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Running Head:Important Leadership Concepts 1

Important Leadership Concepts 2


This assignment explains the most important leadership concepts that we have learned in

this course. I have included the fundamental qualities of a leader.Then I have also identifed the

key elements of my plan to strengthen my practice of leadership. Similarly I have also given

examples from my own experience.

Important Leadership Concepts 3

It is difficult to be pioneer and the greater part of the general population don't

comprehend what a decent and genuine pioneer is, and how might one be (Andrews and Field,

1998). Leaders are made through consistent study, understanding and preparing; they are not

conceived. Here, we master something about leadership characteristics and the key ideas we

accomplished from the class. According to Kouzes and Posner (2012), the 5 exemplary practices

of leadership are:

 Challenge the process:

A pioneer challenges the old procedures with new, inventive ones for the advancement of

the general public. Pioneers look for the new creative things and move out from business as

usual to vanquish better things.

 Inspire a shared vision:

A pioneer should be in a similar wavelength with the supporters. So as to do as such, he

needs a mutual, clear vision that anybody can invigorate. The unmistakable vision enables

individuals to acknowledge where they stand and how are they going to get things done with a

specific end goal to achieve the objective.

 Enable others to act:

A pioneer cultivates joint effort and urge the general population to act. They don't

endeavor to do everything themselves except attempt to offer chances to the colleague to act and

develop. They utilize paternal approach, they need individuals to learn by doing and making the

move themselves.

 Model the way:

A leader needs to demonstrate his follower the right way to the people and model the

route for them. Keeping in mind the end goal to influence others to stop smoking, the pioneer
Important Leadership Concepts 4

shouldn't be a lush himself. The pioneer should keep an eye if the supporters are holding fast to

the qualities or not.

 Encourage the heart:

The pioneer ought to have the capacity to energize the workers. A genuine pioneer rouses

individuals as opposed to simply centering upon administration rehearses. Empowering them by

having little yet visit festivities, lauding them before all and so on could be extremely viable in

empowering the core of the general public.

Some other leadership concepts that we have earned in this course are:

1. Leadership is everyone’s business:

The most powerful pioneers were observed to be the relatives (Kouzes and Posner, 2012).

The second for individuals beneath or more 30 years old were educators/mentor and agents,

separately. The business faculty implied their quick seniors or managers, no other hotshot

individuals. Individuals are watching regardless of the possibility that you don't know. In some

cases, those individuals take you as a good example and move to be as you. Despite the fact that

you don't feel like a pioneer yourself, there are times when you are creating an impression, a

distinction in a general public that individuals are gazing upward to.

I used to appreciate my senior a ton as she was incredible openly, dons and even

investigations. One day, I stroll up to her and said that I respected her and she was totally

stunned. She never understood that somebody was admiring her the entire time. The following

year, she turned into the school commander. Along these lines, leadership is everybody's business

(Livingston, J. S., 2003).

Important Leadership Concepts 5

2. Credibility is foundation of leadership:

A pioneer ought to be tenable keeping in mind the end goal to pick up the conviction of

the general population. It doesn't simply mean the experience. It additionally needs to do with

how one has been acting and treating others. In my class, there was a boy, who never kept his

oath. He had guaranteed to get me a treat from a long time, yet I never got it. He additionally

guarantees to accomplish something in class, yet dependably has pardon, not to. Each one in our

class realize that he is not a solid individual thus we don't expect anything from him and never

trust his words by any means. In the event that a man never keeps his words, at that point nobody

would trust them and really tail them. In this way, Credibility doesn't generally mean

involvement (Livingston, J. S., 2003). Indeed, even the youthful, unpracticed individuals can be


There are different ways according to Kouzes and Posner (2012), to increase our credibility:

 Inspiring:

Pioneers ought to motivate other individuals. As pioneers are nothing without devotees,

they have to associate with them and rouse them. Pioneers ought to rouse individuals to do things

any other way to have certain effect.

 Honest:

The pioneer ought to dependably be straightforward towards the colleagues. He ought to

be straightforward about the work he does, his vision and the purposes for it. Being

straightforward with the colleagues make individuals more valid and they can trust the pioneer

Important Leadership Concepts 6

 Forward looking:

A pioneer appears to be tenable that he is forward looking. If he has dreams to make

something else in the public, at that point those dreams will make him more dependable.

Individuals put stock in the individuals who have an unmistakable vision and realize what they

need to do in their life.

 Encourage and believe:

It is imperative to rouse the representatives by giving them positive and helpful criticism. The

representatives performace copies in the event that they have clear standard objectives and get

visit input(Morrow, 1996). Likewise, beliving in the representatives makes ponders. The

Pygmalion impact could be both positive and negative. In this way, it is imperative to have a

positive conviction to support the assurance of the group.

 Trust:

It is the best need in the group which can be encouraged by tuning in to every one of the general

population. Without the trust, a group folds. The establishment a group works upon(Livingston,

2003). Consequently, I would endeavor to build the trust among my colleagues. I can do that by

being the first to confide in, indicating worry to others, sharing the learning and encouraging


 Time management:

It is imperative to oversee time legitimately with a specific end goal to achieve the coveted

objective and get the best possible advantages (Dougherty, 2013). I would likewise deal with my

chance appropriately to do things that would help me to be a superior pioneer later on and begin

the 5 initiative practices instantly.

Important Leadership Concepts 7

3. Leadership is relationship:

Each story has likeness to the next as "Everybody has a story to tell" (Kouzes and Posner,

2012). It concerns distinctive ranges that one may identify with the other. Every single story that

we hear or read about the pioneers doesn't exclusively concern them, yet additionally concerns

the adherents.. Keeping in mind the end goal to be a pioneer, one needs a decent connection with

the colleagues or subordinates. Pioneers can't do unprecedented things without anyone else's

input. I trust that there should be atleast a supporter to be a pioneer.Authority is not something

that is found in more elevated amount of association i.e. chain of importance, yet it is the

connection between the person who leads and the individuals who take after (Kouzes and Posner,


For instance, if the pioneer doesn't have a decent connection with the devotees than the

errand won't be full of feeling. Pioneer needs to impart appropriately now and again with the

colleagues so he can know much about the individuals and the present circumstance. That way

he can likewise know the quality of individuals and deal with the team legitimately in related

zones. To enhance the association with supporters, a pioneer should tune in to his/her devotees.

He should think about them by and by and professionally (Morrow, E. P. ,1996). The reality of

the matter is that a pioneer can't tune in to every one of them however at any rate he should

endeavor to tune in to the normal voice of the general population.

Simply listening doesn't work, he needs to comprehend them. On the off chance they

have any issues, at that point he ought to consider their issues and give either any help or cut

them some slack. Additionally, pioneer needs to recognize his partners they do great things.

Indeed, even the little affirmations roll out greater improvements.

Important Leadership Concepts 8


There are distinctive qualities and ideas of initiative that can help us to comprehend about

the characteristics of pioneer increasingly and be an extraordinary pioneer ourselves. The 5

examplary practices of initiative as per the book.Administration is a realtionship and not pecking

order. A man should be dependable inorder to be a decent pioneer as the devotees need to belive

the pioneer. Along these lines, to enhance the initiative qualities, leader need to center being

straightforward, forward looking, moving, equipped and furthermore center after overseeing

time, creating trust and empowering and believeing the colleagues.

Important Leadership Concepts 9


Andrews, J., & Field, R. H. (1998). Regrounding the concept of leadership. Leadership &

Organization Development Journal, 19(3), 128-136.

Dougherty, J. (2013, December 13). The best way for new leaders to build trust. Retrieved from

Harvard Business Review:


Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The Leadership Challange (5th ed.). San Francisco.

Livingston, J. S. (2003, January). Pygmalion in Management. Retrieved from Harvard Business


Morrow, E. P. (1996). Applying Pareto's law. Journal of Financial Planning, 9(5). Retrieved


Important Leadership Concepts 10

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