LAC Reflections

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My Reflection on LAC Session about Making TOS

(1st Quarter)

During the LAC (Learning Action Cell) session focused on creating a Table of
Specifications for the 1st Quarter Examination of the school year 2022-2023, I found the
experience to be both insightful and valuable in terms of aligning the assessment with
the intended learning outcomes. This reflection aims to highlight the key takeaways and
insights gained from the session.

First and foremost, the session emphasized the importance of clear and well-
defined learning objectives. The process of creating a Table of Specifications required a
thorough understanding of the content, skills, and competencies to be assessed.
Through collaborative discussions and input from subject matter experts, we were able
to establish a comprehensive list of learning outcomes for the 1st Quarter Examination.

The session also emphasized the need for balance and representation within the
Table of Specifications. By carefully considering the weightage of each learning
outcome, we ensured that the assessment was fair and covered all essential areas of
the curriculum. This balance is crucial to accurately gauge student understanding and
mastery of different topics.

Furthermore, the collaborative nature of the session allowed for a holistic

approach to assessment design. By involving a diverse group of educators, we were
able to draw on a wide range of perspectives and insights. This collaborative process
not only enhanced the quality of the Table of Specifications but also fostered a sense of
ownership and shared responsibility among the participants.

Another valuable aspect of the session was the focus on alignment between the
curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The Table of Specifications served as a bridge
between what was taught in the classroom and what would be assessed in the
examination. Through careful analysis and discussion, we ensured that the assessment
items reflected the content and skills covered during the first quarter, thus providing a
valid measure of student learning.

Lastly, the session highlighted the iterative nature of assessment design. As we

reviewed and refined the Table of Specifications, it became evident that continuous
evaluation and revision are essential for maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of
assessments. The feedback received from colleagues during the session allowed for
adjustments and improvements, ensuring that the assessment would accurately
measure student achievement.

In conclusion, the LAC session on creating a Table of Specifications for the 1st
Quarter Examination of the school year 2022-2023 was a valuable and enriching
experience. It emphasized the importance of clear learning objectives, balance in
assessment coverage, collaboration among educators, alignment with the curriculum,
and continuous evaluation and revision. By incorporating these insights into the
assessment design process, we can create more meaningful and effective assessments that
accurately reflect student learning and drive instructional improvement.

Prepared by:


Math 8 Subject Teacher

My Reflection on LAC Session on 4Bs

(2nd Quarter)

During the LAC (Learning Action Cell) session focused on implementing the 4B's
(Bawat Bata Bumabasa ng Bibliya) program, I found the experience to be enlightening
and inspiring. This reflection aims to highlight the key insights and takeaways gained
from the session.

First and foremost, the session emphasized the significance of promoting literacy
and the love for reading among students, specifically through the reading of the Bible.
The 4B's program recognizes the importance of instilling strong values and spirituality in
young learners, and reading the Bible serves as a powerful tool for achieving these

The session also highlighted the importance of collaborative planning and

implementation. The participatory nature of the LAC session allowed for open
discussions and the sharing of ideas among educators. Collaborating with fellow
teachers provided valuable insights, diverse perspectives, and a sense of shared
ownership over the success of the 4B's program.

One key takeaway from the session was the recognition of the need for age-
appropriate materials and approaches. The 4B's program recognizes that students of
different grade levels require different strategies and resources to engage with the Bible
effectively. Through discussions and resource sharing, we were able to identify suitable
materials and instructional methods tailored to the developmental needs of our

Furthermore, the session emphasized the importance of integrating the 4B's

program into the existing curriculum. By aligning the program with subject areas such as
language arts, social studies, or values education, we can create meaningful
connections and reinforce the relevance of biblical teachings in students' lives. This
integration allows for a more holistic and comprehensive approach to learning.

The session also highlighted the need for ongoing support and professional
development. Implementing the 4B's program requires continuous training, resources,
and guidance for educators. By recognizing this need, the session fostered a
commitment to ongoing learning and improvement, ensuring that teachers are equipped
with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement the program.

Lastly, the session emphasized the importance of monitoring and evaluation. By

establishing clear indicators and benchmarks, we can assess the effectiveness and
impact of the 4B's program. Regular reflection and feedback sessions will allow us to
identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to ensure the
program's success.

In conclusion, the LAC session on implementing the 4B's program was a

transformative and empowering experience. It emphasized the importance of promoting
literacy, values, and spirituality among students through the reading of the Bible.
Through collaborative planning, integration with the curriculum, ongoing support and
professional development, and monitoring and evaluation, we can create a meaningful
and impactful learning experience for our students. By instilling the love for reading the
Bible, we are not only nurturing their spiritual growth but also fostering critical thinking,
empathy, and a strong moral compass that will guide them throughout their lives.

Prepared by:


Math 8 Subject Teacheri

My Reflection on LAC Session on Action Research

(3rd Quarter)

Last March 30, 2023 was the LAC (Learning Action Cell) session focused on
creating action research as an intervention for low MPS (Mean Percentage Score)
subjects in the classroom, I found the experience to be enlightening and empowering.
This reflection aims to highlight the key insights and takeaways gained from the

First and foremost, the session emphasized the importance of addressing the
needs of students who are struggling in specific subjects. Action research provides a
systematic approach to identify and implement effective interventions to improve
student learning outcomes. By engaging in action research, teachers can actively
contribute to the development and improvement of their instructional practices.

The session also highlighted the value of collaboration and shared responsibility
among educators. Through the LAC session, we were able to exchange ideas, share
experiences, and support one another in developing action research projects.
Collaborative planning and discussions provided valuable insights and diverse
perspectives, enhancing the overall quality of our interventions.

One key takeaway from the session was the emphasis on a student-centered
approach. Action research allowed us to identify specific areas of improvement for our
students and tailor interventions to their individual needs. By analyzing data, conducting
observations, and seeking student input, we were able to design interventions that
directly addressed their challenges and facilitated their learning.

Furthermore, the session emphasized the importance of reflective practice and

continuous improvement. Action research encourages teachers to reflect on their
instructional strategies, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and make necessary
adjustments. Through this iterative process, we can refine our teaching methods and
enhance student outcomes.

The session also highlighted the value of data-driven decision-making. By

collecting and analyzing data, we were able to identify trends, patterns, and areas for
improvement. Data served as a guide in designing appropriate interventions and
monitoring progress over time. It also allowed us to demonstrate the impact of our
interventions and make informed instructional decisions.

Lastly, the session emphasized the significance of disseminating findings and

sharing best practices. Action research provides an opportunity to contribute to the
broader educational community by sharing our experiences, insights, and successful
interventions. By disseminating our findings, we can inspire and support other educators
in their own efforts to improve student learning outcomes.
In conclusion, the LAC session on creating action research as an intervention for
low MPS subjects was a transformative and empowering experience. It highlighted the
importance of addressing student needs, collaboration among educators, a student-
centered approach, reflective practice, data-driven decision-making, and sharing best
practices. By engaging in action research, we can actively contribute to the
improvement of student learning outcomes and enhance our instructional practices.
This session has motivated me to embark on an action research journey to better
support my students and continuously strive for excellence in my teaching.

Prepared by:


Research 8 Subject Teacheri

My Reflection on LAC Session about Orientation of RPMS for Teachers I-III

(4th Quarter)

Last June 25, 2023 was the conduct of the LAC (Learning Action Cell) session
focused on the orientation of the Results-Based Performance Management System
(RPMS) for Teachers I-III in the school year 2022-2023, I found the experience to be
informative and valuable. This reflection aims to highlight the key insights and
takeaways gained from the session.

First and foremost, the session emphasized the importance of the RPMS in
ensuring quality education and professional growth among teachers. The orientation
provided a comprehensive overview of the RPMS framework, its components, and the
expectations for teacher performance assessment. Understanding the RPMS is crucial
for aligning our teaching practices with the goals and standards set by the education

The session also highlighted the significance of self-assessment and goal setting
in the RPMS process. By engaging in self-reflection and identifying areas for
improvement, we can set meaningful and achievable goals for our professional
development. The orientation session provided guidance on how to effectively set goals
that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

One key takeaway from the session was the emphasis on evidence-based
practice and documentation. The RPMS requires teachers to provide evidence of their
teaching effectiveness, student learning outcomes, and professional growth. By
collecting and documenting evidence, we can showcase our achievements and
progress in meeting the standards and indicators outlined in the RPMS.

Furthermore, the session emphasized the importance of feedback and coaching

in the RPMS process. Collaborative discussions and constructive feedback from peers
and evaluators play a crucial role in supporting our professional growth. By actively
seeking feedback, we can identify areas of strength and areas for improvement,
ultimately enhancing our teaching practices.

The session also highlighted the value of continuous professional development.

The RPMS serves as a framework for ongoing improvement, encouraging us to engage
in professional development activities, attend trainings and workshops, and stay
updated with current educational trends and practices. By investing in our professional
growth, we can provide better learning experiences for our students.

Lastly, the session emphasized the significance of aligning the RPMS with our
school's vision and goals. The orientation provided clarity on how the RPMS can
contribute to the overall mission of our school and the education department. By
aligning our performance goals with the school's objectives, we can work collaboratively
towards achieving a high standard of education.
In conclusion, the LAC session on the orientation of the RPMS for Teachers I-III
in the school year 2022-2023 was an informative and valuable experience. It highlighted
the importance of the RPMS in ensuring quality education and professional growth. The
session emphasized self-assessment, goal setting, evidence-based practice, feedback
and coaching, continuous professional development, and alignment with the school's
vision. This orientation has provided me with a clear understanding of the RPMS
process and motivated me to actively engage in self-improvement and contribute to the
overall excellence of our school.

Prepared by:


Math 8 Subject Teacher

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