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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



We, the students of Quinaoayanan National High School, in order to promote responsible
leadership, foster unity among students, and advance the welfare of the student body, do
hereby establish this Constitution and By-Laws for the Secondary Learner Government
Officers (SSLG). As representatives of our fellow students, we commit ourselves to upholding
the principles of democracy, equality, and service.

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Secondary Learner Government Officers
(SSLG) of Quinaoayanan National High School.

Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of the SSLG shall be to:
a. Promote the general welfare and rights of all students.
b. Serve as the voice and representative body of the student body.
• Promote and organize activities that foster leadership, character development,
and civic responsibility.
• Facilitate communication and cooperation among students, faculty, and
• Encourage student involvement in the decision-making processes of the school.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Membership Eligibility
Membership in the SSLG shall be open to all registered students of Quinaoayanan
National High School.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities

All SSLG members shall have the following rights:
• The right to participate in meetings, discussions, and decision-making processes
of the SSG.
• The right to propose and vote on matters affecting the student body.
• The right to run for SSLG positions and be elected in a fair and transparent
• The right to access information related to the SSLG's activities.

All SSLG members shall have the following responsibilities:

• Uphold the principles and objectives of the SSLG.
• Attend meetings and actively participate in SSLG activities.

Document Code: P1BAN-FR-057

Address: Quinaoayanan, Bani, Pangasinan
Telephone No.: (+63)-999-887790 Revision No.: 00
Email: Page No.: Page 1 of 3
Effectivity Date: 01-23-2020
• Respect the rights and opinions of fellow members.
• Promote a positive and inclusive school environment.

Article III: Structure and Governance

Section 1: Officers
The SSG shall be composed of the following officers:
President: Richell Ann Orioque
Vice President: Jhoann Mae Ortaleza
Secretary: Laidy Ann Taganap
Treasurer: Russel De Guzman
Auditor: Ronelyn Anama
Press Information Officer: Clyde Xydric Ortaleza
Protocol Officer: Kevin De Guzman

Grade Level Representatives:

Precious Lynne Novelero
Sheryne Mae Natividad
Jovani Ortiz
Lyka Mae Taganap
Jakielyn Felix

Section 2: Election and Term of Office

• Elections for SSG officers shall be held annually.
• The election process shall be fair, transparent, and open to all registered students.
• The term of office for all SSG officers shall be one academic year.
• In case of a vacancy, a special election shall be conducted to fill the position for
the remainder of the term.

Section 3: Duties and Powers

• The President shall preside over SSLG meetings, represent the SSG in official
functions, and coordinate the activities of the SSG.
• The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume the President's duties in
their absence.
• The Secretary shall keep records of meetings, maintain correspondence, and assist
in the organization of SSLG events.
• The Treasurer shall handle financial matters, maintain accurate records of
transactions, and provide financial reports when required.
• The Public Relations Officer shall promote the SSLG's activities, maintain the
SSG's social media presence, and facilitate communication between the SSG and
the student body.
• The Grade Level Representatives shall represent the interests of their respective
grade levels and actively contribute to the SSLG's initiatives.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1: Regular Meetings
• The SSLG shall hold regular meetings at least once a month during the academic
• The schedule and agenda of the meetings shall be communicated to all members
in advance.

Document Code: P1BAN-FR-057

Address: Quinaoayanan, Bani, Pangasinan
Telephone No.: (+63)-999-887790 Revision No.: 00
Email: Page No.: Page 2 of 3
Effectivity Date: 01-23-2020
• A quorum, consisting of a majority of the SSLG officers, must be present for official
business to be conducted.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President, upon the request of any SSLG officer,
or by a petition signed by at least 20% of the SSLG members. The purpose of the
meeting shall be clearly stated in the call for the meeting.

Article V: Amendments
Section 1: Proposal
Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may be proposed by any SSLG officer
or by a petition signed by at least 20% of the SSLG members.
Section 2: Approval
• Proposed amendments shall be presented during a regular SSLG meeting.
• A two-thirds majority vote of the SSLG members present during the meeting
shall be required for the approval of an amendment.
• The approved amendment shall take effect immediately and be incorporated into
this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article VI: Ratification

This Constitution and By-Laws shall be ratified by a majority vote of the SSLG members
present during a regular SSLG meeting.

Article VII: Supremacy

This Constitution and By-Laws shall supersede any previous constitution and by-laws
governing the SSLG.

Document Code: P1BAN-FR-057

Address: Quinaoayanan, Bani, Pangasinan
Telephone No.: (+63)-999-887790 Revision No.: 00
Email: Page No.: Page 3 of 3
Effectivity Date: 01-23-2020

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