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Theoretical gain of strained GeSn 0.

02 / Ge 1 − x − y ′ Si x Sn y ′ quantum well laser

Yuan-Hui Zhu, Qiang Xu, Wei-Jun Fan, and Jian-Wei Wang

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 107, 073108 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3329424

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Theoretical gain of strained GeSn0.02 / Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘ quantum well laser

Yuan-Hui Zhu,1 Qiang Xu,1 Wei-Jun Fan,1,a兲 and Jian-Wei Wang2
School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
National Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, P.O. Box 912, Beijing 100083, People’s Republic of China
共Received 25 November 2009; accepted 26 January 2010; published online 8 April 2010兲
Using effective-mass Hamiltonian model of semiconductors quantum well structures, we investigate
the electronic structures of the ⌫-conduction and L-conduction subbands of GeSn/GeSiSn strained
quantum well structure with an arbitrary composition. Our theoretical model suggests that the band
structure could be widely modified to be type I, negative-gap or indirect-gap type II quantum well
by changing the mole fraction of ␣-Sn and Si in the well and barrier layers, respectively. The optical
gain spectrum in the type I quantum well system is calculated, taking into account the electrons
leakage from the ⌫-valley to L-valley of the conduction band. We found that by increasing the mole
fraction of ␣-Sn in the barrier layer and not in the well layer, an increase in the tensile strain effect
can significantly enhance the transition probability, and a decrease in Si composition in the barrier
layer, which lowers the band edge of ⌫-conduction subbands, also comes to a larger optical gain.
© 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3329424兴

I. INTRODUCTION bands.5 Taking into account the carrier occupation in both the
⌫-valley and L-valley, we discuss the optical gain spectra
with different mole fraction of ␣-Sn and Si composition in
Silicon or germanium group IV semiconductor alloys
the barrier and well layers. The rest of the paper is organized
containing Sn, which undergo indirect to direct band gap
as follows. In Sec. II, we present the theoretical model for
transitions, provide a wide opportunity for the integration of
the system being considered and introduce the optical gain
microelectronics with optical components into a single chip. calculation method. Our numerical results and discussion are
It is well-known that bulk Si or Ge is an indirect-band-gap given in Sec. III. Finally, we draw a brief conclusion in Sec.
semiconductor, whose lowest-energy transition from valence IV.
to conduction bands involves a change in crystal momentum,
whereas the gray tin structure is neither ideally semiconduct-
ing nor metallic.1 These results suggest that perhaps one can
combine the alloys containing only group IV elements
wherein the difference in rows of the periodic table provides II. THEORETICAL MODEL
the contrast in optical transition probability. Most studied
systems have been alloys of GeSn,2 GeSiSn,3 and SiSn4 sys- In this section, we use the effective-mass approximation
tems. Ge1−xSnx, which has a lower band gap than that of Ge to find the electron and hole energy levels at the ⌫-valley and
L-valley, respectively, and derive the theoretical model of the
共0.8 eV兲, is realized as the only one direct band gap material
optical gain.
which is composed entirely of group IV elements. Thus, hy-
brid GeSn/GeSiSn strained-layer heterostructures could pos-
sibly give exhibit to novel optical properties such as tunable
narrow direct band gap, and could be very attractive for the
detector and photovoltaic applications. A. Band structures at ⌫-valley
In this paper, we investigate the electronic structures and
The Hamiltonian for strained QW semiconductor can be
optical gain of a fully strained Ge1−ySny / Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘
simply written as
quantum well 共QW兲 grown along 关001兴 axis. Based on the
eight-band effective-mass Hamiltonian model, the band
structures in the ⌫-valley are derived, including the interac-
H = Hk + V⌫共z兲 + Hs , 共1兲
tion between the conduction and valence band, the spin-orbit
coupling within the valence bands, and the deformation po-
tential that describe the effects of strain on the electronic
where Hk is the kinetic eight-band effective-mass Hamil-
tonian including the interaction between the conduction and
valence bands and the spin-orbit coupling within the valence
bands. We adopt the second-order eight-band Hamiltonian as
Electronic mail: described by Kane,

0021-8979/2010/107共7兲/073108/8/$30.00 107, 073108-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics

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073108-2 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

⎛ ⎞
␣ p2 + 2m0Eg
冑2 ip0p− − P1

⎜ ⎟
− Rⴱ
冑6 ip0p+ − P2

冑2Rⴱ 1 1

⎜ ⎟

冑3 ip0p+ −
冑2 共P1 − P2兲 − 共P1 + P2兲 − 2m0⌬0

Hk = 2 1 , 共2兲
␣ p2 + 2m0Eg
2m0 0 0 −
ip0 pz
冑3 ip0pz

⎜ 冑 冑

2 2 1
− Qⴱ

ip0 pz 0
冑6 ip0p− − P2

1 1

⎝ ⎠

− Qⴱ − Rⴱ
0 0
冑2 Q 冑2 ip0p+ − P1

冑3 ip0pz
冑2 Q

− 冑 2
Q 0
冑3 ip0p− −
冑2 共P1 − P2兲 − 冑2R − 共P1 + P2兲 − 2m0⌬0

where p2 = p2x + p2y + pz2 . 共3f兲

P1 = 共␥1 + ␥2兲共p2x + p2y 兲 + 共␥1 − 2␥2兲pz , 共3a兲 ␥1, ␥2, and ␥3 are the modified effective-mass parameters.
They are related to the Luttinger parameters ␥Li 共i = 1 , 2 , 3兲 as
␥1 = ␥L1 − E P / 3Eg, ␥2 = ␥L2 − E P / 6Eg, and ␥3 = ␥L3 − E P / 6Eg. Eg
P2 = 共␥1 − ␥2兲共p2x + p2y 兲 + 共␥1 + 2␥2兲pz , 共3b兲 is the band gap and E p is the Kane parameter that controls
mixing of the valence and conduction bands, which is related
Q = − 2冑3␥3 pz共px − ipy兲, 共3c兲 to p0 by E p = 2兩具S兩px兩X典兩2 / m0 = p20 / 2m0 in Eq. 共2兲.
The second term V⌫共z兲 is the intrinsic band offset with-
R = 冑3关␥2共p2x − p2y 兲 − 2i␥3 px py兴,
out the contribution from the strain. The last term Hs in Eq.
共1兲 is the strain-induced Hamiltonian. Hydrostatic and shear
strain components are included by the same symmetry con-
p⫾ = px ⫾ ipy , 共3e兲 sideration and can be written as

⎛ ⎞
a c⑀

冑2 ip0p−⬘ a v⑀ − b vQ E

⎜ ⎟
冑6 ip0p+⬘ 0 a v⑀ + b vQ E

− 冑2bvQE

⎜ ⎟
冑3 ip0p+⬘ 0 a v⑀

Hs =
0 0 冑 2
ip0⑀zz pz − 冑 ip0⑀zz pz
a c⑀
, 共4兲

⎜ 冑 2
ip0⑀zz pz 0 0 0 −
冑6 ip0p−⬘
a v⑀ + b vQ E

⎝ ⎠
0 0 0 0 −
冑2 ip0p+⬘ 0 a v⑀ − b vQ E

1 1
− 冑2bvQE

冑3 ip0⑀zzpz 0 0 0 −
冑3 ip0p−⬘ 0 a v⑀

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073108-3 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

where 1 1
兩X + iY典↓+
⬘ = ⑀xx px ⫾ i⑀yy py ,
p⫾ 共5a兲
u8 =
冑3 冑3 兩Z典↑. 共9h兲

⑀ = ⑀xx + ⑀yy + ⑀zz , 共5b兲

1 B. Conduction band at L-valley

QE = 共2⑀zz − ⑀xx − ⑀yy兲. 共5c兲
2 We calculate the band structure of the L-conduction val-
ley under the effective-mass approximation. For a 关001兴 QW,
ac共av兲 is the hydrostatic deformation potential of the the eight equivalent L points in group IV semiconductors are
⌫-conduction 共valence兲 band, and bv is the shear deformation degenerate. Due to the periodicity of the Brillouin zone, only
potential of the valence band. ⑀xx, ⑀yy, and ⑀zz are diagonal four of them are independent, e.g., the 关111兴 L-valley is iden-
components of the strain tensor. We assume the strain of the
tical to the 关1̄1̄1̄兴 valley. Therefore, we can calculate only
barrier is completely relaxed, so that the lattice of the well
one particular valley for the sake of conciseness. For ex-
layer is expanded by that of the barrier layer. For a 关001兴 QW
ample, the Hamiltonian of 关111兴 L-valley can be written as
without the external stress, the three diagonal components of
the strain tensor in the QW region are determined by the
barrier and unstrained well lattice constants, ab and aw, as HL关111兴 = 冉
ប2kz2 1
2 3ml,L 3mt,L
冑2ប2k1kz 1

ml,L mt,L
冉 冊
冉 冊
well as the QW elastic stiffness constants, C11 and C12
ប2k21 2 1 ប2k22
ab − aw C12 + + + + VL共z兲 + aL⑀ ,
⑀xx = ⑀yy = , ⑀zz = − 2 ⑀xx . 共6兲 2 3ml,L 3mt,L 2mt,L
aw C11
The set of basis states includes the s-like spin-up and
spin-down conduction-band states, the fourfold p-like J where k1 = 共kx + ky − 2␲ / a兲 / 冑2 and k2 = 共−kx + ky兲 / 冑2. ml,L and
= 3 / 2 valence-band states, and twofold J = 1 / 2 spin-orbit mt,L are the longitudinal and transverse effective masses
split-off valence-band states. The eight-dimensional electron along 关111兴 direction. k1 共along 关110兴 direction兲 and k2 共along
and hole wave function of QW can be expressed as 关1̄10兴 direction兲 are wave vectors relative to the minimal
8 point of the 关111兴 L-valley, e.g., 共␲ / a , ␲ / a兲, where a is the
in-plane lattice constant of the QW material. VL共z兲 and aL⑀ in
⌿n共k兲 = 兺 F j共n,k兲u j , 共7兲
j=1 Eq. 共10兲 are the intrinsic band offset and hydrostatic defor-
mation potential of the 关111兴 L-valley, respectively. Then the

F j共n,k兲 = ei共kxx+kyy兲 兺 an,m

冑L 冋冉
exp i kz + m
z , 共8兲
energy dispersion relation of the 关111兴 L-valley conduction
band can be obtained by solving the eigenfunction with a
similar envelope wave function ␹关111兴 = FL共n , k兲vL, where vL
where F j is a slowly varying envelope function along z axis, is the Bloch states at L point.
and u j are renormalized 兩J , m j典 Bloch states at ⌫ point. L = l
+ d is the period of the QW and l and d are the width of the
well and barrier layers, respectively. an,mj is the expansion C. Carrier density in conduction and valence
coefficient. The Bloch basic functions are listed as follow subbands
u1 = 兩S典↑, 共9a兲 Using the charge neutrality condition when the electron
and hole densities ne and nh are both the same as the injected
1 carrier density n = ne = nh, we can obtain the quasi-Fermi lev-
u2 =
冑2 兩X + iY典↑, 共9b兲 els. Since the interaction between the valence and conduction
bands has caused the energy dispersion curves to be nonpa-

u3 = −
兩X − iY典↑− 冑 2
兩Z典↓, 共9c兲
rabolic, the quasi-Fermi levels should be determined from
the integration of the two-dimensional density of states in
QW instead of analytical calculation for parabolic energy
subbands. The carrier density by numerical integration over
1 1 the k-space is
兩X − iY典↑+
u4 = −
冑3 冑3 兩Z典↓ 共9d兲

ne = 兺 冕 dkxdky 1

u5 = 兩S典↓, 共9e兲 n 4 ␲ 2l
exp 冉 E⌫n
k BT
− Efc
冊 +1

冑6 兩X + iY典↓− 冑 2
兩Z典↑, 共9f兲 +兺8 冕 dkxdky 1

冉 冊
u6 = 共11兲
3 4 ␲ 2l ELn − Efc
exp +1
1 k BT
u7 =
冑2 兩X − iY典↓, 共9g兲
for electrons, and
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073108-4 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

nh = 兺 冕 dkxdky 1 TABLE I. The band parameters at 300 K for bulk ␣-Sn, Ge, and Si in the

冉 冊
␴ 共12兲 actual calculation 共Ref. 11兲.
␴,m 4 ␲ 2l E f v − Em
exp +1 Parameter Sn Ge Si
k BT
a 共Å兲 6.4892 5.6573 5.4307
for holes. n and m are indices of the conduction and valence
mc 共m0兲 ⫺0.058 0.038 0.528
subbands, and ␴ runs over all the six valence bands. A factor ml,L 共m0兲 0.4072 1.57 1.659
of 8 is included in the summation of L-conduction subbands mt,L 共m0兲 0.0204 0.0807 0.133
due to the spin degeneracy of four equivalent L-valleys. E f c ␥1 ⫺15 13.38 4.22
and E f v are electron and hole quasi-Fermi levels, respec- ␥2 ⫺11.45 4.24 0.39
tively, and they are determined self-consistently from Eqs. ␥3 ⫺8.55 5.69 1.44
共11兲 and 共12兲. kB is the Boltzmann’s constant and T is the E p 共eV兲 24.0 26.3 21.6
temperature. Eg,⌫ 共eV兲 ⫺0.413 0.7985 4.185
Eg,L 共eV兲 0.092 0.664 1.65
⌬0 共eV兲 0.8 0.29 0.044
⌬Ev,av 共eV兲 0.69 0 ⫺0.47
D. Optical gain ac 共eV兲 ⫺5.33a ⫺8.24 1.98
av 共eV兲 1.55a 1.24 2.46
According to the relationship between spontaneous aL 共eV兲 ⫺0.342b ⫺1.54 ⫺0.66
emission and gain, we calculate the optical gain by using an bv 共eV兲 ⫺2.7 ⫺2.9 ⫺2.1
indirect technique.5,6 The optical gain can be written as C11 共10 GPa兲 6.9 12.853 16.577

冋 冉
g共E兲 = 1 − exp
E − ⌬F
k BT
冊册 ␲ 2c 2ប 3
Rsp共E兲 共13兲
C12 共10 GPa兲
Reference 9.

in which spontaneous emission rate Present work which is given in Appendix.

Rsp共E兲 =
n rE e
␲ ⑀ 0ប c l m 0
2 3 冉 冊 兺冕 2

dkxdky n ,n
Q c v f nc共1
Qny↓c,nv =
冏兺 冉 冑 1
6 −
冑2 am
7 +
冑3 am冊 冏
8 a5
, 共17d兲
m0 m 6
1 ប/␶

冏兺 冉 冑 冊 冏
− f nv兲 , 共14兲
␲ 共Eeh − E兲2 + 共ប/␶兲2 nc,nv 2P20 2 m 1 m mⴱ
Qz↑ = − a + a a , 共17e兲
where ⌬F = E f c − E f v is the quasi-Fermi level separation, E is m0 m 3 6 冑3 8 1

冏兺 冉 冑 冊 冏
the photon energy, nr is the refractive index, and ␶ is the
intraband relaxation time. The Fermi–Dirac distributions for 2P2 2 m 1 m mⴱ
Qz↓ = 0 − a + a a , 共17f兲
the electrons in the conduction band and the valence band m0 m 3 3 冑3 4 5
are f nc and f nv, respectively. The f n is defined as

冋 冉 冊 册
En − E f
f n = exp +1 . 共15兲 Qni c,nv = Qi↑
nc,nv nc,nv
+ Qi↓ , i = x,y,z, 共18兲
k BT
where P20 = 兩具S兩px兩X典兩2 = 兩具S兩py兩Y典兩2 = 兩具S兩pz兩Z典兩2. In our calcula-
Qnc,nv in Eq. 共14兲 represents the squared optical transition
tion, we average Qnx c,nv and Qny c,nv to obtain Qnxyc,nv for the TE
matrix elements for transitions between the valence subbands
model, and Qznc,nv alone indicates the TM model. Note that
and the conduction subbands at ⌫ point.5
the highest valence band is light hole 共LH兲-like; the TM gain
2 will be significant.
Qni c,nv = 兩具⌿nc兩⑀ˆ · p兩⌿nv典兩2, i = x,y,z, 共16兲
where ⑀ˆ is the unit vector in the direction of the electric field, III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
p is the momentum operator, and ⌿nc共⌿nv兲 is the real elec-
tron and hole wave function. Substituting Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲 In this section, we calculate the electronic structures and
into Eq. 共16兲, we obtain the expression for squared optical optical gain spectrum of the strained
transition matrix elements in X, Y, and Z directions as Ge1−ySny / Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘ QW. All the other parameters are

冏兺 冉 冑 冊 冏
calculated using a simple linear average between Ge, Si, and
nc,nv 2P20 1 1 1 2
␣-Sn, whose values are listed in Table I for the QW and
Qx↑ = am
2 − am
3 − am mⴱ
4 a1 , 共17a兲
m0 m 2 冑6 冑3 barrier materials, except the band-gap energies for semicon-
ductor alloys. We use the band-gap energy included the bow-
Qx↓ =
冏兺 冉 冑
6 +
冑2 am
7 +
冑3 am 冊 冏
8 a5
, 共17b兲
ing effect and the strain-dependent spin-orbit energy follow-
ing Chandrasekhar and Pollak’s approach.7 Alloy band gap
Eg at 300 K of Ge1−ySny and Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘ at ⌫ and L

冏兺 冉 冑 冊 冏
points could be fitted to the following form:
2P20 1 1 1 2
␴ = Eg,␴共1 − y兲 + Eg,␴ y − b␴ 共19兲
GeSn Ge Sn GeSn
Qny↑c,nv = am
2 + am
3 + am mⴱ
4 a1 , 共17c兲 Eg, y共1 − y兲,
m0 m 2 冑6 冑3
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073108-5 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 The band gap of a fully strained

Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘ QW with relax barrier layers.

␴共1 − x − y ⬘兲 + Eg,␴x + Eg,␴ y ⬘ − b␴ x共1 − x

GeSiSn Ge Si Sn GeSi
Eg, ␴ = Eg,
− y ⬘兲 − b␴GeSny ⬘共1 − x − y ⬘兲 − b␴SiSnxy ⬘ , 共20兲
␴ = ⌫ , L. For the value of fitted alloy bowing factors, we use o

b⌫GeSi = 0.14, b⌫SiSn = 3.05,8 b⌫GeSn = 2.55, bLGeSn = 0.89,9 bLGeSi

= 0.335, and bLSiSn = 3.12410 for the recent measures for these FIG. 2. 共a兲 The lowest electron and 共b兲 hole subbands of a fully strained
alloys. We consider a Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘ QW. The Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.68Si0.1Sn0.22 QW at the ⌫-valley.
positive energy-gap value of direct-gap semiconductor QW
is depicted in Fig. 1. The colored regions in the figure indi-
cate the compositions for which the QW is of type I hetero- bands. The LH subbands are pushed to the higher energy side
structure corresponding to both ⌫ electrons and holes con- and turn out to be the top of valence bands. The band gap of
fined in the well layer. The band-gap energy is up to 0.3 eV, this QW is 0.37 eV, equivalent to a cutoff wavelength of
and can be tuned to negative value with the increasing ␣-Sn about 3.35 ␮m. Figure 3 shows the electron levels of 关111兴
composition y ⬘, depicted at right side of the figure. It indi- L-conduction band as a function of the wave vectors along
cates that semimetal properties would be found in heavy 关110兴 and 关1̄10兴 direction. The smooth dispersion relation in
dropped ␣-Sn QW construction. At the left edge of the fig- the L-valley reflects a large effective mass. As all the levels
ure, which corresponds to the light Sn dropping case, the in the L-valley are eightfold degenerate, it results in a high
lowest conduction band edge is located at the L-conduction density of stats. Therefore, there is significant carrier leakage
valley in the barrier layer. As the decreasing Si composition from the ⌫-valley to L-valley, and it is expected that the
x, it becomes a direct type II QW structure. Therefore, the optical transition could be greatly reduced. It is very inter-
concentration of QW and barrier layer components should esting to find band bending at higher energy levels at the
greatly influence the locations of the carriers, and their opti- L-valley along 关110兴 direction. This bending behavior is be-
cal properties. When the concentration of ␣-Sn in the well cause the effect of effective-mass anisotropy and the wave
layer is increased, the optical positive area 共colored region in vector k1 is neither along the longitudinal nor along trans-
the Fig. 1兲 becomes smaller even more. verse axes of ellipsoidal constant energy surface for L-valley

A. Electron and hole levels

We consider a Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.68Si0.1Sn0.22 QW struc-
ture, whose mole fraction parameters in the barrier layer are
selected in the colored region, with a width of 7 nm and a
period of 20 nm. The tensile strain of QW ⑀xx = 0.0253, and it
would be expected to be of type I heterostructure. The zero
energy is set to the top of valence band of unstrained well
layer. The lowest electron and hole levels near band gap are
shown in Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲. All the energy levels depicted
in the figures are twofold degenerate. Due to the interaction
between conduction and valence bands, the energy-wave
vector dispersion relation of electron levels is nonparabolic.
The strain effect separates the heavy hole 共HH兲 and LH sub- FIG. 3. The lowest electron subbands at the 关111兴 L-valley.
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073108-6 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

FIG. 4. The squared optical transition matrix elements for TE and TM

model transition from the lowest conduction subband to the valence subband
as a function of k along the 关100兴 and 关110兴 directions.

electrons, which is expressed as k1 · kz terms in HL关111兴. As the

quantum number increases, the band bends further. Consid-
ering the energy difference between the ground state and
first-excited state of L-conduction subband is 32 meV at k1
= k2 = 0 point, which is larger than Boltzmann energy kBT
= 25 meV at 300 K, we suppose that the electrons seldom
occupy the excited states with a moderate injected carrier

B. Optical gain
FIG. 5. 共a兲 The optical gain spectra of Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.68Si0.1Sn0.22 QW
The squared optical transition matrix elements for TE with and without the inclusion of L-conduction subbands. 共b兲 The carrier
and TM mode transitions from the first LH energy level to densities of ⌫-conduction and L-conduction valleys as a function of the total
electronic density. 共c兲 The gain spectra of Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.725Si0.1Sn0.175
the first conduction subband energy level as a function of k QW at the same injected carrier density.
along the 关100兴 and 关110兴 directions are shown in Fig. 4. The
transition from valence band to conduction band follows the
selection rule ⌬n = 0 the ⌫ point. According to Eq. 共17兲, the lated in the ⌫-conduction subbands, the optical gain in-
contribution from electron to spin-orbit split-off hole is creases significantly which is plotted in Fig. 5共a兲 with dotted
mainly the same for each squared optical transition matrix lines. The electron densities of ⌫-conduction subbands and
elements. As the spin-orbit split-off hole subband is much L-conduction subbands as functions of the total carrier den-
lower than the top valence band, the corresponding transition sity is shown in Fig. 5共b兲. It represents that the occupation of
is very weak. The squared optical transition matrix elements the L-conduction valley is much more significant than that in
for TE model are the sum of the major contribution from the ⌫-conduction valley because of lower energy levels and
electron to HH transition and the minor contribution from high degeneracy of electrons in the L-conduction valley. To
electron to light hole transition. For the TM model, the con- reduce this unwanted effect from the L-conduction valley,
tribution comes from the electron to light hole transition one can increase the Sn mole fraction in the well layer that
only. Because the ground hole state is light hole state 关Fig. may lower the band edge of the ⌫-conduction valley due to
2共b兲兴, the optical gain of the TM model is much larger than the negative band gap of ␣-Sn. However, it also suggests that
that of the TE model. an increase in the tensile strain effect may significantly in-
Figure 5共a兲 shows the optical gain spectra with and with- crease the transition probability by changing the composition
out the inclusion of the conduction subbands in the L-valley of the barrier alloy. Therefore the compositions at the barrier
at carrier density n = 6 ⫻ 1018 cm−3. In our calculation, we set and well layers need to be well understood and carefully
the intraband relaxation time ␶ = 0.0658 ps and the tempera- designed so that larger optical gain may be maintained.
ture T = 300 K. The TM polarized optical gain is higher than The results of the calculated TM gain spectra for various
the TE model. For comparison, in Fig. 5共c兲 we plot the op- Si and Sn mole fraction in barrier layer are shown in Figs.
tical gain spectra of Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.725Si0.1Sn0.175 QW, 6共a兲 and 6共b兲, respectively. In Fig. 6共a兲 we plotted curves for
which should be of type II from Fig. 1, at the same carrier three selected Si mole fraction values for comparison. As the
density. As most of the electrons are confined in the Si concentration decreases, the maximum for TM gain in-
L-conduction valley in the barrier layer, which results in the creases and the corresponding photon energy decreases. In
very weak overlap of electron and hole wave functions, the the same way, we also plotted curves for three selected Sn
optical gain almost disappears. If we neglected the leakage of mole fraction values in Fig. 6共b兲. As the Sn concentration
the carriers to the L-valley, where all the carriers accumu- increases, the maximum TM gain increases and the corre-
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073108-7 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

are tending downward with the increasing Sn composition in

the well layer. The band-gap energy difference between the
L-valley and ⌫-valley decrease with increasing Sn mole frac-
tion, as depicted in the inset of Fig. 7. It represents that more
carriers transfer from ⌫-conduction valleys to the
L-conduction valley as the Sn mole fraction increases, and
the optical gain should be reduced even more. From both
points of view, we predict that an increase in Sn mole frac-
tion in the well region could lower the electron occupation of
⌫-conduction states, which contribute to the optical gain at
the same injected carrier density level.

In summary, we have estimated the optical gain charac-
teristics of a strain-induced Ge1−ySny / Ge1−x−y⬘SixSny⬘ 7 nm
QW at specific ␣-Sn mole fraction in the well, based on the
eight-band Hamiltonian in combination with a finite band
offset model. By modifying the mole fraction of ␣-Sn and Si
in the well and barrier layer, respectively, the theoretical cal-
culation suggests that the conduction and valence band edge
FIG. 6. TM gain spectra of 共a兲 Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.78−xSixSn0.22 and 共b兲
Ge0.98Sn0.02 / Ge0.9−y⬘Si0.1Sny⬘ QW structures at various mole fractions in the are shifted and result in the type I, negative-gap or indirect-
barrier layer. gap type II QW structure. The variations in gain spectra with
␣-Sn and Si concentrations in well and barrier layers are
sponding photon energy decreases, which confirms a smaller calculated in details. With the increasing the mole fraction of
band-gap energy shown in Fig. 1. All the composition pa- ␣-Sn in barrier layer not in well layer, the tensile strain in the
rameters are selected in the colored region in Fig. 1 for well layer increase, and the positive optical gain could be
which the band gap is direct and localized in the well layer. found in such systems, which are attractive from the points
With either decreasing Si or increasing Sn composition in the of view of both basic research and technological applications
barrier layer, the lattice constant becomes larger and it makes in a foreseeable future.
an increase tensile strain in QW layer.
Figure 7 shows the TM gain spectra of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Ge1−ySny / Ge0.68Si0.1Sn0.22 QW structures at several values of Wei-Jun Fan would like to acknowledge the support
Sn mole fraction in the well layer. We find that the maximum from ASTAR 共SERC Grant No. 0621200015兲.
TM gain decreases with the increasing Sn composition. It is
because that the lattice constant becomes larger and the ten- APPENDIX
sile strain is reduced due to the decreasing of lattice constant
difference between the barrier and well layers. Therefore, the In this work, the absolute deformation potential 共ADP兲
maximum of optical gain decreases correspondingly. Mean- of zinc-blende Si, Ge, and Sn are calculated using the density
while, both the ⌫-conduction band and L-conduction band functional theory within the general gradient approximation
for the exchange-correlation potential as implemented in the
Vienna ab initio simulation package code. We use the
projector-augmented-wave pseudopotentials. The cutoff en-
ergy for plane wave expansion is 350 eV in all calculations.
All atoms in the cell are fully relaxed until the forces are
converged to better than 0.01 eV/Å. An 11⫻ 11⫻ 11
Monkhorst–Pack k-point mesh is used for the Brillouin zone
integration. The equilibrium lattice constants of bulk Si, Ge,
and Sn are determined by performing a least-squares fit to
the Murnaghan equation

E共V兲 =
B 0V
B0⬘共B⬘ − 1兲
冋冉 冊冉冊 册
B⬘ 1 −
− 1 + E共V0兲,

where B0 is the bulk modulus, E共V0兲 is the cohesive energy
共when referenced to the proper energy of the isolated atom兲,
FIG. 7. TM gain spectra of Ge1−ySny / Ge0.68Si0.1Sn0.22 QW structures at
B0⬘ is pressure derivative of the bulk modulus, and V0 is the
various Sn mole fractions in the well layer. In the inset of the figure, we
have plotted the band-gap energy difference between the L-valley and equilibrium volume. The optimized results are 5.468, 5.779,
⌫-valley in the QW layer as a function of Sn mole fraction y. and 6.648 for Si, Ge, and Sn, respectively. The ADPs are
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073108-8 Zhu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 073108 共2010兲

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