(1964) Magnetostriction of Single Crystal Dy, GIG and DyIG

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Magnetostriction of SingleCrystal Dysprosium, Gadolinium Iron Garnet, and

Dysprosium Iron Garnet

A. E. Clark, B. F. DeSavage, and E. R. Callen

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 35, 1028 (1964); doi: 10.1063/1.1713363

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1713363
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Magnetostriction of Single-Crystal Dysprosium, Gadolinium Iron Gamet, and

Dysprosium Iron Gamet

U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland

The temperature and field dependences of the magnetostriction of dysprosium single crystals were meas-
ured from 78°K to room temperatures. In the paramagnetic region (T> 178°K), the six lowest-order
coefficients were measured and were found to vary as lf2. At lower temperatures, due to the large uniaxial
anisotropy, only the basal plane coefficient was measureable. The temperature and field dependences of
this coefficient are adequately represented by the single-ion magnetoelastic coupling theory and are given
as a function of the moment by X=8.7X1Q-31 6/2[,c-l(m)].
The temperature dependences of the magnetostriction coefficients of single-crystal GdIG and DyIG
were measured from 78° to 4OO0 K and found to be much larger and of opposite sign than that of YIG over
most of the temperature range. This is due to the larger magnetoelastic coupling coefficient of the rare-
earth ions. Among the several interesting features are: the observance of magnetostriction compensation
points, the sharp dip (and change of sign) of the apparent saturation magnetostriction at the magnetization
compensation points, and the reversal in sign of the forced magnetostriction.


E have previously applied the theory of magneto-
W elastic coupling to the magnetostriction of nickeF
and YIG.2 In this treatment the strain field was coupled
t:.l/l=Ao",O(f,,2+~,l) +Al",OU+Ao",2(h2+~1I2)
+Al",2U(U-t) +A'Y,2[HU-~,l) (!;X -!;1I2) +2~xMx!;lI]
to the spin operators of the individual ions. Such cou- +2A·,2(~x!;x+~1I!;1I)~z!;z, (2)
pling arises from the modulation with strain of a single
ion energy, such as the anisotropy energy. We now where Ei and !; i are direction cosines of the measure-
generalize the theory to include couplings of the strain ment and magnetization directions, respectively. We
field to bilinear combinations of spin operators of dif- have terminated the series at 1= 2. In this expression,
ferent ions, so as to represent the modulation with the first two terms are independent of the magnetiza-
strain of the isotropic and anisotropic exchange. This tion direction and arise from the dependence of the
generalization permits, among other terms, the descrip- isotropic exchange interaction on the fully symmetric
tion of the fully symmetric isotropic strain, whose tem- strains, a two-ion interaction. The remaining four
perature derivative is the magnetic thermal expansion terms depend upon !; i 2 and arise from a sum of both
coefficient. one- and two-ion interactions. For the classical internal
In this treatment, the magnetoelastic energy is field Hamiltonian we find for the single-ion contribu-
formed in the most general way by taking the direct tions: A(T)/A(O) =I!["c-l(m)], where Iz is a hyper-
product of the elastic strains Ei",i with symmetry tensor bolic Bessel function,I .,c-l the inverse Langevin func-
operators which depend upon the spin components of tion, and m the reduced moment. The two-ion terms,
one [H,..u,I(S,)] and of two [H •..u·I(S" Sg)] ions. In which depend upon spin correlation, are not properly
this way we write: treated by the internal field model, and are evaluated
by the constant-coupling and thermodynamic Green
Hme= - L [BifEl,iHl,I(S,)
function approximations in a forthcoming publication.
p.l.I ••
The field dependence of all six coefficients of single-
+LDifEi",iH,..u,I(S" Su)]. (1)
crystalS Dy were measured in the paramagnetic region
(T> 178°K) using standard strain gauge techniques,
Here I-' labels the irreducible representations, j the and were found to vary as H2, as expected thermody-
strain modes of the I-'th representation, i the basic namically whenever the magnetic susceptibility is inde-
functions of the I-'th representation, and I the degree pendent of H. Because of the magnetocrystalline an-
of the spin operators. The Bi,l" and Di,l" are one-ion isotropy at low temperatures the only magnetostriction
and two-ion temperature-independent, phenomenolog- constant amenable to measurement is the one repre-
ical magnetoelastic coupling coefficients. senting the distortion of the basal plane, A'Y,2. In Fig.
II. APPLICATION TO SINGLE-CRYSTAL DYSPROSIUM 1, we have plotted our results for A'Y,2 at a field of
13.5 kOe, a field sufficiently high to remove the anti-
Minimizing the free energy with respect to the strains ferromagnetic spiral configuration. 4 The solid line is
in the unpurturbed density matrix, we find for uniaxial

3 The dysprosium single crystal was kindly lent to us hy Dr.

1 E. R. Callen and H. B. Callen, Phys. Rev. 129, 578 (1963). S. Legvold and Dr. F. H. Spedding of Iowa State University.
2 E. Callen, A. Clark, B. DeSavage, W. Coleman, and H. Callen, 4 D. Behrendt, S. Legvold, and F. Spedding, Phys. Rev. 109,
Phys. Rev. 130, 1735 (1963). 1544 (1958).
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the magnetostriction calculated from the classical 130

single-ion theory with X(O) =8.7XlO-3• At low tem- '20

peratures, this curve reduces to the familiar m 3 law 110

10)'- -H'9,fOOI
(the dotted line) and in the paramagnetic region to '00
GdtG ~::~,7:"=~:::==
3m2jS. (The moment and susceptibility data were 90
(d)"m ---H"7.61101
taken from the curves of Behrendt, Legvold, and 0,16
Spedding. 4) The good fit to X'Y· 2, which spans over ~
three decades suggests that the basal plane magneto- x 60

striction of Dy arises from a single-ion energy. When-
ever this is the case, the low-temperature magnetostric-
tion can be predicted from knowledge of the field
dependent magnetostriction far above the Curie point.


To apply the theory to Neel ferromagnets we assume,
as in YIG, that the magnetoelastic Hamiltonian c.an
FIG. 2. Temperature dependences of the magnetostriction of
be written as a sum of one-ion terms 2 for each sublattIce GdIG and DyIG.
and two-ion terms as in Eq. 1. Defining the magneto-
striction constants of these cubic crystals in the usual coefficient and dominates the magnetostriction at low
way, the one-ion contributions to the magnetostri~tion temperatures. However, at higher temperatures the
constants, XlOO and Xm, in the internal field apprOXIma- small exchange coupling of the rare-earth sublattice
tion are given by: X(T)jX(O) = LnB(n)It[£-l(mn)], causes a great reduction of the magnetization, and
where the summation is over the magnetic sublattices. hence of the magnetostriction of this sublattice. Con-
In Fig. 2 we plot the temperature dependences of sequently the still-saturated iron sublattices control
these coefficients for single crystal GdIG and DyIG, the magnetostriction. Also seen are the sharp dips in
grown by Cunningham (of this laboratory) using 99.9% the apparent magnetostriction recorded at the mag-
pure rare-earth oxides. Unfortunately, the largest fields netization compensation points." At these points the
available were not sufficient to rotate the DyIG mo- ferrite behaves like an antiferromagnet and the sub-
ment below ""lS0oK. However, these curves have lattice magnetizations are not rotated by external
several interesting characteristics. fields less than (2HJIa) I. With larger fields, the sub-
Note first the presence of magnetostriction compen- lattice magnetizations rotate perpendicular to the field
sation points in GdIG, as predicted in Ref. 2. T~e and the magnetostriction changes sign.
rare earth ion, therefore, has a large, magnetoeiastic Note also the strong field dependence of the mag-
coupling coefficient of opposite sign from the net iron netostriction in GdIG at temperatures such that kT':::::..
P.Hint, where Hint is the exchange field on the rare
earth ion. At these temperatures the rare earth sus-
ceptibility is large.
\ "(OlJ 512 [.;t-'(mlj Lastly, we observed a reversal in sign of the fon~ed
\\ magnetostriction at the magnetization compensatIOn
\ points. This is in contrast to the satura~ion magne~o­
striction, which maintains the same SIgn. In gomg
through a compensation point, all sublattice m~g­
>.(Olm" "\ \
netizations flop over in the external field. If a subiattice
magnetization is increased by the external field on one
\ side of the compensation point, it is reduced by the
\ , field on the other. Since the magnetostriction of each
" sublattice depends upon its magnetization, the effect
100 200 300
of the field on the forced magnetostriction reverses.

FIG. 1. The magnetostriction constant X~·2 of dysprosium

metal as a function of temperature. 6 D. F. Bleil and A. R. Butz, Phys. Rev. 94, 1440 (1954).

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