LAS 1 Contemporary Week 1

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LAS Template

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region v


Name of the Student: _____________________________________ Date:


Art plays a significant part in the rich cultural identity of the Philippines. It mirrors the
Filipino People, its history, its tradition and the country as a whole. Diverse art forms in the
different parts of the archipelago, when integrated, will give a clear picture of what kind of
country the Philippines is and what kind of people the Filipinos are. These art forms developed
from the early times continue to evolved up to the present. From the ethnic tradition, it continues
to progress to contemporary art tradition.
As a Filipino, one should have the knowledge of the different forms of art in the
Philippines to fully grasp its identity as a nation and to completely embrace oneself as a citizen
of the country.
This learning activity sheets will help the students to understand and appreciate the
Philippine Art specially of the Contemporary Philippine Art.


After going through the learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
Demonstrate appreciation of contemporary arts forms, found in the various regions by
understanding the elements of the principles CAR11/121AC-Oa-1


Activity 1- Pre-Activity
Answer the following with E f it belongs to Ethnic Tradition S if it belongs to Spanish
and A if it is an American Colonial Contemporary Traditions.

1. Filipinos develop choreographies by mimicking movements of animals.

2. Technological innovations affected art resulting to non-conventional artworks.
3. Zarzuelas and operas became popular during this period.
4. The geographical location and experiences of the Filipinos were the main factors in
art production.
5. Avant Garde artwork entered in the scene.


Fine Arts- creative arts especially visual arts whose products are to beappreciated
primarily or solely for their Imaginative , aesthetics or intellectualcontent. Historically, the five
(5) main fine arts were Paintings, Sculpture, architecture, music and poetry with performing arts
including theater and dance in practice, outside education the concept typicallyapplied to the
visual arts.

Words to know/Definition

Contemporary art- refers to the recent and current practices and methodologies.
Visual Arts – pottery, weaving, wood carving and metal crafting are the most dominant
art during the American period.
ARCHITECTURE- early Filipinos used local materials such as anahaw bamboos,
cogon, cane, rattan and other light materials in constructing structures since these were the
accessible materials in their area.
FOLK LITERATURE- came in the form of folk speeches, songs and narratives which
verbalized their experiences.
Theater Arts- tribal presentation and rituals were the early theatrical performance
depicting their beliefs. In music, our ancestors also have their indigenous musical instruments
like the bamboo flutes and brass gongs.
Modern Art- refers to the practice of art in 1860s-1960s

Let’s Start with our discussion

The development of Philippine Art comes in three major traditions. These are the Ethnic
Tradition, Spanish Colonial Tradition and the American Colonial and Contemporary Traditions.
Before Colonization, the Philippines already has its indigenous art. The ethnic art forms are
primarily influenced by the geographical locations and the experiences of the Filipinos. Like for
instance, the dances in the country during the pre-colonial times vary depending on the area
where our ancestors thrive. In the highlands, dance steps were imitations of the movement of
certain animals like birds while the choreography of the Filipinos near the sea were mimic of the
movement of the fishes. In visual Arts, POTTERY, WEAVING WOOD CARVING AND
METAL CRAFTING were dominant during the pre-colonial period using the available
materials. The early Filipinos also used local materials such as anahaw, bamboo, cogon, cane
rattan and other light materials in constructing structures since these were the materials available
and accessible in their area.

When the Spaniards came to the Philippines and tend to replace the Philippine
indigenous Arts with Western art forms, Religion and secularization greatly influenced the art in
the Philippines under the Spanish Regime. Christianity and maintaining the power of the
colonizer, however in the field of literature; literary arts are classified into –
1. Religious and 2. Secular prose AND POETRY.

secular and religious plays like the komedya
In choreography religious dances commonly performed to venerate patron and saints
Fandango, Valse, Polka and Minuet dances are secular dances performed in social

the Spaniards introduced the piano and other Western Instruments.
Bands and Zarzuelas operas became prevalent. In visual Arts Spaniards introduced painting and
sculpture which mostly depicted religious matters.
Stones and bricks were predominantly Spanish influence which is evident in architecture.
Western Spanish influence like interior and exterior of the buildings. However, it not purely
influenced by the western influence but by mix of western indigenous art. Filipino remains their
piece of art. After 300 years American took over which brought many changes in politics,
economy education and culture of the Philippines. It resulted of migration of Filipinos abroad to
study. Some studied under the tutelage of the American educator others learned from
observation and personal experiences. These who studied abroad came back carrying the concept
of modern art. The urbanization, consumerism rise of middle class change in the political system,
secularization and the emergence of new technology affected the way of art making in that
period. New forms of expression came. Contemporary arts continuously develop. It mirrors the
society and culture of present times.


In the American period, education was introduced in the Philippines. There were some
Filipinos who studied abroad and influenced the art making in the country. Juan Arellano,
Diosdado Lorenzo, and Victorio Edades were among those who studied outside the Philippines.
These three went back and introduced the concept of modern art in the country.
Victorio introduced the modern visual art through his art exhibition which amazed many Filipino
audience due to his different style in painting. Instead of using usual bright and happy colors, he
used dull and dark hues in his work with the life of the laborer’s, workers and lower sector of the
society as his subject. Through the years different artist became popular and visual art trends
emerged. There were stylistic art and drawings and thematic artworks reflecting historical, social
and political themes


Napoleon Abueva became famous for his modern art. Abueva combined different
materials like variety of woods, metal and stones to produce unique sculpture. Other sculpture
joined him producing creative works using plastics, jade, brass and other materials. During this
period reflects dynamism, freedom of expression and concern to the masses. Innovations in
painting increases. There are even those who explore the use of glass. These significant
development of the modern and contemporary art in the Philippines shows how creative
innovative and free thinkers the Filipinos are.


The bond between the Philippines and the American even after the declaration of the
Independence Day in 1964. In the field of poetry, during the contemporary period, publication of
young poets to campus journal emerged. The BAGAY MOVEMENT ALSO TOOK THE
SCENE. It’s a kind of poetry which uses colloquial language and built on concrete images which
tends to describe experiences. In the succeeding poems developed by Filipinos poets, the
influence of Amado Hernandez was evident. These kinds of poetry were followed by poems
containing social issues. The rise of nationalistic poetry discussing poverty, in equality, political
turmoil and other social problems started during the Marcos era.
Short story writer produced more social conscious fiction during the 1970’s. It depicts the lives
of the working class

During the early American The Philippine period, the music of the country are mostly
classical due to the influence of the European. It was in the 1960’s that Avant-Garde music
emerged. The Philippine music at the time evolved into a combination of classical and traditional
or ethnic music. Upon the introduction of radio, film and other entertainment technology, the
theater music that once flourished gradually declined, however the rondallas or the string bands
remain even up to the present.
Americans also introduced the bodabil show or stage show. However, in the American period the
bodabil was not a form of stage play since it was composed mainly of songs, dances and skits. It
was during the Japanese period that the bodabil included short melodrama.
Western culture greatly influenced theater production. Because of the exposure to different
theatrical styles and dramatic theories, the Filipinos were able to expand their horizon and create
stage plays that reflect Philippine realities and set-us. Those Filipinos in the field of theater
started to experiment on traditional theater forms like zarzuela, komedya, and sinakulo. Included
in the directors who significantly contributed in the progress of the Philippine theater are the
National Artist Lamberto Avellana, Severino Montano, and Wilfredo Ma. Guererro. There are
other forms of theater art that emerged like the dula-dula. This is a short drama poem. Musical
with contemporary themes, dance dramas employing ethnic music and choreography, plays
mixing realistic and non-realistic styles and traditional drama.


During the first years of the American period vaudeville or bodabil dancing became
popular. This is a kind of stage show introduced by the Americans. Dances like buck-and Wing,
tap dancing, clog, skirt dancing were among the dances being performed in the show. European
classical entered the scene.
There were ballet dance group from other countries who went to the Philippines to
perform. Other became instructors AND TAUGHT Filipinas like Remedios de Oteyza and

Leonor Orosa.There were dance group that developed Filipino adaptations of European and
American dances like the valse, rigodon, polka, fandango and jota.
Today, the mentioned dance forms are still alive in in the contemporary setting. People in
the regions still performs traditional and folk dances especially in fiestas and festivals like the
Sinulog, , maskara, Ati-atihan, Sayaw sa Obando, kadayawan and many other festivals. Ballet
still exist. Modern also continues to live with more techniques and innovation.


The Philippine architecture adopted the modern Western architectural style while the
physical and socio-cultural situation of the country. It was characterized as simple, rational and
functional. Juan Arellano, Carlos Barreto and Antonio Toledo introduced the neoclassic style in
building structures. They tend to revive the classic architure. One of the structures built during
this period was the Metro Politan Theater. It was also in the early 20 th century when the tsalet
developed. It is a type of house on stilts with a front porch made of wood and concrete.
It was after the World War 2 when the architecture in the country departed from the
native tradition. Real State development started to take place and two-story houses were
introduced. Filipino houses were Americanized Urban housing, multi-story tenement and
government housing emerged due to increasing population and decreasing land availability.
Starting from Marcos era, there had been construction of expressways, conventions centers,
hospitals, hotels, malls, high-rise building, amusements centers and etc. All these comes with
technological advancement like escalators, elevators, air conditioning system, computers etc.
Residential houses, churches, public markets, business space tends to imitate the architectural
style in the urban. Eco-cultural tourism was introduced. Theme parks and resorts were developed
in tourist spots like Palawan, Davao, Bohol, Batangas etc. Given cultural heritage preservation,
heritage towns like Vigan, Intramuros, Dapitan were given attention.

The film industry in the Philippines started in 1897. Swiss entrepreneurs were the first to
feature film show in Manila. The film became popular when foreigner Edward Gross and
HARRY Brown produced the film about the life of Dr. Jose Rizal. Jose Nepomuceno the first
Filipino who produced film and is tagged as the Father of Philippine Movies. His Work intitled
DALAGANG_ BUKID. There were film adaptation of the works of Francisco Baltazar’s
Florante at Laura and Jose Rizal’s Florante at Laura and Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Other literary sources like novels and folklores inspired film making. And due to this boost of
the film in the Philippines, film companies were stablished like the Philippine Films, Parlatone
Hispano-Filipino, Excelior Picture, Sampaguita Pictures Inc. LVN Pictures and X’otic Films
This is why actors and actresses increased. The government regulated filmmaking. Censorship
was also established known as BOARD OF CENSORSHIP MOTION PICTURE (bcmp)Lino
Brocka, Celso Ad Castillo and Ishmael Bernal were the three famous directors during this period
In the contemporary period, Philippine film revolved around a variety of subjects and themes
like martyr life, superhero, action, melodramas, comedies etc. are among the art forms, the film
has the largest audience. In the regional setting through CCP’s Coordinating Center for film
training courses had been established. These are the contemporary Art Form found from the
region of the Philippine Archipelago.

A. Let Us Practice
Identify what statements are referring to and choose your answer from the given option.
Spanish Tradition, Ethnic Tradition, American Tradition:

1. Religion and secularization influenced all forms.

2. Pottery weaving, wood carving and metal crafting are the forms of visual arts.
3. Painting and sculpture were the most popular in this period,
4. Filipinos studied abroad and later on introduced new ideas in art making.
5. Bricks and stones were predominantly used in constructing buildings.

Let Us Remember:

B. Art Appreciation: Write true or False

1. The piano is 1 of the instruments that Spaniards introduced in the field of Philippine
2. Folk songs speeches and narratives were the forms of literature in the Spanish era
with religious and secular contents.
3. Modern Art is totally the same with Contemporary Arts since modern and
contemporary are synonymous to each other.
4. Valse, Fandango, polka and minuet are examples of theatrical performances in the
Spanish Period.
5. Before colonization, the Philippines has its indigenous art already.


1. Can you now describe the characteristics of different contemporary art form?
2. Enumerate now the regional initiatives in preserving and promoting contemporary


Create a collage regarding Philippine ancient times folklore, dances and operas: at least 3
to 5 picture each, pottery and weaving


Rubric for 2 Essays:

(5 pts.) (1-2 PTS )
1. Contains clear and 1. Essay establishes a purpose 1, Essay fails to fulfill the
specific strong sense but is inconsistent in requirement but it’s still a
of purpose developing it complete essay.
demonstrating that the 2. Argument is made with 2. . ideas are not articulated
author has read and some insight and creativity. and far from focused.
thought about the text 3.Argument is made with 3. Source materials is
carefully. some insight and creativity. irrelevant to the topic.
2. Analysis doesn’t stop at 4, Essay lack appropriate
summary but introduces citation.
additional ideas.
3. Perspective or concept,
source material is relevant
and has been integrated into
the body of the essay.



1. Consistent use of proper academic 1. Shows no awareness of reader’s need

documentation. or expectation.
2. It is supported with strong relevant 2. Ideas are not clearly introduced
evidence. 3. Lack a sense of progression.
3. Shows creativity and very significant 4. Very little analysis of insights.
appropriate thought conclusion and
clear direction.
4. Uses Varied structure and innovative
or invented.
5. Ideas are sufficiently elaborated


Pre-Activity Art of Appreciation

1, E- ethnic 1. True
2. A- Americans 2. False
3. S- Spaniards 3. True
4. E-Ethnic 4. True
5. A-Americans 5. True



By: Luzviminda D. Sandagan
Ayesha H. Sayseng

• Teaching Guide for Senior High School Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Quezon City: CHED.
• Learning Activity Sheet in Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions in Context Grade 12. DepEd Regional Office No. 02
(Cagayan Valley).
• Ayesha H. Sayseng, Luzviminda D. Sandagan (2016). Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region Textbook Manila Philippines: /JFS
Publishing Service Pasay City Philippines pp.3-28
• Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions /Ayesha Sayseng and Luzviminda D. Sandagan 1 st Ed. ISBN 978-621415-012-0
• Philippine Arts from the Regions
• -whiteleys-class/links/contemporary Arts-links/recipe-project

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