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ISQua Fellowship Programme

Terms and Conditions

Participation in the ISQua Fellowship Programme is conditional upon the learner agreeing to be bound by
the terms and conditions set out below.

1. Participation Policy

Participation in the ISQua Fellowship Programme is granted on the following basis:

1.1. The participation is on a 12-month basis with annual renewal encouraged to maintain
your participation.
1.2. Fellowship graduates will be entitled to use the post-nominal FISQua (on condition that the
participant has an active subscription).
1.3. The Learner must pay the fees set out in the ISQua Education fee schedule (detailed here The fees shall be
invoiced annually from the date of commencement, in advance and are payable before
the commencement of the annual Programme. The annual fee is subject to annual
1.4. Where the Learner cancels his/her participation on the ISQua Fellowship Programme, fees
shall not be refunded.

2. Fellowship Programme Learner Entitlements

The Learner – whereby “Learner” refers to an individual who has paid for and is a current
active student on the ISQua Fellowship Programme - is entitled to the following:
2.1. Access to the ISQua Fellowship course materials and to the ISQua Fellowship Learning
Management System, ISQua Community.
2.2. Login details for ISQua Education Partner Courses when access is requested by the Learner.
2.3. Support from the ISQua Education team during the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 hours GMT Monday
to Friday excluding Irish Bank Holidays and holiday periods when the ISQua offices are closed
for a period decided upon by the company (ISQua).
2.4. Feedback on assignments submitted within the time indicated on ISQua Community.
2.5. Feedback on rejected submissions.
2.6. Guidelines on how to access Programme resources and submit activities to obtain credits.
2.7. A soft copy certificate upon meeting the requirements of the Fellowship award.
2.8. A transcript of the activities completed on the Programme.

International Society for Quality in Health Care, Suite G01, 48 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland
Ph: +353 1 6706750 Website:
August 2022
2.9. Fellowship graduates are invited to a graduation ceremony held at ISQua’s
International Conference within 12 months of graduation.
2.10. Access to the ISQua Fellowship Programme benefits where applicable.

3. Fellowship Programme Learner Responsibilities

The Learner agrees:

3.1. To obtain sufficient IT skills and ensure that he/she has access to appropriate IT facilities to
participate in the Programme.
3.2. To access his/her individual email account on a regular basis to ensure receipt of all notices as
email is the primary communication method of ISQua.
3.3. To complete all written assignments and activities in English.
3.4. To complete the Programme within the 12-month duration allocated.
3.5. To renew his/her Fellowship Programme on an annual basis.
3.6. To submit his/her own original work as assignments and not to plagiarise the work of others.
3.7. To allow enough time to complete the Programme to the best of his/her ability.
3.8. To respect the final decision of ISQua should disputes arise.
3.9. To be responsible for his/her own learning.
3.10. To submit accurate supporting documentation when claiming elective credits and to provide
an English translation where applicable.
3.11. To notify ISQua as soon as possible if he/she experiences any technical issues with the ISQua
IT systems.
3.12. To notify ISQua in writing if he/she intends to discontinue his/her studies.
3.13. To update his/her personal profile with any changes of address or phone number.
3.14. To provide ISQua with a current e-mail address should the initial address provided change.
3.15. To provide proof (if requested) that he/she was born in and is currently working in a Low
orLower Middle-Income Country (LMIC) if a Fellowship discount for LMIC is applied for.
3.16. ISQua has the right to terminate the Learner’s involvement in the ISQua Fellowship
Programme by notice in writing to the Learner if ISQua believes that:
a) The Learner submits plagiarized work as his/her own.
b) The Learner fails to reasonably comply with Programme requirements.
c) The Learner has provided false information to avail of Low and Lower Middle-
Income Country discounts that he/she is not entitled to.
3.17. The relationship between ISQua and the Learner, shall to the full extent permissible, be
governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland, or such other jurisdiction as nominated
in writing by ISQua from time to time.

4. ISQua Fellowship Programme Certification

Where an ISQua Fellowship Programme award is achieved, a Certificate of Completion will be

issued to the Learner provided the following conditions are met:

4.1 The Learner has met the requirements set out upon registering for the ISQua Fellowship
International Society for Quality in Health Care, Suite G01, 48 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland
Ph: +353 1 6706750 Website:
August 2022
Programme and has achieved the credits required.
4.2 ISQua is satisfied that the assignments and work submitted for assessment are the Learner’s
own work.
4.3 ISQua has received appropriate and verified supporting documentation for elective activities.
4.4 Fees for the Fellowship period are paid.

5. Dispute Resolution
If there is concern about any aspect of the ISQua Fellowship Programme regarding any ISQua
services, there are several dispute mechanisms available.

5.1. Complaints
Formal complaints to ISQua must be in writing.

5.2. Appeals
Learners may appeal in writing against an Education decision. All appeals must be addressed
to the Education Team within 28 days of receipt of written advice of the Education
decision. Supporting documentation must be lodged within a further 28 days.

Appeals can be submitted on any of following grounds:

• If a client is dissatisfied with the outcome of an education decision.
• An error was made when grading the assignment or making the decision.
• Relevant and significant evidence was not properly considered or was
incorrectly interpreted.
• Inappropriate weighting was given to the evidence.
• The original decision was inconsistent with the published criteria for education.
• If a participant has his/her Fellowship Programme award suspended for any
• If a participant has his/her Fellowship Programme award withdrawn for any

Any costs of the appeal process shall be borne by the Learner unless otherwise determined
by the ISQua Executive Board. The appeal decisions of the ISQua Executive Board shall be

6. Confidentiality and Privacy

All ISQua staff sign a Confidentiality Agreement with ISQua to ensure that all information accessed /
sighted / described remains confidential and secure to the Fellowship Learner.

7. Intellectual Property

Copyright and all other intellectual property rights for all training materials shall remain the property
of ISQua or of the presenter who has provided the content to ISQua. Learners may not sell or hire
International Society for Quality in Health Care, Suite G01, 48 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland
Ph: +353 1 6706750 Website:
August 2022
training materials (in whole or in part). Learners may use ISQua learning resources provided during
the event to support their learning.

8. Learning Management System Availability

ISQua will make all reasonable effort to ensure that the Learning Management System (ISQua
Community) is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, electronic services are
subject to interruption or breakdown. Therefore, access to our learning management system is
offered on an "as is" and "as available" basis only.

9. Acceptable Use of the Learning Management System

Any information contained on the Learning Management System is for personal use only and may
not be sold or distributed in any form. We reserve the right to suspend the use of the Learning
Management System generally or to block your access to any part of the Learning Management
System and/or to suspend or terminate your rights to use the Learning Management System or any
part of it if we suspect misuse. In accessing any part of our Learning Management System, you
agree not to use the Learning Management System or cause or permit the Learning Management
System to be used in any manner which may prejudice or jeopardize the integrity of the Learning
Management System or the operation of any network. You agree not to collect information about
others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent or to distribute, download, upload, or
transmit any material which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other harmful or disruptive
components. In addition, you will not use the content on the Learning Management System for
any commercial purposes without the prior written consent of ISQua. You further agree to defend,
hold harmless and indemnify ISQua for any loss, expenses, or damage we suffer or incur if you
breach anyof these obligations or any other Terms.

10. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances (including but not limited to any act or omission on the part of ISQua) will
ISQua be liable for any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damages or loss of profits
whatsoever which result from any use or access of, or any inability to use or access, the ISQua
Learning Management System or any Content. Learners expressly acknowledge and agree that ISQua
is not liable either for opinions or behavior of Learners including any information and/or adviceand
any defamatory statements or offensive conduct.

11. Disclaimer

ISQua or any person acting on behalf of ISQua shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by a
Learner because of an act or anything done or said or reported on.

International Society for Quality in Health Care, Suite G01, 48 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland
Ph: +353 1 6706750 Website:
August 2022

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