's interest and their own?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

24. Does your company have a process in place to provide or encourage your suppliers and subcontractors to take compliance and
ethics training?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

25. Does your company have a process in place to measure and verify responsible and ethical business practices of your suppliers?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.… 2/3
08/09/2023, 10:46 Email – Jeanini Omena - Tecfibra & Glastec – Outlook

26. Does your company have a process in place to protect and secure intellectual property such as confidential information and
data that belong to the company and its customers?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

27. Does your company have process in place to conduct periodic risk assessment to identify compliance and ethics risks?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

28. Does your company explicitly state as a contractual requirement that your suppliers and subcontractors are required to be in
compliance with ethics laws and regulations?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

29. Additional Information for Compliance and Ethics Questionnaire

Section 5 - Environmental
30. Does your company have environmental management systems or an environmental policy?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

31. Does your company have a process in place for waste recycling?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

32. Does your company have a process in place to ensure employees are aware of the company's environmental-related policy or
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

33. Does your company have a policy or process in place to encourage the use of recycled and/or sustainable materials?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

34. Does your company have an audit process in place to identify non-compliance to the company's environmental policy or
management system, or is your company subjected to similar audit requirements from any third party (e.g. governmental authority,
client, etc)
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

35. Does your company have a process in place to manage and reduce the environmental impact of your supply chain processes?
Yes we have, and it is fully implemented / fully compliant to the requirements in question.

36. Additional Information for Environmental Questionnaire

Section 6 - Declaration
37. I hereby declare and affirm that I have been authorized by my company to complete and submit this questionnaire, and that all
information and answers to questions herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any
misrepresentation, falsification, or omission of any facts called for in the questionnaire may render this submission void, whenever

You are advised to keep this email as reference. Thank you.

Keppel Group Supply Chain & Responsible Procurement Committee

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