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Analyzing How L2 is Acquired

by Using
the Concepts and Principles of SLA

Presented by Group 6
Our team consist of:

1 Henry Eka Poetra Alfiansyah

2 Maria Alberta Putri Kurniawaty

3 Zahwa Aulia
To start with...
Adolescent refugees attending vocational training in the
Who Netherlands. They were in a class targeting A2 level in English.

The same two six-picture-based narrative surprise tasks from Heaton

What (1975) were used as pre- and post-tests with CMC activities as a

Over the three weeks of treatment tasks, participants worked with a

series of complex narrative tasks, each task cycle consisted of material
for pre- and main task. The next week was used to do the post-task
Written Text
Text 1 Text 2
There one man, and also a girl she In the first picture, I can see one man
looking at him. The girl speaking with with two bags and also I see one man
the man in the other man the with the with a child they are looking at the
girl was, back then the bag from the man. In the 2 picture I can see a girl
man. But the man ran away with the speaking with the man and the other
bag. Then the policeman saw them but man and the other man is stealing the
the man ran away to the car. bag, the bag from the man. In the
picture 3, I can see his father stole the
box. In the picture 4 I see a policeman
whistles and the man and the child are
running away with the bags to the car.
Vocabulary Analysis
Text 1 Text 2
There one man, and also a girl she In the first picture, I can see one man
looking at him. The girl speaking with with two bags and also I see one man
the man in the other man the with the with a child they are looking at the
girl was, back then the bag from the man. In the 2 picture I can see a girl
man. But the man ran away with the speaking with the man and the other
bag. Then the policeman saw them but man and the other man is stealing the
the man ran away to the car. bag, the bag from the man. In the
picture 3, I can see his father stole the
box. In the picture 4 I see a policeman
whistles and the man and the child are
running away with the bags to the car.
Word indicate a tense

Omitted vocabulary

Phrase that has the same

meaning. (Polysemy)

Words that have a low

frequency of use

Morphology Analysis
Text 1 Text 2
There one man, and also a girl she In the first picture, I can see one man
looking at him. The girl speaking with with two bags and also I see one man
the man in the other man the with the with a child they are looking at the
girl was, back then the bag from the man. In the 2 picture I can see a girl
man. But the man ran away with the speaking with the man and the other
bag. Then the policeman saw them but man and the other man is stealing the
the man ran away to the car. bag, the bag from the man. In the
picture 3, I can see his father stole the
box. In the picture 4 I see a policeman
whistles and the man and the child are
running away with the bags to the car.
Highlight Note

Yelloww Derivational Morphology

Greeeee Inflectioinal Morphology

Derivational Text 1 Text 2 Inflectional Text 1 Text 2

stealing No Yes looking Yes Yes

looking Yes Yes speaking Yes Yes

speaking Yes Yes ran Yes No

stole No Yes saw Yes No

running No Yes
Grammar/sentence structure:
Color Notes
nnnnnn Simple sentences

Nnnnnn Complex sentence

nnnnnn Compound

nnnnnn Errors

Underline Tenses
Syntax Analysis
Text 1 Text 2
There one man, and also a girl she In the first picture, I can see one man
looking at him. The girl speaking with with two bags and also I see one man
the man in the other man the with the with a child they are looking at the
girl was, back then the bag from the man. In the 2 picture I can see a girl
man. But the man ran away with the speaking with the man and the other
bag. Then the policeman saw them but man and the other man is stealing the
the man ran away to the car. bag, the bag from the man. In the
picture 3, I can see his father stole the
box. In the picture 4 I see a policeman
whistles and the man and the child are
running away with the bags to the car.
Text 1 Text 2
There one man. and also a girl she In the first picture, I can see one man
looking at him. The girl speaking with with two bags and also I see one man
the man in the other man the with the with a child they are looking at the
girl was, back then the bag from the man. In the 2 picture I can see a girl
man. But the man ran away with the speaking with the man and the other
bag. Then the policeman saw them but man and the other man is stealing the
the man ran away to the car. bag, the bag from the man. In the
picture 3, I can see his father stole the
box. In the picture 4 I see a policeman
whistles and the man and the child are
running away with the bags to the car.

Color Notes

nnnnn Cohesive Device Reference

nnnnn Cohesive Device conjunction

Red Problem

Green Response
Students’, who were adolescent L2 learners, held positive attitudes
towards using text-based chat in class.

Text 1 Text 2

Short, coordinated sentences, labeling More complex noun phrases and

main events, that is, creating a weak adjectives, gave more detail with
plot with some attempts to narrative higher accuracy, and, overall, there was
story telling a narrative (which was not always
complete) structure

What are the factors influencing it?

★ Social context and experience

★ Age

★ Motivation
Any questions?

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