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I think that our days advertising have advantages and disadvantages too.

In first step advertising helps us, choosing the best product/service that is fit
for our needs.Also, the internet is such an ideal platofrm for commercials. Can
help companies grow quickly with a good advertising campaign. On TV we can say that
offers a very wide impact and commercials can reach their "targets" very easy, but
costs for this are very high ( production and distribution ).

Also, online advertising is such a perfect instrument for research and develop .
Have the potential to measure the exact number of clients have accessed a certaing
webpage or an online shop and how many of they bought regarding good/service. In
online the consumer can interact directly with desired product, looking for
description and feedbacks from other users, in same cases have the possibility to
test the product before buying. Sometimes the services or products are one click
away from end user.

Although, one of biggest disadvantages of online advertising are spam emails sent
by companies and many of publicity banners from websites. Some of the clients find
this thing very annoying. Other point is that small companies have not enough
financial resources to battle the big players on the market for promoting their
goods in a world invaded by million of products and similar services.

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