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Group "A" (Anatomy)

a.Histology T.S of Pancreas,
b.Types of cells in islets of langerhan.
a.Arterial Supply of stomach.
b. Function of roughes of stomach.
a. Hepatice or portal acini and their clinical importance.
b. Name bare areas of liver.
a. T.S of oesophagus.
b.. Name the layers of mucosa.
Q.1 De ne portal lobule, hepatic lobule and
hepatic acinus.
Q.2 Mention the extent of bile duct. List important structures related to it.

Q.3 Name di erent parts of the stomach. Mention it’s arterial supply. List the
structures forming stomach bed.

Q.4 Mention di erent positions of the vermiform appendix.

Q.5 Write short notes on:

a.The mesentery

b. Peritoneal relation of rectum

Group "A" (Anatomy)
Q.1 Draw well labeled diagrams of liver showing its lobes,boarders, surfaces and ligaments.

Q.2 Mention the structures forming the stomach bed.

Q. 3) Describe brie y about the development of pancreasand one common anomaly related to it.

Q.4 write short notes on:

a. Calot's triangle

b. List the cardinal features and histological layers of large intestine

c. Megacolon
1. Mention the nerve supply of tongue on the basis of its development.

2. List the structures forming the stomach bed. Name the types of cells found in gastric

3. Mention the parts of pancreas. Enumerate its arterial supply and venous drainage.

4. Mention the peritoneal relations of rectum. Write down the location and clinical
importance of Houston's valve-faus

Write short notes on:

a. Omphalocoele

b. Draw a labeled diagram of cross section of Porta hepatis Inferior late of lis ex est
g mist

C. Normal positions of appendix

d. Ligament of Treitz

a. Histology T.S of Spleen.

b. Open circulation in spleen.


a. Name ligaments of liver and their function. If

b. Space of Disse in the hepatic lobule and its function.


a.Di erence between large and small intestine.

b. Blood supply of appendix.


a. Derivities of midgute.

b. Development of pancreas.
1. Explain the gross and microscopic features of gall bladder.

2. Describe the gross anatomy of parotid gland. Explain its surface anatory
and clinically important relations.

3. Explain the rotation of midgut and embryological basis of Meckel's


4. Write short notes on:

a. Lesser sac

b. Blood supply of large intestine

Q1. List the structures passing through the anterior border of parotid gland. Trace its.
secretomotor pathway.

Q2. De ne classical hepatic lobule, liver acinus and portal lobule with the help of a labeled
diagram. Mention the importance of liver acinus.

Q.3 Explain the anal canal under following the headings :

a.Its interior

b. Blood supply

c. Development

Q.4 Write short notes on:

a. Rotation of midgut

b. Anterior and posterior relations of 3rd part of duodenum

Group "B" (Physiology)
1. Describe the fate of Hb. What is jaundice?

2. Write brie y on the Digestion and absorption of Carbohydrates.

3. What is the composition of pancreatic Juice? List the functions of liver.

4. Write sort notes on:

Gl Motility

Entero Hepatic Circulation

Defecation Re ex

Functions of Cholecystokinin.
• Enumerate di erent phases of deglutition and give a brief description of each of the

• Give the composition of pancreatic juice Describe the pf

• mechanism of digestion and absorption of proteins.

• Write short notes on:

• a. Cholecystokinin

• b. Vomiting center

• c. Peristalsis,

• d. Functions of bile
• Describe brielly about mechanism of deglutition process. List the functions
of saliva.

• Write brie y about electrical activities of Gl smooth muscle. What is Vago-

vagal re ex?

• What is enterohepatic circulation? Write its signi cance.

• Write brie y about mechanism of vomiting, State Law of gut. Write short
notes on:

• a.Function of CCK
• b. Dumping syndrome
Describe the mechanism of secretion of Gastric Hydrochloric acid. List two
functions of secretin hormone.

Write brie y about the electrical activity of GIT smooth muscle. De ne migrating
motor complex.

Write short notes on:

a.Pharyngeal phase of deglutition

b.Mechanism of vomiting

c. Gastrocolic re ex

d.Di erence between Hepatic bile & Gall bladder bile

Write the composition of Suceus Entericus and explain the functions of Succus

Write the properties and composition of bile. Explain the functions of Liver.

Write short notes on:

a.Functions of Saliva


c.Movement of large intestine.

d.Conditional re ex.

e. Functions of Pancreatic juice.

List the enzymes secreted by the exocrine pancreas. Explain their functions
and regulation of secretion.

What is success entericus? Explain the motility function of small intestine.

Write short notes on:

a.Functions of liver

b. Pathophysiology of vomiting

c. Sham feeding

d.Physiological actions cholecystokinin

Write the functions of Hydrochloric Acid (HD) in the

stomach and explain the mechanism of Secretion of Hd.

Describe the properties and composition of bile and

explain the functions of bile and bile salts.

Write short notes on:

a.Process of Deglutition

b.Conditioned re ex



e.Movement of Intestine
Group B" (Physiology)
Explain the pharmacological basis of using:

a. Drotaverine as antispasmodic

B.Zinc sulphate in diarrhoca

C.Praziquantal in tapeworms


A.Indications of Lactulose

B.Di erences between Metronidazole and Tinidazole

C.Adverse e ects of Domperidone

Write short notes on:


b.Proton pump inhibitors

c.Drugs for vomiting in pregnancy

Explain the pharmacolosical basis of using:

a.Zine sulphate in acute diarrhoea in children

b.Domperidone in nausea and vomiting

c.Proton pump inhibitors in therapy

d.Stimulant laxatives in constipation


a.Di erences between Metronidazole and Tinidazole

b. Adverse e ects of Albendazole

c. Indications of Sim ethicone

Write short notes on:

a.Regimens for H.pylori eradication



Explain the pharmacological basis of using:

a. Hyoscine in motion sickness

b.Zine for acute diarrhea in children,

c.Proton pump inhibitors in therapy


a.Adverse e ects of Albendazole

b. Uses of Metronidazole

c.Treatment regimen for H. pylori infection

Write short notes on:


b.Stimulant laxative

c.H2 -receptor antagonists

Group "C" (Pharmacology)
1. Explain the pharmacological basis of using:

a.Drotaverine as antispasmodic

b.Zinc sulphate in diarrhoea

C.Praziquantel in tapeworms

2. List:

a.Indications of Lactulose

b. Di erences between Metronidazole and Tinidazole

C.Adverse e ects of Domperidone

D.Proton pump inhibitors

E.Drugs for vomiting in pregnancy

Explain the pharmacological basis of using:

a Metoclopramide in prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting

b.Niclosamide in tapeworm infections

c.Bisacodyl in constipation

d.Rabeprazole in therapy


a.Di erences between Metronidazole and Tinidazole

b.Adverse e ects of Loperamide

c.Contraindications of Emetics

Write short notes on:


b.Diloxanide furoate


1. Write mechanism of action, clinical uses and adverse e ects of

2. What is the composition of Oral Rehydration Solution? Explain rationale

of combination of each component.

3. Describe mechanism of action, adverse e ects and uses of


4. Classily luxatives. Mention uses and druwbacks of bulk lazatives

1. Describe the mechanism of action of omeprazole. List its common indications and adverse e ects.

2. Write the mechanism of action of metoclopramide.Mention its adverse e ects.

3. Name commonly used bulk forming laxatives. Write

4. their mechanism of action and contraindications.

5. Explain the basis of using racecadotril in diarrhea Name the drugs e ective in treatment of

6. List the drugs used in treatment of smooth muscle spasm. Explain the mechanism of drotaverine.

7. short notes on:


b.Oral rehydration solution (ORS)

Group "D" (Pathology)
1. De ne cirrhosis of liver. Describe the morphological and etiological
classi cation of cirrhosis of liver. Explain the morphology of Alcoholic
cirrhonis of liver.

2. What is peptic ulcer? Describe the etiopathogenesis of peptic ulcer and

its complications.

3. Write short notes on:

a.Intestinal Polyps

b.Barrett's Oesophagus
1. De ne peptic ulcer. Describe the role of Helicobacter pylori in the pathogenesis
of peptic ulcer.

2. Classify tumours of salivary gland. Describe the microscopic features of Warthin


3. Write short notes on:


b.Serologic markers of Hepatitis B


d.Barrett gesophagus
1. De ne Polyp. Classify intestinal polyp.

2. De ne cirrhosis of liver. Pathogenesis of cirrhosis of liver.

3. List the causes of hepatitis. Morphological features of chronic hepatitis

4. Di erence between Crohn disease and ulcerative

5. Write short notes on:


b.Barrett Esophagus,
1. De ne Barrett's esophagus. Describe its pathogenesis and morphology.

2. Describe gross and microscopic features of di erent types of intestinal polyps.

3. List di erent types of hepatitis. Describe the morphology and serological markers of
Hepatitis B virus.

4. Write short notes on:

a.Amoebic hepatitis


c.Di erentiate between Ulcerative colitis andCohn's disease

d.Pleomorphic adenoma
1. Mention the Lauren classi cation of pastric cancer Describe the gross and
microscopic di use carcinoma of stomach.

2. What are the di erent types of alcoholic liver discase?Describe the pathogenesis
of alcoholic liver disease.

3. Write short notes on:

a.Microscopic features of chronic hepatitis due to Hepatitis B virus.

b.Pleomorphic adenoma.

c.Pigmented gallstones.

d.Gastroesophageal re ux discase.
1. Describe pathogenesis of gastric cancer. Write down the microscopic features of
gastric adenocarcinoma.

2. List the tumors of liver. Describe morphologic features of Hepatocellular


3. Write short notes on:

a. Re ux esophagitis

b.Crohn disease

c.Hepatitis B viral infection

d. Precancerous lesions of oral cavity

1. Classify the tumour of salivary gland. Describe the gross and
microscopic features of pleomorphic adenoma.

2. De ne Barrett's esophagus and describe its complications.

3. Describe the di erences between Amoebic liver abscess and Pyogenic

liver abscess.

4. Write short notes on:

a.Crohn's disease

bCirrhosis of liver
Group "E" (Biochemistry)
1. Describe the steps of cholesterol synthesis and explain how the rate-
limiting step is regulated.

2. Describe the steps of B-oxidation of an 18-carbon fatty acid. Calculate

the number of ATPs produced from B-oxidation of an 18-carbon fatty

3. Write short notes on:

a.Synthesis and functions of bile salts

b.Gilbert syndrome
1. Describe the digestion and absorption of dietary lipids.

2. Describe the steps of B-oxidation of an 18-carbon fatty acid. Calculate

the number of ATPs produced from B. oxidation of an 18-carbon fatty

3. Write short notes on:

a.Synthesis of bile salts

b.Gilbert syndrome
1. Describe the mechanism of ketone body formation and utilization.

2. Classify bile acids. Describe the synthesis of bile acids.

3. write ve major di erences between the biochemical ndings of

prehepatic jaundice and that of posthepatic jaundice.

4. Write short notes on:

a.Digestion of lipids

b.Biochemical basis of Gilbert syndrome

1. De ne starve-feed cycle. List the pathways that are activated and inhibited in
starved and fed states.Describe how the starve-feed cycle is perturbed in

2. Tabulate the di erences between the three major types of jaundice based on
biochemical investigations.

3. List the tests under a Standard liver function test panel. Describe the
signi cance of hepatic enzymes in dlagnosis of various hepatobiliary diseases.

4. Write the biochemical basis of:

a.Keto acidosis in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

b.Bile salts as chemical emulsi ers

1. De ne jaundice. Explain biochemical investigation to di erentiate hemolytic,
hepatocellular and obstructive jaundice.

2. What is beta-oxidation? Explain how palmitic acid (16 carbon atoms) is oxidized
by beta-oxidation.

3. Describe the mechanism of ketqne body synthesis and its utilization.

4. Write short notes on:

a.Biochemical investigation of Diabetes Mellitus.

b.Function of bile acids.

c.Biochemical basis of hyperbilirubinemia in Gilbert Syndrome.

1. Sketch the pathway of bilirubin metabolism and describe the di erential
diagnosis of di erent types of jaundice.

2. Describe the mechanism of generation of ketone bodies and their


3. Write short notes on :

a. Liver function test

b. Hepatorenal syndrome
1. List the conditions of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Describe the
biochemical basis of Gilbert syndrome.

2. Explain B oxidation in detail and mention its clinical signi cance.

3. Describe the pathway of cholesterol biosynthesis and how it is regulated.

4. Write short notes on:

a.Role of the bile acids in emulsi cation of lipids

b.Lab diagnosis of diabetes mellitus

Group "F" (Microbiology)
1. Write the life cycle and mode of infection of Entamoeba histolytica

2. Describe brie y the pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of V. cholera

3. List out the causative agents of facco-oral transmitted hepatitis and its
methods of laboratory diagnosis

4. Write short notes on:

a.Rota virus

b.Clostridium di cile
1. Describe pathogenesis of salmonella typhi. Write laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever.

2. write morphology. Life-cycle and laboratory diagnosis Entamoeba histolytica.

3. Let angichs virves cauinine Hepatitis. What are the serological markers that are used
for the diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus?

4. Write short notes on:

a.Di erences between Amoebic dysentery and bacillary dysentery

b.Clostridium di cile

c.Hydatid cyst diseases

d.Rota virus
1. Write notes on chqlera toxins & its mode faction produce diarrhoea.

2. List any fur organisms causing gastro enteritis.Mention the methods of laboratory in
case of diarrhea by Escherichia coli.

3. Describe brie y about hepatitis B' viruses.

4. Write short notes on



c.Lab.diagnosis of Giardiasis

d.CI. di cle
1. List out the causative agents of diarrhea. Describe the laboratory
diagnosis of Shigella.

2. Write any four di erences between T. saginata and T. solium. Describe

the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis ofT. solium.

3. Describe the pathogenesis of enteric fever.

4. Write short notes on:

a. Hepatitis virus

b. Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli

1. Describe life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoids and its laboratory diagnosis.

2. List the pathogenE Nora of Ct tract. Mention the pathogenic mechanism

of cholera toxin.

3. Describe the pathogenesis of enteric fever.

4. Write short notes on:

a.Hepatitis virus.

b.Clostridium di cile.
1. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of
Vibrio cholera.

2. Write short notes on (any three):

a. Morphology of Entamoeba histolytica

b. Laboratory diagnosis of Hepatitis B virus

c. Pathogenesis of Echinococcus granulosus

d. Pathogenesis of Rotavirus
1. Describe pathogenic mechanism and virulence factor of Vibrio cholera

2. List mode of transmission of hepatitis viruses. Explain serological markers of Hepatitis

B virus

3. Write down the life cycle of Cryptosporidium parvum

4. Write short notes on:

a.Iron de ciency anemia

b. Widal test

c. Clostridium di cile

d.Bacillary Dysentery

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