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Passage 1:

An overview of viral infections

A virus is (1) __________ of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat. It requires a living cell
in (2) __________ it can multiply. A viral infection can lead to a spectrum of symptoms from asymptomatic (no
obvious/observable symptoms) to severe disease.

People may get viruses by swallowing or inhaling them, by being bitten by insects, or through (3) __________
forms of contact. Once inside the body, the virus attaches to and enters a cell, and releases its DNA or RNA
inside it. The virus’s DNA or RNA then takes control of the cell and forces it to replicate the virus. (4) __________,
the infected cell usually dies from not being able to (5) __________ its normal functions.

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. consisted B. composed C. contained D. combined

Question 2: A. who B. that C. whom D. which

Question 3: A. another B. others C. the other D. other

Question 4: A. For instance B. Nonetheless C. Consequently D. However

Question 5: A. operate B. display C. perform D. implement

Passage 2:

The German government has urged its citizens to download a new coronavirus warning app called the Corona
Warn App. It will complement a human tracking and tracing system that has been (1) __________ place across
the country since February by alerting users whether and for how long they have been in (2) __________ (at a
distance of 2 metres or less) with someone who has tested positive for the virus. Contact data will not – as
initially planned – be saved centrally, (3) __________ rather on the smartphones themselves. Also, users have
been assured that their private data will not be compromised and that the app will not drain their phones’

Public health leaders, computer hackers and government ministers, all of (4) __________ had been in its
development, introduced the app to the public in Berlin on Tuesday morning. The next step, according to the
German health minister Jens Spahn, would be to build a system that would work across Europe. Currently, if a
German user travels abroad, the app will no longer function (5) __________.
(Adapted from

Question 1: A. on B. at C. in D. of

Question 2: A. association B. contact C. relation D. correspondence

Question 3: A. so B. but C. or D. yet

Question 4: A. who B. that C. which D. whom

Question 5: A. suitably B. properly C. appropriately D. sufficiently

Passage 3:

What’s the weather going to be this afternoon? Tomorrow? Or even next week? Thanks to the weather forecast,
we are able to plan ahead when it (1) __________ to the weather.

Weather forecasts often show predictions for large areas of the country. (2) _________ smart weather radars
make it possible to receive precise climate conditions for the exact location (3) __________ they are placed. You
can even buy weather stations designed for your home that send automatic message notifications when
extreme conditions are expected.

So, how is the information needed for weather forecasting collected? Radar stands for radio detection and
ranging, which is used by weather stations and aeroplanes to send radio waves out into the sky. These waves
bounce off the nearest object – like a cloud – and return to be analysed. With this data, we can (4) __________
predict the likelihood of rain or (5) _________ weather phenomena such as hail or rainfall.

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. gets B. comes C. goes D. falls

Question 2: A. Consequently B. Therefore C. For example D. However

Question 3: A. when B. where C. who D. which

Question 4: A. virtually B. thoroughly C. sensitively D. reasonably

Question 5: A. one B. another C. other D. the other

Passage 4:

The radio waves that keep you safe in the sky

If you’re a frequent flyer, you will be no (1) __________ to the rollercoaster-style drops and involuntary shakes
you can suddenly experience mid-flight. As conditions can be immensely different across the sky and over
numerous landscapes, most large planes are equipped with smart weather radar systems (2) __________ helps to
predict the likelihood of turbulence.

When radio waves return to the radar, they vary in strength, with stronger reflections (3) __________ a higher
concentration of water droplets. This outcome is translated into colours on a screen in the cockpit – red
showing high density, orange showing medium and green illustrating low density.

Stormy areas often lead to turbulence more than (4) __________, so receiving a clear picture of storms that lie
ahead makes it easier to determine when it may strike. Warning passengers in advance maximises their safety
and (5) __________ helps to lower the number of people injured each year on flights.

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. stranger B. outsider C. alien D. foreigner

Question 2: A. who B. which C. when D. where

Question 3: A. calculating B. reassuring C. indicating D. validating

Question 4: A. other B. the others C. another D. others

Question 5: A. however B. otherwise C. nonetheless D. thus

Passage 5:

The government in the United Kingdom has announced it will give nearly $2 billion to financially support the
country's arts industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. The money will go to theatres, concert halls, galleries,
museums and (1) __________ cultural venues.

The UK government said the money (2) __________ "the biggest ever one-off investment in UK culture". It added:
"The money will provide a (3) __________ to vital cultural and heritage organisations across the country hit hard
by the pandemic. It will help them stay afloat while their doors are closed."

The UK is world famous for its arts. People all across the globe know and love cultural icons like Shakespeare,
The Beatles and James Bond. (4) __________, the country is also home to numerous theatres, museums and
galleries (5) __________ attract millions of tourists every year. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "From iconic
theatre and musicals, mesmerising exhibitions at our world-class galleries, to gigs performed in local basement
venues, the UK's cultural industry is the beating heart of this country."

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. another B. the other C. other D. others

Question 2: A. symbolizes B. exhibits C. illustrates D. represents

Question 3: A. lifeguard B. lifeline C. lifejacket D. lifebelt

Question 4: A. For example B. Nonetheless C. Furthermore D. However

Question 5: A. when B. where C. who D. which

Passage 6:

How was the World Health Organization formed?

In the early 1800s, cholera killed tens of thousands of people across Europe as the development of railways
and steamships not only made it much easier for people to travel but also for this bacteria and (1)
__________ to spread. Nations imposed quarantine measures, but by the middle of the century, their vastly
differing responses began to (2) __________ havoc on global commerce.

European nations concluded in 1851 that they needed a joint approach and convened the International
Sanitary Conference to (3) __________ standardized quarantine regulations for the first time, (4) ___________
it still took up to 40 years and seven meetings to ratify the first international sanitary convention in 1892.

Finally, in 1945, as countries feared that the conclusion of World War II would bring a new wave of disease,
they decided to combine their efforts under one international health agency within the UN. On April 7,
1948, that agency would become the organization (5) __________ name is familiar to all of us today: The
World Health Organization.

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. other B. the others C. another D. others

Question 2: A. wreak B. strike C. rain D. lash

Question 3: A. reinforce B. establish C. generate D. assemble

Question 4: A. or B. so C. but D. for

Question 5: A. which B. what C. whom D. whose

Passage 7:

A Spanish company called Ingelia has recently developed an industrial process to produce a biocarbon called
“biochar” which can be used as a clean energy source. __________ (1) having the same potential in energy
production as standard coal, biochar’s production process has a zero CO2 emission __________ (2), as well as a
considerably lower production of harmful wastes such as nitrogen, sulfur, and chlorine.

The company has already used this process to their waste plants in Spain, the UK and Italy. In fact, Italy’s largest
sewage manager has also __________ (3) the process in their Tuscany plant, where they __________ (4) 80,000 tons
of raw sewage per year. Apart from being an environmentally-friendly source of energy, biochar also has other
applications. It could be used to power batteries or perhaps as substitutes for peat in soil __________ (5).
(Adapted from

Question 1: A. Even if B. Despite of C. Although D. In spite of

Question 2: A. scales B. rates C. ranges D. scopes

Question 3: A. established B. administered C. accomplished D. implemented

Question 4: A. tend B. cure C. nurse D. treat

Question 5: A. augmentation B. advancement C. enrichment D. correction

Passage 8:

Ethiopia has broken the world record __________ (1) the largest number of trees planted in one day, while
making the world greener at the same time. A __________ (2) 350 million trees were planted by Ethiopians in just
12 hours earlier this week. This number smashed the previous record, __________ (3) by India, by 50 million trees.
Ethiopia's Minister of Innovation and Technology proudly revealed on his Twitter account that people had
planted 353,633,660 trees in an effort to help the environment.

Ethiopia's record-breaking achievement is part of a wider strategy of planting 4 billion trees between May and
October, and the country is __________ (4) on its way to achieving this goal. So far, volunteers, businesses and
government workers have planted more than 2.6 billion trees nationwide. Ethiopia’s strategy is an attempt to
reverse the cutting down of its many forests. A recent study reported that planting billions of trees was the
cheapest and most effective way to absorb carbon dioxide and __________ (5) help to tackle global warming.

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. at B. of C. for D. in

Question 2: A. whopping B. smashing C. hitting D. striking

Question 3: A. to be held B. that is held C. held D. being held

Question 4: A. great B. well C. good D. far

Question 5: A. nonetheless B. consequently C. yet D. whereas

Passage 9:

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, a(n) (1) __________ group behind the emergence of the
Black Lives Matter movement, has established a fund worth more than $12 million US to provide financial
support to organizations (2) __________ institutional racism in the wake of the George Floyd protests. According
to the foundation, it has received more than 1.1 million US in individual donations since the death of George
Floyd, who tragically died at the hands of a white law (3) __________ officer.

For Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, the fund will increase its capacity to support families in need of legal aid,
public communications strategy and (4) __________ services after a loved one is killed by police, said organizer
Melina Abdullah, who is a professor in the pan-African studies department at California State University, Los
Angeles. "We've been struggling for seven years now with very limited resources," Abdullah said. "We're not
paid. (5) __________ we also have real costs, even if we're not taking salaries."

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. domineering B. influential C. impactful D. elementary

Question 2: A. having fought B. fighting C. to be fighting D. to fight

Question 3: A. imposition B. enactment C. enforcement D. application

Question 4: A. other B. another C. the other D. others

Question 5: A. Nor B. So C. Or D. But

Passage 10:

There are many scary insects in this world, __________ (1) few of them are as scary and as venomous as the Asian
giant hornet. These fearsome creatures are common in Japan and Korea but are now moving across the Pacific
Ocean to the USA and Canada. The hornets kill around 40 people a year in Japan. They also destroy and wipe
out __________ (2) of honeybees. Authorities in Washington State on the west coast of the USA have warned
people to look out for the hornets, and beekeepers are now more and more worried about their beehives.

__________ (3) makes these hornets so scary are their size and appearance. They are 5 centimetres __________ (4)
length and are described as something out of a monster cartoon with this huge yellow-orange face."
Furthermore, their stings are extremely painful. The hornet's stinger is half a centimetre long and can get
through the protective clothing beekeepers wear. If you find one of these giant hornets flying towards you, run
away and hope that you don’t __________ (5) victim to these aggressive creatures.

(Adapted from

Question 1: A. or B. for C. so D. but

Question 2: A. societies B. colonies C. companies D. divisions

Question 3: A. What B. That C. Which D. Which

Question 4: A. of B. at C. in D. for

Question 5: A. come B. fall C. turn D. lay


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