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9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020

Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020

Choose the correct answer

1. 1. Which process causes wind?

Mark only one oval.

ocean currents
differences in elevation
condensation in the atmosphere
the uneven heating of Earth by the sun

2. 2. The effect of earth rotation on the pathway of the wind is called :

Mark only one oval.

Earth rotation
Coriolis Effect
Convection cell

3. 3. Which sequence shows the chain of energy transfers that create surface currents on the
Mark only one oval.

solar energy → wind energy → surface currents

wind energy → solar energy → surface currents
tidal energy → wind energy → surface currents
geothermal energy → wind energy → surface currents

4. 4. Which of the following would be the best model of surface ocean current
Mark only one oval.

A tank of water with block of ice attached to one end.

A tank of water with a fan blowing over the surface of water
A system of pipes with heater at one end.

5. 5. Which of these is the smallest particle to retain the properties of an element?

Mark only one oval.

An atom
A proton
A molecule
An electron 1/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020
6. 6. Sucrose is composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Which statement best describes
the properties of sucrose?
Mark only one oval.

They are exactly like the properties of carbon (C).

They are exactly like the properties of oxygen (O).
They are exactly like the properties of hydrogen (H).
They are different from the properties of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen

7. 7. A chemical reaction is shown below. What are the products in the equation?

Mark only one oval.

CO2 only
H2O only
CO2 and H 2 O
CH and O2

8. 8. Are plants and animals potentially renewable natural resources?

Mark only one oval.

yes, because plants and animals are resources that can be replaced at the same rate they are
used, if managed well
No, because it is not possible for humans to use plant and animal resources at a faster rate
than they can be replaced.
No, because plants and animals are inexhaustible resources
Yes, because we use plant resources at the same rate as we use animal resources

9. 9. Label the following properties as physical or chemical properties.

Check all that apply.

physical properties chemical properties

Thermal conductivity
Magnetic attraction
Melting point
Reactivity with oxygen 2/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020

10. 10. Here is a portion of the periodic table. Which two elements are most likely to have similar
physical properties?

Mark only one oval.

A. copper and zinc

B. copper and silver
C. cadmium and indium
D. gallium and cadmium

11. 11. What is the atomic mass of the element copper?

Mark only one oval.

A. 2
B. 29
C. 63
D. 107

12. 12. Classify the following as a type of potential energy or kinetic energy
Check all that apply.

Kinetic energy potential energy

The chemical bonds in sugar
Walking down the street
Sitting in the top of a tree
A bowling ball sitting on the rack 3/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020
13. 13. A scientist recorded the temperature and air pressure as he drove up a mountain.

Mark only one oval.

pressure will increase as you drive up the mountain.

pressure will decrease as you drive up the mountain.
pressure will not change as you drive up the mountain. 4/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020
14. 14. Which statement describe the movement of energy as water is heated ?

Mark only one oval.

a warm water cycles as heat energy transfers from cool water to to warm water over and over.
warm water rises and cool water sinks as heat energy transfers through convection currents.
warm water rises and cool water sinks as heat energy transfers through conduction .
warm water spreads out as heat energy transfers in waves as radiations. 5/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020
15. 15. Analyze the following climate graph. Identify the months with temperature above 30.

Mark only one oval.

June, August and July.

August and July.
December, August and July.

16. 16. The diagram shows cold and warm air mass. these two air masses collides. Which front
form from this collision?

Mark only one oval.

cold front
warm front
stationary front
occluded front 6/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020

17. 17. The diagram shows the relative amount of water on earth, What is the abundant source of
fresh water on earth?

Mark only one oval.

ice sheets and glaciers
ground water

18. 18. The images show the change in water volume after the addition of a rock. What’s the
volume of the rock in cm³?

Mark only one oval.

40 cm³
30 cm³
10 cm³
2 cm³ 7/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020

19. 19. your weight will change if you travel from earth to the moon , Explain?

Mark only one oval.

it will increase as the gravity of the moon will increase.

it will decrease as the gravity of the moon will increase.
it will decrease as the gravity of the moon will decrease.
weight will not change as we travel to the moon.

20. 20. Light from the sun and heat from the candle are not matter, explain why?
Mark only one oval.

they have mass and takes up space

they have mass only
they do not have mass or volume.
their shape is irregular.

21. 21. Use the following broadcast to predict which day have more chance of precipitation?

Mark only one oval.

Thursday as it has scattered thunderstorm.

Friday as a result of highest humidity.
Wednesday as it is sunny day. 8/9
9/30/2019 Grade 8 Diagnostic Test 2019-2020

22. 22. If student Add 50 ml of tap water to one beaker A. and Add 50 ml of boiling water to
another beaker B.Then,Add one vitamin C tablet to each beaker , Which question he is trying
to investigate?

Mark only one oval.

how water amount changes the reaction rate?

how temperature changes the reaction rate?
how vitamin c react with water?

23. 23. Ali investigate how light intensity affect the oxygen flow from the plant during
photosynthesis. What is the independent variable in his investigation?

Mark only one oval.

Carbon dioxide levels

light intensity
oxygen flow

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