Existence of God

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A Million-dollar question of many human being who do not believe in God or who wants to know who
and How God really is. And for that we need to have a proof of existence of God in this world or to be
more precise the details of the God being the creator of the Universe, human beings, animals, plants
and all the creations one see in this world. Who actually created all these.? And why? And how?

In Quran which was revealed to Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alaihi wassalam 1445 years ago states
about the existence of God and how the universe was created, how the humans were created, the other
things which were created for human beings and what should a person do in this world, what is the
purpose of their creations and what is to be followed and what not to be followed and much more. The
Quran is the complete guidance for those who read understand and practice on it.

Why was it revealed only 1445 years ago and not before that? What did people before had to look upon
to ask who God really is. What should they do and what not to do, etc. The answer is that they had so
many other scriptures and three more books of God which was sent upon many prophets Alaihimus
salam before the complete guide was sent upon our Prophet Muhammed Sallalahu alaihi wassalam.

Why so many books and why not only one sent upon all the prophets (AS)?
This is because the time and the place and the people the different books and scriptures were sent by
Allah subhanahu Taala were different from one other. To be able to understand this we need to
understand the history of all the prophets from Adam AS to Isa AS.

Now back to our main question: where does God exist.? How do we know He really does?.

To come to this answer, one should understand the different types of religion in the world today.

Who do people across the world worship other than Muslims?

Christians worship Jesus Christ and Mary and Holy spirit, etc
Judaism worships Moses
Hindus worship shiva, bhrama, durga, devi, Lakshmi, Krishna, kaali, etc (the list is too long)
Zorastrianians worship fire
Buddhist worship Buddha
Few are atheist (that is they don’t believe in any God..)

How did these people get to worship what they are actually worshipping? Where did these all start?
Who tells them these are the gods and why they believe them to be true and what makes their belief so
firm that they are not able to understand other religion and can never change their religion for anything
or anyone?
Is it taught in schools or colleges? Or just that they are born in the house of that kind of belief.?

Like mentioned in the Quran and as we see in our life, the religion the people follow is because their
forefathers were following them and they don’t have time to actually think and realize what they are
doing in the name of worship and the actually purpose of the birth in this world. May Allah guide all our
non-Muslim friends to the straight path one day.. Aameen.
The actual answer to the existence of God for those who actually want to understand is that God is not a
form to be described and God is not for the human minds to be thought and spoken about. All we can
do is to take facts and data in the science and research technologies and ofcourse the Glorious Quran to
describe the existence of God in many ways which one will understand.

What does science say about the existence of the God, the existence of the world ?
The scientist believe in the fact that the world was evolved by a force but they do not believe in the fact
that it was God who created it by His force. They research on everything in the earth outside the earth
and still finding so many new things but the findings may surprise them but they will not accept the fact
that it is God who created them all for him to research on.

Who else would be able to create such things if the ones who are finding them are just human beings.
We are as it is said in the Quran that we are the best of the creations, for us is the world and everything
that is in the world as long as we abide by the regulations of the religion.

The example of existing of God is all around us and within us.

Like the nature around us, the trees which comes from a small seed, watered & nurtured by human but
the power of making that small seed into a tree is in God’s hands. Do human have the power to make
trees from a seed?. If so can he make an apple tree from a mango seed? Or can he make the tree grow
faster than it is intent to grow.? Does he have the capacity to even make the small seed which is the
basic requirement of a tree or a plant..? who has the power to do all these?.. definitely not humans…

Likewise who sends down the rain? The clouds? Who created the clouds? Why doesn’t the cloud pour all
the days and all the nights? Why does it pour only at a time and at a place? Who orders them for that?
Definitely not humans.. surely a power above all who knows when and where should the rain start and
when the rain should end. Scientist have created ways to pour rain from the cloud but can that be
compared with what the God can actually do?

What is the sky we see above us? How high is that? Where is the starting point and ending point of the
sky and where is the support system for the sky? How is it hanging in the air? have any human tried to
touch the sky? Have the scientist who spoke about the evolution can do that? They might send people
to the moon and even mars but have they the capacity to go to sun or somewhere closer to the sun or
even the planet next to the sun? If they do not want to agree to the fact of existence of God they should
prove that someone who can do the impossible other than the God Himself.

The Human body in itself is the biggest example one can give for the same fact. The organs that each
human being have, the way it was organized and build, the mind which gives the command to all the
parts of the body to react, feel, talk, touch, cry, laugh, walk, work, etc., the lungs which breathes in air,
the healthy heart which pumps in the same rhythm throughout one’s lives, the stomach which takes the
food and digests them, the food pipe, the wind pipe, the pancreas, the liver, the kidneys, the intestines,
the skin, the muscles, the blood flow in the body, the air that one breath in and out are different from
one another, etc. all these are the living proof of the impossible which the human scientist of the highest
position can never do even if he spend his whole life in that.

The mountains around holding the earth in its position, the air all the creatures including the human
breath, the water of different kinds which the humans, the animals and the plants drink, the trees
giving shades, the trees bearing fruits and vegetables for the humans and animals and other creatures
which can be seen in naked eyes and which cannot be, the food supplies which goes to the deepest of
the ocean to all the creatures living under the sea, the various fishes and the types of food they eat,
Who has the capacity to make them eat on everyday basis other than the God Himself.?

The lives and the death of all the creatures in the world, the decomposition of the body, the soul
departing from one’s body are all thought of and planned by the one who created all the creation with a
plan. Who can plan other than the designer Himself.

There are million other examples to show that these impossible tasks which cannot be done by any
human be it in any form and position in this world now or ever can only be done the one and only
Almighty God.

These are the simple ways to look around and realize the existence of God as the God Himself has told
us to know with the little the human mind can understand by studying the nature and its work, the
existence of God can be proved. What is there to reject the fact of the existence of God when the whole
world and its existence is the live proof of the Creator for all the sane human being, Only the God can do
such miraculous thing and no one in this world can do this even if they use the latest technologies.

What human being can never do even if all the people on earth join together can only be done by the
one who has all the powers in the world and over the world and that is the God, the one and only.

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