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Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I Validasi Soal

SKS : 2 SKS Soal ini sudah divalidasi oleh tim
Program Studi : DIII Akuntansi dan dinyatakan sesuai dengan
Semester : I (Satu) / Pagi kurikulum dan RPS program studi
Hari/tanggal : Senin, yang digunakan
Waktu : 10.30 -12.00 WIB (90 Menit) Koordinator Bagian Kajian
Dosen Pengampu : Laeli Atikha Riza, S.Pd.,MM
Jenis Ujian : Teori

1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam lembar jawaban.
2. Bacalah dengan seksama soal yang ada dan tulislah jawaban pada lembar yang disediakan.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas atau rusak.


Tanda Tangan

A. Answere this following question with your own words (25 %)

1. If you run up a hill, what does/ will your heart do?
2. If you are hungry what do you usually eat?
3. Tell me what to do, where to go, and what to expect, if I visit your hometown as a
4. Fish can’t live out of water, if you take a fish out of water, what will you happen? / if
you take a fish out of water, what will happens?
5. If it should rain tomorrow what will you do or not to do?

B. Combine the two sentences. Into a correct (30%)

1. The tourist is happy, He enjoy the view.
2. I liked the guy. I met him at the school road yesterday
3. The lady is standing next to the door, I was telling you about her
4. Mr. Yamaken teaches a class for students. Their native language is Japanese
5. The beach was beautiful. We spent our holiday here
6. December is the mont. The accountant usually the busiest then

C. Fill in the blank of this following story with adjective claause! (20 %)
“Tim Paterson”
As you know, a computer needs to have an operating system in order to run the
programs. When most people think about the first operating systems ________ were
developed for the personal computer, Microsoft or Bill gates may come to my mind.
Actually, the truth is somewhat different.
In the late 1970s, there was a man is Seatle named Tim Paterson ________
worked for a Company ________ was called Seattle Computer. He was a computer
programmer and needed an operating system for his computer. Paterson got tired of
waiting for another company to create one and decided to developed his own program.
He called it QDOS, ________ means “ Quick and Dirty Operating System.” It took him
about four months to develop it.
At the same time, Microsoft was quietly looking for an opearting system to run a
personal computer ________ I.B.M. was Developing. Microsoft was the program
________ Tim had Written and in 1980, paid him $25,000 for license for DOS. A year
later they paid another $50,000 to acquire the rights. It became known as the Microsoft
disk operating system (MS-DOS), and rest is history. Microsoft and Bill Gates become
very successful using peterson’s operating system.


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