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What would I do to ensure that the Universal Declaration

of Human Rights is applied around the world?

Healy Morelia Arreola García

Colegio Real de Qurenda


Jennifer Anahi Gómez

Good morning classmates, teachers, qualifying jury and general public, today I’m going
to talk about an important topic, call: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
what we can do to ensure it is applied around the world.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly in 1948, is one of the most important and influential documents in history. It
states that everyone is entitled to basic rights and freedoms, such as freedom of
speech, religion, and assembly, as well as the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

However, despite the fact that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been
supported by virtually every nation in the world, it is not always applied in practice. We
see countless instances of human rights violations occurring in countries around the
world, from government censorship and the suppression of free speech, extrajudicial
killings, and other abuses.

So, what can we do to ensure that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is applied
around the world?

Firstly, it’s needed to raise awareness. Many people around the world are not even
aware of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, let alone the rights it enshrines.
We need to educate people about these rights and the importance of protecting them.
This can be done through schools, universities, and other educational institutions, as
well as through social media, online campaigns, and other forms of outreach.

Secondly: Need to hold governments accountable. When governments violate human

rights, they must be held accountable. This means ensuring that international
institutions such as the United Nations, have the resources and authority necessary to
investigate and prosecute human rights abuses. It also means pressuring governments
to respect human rights through peaceful protests, public advocacy, and other forms of

Thirdly: Need to support organizations that are working to promote and protect human
rights. There are many non-governmental organizations around the world that are doing
important work in this area, from Amnesty International to Human Rights Watch. These
organizations need our support, whether through donations, volunteering, or simply
spreading the word about their work.
In conclusion, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a critical document that
enshrines basic rights and freedoms for all people. However, it is not always applied in
practice, and we must do more to ensure that these rights are protected around the
world. By raising awareness, holding governments accountable, and supporting
organizations that are working to promote human rights, we can make a difference and
create a brighter future for all.
Thank you.

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