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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

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Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Remedial Field-Oriented Control of Five-Phase

Fault-Tolerant Permanent-Magnet Motor by
Using Reduced-Order Transformation Matrices
Huawei Zhou, Member, IEEE, Wenxiang Zhao, Senior Member, IEEE,
Guohai Liu, Senior Member, IEEE, Ran Cheng, and Ying Xie

 Among all types of faults, open-circuit faults in motor phases

Abstract—Five-phase fault-tolerant permanent-magnet and inverter semiconductor switches are the most common [3].
(FTPM) motor can offer high torque density, low torque When open-circuit fault occurs, the unbalanced currents
ripple and good fault-tolerant capability. In order to generate vibrations causing eventual breakdown of the drive. In
improve operation performance under open-circuit fault
condition, this paper proposes a new remedial
order to meet the requirement of high reliability applications,
field-oriented control (RFOC) strategy for a five-phase extensive research has been reported on fault-tolerant operation
FTPM motor. The novelty of the proposed RFOC strategy of three-phase motors [4]-[7] and dual three-phase motors
lies in the orthogonal reduced-order transformation matrix, [8]-[11]. Compared with three-phase ones, multiphase motor
which is derived from the fault-tolerant current references, drives offer more degrees of freedom, which can be used for
and a new zero-sequence current related to torque ripple. fault-tolerant operation. The remaining healthy phases in a
The pulsation of the neutral voltage can be neglected in the
RFOC strategy, having no effect on the control action. Also,
multiphase motor with fault-tolerant control (FTC) strategy can
the effect of the open-circuit fault on the motor drive model be used for compensation, and then the motor can continue
under the transformation matrix is discussed. A five-phase operating under fault condition without requiring any
FTPM motor drive is prototyped and the proposed RFOC additional hardware [3].
strategy is evaluated in terms of the steady-state and Therefore, many FTC strategies have been proposed for
dynamic performances. The simulated and experimental multiphase motors. In order to improve the average torque
results are given to verify the proposed strategy.
while reducing torque pulsations, an optimal current reference
Index Terms—Fault-tolerant operation, remedial approach was proposed for a five-phase PM motor, which is
field-oriented control (RFOC), transformation matrix, based on mirror symmetry of remaining healthy phase currents
five-phase fault-tolerant permanent-magnet (FTPM) motor, [12]. According to back electromotive forces (EMFs), a general
open-circuit fault. closed-form solution for phase current references under
steady-state fault based on the instantaneous power balance
theory was proposed for ripple-free torque with minimum
I. INTRODUCTION ohmic loss [13], [14].

A T present, the development of electric vehicles has

attracted much more attention. Motors and drive systems
are one of crucial components for electric vehicles. Owning to
To complete the tracking control of the current references, a
simple choice is to perform the current control in natural
references frame using the hysteresis current-regulated control
the advantages of high power density and high efficiency, strategy. However, it inevitably results in random switching
permanent-magnet (PM) motors are favored to electric vehicles frequency, thus increasing switching loss, many sub-harmonics,
[1]. However, the reliability of motor drives is of paramount relatively high torque ripple and electromagnetic interference
importance for electric vehicles desiring continued operation emission [15]. The field-oriented control (FOC) has been
under fault condition [2]. widely used in high performance motor drives. It can not only
solve the above-mentioned problems, but also obtain good
Manuscript received January 30, 2016; revised April 16, 2015, June 7, dynamic torque performance. To realize the FOC operation in a
2016 and July 6, 2016; accepted July 11, 2016. This work was multiphase motor, the concept of vector space decomposition is
supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China favorable. It is performed by using conventional decoupling
(Projects 51407086 and 51422702), by the China Postdoctoral Science
Foundation (2014M561584), by the Jiangsu Planned Projects for transformation, in healthy condition. When an open-circuit
Postdoctoral Research Funds (1402092C), by the Priority Academic fault occurs, to retain the FOC operation, the vector space
Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. decomposition can be implemented mainly in three manners.
W. Zhou, W. Zhao, G. Liu, and R. Cheng are with the School of
Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, also with The first option is to remain the normal decoupling
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Drive and Intelligent Control for Electric transformation matrices [16]-[20]. It leads to the same voltage
Vehicle, Zhenjiang, 212013, China. (Corresponding author: Wenxiang and torque equations as in healthy condition, and then the
Y. Xie is with Delta Electronic, Shanghai, 201209, China.
structure of the controller has not to be changed when fault

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


occurs. Therefore, the trajectory of current in stationary frame the proposed RFOC system is conceptually clear and easy to
(α-β) is circular, and it ensures proper post-fault current realize. The paper is organized as follows. The FTPM motor
tracking. Nevertheless, the reference currents in the will be briefly presented in Section II. In Section III, the new
zero-sequence subspace have to be changed, and the current transformation matrix will be deduced and the realization of the
references contributed null torque are associated with the RFOC strategy will be analyzed and discussed in detail. In
references produced torque, thus, the currents are no longer Section IV, the simulation and experimental results will be
independent as healthy operation [16]-[19]. Due to the given to verify the proposed RFOC strategy. Finally, the
pulsation nature of the zero-sequence currents and the neutral conclusions will be summarized in Section V.
voltage, and conventional PI controllers with limited
bandwidth, the current controllers in the zero-sequence II. MOTOR TOPOLOGY AND CONTROL
subspace have to be reconfigured. For example, dual PI Fig. 1 shows a 20-slot/22-pole five-phase FTPM motor, in
controllers are usually employed to track the references and which single-layer concentrated windings and fault-tolerant
compensate the disturbance generated by the pulsation of the teeth are designed to offer fault tolerance [25]. In order to
neutral voltage. Additionally, for the six-phase segment PM enlarge the slot area, the unequal teeth widths are incorporated.
synchronous motor with fault-tolerant method in [20], the The V-shape PMs are embedded into the outer rotor. The
amplitudes of the currents in the remaining phases are different. dovetailed slot has been adopted to enhance the mechanical
So, the controller should be reconfigured minimally, such as the robustness. The stator winding for the symmetrical five phase
correction of the currents. Also, a proper combination of the motor is connected with a single neutral point. The value of
controller output signals should be introduced. The second self-inductance is nearly constant. The maximum value of
option is the introduction of the orthogonal reduced-order mutual inductance is only 2.79% of that of the self-inductance.
transformation matrices [21]-[23]. The number of the Therefore, the mutual inductance and reluctance effects, and
current/voltage components is equal to the number of the associated effects can be negligible. The main flux lines per coil
remaining degrees of freedom for induction motor and PM only pass through the armature tooth, air gap, PM and the
machine with sinusoidal back-EMFs. However, the method fault-tolerant tooth, which are around the coil. There is
results in asymmetrical model, non-constant model parameters insignificant flux linked with other coils, so the coupling of
and ellipsoidal α-β currents. To overcome the influence of the phases can be ignored.
asymmetrical stator winding structure on torque pulsating and The drive system includes a five-phase voltage source
make the FOC technique applicable, an additional unbalanced inverter fed by a DC source. Assuming that the back-EMFs of
stationary to synchronous rotating frame (d-q) transformation the FTPM motor are sinusoidal, the components, which
matrix was developed [22]. The third option is the use of the contribute to the electromechanical energy conversion, are
non-orthogonal reduced-order transformation matrix [18], [23], mapped in α-β. Meanwhile, the components, which have no
[24]. It leads to the same pre-fault motor model as the full-order contribution to the torque produce, are distributed into the
case and circular α-β currents. The model-based predictive zero-sequence subspace. The zero-sequence subspace is
controller with minimum derating strategy was used. The defined as the subspace which is orthogonal to the subspace
post-fault transient performance is similar to the healthy produced torque. FOC strategy for the FTPM motor is shown in
transient performance. However, the leg-to-phase voltage Fig. 2. Defining γ=0.4π, the Clarke transformation matrix [15],
calculation needs to be modified based on the neutral voltage which transforms the phase variables into α-β and the
pulsation. So, the zero-sequence current references and their zero-sequence subspace, can be expressed as
weight have to be changed, and the phase currents contain
significant harmonics [18]. Although [16]-[20] and [24] 1 cos  cos 2 cos 3 cos 4 
provide the same model as healthy condition, their torque 0 sin  sin 2 sin 3 sin 4 
equation during fault only depends on the d-q currents. 2
Tpre   1 cos 3 cos 6 cos 9 cos12  (1)
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new remedial FOC 5 
(RFOC) strategy based on a newly derived transformation  0 sin 3 sin 6 sin 9 sin12 
matrix for a five-phase FTPM motor. The novelty is to derive  0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 
the orthogonal reduced-order transformation matrix based on
the fault-tolerant current references. The reconfiguration of the
controller is minimal, only the transformation matrices should
be undertaken after a fault is detected. A new zero-sequence
current is related to the torque, but it can be controlled to zero
by the conventional PI controller. Thus, it can minimize torque
ripple and current THD, and have no affection on the ability of
torque producing. Compared with the previous works [16]-[24],
the proposed orthogonal reduced-order transformation matrix
can reduce the design complexity. In addition, the pulsation of
the neutral voltage can be neglected in the proposed RFOC (a)
strategy, which has no effect on the control action. Therefore,

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics




A. Orthogonal Reduced-Orrder Transform rmation Matriices

The fault-toleraant capability of a motor drrive means thaat the
drivve system cann continue opperation in saatisfactory maanner
undder fault condittion. When thee FTPM motorr drive is with fault,
the currents in thee remaining hhealthy phases can be continnued,
due to its indepeendence of phases. Assuminng an open-ciircuit
faullt occurrence iin phase-A, thhe remaining four
f healthy pphase
currrents can be controlled too produce undisturbed rotaating
Fault-tolerantt Coil1 Coil22
tooth MMMFs, thus provviding the desired torque. Thhe resultant MMMFs
can be expressed as
MMF   MMFi  aN
NiB  a 2 NiC  a 3 NiD  a 4 NiE (4)
tooth iB

According to the mirror sym mmetry principple with respeect to
the axis of the fauulty phase [122], and the sinnusoidal waveform
of thhe back-EMFss, the currentss in the healthyy phases shoulld be
(c) sinuusoidal, and tthey are interr-related based on their sppatial
g. 1. FTPM mo otor. (a) Cross-section. (b) Pro
ototype. (c) Rate
ed-load sym
mmetry about the fault phaase-A. Hencee, in fault-toleerant
maagnetic field disttributions. operation, the phhase-A currennt is null, annd the currentts of
Udc heallthy phases caan be defined aas
id*  0 ud* u *A
+- PI dq xy
u *B PW
WM i iB  I1 cos   1 
uq* Back- * 

ix*  0
* EMF C*
u iC FTP
iC  I 2 cos    2 
+ PI u x comp. u D* iD mottor  (5)
i*y  0 - u *y ABCDE
uE iE iD  I 2 cos    2 
id i  I1 cos   1 

iq dq xy E
iy Thee stator windiing of the FTPM motor is star-connected,
 having no neutral point line, so the phase currrents should saatisfy
g. 2. Control blo
ock diagram of m
motor drive unde
er healthy condition. the following connstraints:

According too Fig. 2, by taking θ as the electrical angle iB  iC  iD  iE  0 (6)

beetween d-axis and A-axis, and using (1)) and (2), the phase
In oorder to maxiimize the torqque productioon at fault-toleerant
cuurrents of the FTPM motorr during healthhy operation can
c be
operation, the reemaining heallthy phase cuurrents have to be
caalculated as
reguulated by appllying the consstraint of the equal magnituudes,
i A   1 0  nam
i  
 B   cos  ssin   I1  I 2  I (7)
cos   sin   id 
iC   cos 2 siin 2     (2)
     sin  cos   iq*  It iss worth notinng that a distturbance-free operation cann be
iD   cos 3 siin 3  achiieved if the MMMFs, produceed by the phase windings, doo not
i  cos 4 siin 4 
E  channge in both heealthy and faultt conditions. T
Therefore, by uusing
(2)--(7), it can be derived
d as [155]:
whhere iA, iB, iC, iD, iE are the pphase currents,, and id and iq are
a the
staator currents inn d-q.  iB   cos 0.5 siin 0.5 
The total stattor rotating maagnetomotive forces (MMF Fs) can i   cos 2 ssin 2  cos   sin   id* 
I s   C   1.3822    (8)
ssin 3   sin  cos    iq* 
bee expressed as iD   cos 3
   
cos 4.5 siin 4.5 
MMF   MMFi  iE 
i A (3)
Itt can be notedd from (2) andd (8) that the amplitudes of the
 NiA  aNiB  a NiC  a N
NiD  a NiE
2 3 4
heallthy phase currrents enlargee to 1.382 timees at fault-toleerant
whhere a=cosγ+jjsinγ. operation, and thee phasors of phhase-C and phase-D remain their
origginal places. M
Meanwhile, the phasor angles of phase-B B and
phase-E shift 0.2π π, and phase-A A phasor disapppears. Hencee, the
currrent phasors unnder fault-toleerant conditionn are different from

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


that under healthy condition. The use of the normal decoupling the generalized zero-sequence current references, thus the
transformation matrices results in coupling currents [23]. fault-tolerant FOC strategy can be easily realized.
Therefore, in order to realize FOC in the fault-tolerant
B. Synchronous Rotating Frame Motor Model
operation, the transformation matrices have to be redefined.
When an open-circuit fault occurs, the corresponding phase When the FTPM motor is with an open-circuit fault, it is
current becomes zero. Then, the FTPM motor loses one degree physically the same as that under healthy condition. The phase
of freedom, and it remains only three degrees of freedom. Two inductances can be considered unaffected. Also, its
degrees of freedom can be distributed into one subspace instantaneous five-phase PM flux-linkages remain unchanged,
defined as αfa-βfa and the last one into another subspace defined and then its five-phase back-EMFs are invariable. Since the
as z. The two subspaces must be perpendicular. Also, the two harmonic components can be neglected, the five-phase
orthonormal basis T1 and T2 in αfa-βfa subspace and the basis Z1 back-EMFs can be defined as
in z subspace should be orthogonal to each other. The variable  sin  
 eA 
in z subspace is defined as the generalized zero-sequence e   sin    
variable.  B   
The αfa-βfa subspace represents the energy conversion E s   eC   m sin   2   (13)
   
property of the FTPM under open-circuit fault. Therefore, eD   sin   3  
according to (8), the two orthonormal basis T1 and T2 in αfa-βfa  eE  sin   4  
can be selected as  
Where λm is the amplitude of PM flux-linkage.
T1   cos 0.5 cos 2 cos 3 cos 4.5 
 (9) The five-phase back-EMF phasors in the space remain
T2  sin 0.5 sin 2 sin 3 sin 4.5  invariable during fault condition, then the back-EMFs, by using
(11) to transform into αfa-βfa, have unequal magnitudes.
The z subspace presents null electromechanical energy However, they cannot be used to evaluate the torque
conversion subspace, therefore, the generalized zero-sequence potentialities. To introduce the FOC strategy into fault-tolerant
current iz, which is the projection of (8) in the z subspace, has to operation, the FTPM motor model should be rewritten as
be zero. Thus, the basis Z1 has to be satisfied as
 diB
T1 Z1T  T2 Z1T  0 uBe  uB  eB  RiB  Ls
 (10) dt

 Z1 I s  0 u diC
 Ce  uC  eC  RiC  Ls
The production of the transformation matrix and its inverse dt
 (14)
matrix should be an identity matrix, and the sum of the u di
 uD  eD  RiD  Ls D
remaining healthy phase currents is equal to zero. Thus,  De dt
according to (6)-(10), the orthogonal reduced-order  diE
uEe  uE  eE  RiE  Ls
transformation matrix can be derived as  dt
 cos 0.5 cos 2 cos 3 cos 4.5  The iz does not have to be transformed into dfa-qfa, so the Park
 3.618 3.618 3.618 3.618  transformation matrix is defined as
 
 sin 0.5 sin 2 sin 3 sin 4.5 
 cos  sin  0 0
Tpost   1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91  (11)   sin 
  cos  0 0 
 sin  sin 4 sin 6 sin 9  Cpost  (15)
 5 5 5 5   0 0 1 0
 1  
 1 1 1   0 0 0 1

And then, the inverse transformation matrix is By using the transformation matrices (11) and (15) to transform
(14) into dfa-qfa, the FTPM motor model under phase-A
 cos 0.5 sin 0.5 sin  0.181 open-circuit fault can be expressed as
 cos 2 sin 2 sin 4 0.181
Tpost  1.382  (12)  didfa
 cos 3 sin 3 sin 6 0.181 udfa  idfa R  Ls dt   Ls iqfa
  
 cos 4.5 sin 4.5 sin 9 0.181
 diqfa
uqfa  iqfa R  Ls   Ls idfa
Therefore, the proposed method is different from the  dt (16)
previous published works [16]-[24], in which the post-fault  di
current references and the reduced order transformation matrix u z  iz R  Ls z
 dt
have been determined, respectively. The proposed method u0  0
simplifies the matching design of the transformation matrix and
the post-fault current references. Also, it needs no solution to By employing the traditional derivative calculation of the

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


magnetic co-energy with respect to rotor position [6], and using 30

(11)-(13) and (15), when the FTPM motor operates in 20 Fault occurrence e
eq e qfa
fault-tolerant condition, the torque can be expressed as 10 d

Te  2.5 pm iqfa  0.955 pm iz cos  (17) -10 ez e0
0 0.02
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
It can be noted from (17) that the torque contains ripple Time (s)
component, which is relative to iz and θ. To ensure ripple-free Fig. 3. Back-EMFs in the synchronous rotating frame.
torque operation when an open-circuit fault occurs, iz has to be Once phase-A fault is detected, the power switches in the
controlled to zero. It does not mean that for a given torque the leg-A are turned off, then, no voltage is imposed from leg-A
copper losses are minimized. into phase-A. Considering that the leg-to-phase voltage
During the derivation of toque, it can be noted that ( Tpost )T is relationship can be obtained in the terms of the neutral voltage
1 T
used to transform back-EMFs into dfa-qfa, but ( Tpost ) is not uNO, and according to [24], [27], the phase voltage can be
equal to Tpost. This is different from the traditional calculated in the terms of the inverter leg voltages by
transformation matrices used in torque derivation for FOC.
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the value of back-EMFs in dfa-qfa  uB   3 1 1 1 1  u BO 
u    
is the same as that in d-q. By interaction of the same value of  C  1  1 3 1 1 1  uCO 
q-axis current, the FTPM motor in fault-tolerant condition can  uD    1 1 3 1 1 u DO  (21)
generate the same value of torque as that in healthy condition.   4  
 uE   1 1 1 3 1  u EO 
Hence, imposing iz=0 does not affect the ability of torque u NO   1 1 1 1 1   e 
 A 
producing. The FTPM motor is non-salient, it can generate
maximum torque per ampere with idfa=0. Therefore, although It should be noted that eA causes an uncontrolled uNO
iz=0 is imposed, the FTPM motor with the proposed method in pulsation, which generates a disturbance in the form of negative
fault condition can still generate maximum torque per ampere. sequence voltage in α-β plane [16]. Hence, to overcome the
disturbance, uNO is explicitly considered in the model-based
C. Power Inverter Model predictive control approach, the dual-PI (resonant) controllers
By applying (12) and the inverse matrix of (15) to transform are used in the zero-sequence subspace [18], [24].
the voltage references, which can be obtained by current PI Nevertheless, the phase voltages of the FTPM motor can be
regulators, into the natural stationary frame, then adding the calculated by (18)-(21). Then, the phase voltages are
back-EMFs. The FTPM motor phase voltage references can be
obtained as uB  uB*

uC  uC*
 uB*  ud*fa   eB   (22)
 *  *    uD  uD*
uC   T 1 C 1 uqfa    eC  (18) u
uD*  post post  u*z  eD   E  uE*
 *  *  
 uE   u0   eE  It can be known that eA is not included in (22). Namely, eA
can be eliminated from uNO in the proposed method. In addition,
CPWM technique employs the “per-carrier cycle volt-second
the FTPM motor phase voltages are equal to the controller
balance” principle to program a desirable power inverter output
output voltage references. Therefore, the uNO pulsation has no
voltage waveform [26]. Therefore, the inverter leg voltage is
adverse effect on the control action, and also can be neglected
equal to the phase reference voltage of the FTPM motor, even if
in the proposed method.
phase-A is with open-circuit fault. Thus, the inverter leg
voltages can be expressed as D. Proposed RFOC Strategy
It has been known that d-axis current and q-axis current are
uB  uB*
 related to the flux and the torque, respectively. When d-axis
uC  uC* current is maintained, the flux linkage will be constant. Thus,
 (19)
 uD* by setting q-axis current invariant before and after fault, the
u electromagnetic torque of the motor can be retained. When
 E  uE* open-circuit fault occurs in phase-A, the transformation matrix
Once phase-A open-circuit fault occurs, its current will be (1) and the Park transformation matrix and their inverse
zero. Thus, uA is equal to eA. For the FTPM motor stator matrices in Fig. 2 are replaced by (11), (15) and their inverse
windings with star-type connection at the neutral point N, to matrices. PI controller is inherently unsuitable to regulate ac
accomplish fault-tolerant operation, it is necessary to define a signals. However, PI controller is chosen over dual PI for its
constraint in the control strategy: simplicity and effectiveness even without high gain. Therefore,
PI controller is selected for iz. Then, the proposed RFOC
u B  uc  u D  u E   e A (20) strategy is shown in Fig. 4. Compared with the previous

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


method, the control system can remain unchanged, except the the α-β current vector is circular under healthy condition.
transformation matrices. Therefore, the proposed RFOC system However, when fault occurs, due to α-axis current disruption,
is simple and easy to be realized. the trajectory of α-β current vector is elliptical, and the currents
If the back-EMFs are not purely sinusoidal, they can split have high fluctuations in d-q. This pulsating frequency is twice
into fundamental components and harmonics. When an the frequency of the fundamental current. Therefore, in fault
open-circuit fault occurs to phase-A, the proposed RFOC condition, the frequency of the torque fluctuation is the same as
strategy shown in Fig. 4 is activated, the controller is still able that of the d-q current fluctuation. However, the trajectory of
to track the reference currents, and the waveforms of phase the αfa-βfa current vector with RFOC is circular, which
currents are still sinusoidal with the harmonic content of the coincides with that under healthy condition. On the other hand,
back-EMFs in the feedforward compensating terms. the iz is controlled to zero. Therefore, in the RFOC operation,
Nevertheless, the orthogonal reduced-order transformation the frequency of torque ripple is the same as healthy condition.
matrix is derived based on the fundamental component of the Fig. 6 shows the copper losses of the RFOC and the method in
fault-tolerant current references. Thus, the FTPM motor with [20] with the same torque, it can be noted that for a given torque
non-sinusoidal back-EMFs will generate pulsating torque. the copper losses of the method in [20] is a bit lower, but they
almost have the same copper losses.
id*fa  0 ud*fa
A. Simulated Results uB* iA
uC* iB
To evaluate the performance of the proposed RFOC strategy, i*
qfa u qfa iC
the simulation model of the FTPM motor drive is developed. u *D iD
The parameters used in the simulation are reported as in Table I. iz*  0 u *z u *E iE
For the torque operation mode, there is only current control idfa
loop in the FTPM motor drive, in which the output of the speed iqfa
regulator is used as the input of the FTPM motor load. The iz
CPWM technique, where the reference modulation signs are 
injected with zero-sequence signals [28], was used for FTC Fig. 4. Block diagram of proposed RFOC system.
under open-circuit and short-circuit faults of a five-phase fault
tolerant PM motor [29], and it accomplished well. Therefore,
the CPWM technique is also adopted both in FOC and RFOC Parameter Value
strategy for FTPM motor. Rated voltage (amplitude) 60 V
To assess the torque performance under various conditions, a Rated current (amplitude) 14.14 A
torque ripple factor is defined as follows: Number of pole-pairs 11
Number of lots 20
PM flux-linkage 0.0306 Wb
Tmax - Tmin
KT = 100% (23) Stator resistance 0.3 Ω
Tav Stator inductance 1.43 mH
DC-link voltage 100 V
where Tmax, Tmin and Tav are the maximum value, the minimum IGBT switching frequency 10 kHz
value, and the average value of the output torque, respectively.
During the FOC operation of the FTPM motor drive, the
phase-A open-circuit fault occurs at 0.1 s, and then the RFOC
method is activated at 0.2 s. The current and torque responses
are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that under the healthy
condition, the corresponding Tav and KT are 7.91 Nm and
3.92%, respectively. During fault condition, if the FTPM motor
continues operating without any modification to the current
references and the controllers, the x-axis current reference is
still set to zero. Then, the controller tries to minimize the x-axis
current, thus causing the disruption of α-axis current due to the (a)
coupling between x-axis and α-axis components. As a result of 10
the improper control, the remaining phase currents are 8 iq i q fa
Current (A)

6 i q*
distorted, thus resulting in significant torque pulsations. Fault occurrence With RFOC
4 Without FTC
Quantitatively, Tav and KT are 7.65 Nm and 11.76%, id i d* i d fa
respectively. When the RFOC is activated, the currents are 0
independent, and the currents can track the references well in -2
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
dfa-qfa. Thus, Tav and KT are 7.92 Nm and 4.29%, respectively. Time (s)
Therefore, the proposed RFOC can retain the steady-state (b)
torque performance as the healthy operation. The trajectory of

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Controller Proportional gain Integral gain
d-q current controllers 2.5 0.01
Zero-sequence current
2.5 0.01
Speed controller 0.6 0.03

Fig. 8 shows the torque and phase current responses both in

(c) healthy and fault conditions. From up to down, they are Te, iA, iB
Fig. 5. Simulated current and torque responses. (a) Currents in the and iD, respectively. The waveforms in zoom1 are the
stationary frame. (b) Currents in the synchronous rotating frame. (c)
magnified torque and currents in healthy condition, while the
waveforms in zoom2 are the magnified torque and currents
under fault condition. Fig. 9 shows the responses of iq, id, iA and
iB from up to down. It can be observed from Figs. 8 and 9 that
when phase-A open-circuit fault occurs, the iB amplitude is
enlarged, whose amplitude is bigger than iD amplitude.
Meanwhile the phasor angle difference between iB and iD
increases. Also, the phase current waveforms are distorted
Fig. 6. Copper losses. seriously. The iq and id current fluctuations become significant
in fault condition, and the pulsating frequency is twice the
B. Experimental Results
electric frequency. Quantitatively, Tav is 6 Nm, KT is 44.9% in
An experimental platform is established to further verify the healthy condition, but Tav and KT are 5.25 Nm and 85.7% in
proposed RFOC, as shown in Fig. 7. The FTPM motor shown fault condition, respectively. It is obvious that the average
in Fig. 1(b), torque sensor and a DC generator are coaxial torque decreases and torque ripple increases seriously when
mounted. The torque sensor is HBM T20WN, whose maximum phase-A open-circuit fault occurs.
torque is 20 Nm. It has two three-phase intelligent power Figs. 10 and 11 show the torque and current responses both
modules, and their type is PM100CVA120. The digital in healthy and fault conditions, in which the proposed RFOC is
controller is DSP TMS320F2812, the same CPWM technique adopted. Compared with that in Fig. 8, the amplitude of the
used in simulation is adopted. The motor drive specifications phase currents under fault-tolerant condition are enlarged, but
are shown in Table I, and the parameters of PI controllers are they have equal magnitudes, and the phasor angle difference
shown in Table II. The oscilloscope is YOKOGAWA between iB and iD increases to π. On the other hand, the
DLM2034, and the current clamps connected with the sinusoidal currents are obtained. Similar to id and iq in healthy
oscilloscope are Tek A622, in which 0.1 V indicates 1 A. The condition, idfa and iqfa in dfa-qfa can keep unchanged, and they
rotor position is obtained by using an OMRON E6B2-CWZ6C can track the references well. Tav and KT are almost invariant,
digital incremental encoder with 2048 pulses per revolution and and there is almost no increase in torque ripple between healthy
the DSP QEP peripheral. The D/A converter TLV5614 is and fault-tolerant operations. When the fault occurs, the control
connected to the DSP SPI peripheral. It is used to convert system is reconfigured instantaneously according to Figs. 2 and
digital signals of the currents and the speed to analog signals. 4. It can be seen from torque waveform that the transition from
Due to the delay of D/A converter and RC filter in the D/A the pre-fault to the post-fault situation is almost unnoticeable.
circuit, the currents in the synchronous rotating frame and the So, the RFOC strategy is effective during the loss of one phase,
generalized zero-sequence subspace, and speed waveforms offering a similar performance as in healthy condition.
displayed in the oscilloscope have a lag of 0.5 ms behind the Figs. 12 and 13 exhibit the details of iz. When iz is controlled
phase current waveforms. The FTPM motor operates with to zero by the traditional PI controller at the proposed RFOC
current control loop as shown in Figs. 2 and 4, in which a DC operation, the amplitudes of the phase currents are equal.
generator connecting with a resistance provide load torque. Quantitatively, the iD THD is 4.2%, and the iz amplitude is zero.
However, when the controller of iz is not active, the iz
fluctuation is serious. Tav remains constant and KT increases to
48.9%. In fact, the iB amplitude is enlarged. Meanwhile, the
phase current waveforms are distorted, and the iD THD
increases to 7.75%. Therefore, iz is an important variable in the
RFOC strategy, and can be controlled to zero to minimize
torque ripple and decrease the current THD.
The current response of the FTPM motor system is analyzed
during healthy and fault-tolerant operations. Fig. 14(a) shows
the currents response under healthy condition when torque
steps down from 6 to 3 Nm. The waveforms in zoom are
Fig. 7. Experimental platform. magnified. The response time is 2.5 ms. Fig. 14(b) shows the

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


cuurrents responsse under healthhy condition w when torque stteps up

froom 3 to 6 Nm. The responsee time is also 2.5 2 ms. As shoown in iq
Fiig. 15, under fa
fault conditionn with RFOC aand the same ccurrent id
Fault occurrence idfa
PII controllers as that underr healthy conndition, the ccurrent iA
response time is 2.5 ms wheen torque steps down from 6 to 3
Nm m, and is alsoo 2.5 ms whenn torque steps up from 3 to 6 Nm. iB
Onn the other hannd, the currentts can track thee torque refereence as
weell as under heealthy condition during the dynamic proccess. It Fig. 11. Currents with FOC under h
health and with R
RFOC under fau
ult (10
caan be concludeed that the RF FOC maintains the same dyynamic A/divv, 100 ms/div).
caapability as thaat under healthhy condition.
The speed ressponse of the controlled
c system is also analyzed
duuring healthy and fault-toolerant operattions. FOC w with a
caascaded inner current controol loop and ann outer speed ccontrol
loop are used inn the FTPM mootor drive. Thee output of thee speed
coontroller is the q-axis currennt reference. Thhe steps in thee speed
reference from 3300 to 150 r/m min and from 1150 to 300 r/m min are
mplemented. The
im T obtained sppeed, the q-axxis current refeerence,
the q-axis currennt and the phasse-B current reesponse are deepicted Fig. 12. Torque and d currents using RFOC with and d without controllled iz
in the Figs. 16 aand 17. It can be
b noticed thaat the speed ressponse (4 Nm/div, 5 A/div fo
or iz, 10A/div, 10
0 ms/div in zoom
m1 and zoom2)..
duuring fault-toleerant operatioon has the sam me settling timme and
ovvershoot as thaat during healthhy operation when
w the samee speed
PII controller iss adopted. Altthough the q--axis current has h an
influence on thee system response under faullt-tolerant operration,
the q-axis curreent reference is almost the same as that under
heealthy operatioon during the speed regulatiing process, aand the
q--axis current can track the reeference well.
Fault occurrrence iB iD

Te Zooom1 Zoom2


iB iD
g. 8. Torque andd currents in hea
althy and fault co
onditions (4 Nm/div, 10 (b)
div, 10 ms/div in
n zoom1 and zo oom2). Fig. 13. The iD harmonic spectrum m (12.5 dBV/divv, 110 Hz/div). (a) iz
conttroller is active. ((b) iz controller is not active.


iq iD
iD 2.5ms

g. 9. Currents in
n healthy and fa
ault conditions (1
10 A/div, 100 mss/div). (a)
Te id
Fault occurreence iB iD iD
iq Zoom
Te Zoo
om1 Zoom2
iB iD (b)
g. 10. Torque a and currents wiith FOC under health
h and with RFOC althy condition (10 A/div, 5 ms/div in
Fig. 14. Currents rresponse in hea
nder fault (4 Nm//div, 10 A/div, 10
0 ms/div in zoom
m1 and zoom2).. zoomm). (a) Torque e reference ddown-steps. (b)) Torque referrence

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


idfa iD This paper has proposed a new RFOC strategy for the FTPM
motor with open-circuit fault. Its unique contribution is the
iB derived orthogonal reduced-order transformation matrix and
idfa i the new zero-sequence current related to torque. The
transformation matrix has been derived from the optimal
iB fault-tolerant currents. The generalized zero-sequence current
can be controlled to zero to minimize torque fluctuation and
reduce phase currents THD. The pulsation of the neutral
iqfa voltage can be neglected in the RFOC strategy, which has no
idfa iB adverse effect on the control action. No modification of the
iD motor parameters is required in the FOC implementation,
iqfa except the displacement of transformation matrices. The
idfa iB trajectory of fundamental currents in the stationary frame under
fault-tolerant operation is the same as that under healthy
iD operation. The proposed FTPM motor drive ensures
(b) disturbance-free operation, and has the same dynamic and
Fig. 15. Currents response with RFOC under fault (10A/div, 5ms/div in steady-state performances as that under healthy operation.
the zoom). (a) Torque reference down-steps. (b) Torque reference
Simulation and experimental results confirm the validity of the
proposed control technique.

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0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2016.2599501, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


star, pentagonn, and pentacle connnections of statorr windings,” IEEE E Trans. Inforrmation Enginee ering. His teach hing and research interests include
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motor,” IEEE Trans. Power Eleectron., vol. 31, nno. 9, pp. 6621-6630, Sep. B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in elecctrical
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with single and two isolated neuutral points,” IEEE E Trans. Power E Electron., Southeast UUniversity, Nanjinng, China, in 2010.
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ng, University off Sheffield, Shefffield,
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control and exxperimental verificcation,” IEEE Traans. Energy Convvers., vol. Engineering g. His teachiing and rese earch
11, no. 3, pp. 5578-584, Sep. 1996. interests innclude electrica al machines, motor
[233] M. J. Duran, aand F. Barrero, “Recent advances in the design, modeling, drive
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v and inteelligent control. He has authorred or
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C in 2014, w
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4684-4696, Juul. 2016. since 2015 5, where he iss currently a ssenior
firmware engineer.
e His current rese earch
Huawei Zhou (M’16) rreceived the B.S Sc. and interests include drive and control of
M.Sc. d degrees in control engineering g. from permanent-magnet motors.
Jiangsu University, Zheenjiang, China, iin 2003
and 20006, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
in electrical engineerin
ng from the Grraduate
Universiity of Chinese Academy
A of Scciences,
Beijing, China, in 2012.
He ha as been with Jiaangsu Universitty since
2003, w where he is currently an Asssociate
Professoor with the School of Electrical

0278-0046 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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