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< EMPM 5203>


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< EMPM 5203>



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Stakeholder – personnel, group, company that can affect and affected by certain project

Without a doubt, stakeholder management strategies are important to any project because it
involve the interest of every party that is directly and indirectly involve during project
execution. As a manager, its is within their responsibilities to develop a strategy to engage
and manage stakeholder to understand their needs, requirement, impact, effect to the
completion of the project. In this modern age, sustainability concept must be integrated
within project management plan, where in this writing, stakeholder management plan.
Thus, the developed Stakeholder management plan integrated with sustainability concept
should include:
- Engagement activities must design following the environment and social aspect
- All document activities shall be handed over to the project owner for usage during and
after project cycle. This is to ensure the continuation of stakeholder management
- All if not most of strategies planned shall be within interest of stakeholder and the
communication shall be open and two-way channel.

List of input, source, tools & references used.

Information input/source Tools & Techniques

1.Project charter. 1.Expert judgment
2.Business documents 2.Data gathering
3.Project management plan 3.Data analysis
4.Project documents 4.Data representation
5.Agreements 5.Meetings
6.Enterprise environmental factors
7.Organizational process assets


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Identify Stakeholder.

Stakeholder identifying process is important throughout the entire project cycle. The reason
this is important because it will provide guidance on which group or individual need to be
focused on during each of project phase.
Identification source: Project charter, document, management plan, agreement
Tools and technique: Survey & questionnaires, Data analysis & meeting

During project initiation phase stakeholder might be different from project handing over
phase thus it is highly recommended that each stakeholder is identified and categorize
according to their interest to the project to ensure the continuation engagement. Once
identified, stakeholder must be registered in an official document such as project
management plan and updated from time to time.

Understand and Analyse stakeholders’ information

After identification of stakeholder, project manager and team will try to comprehend their
feelings, emotions, beliefs, and values. Open channel and two way of communication shall be
used during this process. An element to understand stakeholder’s requirement as follow:

 Position within organization

 Expectation
 Degree of influence to the project
 Attitude

After analyzing their requirement, an interaction method should be develop to get a better
engagement quality

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Stakeholder Prioritization

If there are large number of stakeholders, stakeholder should be categorized. Categorization

should be done as follow:

Stakeholder Project
Name Influences value phase
Stakeholder A low initiation
Stakeholder B low planning
Stakeholder C low execution
Stakeholder D low monitoring
Stakeholder E low closure

Table above will allow project manager on which stakeholder to focused on during each
project phases. This will avoid wastages of effort to engage less influential stakeholder on
certain phases of project

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Engage with stakeholder

There are two type of engagement method.

1. Verbal
a. Formal – Progress presentation, product demo.
b. Informal – Onsite or specified location for discussion
2. Written
a. Formal - Project progress report, material mock-up, RFI
b. Informal – Email, WhatsApp

Using only Digital Copy of formal document is highly encouraged during Engagement
process to apply sustainability concept within project cycle subject to stakeholder interest.
After each engagement, whether it is written or verbal, feedback should be taken to ensure
the degree of stakeholder understanding of the matters and gain helpful insight from them.

Stakeholder monitoring

If there are changes in stakeholder or new stakeholder has been identified, an adjustment
strategy should be made according to the new stakeholder requirement. Repeating the whole
process is advisable.

Feedback should be taken from stakeholder to determine their overall satisfaction of project
deliverables and management. This can be done by having a simple conversation.
Survey or questionnaire should be used if large number of stakeholders is involved.

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After analyzing data from the stakeholder feedback, to achieve higher stakeholder
satisfaction, an adjustment or amendment of stakeholder strategy should be made.


Project Management Methodologies (PMM): Critical Path Method (CPM)

Project Example: Construction (Building, Civil work, M&E, Architecture)

Project management Software: Microsoft Project

Most of the mid-ranged project within Malaysia is using Microsoft Project (MS Project) as
the project main tools to schedule work activities and track work progress. The software
developed based on CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM) thus the software often called CPM
rather the MS Project. This method has evolved to become one of the most widely used PMM
in construction because of its key working elements.

Work Break Down Structure (WBS)

In any construction Project, the main scope of work needed to be constructed is Civil &
Structure Work, Mechanical & Electrical Work and Architectural work. Three of these main
categories will be broken down to a hundred, sometimes to a thousand of smaller activities
that is uncategorized and without any sequence. WBS allow all these messy activities to be
properly listed according to its category by project team. After listing is finished, each
activity will be arranged according to correct sequence using Activity on Arrow (AoA)

Critical Path Analysis

There are 4 steps involved during this stage which is

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Step 1 & 2
Activities early start times determined by forward path
Activities late finish times determined by backward path

In CPM each activity will listed as per below example and arranged by integrating network
scheduling method area on arrow method to specify its forward path based on each activity


(ES) (EF) (ES) (EF)
(LS) (LF) (LS) (LF)

Step 3: Float calculations

Float is calculated based on formula below.

FLOAT = LF – EF or LS – ES

Step 4: Identifying Critical path activities

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Based on float calculation, if the sum amount is zero then it will be called critical activity and
the path leading to successor is called critical path

Importance of Critical path analysis

The reason why CP is important because it allow project manager to determine which work
activity in the construction project is very critical to the project. An activity that does not
allow any mistake and need more attention during its execution. This will help the project
team to make a preparation to each critical activity to avoid progress delay.

Other than that, CPM also allow project team to estimate minimum days required to complete
the project referring to the EARLY FINSIH (EF) of the last activity in the network diagram.
This can be presented to consultant and client for their approval because it is in the contract
requirement that contract must present the time taken for them to complete the warded

In addition to that, CPM enable project manager to manage resources and cost according to
its schedule to avoid wastage of raw material and is efficiently procured before work
commencement to ensure finish product quality is kept to a maximum standard.

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Criteria need to be considered during matrix development:

1. Presence of Project team on site required 100%
2. There must be both vertical and horizontal routes for establishing commitments.
3. Fast and effective resolution of conflict need to be established
4. Good communication flow between managers.
5. During planning process, managers must provide insight
6. Managers must be willing to share resources
7. Horizontal line workflow must be separated except for administrative work.

Matrix organization Proposal Justification

Advantages 1: Easy coordination between department

During construction activities, often site team will only report to project manager for
every matter arise at construction site, issue related to technical, issue related to cost and
issue related to Human Resources matters. There is no direct connection to the other
department because if we have a look at the traditional chart, human resource & cost and
contract is separated entirely from the project team. By adopting matrix organization chart,
we can integrate these two departments within the project execution team itself thus allowing
site team to report directly to another department based on issue category.

Advantages 2: Effective and efficient utilization of resources.

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In the traditional chart, every project will have to have one Human Resources
representative at every construction site to conduct task related to Human Resource, in this
case, 3 HR staff salary need to be paid. While if we integrate HR department within the
project department then there is a possibility that only person is needed to take care of HR
related task. This will effectively decrease company operation cost.

Advantages 3: Uniform flow of information

Information flow within company is very important. The efficiency of information
flow determines the success of every project. Using Matrix chart, any information from top to
bottom will communicated horizontally and vertically, meaning that everyone will have faster
and equal info. If the info came from site team, then, it will be communicated through two
ways which is to the functional manager and to the project manager.

Advantages 4: Employee career development.

Matrix structure will help employee to widen their knowledge and experience. It will
allow an employee to train their multi-tasking skill. For example, HR clerk, while handling
matters related to project 1, he/she will also involve to matters at project 2. This will prepare
the employee for any career changes and growth within the organization.

Advantages 5: Organization Flexibility

Instead of relying on individualized resource pools, the matrix organizational
structure allows a company to identify talent across the entire enterprise. You can inquire
about a project with anyone from any department. It means that rather than trying to hire
someone new in an uncertain hiring situation, you can always choose the best individual for
the job from inside. If a quantity surveyor possesses technical knowledge that you require,
you can enlist their help until the project is completed — and then return them to their usual

To summarize, multiple projects require new adaptation of how to better manage
company resources. One of the methods is by adapting Matrix Chart Organization that offer

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flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness to all department/division within company. This also
will show that we are ready to make any changes in effort to adapt to any new challenges.


Risk - A variable or event that may happen that will bring advantages or disadvantages to the
project. PMI’S PMBOK (2013)
Risk management – the process in which planning, identification, analysis, planning &
implementation of response, monitoring activity on the project.

Benefit of Risk Management.

- Early preparation
o Will ensure risk handled with success during its event.
- Reduces disadvantages during risk occurrence.
o Knowing what the risk is will give us the advantages to tackle is straight away
without the risk getting bigger
- Preparing Project Manager to make benefit out of certain risk
o Some identified project risk can bring benefit during project cycle the better
way to exploit that is by having risk management plan.
- Prepare project manager to better control any occurrence in future

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o Although some risks are impossible to exploit to our advantage, it is a good
move to have early planning
- Increase percentage in delivering project within budget & time
o Unaware of possible risk will tremendously effect project completion time &
its finish quality in which can leave bad impression to invertor and stakeholder
- Increasing external and internal investor
o Most of interested investor requirement during proposal phase is how the
organization will handle risk. Having Risk management plan will add to
investor confidence.
- Risk record can be as baseline for future application.
o All risk that happened or did not will be recorded. This information will be as
a guideline for the next project.

Project Risk Management Plan.

1. Risk Identification.

As soon as the project is awarded, project management team shall identify all possible risk
that can happen.
a. This can be done by asking the 5W
i. Why did this happen? (Past record)
ii. When will the possible occurrence time?
iii. Where at project it will happen?
iv. Who will it happen to?
v. What happen? (Past record)
b. Tool & technique can be used
i. Expert judgement ii. Data gathering & analysis iii. Meetings &
c. Inputs

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(i). Project management Plan (ii). Project Document (iii). Contract &
Agreement (iv) Drawing specification
As soon as risk has been identified, it should be recorded officially. This record can be
adjusted from time to time following the project progress.

2. Risk assessment
Data analyzation must be done following the recorded possible risk. Table below are
the Risk chart that can be used to identify likelihood of risk, impact of risk, risk factor
and ranking. (source : OUM EMPM5203 MODULE)
Likely hood of risk occurrence
Rating Likelihood Description
1 Very Low Unlikely to occur
2 Low Most likely not occur
3 moderate Possible To occur
4 high likey to occur
5 Very high highly likely to occur

Impact of the risk

Impact Description
1 Negligible Rectified by normal way
2 Minor Little effort can rectify problem
Some project goal at mild risk, moderate
3 Moderate
effort required to rectify
Possible threat to Most Project goal or major
4 Major
negative effect to project goal
Most project goal might not deliver, or most
5 Catastrophic
of project goal is severely affected

Risk Factor and Risk ranking

N Likelihood Impact
Risk Factor Risk Rank
O (L) (I)
1 Loss to project key staff 2 3 6 1
2 Significant changes in user requirement 2 4 8 2
3 Major Changes to user department structure 2 5 10 3

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3. Risk response development
a. At this stage, risk response should be develop based on the severity of the risk.
This is to reduce risk effect to the project and developing contingency plan.
b. Input/source can be taken.
i. Project management plan
ii. Project document
c. Tools and technique
i. Expert Opinion
ii. Data collection
iii. Data analysis
iv. Discussion
v. Meeting
d. Strategy development guidance
i. Avoid – When overall risk impact is severe to project goal, project
specification can be changed.
ii. Exploit – If risk is resulting positive development, it should be adopted
to the project
iii. Transfer – This involve transferring ownership of the risk to a third
party to be managed and bearing the after effect, for example project
insurance service provider. This could cause additional cost, but it is
necessary to protect project deliverable
iv. Mitigate – Change project specification, changing project resource,
changing project management plan
v. Accept – This strategy is only applicable to lower risk factor or when a
threat is within financial planning.
4. Risk Response control
a. Developed risk strategy should be implemented and closely supervised. An
adjustment or addition to the strategy should me made if there are new risk


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Other than cost and time, Project Quality is also important element. The importance
of quality management is so that project is delivered within specification and satisfaction of
key stakeholder. Mainly client & end-user. It is true that quality comes with a big price tag
but not always. That why quality management plan is developed as a mechanism to monitor
and control project quality
Below are the aspects of Quality that need to be considered during development of Total
Quality Plan (TQM)

1st aspect – Quality planning

Project quality management (PQM) is a requirement to reach project goal with the highest if
not within the mentioned specific in the Project Contract. Quality defined as the finished
project/product or services that that accepted by key stakeholder
To achieve the specified quality in the contract, the first aspect to be considered is Quality
Planning. Quality planning is a process where overall project goal is studied, analyze, and
listed then prepare a countermeasure to achieve desired satisfaction after project completion.
The quality plan also contains information as follow:
a. Finding out specified material in the contract or material replacement that is equal or
with higher quality but within project allocated budget
b. Provide competency training to employee on how to complete work in accordance
with project quality requirement
c. A procedure planning to make sure the desired satisfaction by stakeholder is met

2nd Aspect – Quality Assurance (QA)

QA is a process where establish project quality plan is implemented from time to time until
project completion to ensure that every requirement form stakeholder is met.

Below are the QA systems that is acceptable

a. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
i. Method to identify advantages to lessen project wastage
b. Benchmarking
i. Comparing quality detail of past or previous project as a baseline
c. Quality Audit

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i. Auditing will help to keep all activities quality in check. It has to be done
at the project site by appointing external party or internal party if available

3rd aspect – Quality Control (QC)

Quality control is procedure to control specified project goal to ensure that all quality
standard is fulfilled.
Below are the QC outputs
a. Accepted Selection
i. Situation where customer is accepting or rejecting the completed
b. Rework
i. Extra work that needs to be done to rectify or rebuild the rejected
c. Process adjustments
i. QA measurements is conducted, and the result will determine a step to
prevent future defective product. Amendment is identified and
implemented through project’s change control process.

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