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ME3370 Fluid Mechanics Syllabus

Dr. J. Walt Oler
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Description:
Basic principles of fluid statics, fluid dynamics, ideal and viscous flows, and turbo-
machinery. Includes design activity.

Course Purpose:
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the basic physical concepts
behind fluid mechanics and the basic methodologies and techniques used in analysis of fluid
flow and fluidic systems.

Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition, Frank M. White, McGraw Hill

Expected Learning Outcomes / Assessment Methods:

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: Exam 1

• Describe the basic definitions and concepts of fluid mechanics
• Evaluate the hydrostatic forces on submerged flat and curved surfaces

• Apply the concepts of dimensional analysis Exam 2

• Apply the fundamental principles of physics in integral format
• Apply the fundamental principles of physics in differential format
• Perform analyses of laminar and turbulent flows in ducts
• Evaluate the fluid forces due to flow over submerged bodies
• Evaluate the performance characteristics of turbo-machinery in
Design Project
conjunction with piping systems
Final Exam

Homework 15%
2 Exams 60%
Final Exam 25%
ME3370 Fluid Mechanics Syllabus

ADA Statement:
Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet
the course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any
necessary arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student
Disability Services during the instructor’s office hours. Please note: instructors are not
allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification
from Student Disability Services has been provided. For additional information, please
contact Student Disability Services in West Hall or call 806-742-2405.

Academic Integrity Statement:

Academic integrity is taking responsibility for one’s own class and/or course work, being
individually accountable, and demonstrating intellectual honesty and ethical behavior.
Academic integrity is a personal choice to abide by the standards of intellectual honesty and
responsibility. Because education is a shared effort to achieve learning through the exchange
of ideas, students, faculty, and staff have the collective responsibility to build mutual trust
and respect. Ethical behavior and independent thought are essential for the highest level of
academic achievement, which then must be measured. Academic achievement includes
scholarship, teaching, and learning, all of which are shared endeavors. Grades are a device
used to quantify the successful accumulation of knowledge through learning. Adhering to
the standards of academic integrity ensures grades are earned honestly. Academic integrity
is the foundation upon which students, faculty, and staff build their educational and
professional careers. [Texas Tech University (“University”) Quality Enhancement Plan,
Academic Integrity Task Force, 2010]

Religious Holiday Statement:

"Religious holy day" means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are
exempt from property taxation under Texas Tax Code §11.20. A student who intends to
observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor
prior to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious
holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for
that day within a reasonable time after the absence. A student who is excused under section
2 may not be penalized for the absence; however, the instructor may respond appropriately if
the student fails to complete the assignment satisfactorily.
ME3370 Fluid Mechanics Syllabus

Day Class Topics Day Class Topics

32 1 24-Oct 1-2 concept of a fluid 56 25 6-Dec 11-1 turbomachinery classification
1-3 fluid as continuum 11-2 centrifugal pump
1-4 dimensions & units 11-3 pump performance curves & similarity
1-5 properties of a velocity field 57 26 7-Dec 11-4 mixed & axial flow pumps, specific speed
1-6 thermodynamic properties of a fluid 58 27 8-Dec 11-5 matching pumps & piping systems
1-8 streamlines, pathlines & streaklines 59 28 11-Dec summary
33 2 25-Oct 2-1 pressure & pressure gradient 60 29 12-Dec final exam
2-2 equilibrium of a fluid element
2-3 hydrostatic pressure distributions
2-4 application to manometry
34 3 26-Oct 2-5 hydrostatic forces on plane surfaces
35 4 27-Oct 2-6 hydrostatic forces on curved surfaces
36 5 30-Oct 2-7 hydrostatic forces in layered fluids
2-8 buoyancy & stability
2-9 pressure distribution in rigid body motion
37 6 31-Oct 3-1 basic physical laws of fluid mechanics
3-2 Reynolds transport theorem
3-3 integral conservation of mass
38 7 1-Nov 3-4 integral linear momentum equation
39 8 2-Nov 3-4 integral linear momentum equation
40 9 6-Nov 3-5 Bernoulli's equation
41 10 7-Nov 3-7 integral conservation of energy
42 11 8-Nov 3-6 integral angular momentum equation
43 12 9-Nov ch 4 differential relations for fluid flow
44 13 13-Nov summary
45 14 14-Nov exam 1
46 15 15-Nov 5-2 dimensional homogeneity
5-3 Buckingham pi theorem
47 16 16-Nov 5-4 nondimensionalization of basic equations
48 17 20-Nov 5-5 modeling & similarity
49 18 27-Nov 6-1 Reynolds number regimes
6-2 internal vs. external viscous flows
6-3 head loss, the friction factor
6-4 laminar pipe flow
50 19 28-Nov 6-5 turbulence modeling
6-6 turbulent pipe flow
6-7 four types of pipe flow problems
51 20 29-Nov 6-8 flow in noncircular pipes
6-9 minor losses in pipe flow
6-10 multiple-pipe systems
52 21 30-Nov 7-1 flow past immersed bodies
7-2 momentum integral estimates
7-3 boundary layer equations
7-4 flat plate boundary layer
53 22 1-Dec 7-5 boundary layers with pressure gradients
7-6 experimental external flows
54 23 4-Dec summary
55 24 5-Dec exam 2

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