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The OSI model stands for Open Systems Interconnection model. The OSI model is also known
as the ISO-OSI model as it was developed by ISO (International Organization for
Standardization). It is a conceptual reference model that describes the entire flow of information
from one computer to the other computer.

The OSI model is a 7-layered model, so it is also known as a 7-layered architecture model. The
basic idea behind layered architecture is to divide the design into smaller pieces. Most networks
are organized in a series of layers to reduce the design complexity.

7 Layers of the OSI Model

the OSI model is discussed below :

 The change in one layer does not affect the other layers.
 The layered architecture reduces the complexity by dividing the task in a manageable
 The layered architecture provides abstraction from other layers.
 Due to the abstraction, any layer can be changed independently.
 Each layer can be changed, tested, and analyzed independently
The Seven Layers ( Bottom Up Approach)

 Application Layer
 Presentation Layer
 Session Layer
 Transport Layer
 Network Layer
 DataLink Layer
 Physical Layer

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