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Republic of the Philippine

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College of Criminal Justice

Chapter 1



Probation officers are essential actors in the criminal justice system in many

countries. They work tirelessly to supervise and manage offenders who have been

released from prison or are serving community sentences, with the goal of ensuring

public safety while also promoting successful reintegration into society. However, the

job of a probation officer can be highly challenging and complex, requiring a range of

skills and capabilities, such as strong communication skills, knowledge of the

criminal justice system, and the ability to manage a caseload of diverse clients.

(Provide article) macro - micro atleast 4 focusing on the role of probation offices and

problems encountered by probation office both foreign and local setting

This study aims to investigate the lived experiences of probation officers in the

United States, with a particular focus on identifying areas where their capabilities can

be enhanced. By using qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews

and focus group discussions, the study seeks to provide a detailed understanding of

probation officers' daily experiences and the challenges they face in their work. The

findings of this study can inform the development of evidence-based policies and

practices that support the professional development of probation officers in the

United States and enhance their ability to provide effective and meaningful support

to their clients.
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Overall, this study has the potential to contribute to the field of criminal

justice and probation practice, providing insights into the challenges faced by

probation officers and how these challenges can be addressed through effective

policy and practice. It is hoped that the findings of this study will help to support the

continued professionalization of probation officers in the United States and contribute

to positive outcomes for offenders and communities.

Background of the Study

The Justice System in the Philippines, like many other countries, utilizes

probation as an alternative to incarceration for offenders who may not pose a threat

to society. Probation officers are individuals who help supervise probationers as a

way to support the justice system's efforts toward rehabilitation and reintegration.

Probation Officers provide much-needed support to probationers as they work

towards complying with the conditions of their probation.

Despite the critical role that probation officers play in the justice system, there

is limited research on their lived experiences. Understanding the experiences of

probation officers is crucial in improving the support that is available to them as they

carry out their duties. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the lived

experiences of Probation officers in Taguig City, Philippines.

Through this study, the researchers aim to understand the challenges and

rewards that Probation officers experience in their roles. Additionally, the

researchers aim to focus the enhancement of Probation officers in performing their

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duties and the types of support they receive or require. This study's findings could
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inform the

development of policies and programs that could improve the support that is

provided to probation officers in Taguig City and the Philippines.

Considering the lack of research on Probation officers in the Philippines, this

study is crucial in providing insights into their lived experiences. By understanding

the challenges, rewards, and enhancement of their program and policies that could

improve their roles' effectiveness could be implemented. Ultimately, this could lead to

a more efficient and effective justice system in the Philippines.

Theoretical Framework

Schwalbe, C. S. (2012) claims that the efforts to strengthen probation

programs are often hampered by the lack of a normative theory for probation

practice. This study sought to generate a theory of probation practice from the

perspective of officers who currently supervise delinquent juveniles on probation. A

grounded theory approach was employed with 5 officers and 200 probationers who

participated in structured interviews about their probation practices. The results of

the study were synthesized into a comprehensive framework for probation called the

participation process model of probation. The participation process model describes

change mechanisms that are hypothesized by officers to link their use of specific
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tactics and strategies with two long-term objectives: risk/need reduction and
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accountability. Key change mechanisms include youth participation/cooperation,

relationship strength,

parental support, and motivational processes. The participation process model

provides a framework to guide future research.

Additionally, this study is based on Mullineux, J. C., Taylor, B. J., & Giles, M.

L. theory which claims that the repertory grid is a promising method for illustrating

the complexity of factors being considered by probation officers in their assessment

of recidivism. The results indicate that a range of factors are considered, both

criminogenic and non-criminogenic. The constructs presented highlight that some

factors which are influential in decision-making practice do not always reflect the

objective categories that are more amenable to being measured and do not exactly

correspond with how we are advised to measure these concepts. In light of this,

assessment tools need to consider, not only actuarial measures of risk factors but

also the ways in which the probation officer conceptualizes the risks in everyday

practice. The design of assessment tools needs to consider the people making the

judgment, not just the risk factors.

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Conceptual Framework

The researcher will utilize the Input – Process – Output Method by McGrath.

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model, developed by McGrath, is a valuable

conceptual framework used to analyze systems. It breaks down a system into three

components: inputs (resources or stimuli), processes (transformations), and outputs

(results or outcomes). This model helps understand how inputs are processed to

generate desired outputs, making it useful in various fields for problem-solving and

system optimization.

The Input in this context refers to the various factors that have the potential to

impact the experiences and capabilities of probation officers in Taguig City. These

factors encompass elements such as education and training, available resources,

and organizational support.

Education and training: The level of education and the quality of training

received by probation officers can significantly influence their knowledge, skills, and

competencies in carrying out their duties effectively. Higher education and

comprehensive training programs can enhance their understanding of legal

processes, rehabilitation techniques, and case management.

Available resources: The availability and adequacy of resources, both human

and material, play a crucial role in shaping the experiences of probation officers.
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Sufficient staffing, appropriate facilities, access to technology, and supportive
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infrastructure can contribute to their ability to fulfill their responsibilities efficiently.

Organizational support: The support and guidance provided by the probation

department and the broader organizational structure have a significant impact on the

experiences of probation officers. Effective leadership, clear policies and procedures,

communication channels, and supportive work culture can create an environment

that fosters professional growth and job satisfaction.

The Process entails conducting in-depth interviews with probation officers in

Taguig City to gain insights into their lived experiences, challenges faced in their

work, and the coping strategies they employ. These interviews serve as a valuable

tool for understanding the unique dynamics within the probation officer profession

and informing strategies to enhance their capabilities and support their well-being.

The Output encompasses the proposed capability enhancement strategies

derived from the identified input and process factors in the study. These strategies

involve the development of training programs, organizational policies, and additional

resources with the goal of improving the well-being and effectiveness of probation

officers in Taguig City. By implementing these strategies, it is intended to enhance

their skills, support their professional growth, and create a conducive work

environment that promotes their overall success in fulfilling their duties.

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City of Taguig 7
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

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This includes This includes the lived This includes the

various factors that experiences of proposed capability
can potentially probation officers, the enhancement
affect the lived challenges they face strategies that could
experiences and in their work, and the be developed based
capabilities of strategies they use to on the input and
probation officers in cope with these process output factors
Taguig City, such as challenges and identified in the study.
their education and enhance their These strategies may
training, available capabilities. These include training
resources, and outputs will be programs,
organizational explored through in- organizational
support. depth interviews with policies, and other
probation officers in resources aimed at
Taguig City. We will improving the overall
conduct an interview well-being and
to the focus subject. effectiveness of
probation officers in
Taguig City.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the lived experiences of probation officers in Taguig

City. Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of Probation officers working with individuals

on probation?
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2. What challenges do the Probation Officers encounter in supervising the
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3. How does the probation officer cope with the challenges of supervising

the probationer?

4. What is the approach used by the probation officers in collaborating with

other professionals to support the probationer?

5. How does a probationer officer feel about the features and benefits of

being a probationer officer?

6. What are the examples of successful cases where probation officers

helped probationers successfully reintegrate into society?

Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research will be to explore the lived experiences of

probation officers who are actively serving in Taguig City, Philippines. The study will

investigate the personal, professional, and social experiences of the probation

officers, including their training and support, their interactions with clients, and the

impact of their work on their personal and professional development, and

The respondents of the study will be 5 probation officers including their chief

probation officer.

Significance of the Study

This study holds significant benefits for various stakeholders involved in the

criminal justice system and the community in Taguig City.

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Probation officers: The study can provide probation officers with a deeper

understanding of their own experiences, challenges, and coping strategies. It can

also offer insights into potential capability enhancement strategies that can improve

their professional skills, well-being, and effectiveness in supporting probationers.

BJMP (Bureau of Jail Management and Penology): The study's findings can help the

BJMP understand the specific challenges faced by probation officers and identify

ways to collaborate and provide support for their work within the correctional system.

Probationers: The research can lead to improved probation services, as it sheds light

on the experiences and strategies of probation officers. This can ultimately enhance

the support provided to probationers, leading to better rehabilitation outcomes and

successful reintegration into society.

BUCOR (Bureau of Corrections): The study's insights can facilitate better

coordination and cooperation between probation officers and BUCOR personnel,

strengthening the overall effectiveness of the criminal justice system in promoting

offender rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.

Volunteer Probation Aide: The study's insights can guide the training and support

provided to volunteer probation aides, enabling them to better assist probation

officers and contribute to the probation process effectively.

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DOJ (Department of Justice): The study's findings can inform policy and decision-

making within the DOJ, leading to targeted interventions and improvements in

probation services that align with the needs and experiences of probation officers.

Taguig City Government and Barangay Officials: The study can provide insights that

enable local government and barangay officials to better understand the specific

issues faced by probation officers in their jurisdiction. This understanding can guide

the allocation of resources, development of support programs, and enhancement of

collaboration between stakeholders.

Supreme Court: The research outcomes can inform the Supreme Court's policies

and guidelines related to probation services, supporting the improvement of the

overall probation system in the country.

NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations): NGOs working in the criminal justice and

social services sectors can benefit from the study by gaining a comprehensive

understanding of the challenges faced by probation officers. This can facilitate their

collaboration in providing additional support and resources to enhance probation

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Future representatives: The study's findings can serve as a knowledge base for
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future representatives and policymakers in developing legislation, guidelines, and


that address the needs and concerns of probation officers and strengthen the

criminal justice system as a whole.

Overall, the study's significance lies in its potential to improve the support,

effectiveness, and well-being of probation officers, thereby enhancing the outcomes

of probation services and contributing to the overall functioning of the criminal justice

system in Taguig City.

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Definition of Terms

Capability Enhancement - refers to the process of improving and

strengthening abilities, skills, and resources to enhance performance and achieve

desired objectives effectively. It involves providing individuals or organizations with

the necessary tools, knowledge, training, and support to maximize their potential and

achieve optimal outcomes.

Lived Experiences - is a depiction of a person's experiences and decisions, as

well as the knowledge gained from these experiences and choices.

Parolees - it refers to a person, it is the conditional release of prisoners before

they complete their sentence. Paroled prisoners are supervised by a public official,

usually called a parole officer. If paroled prisoners violate the conditions of their

release, they may be returned to prison.

Parole and Probation Administration Office - is an attached agency of the

Department of Justice which provides a less costly alternative to the imprisonment of

offenders who are likely to respond to individualized community-based treatment

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Parole and Probation Officer/PPOs - A probation and parole officer is an
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official appointed or sworn to investigate, report on, and supervise the conduct of

convicted offenders on probation or those released from incarceration to community

supervision such as parole.

Probation - This is a sanction that's been ordered by the court system. A

person is put on this when they've been found guilty of committing a crime. Probation

lets a person stay in their community, so long as they're being supervised by a

probation officer.

Probationer - a convict who is released from prison provided he maintains

good behavior. One who is on Probation whereby is given some freedom to reenter

society subject to the condition that for a specified period the individual conducts

herself in a manner approved by a special officer to whom the probationer must


Probation Department - a criminal justice service that is mainly responsible for

dealing with offenders by placing them under the supervision of a probation officer.

High-risk offenders are supervised by the Probation Service.

Probation officers - A probation and parole officer is an official appointed or

sworn to investigate, report on, and supervise the conduct of convicted offenders on

probation or those released from incarceration to community supervision such as

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Probation Services - The Probation Service is the lead State agency for
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assessing and managing offenders (people convicted of an offense) in the

community. It works with offenders and others to reduce offending and to make

communities safer.

Probation System - aims at implementing the conditions in the court order and

facilitating the rehabilitation of the offender through corrective guidance and the use

of community resources. A probation plan is based on a thorough analysis of the

offender's background and needs.

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Chapter 2 of the research explores the relevant literature, including foreign

studies and literature, as well as local studies and literature. It examines research

conducted by scholars from different countries, analyzing their methodologies and

findings. The chapter also reviews published works by international authors to gain

diverse perspectives. It further investigates local studies conducted in specific areas,

evaluating their methodologies and significant findings. Lastly, it critically analyzes

local literature by local scholars to identify important themes, theories, and

arguments that contribute to the existing knowledge on the research topic.

Foreign Literature

Norman, E. M. et. Al (2022). Stated that this aimed to explore, describe, and

interpret New Zealand probation officers’ insights into supervisees’ non-compliance

with community sentences. Seventeen probation officers participated in two focus

groups. Probation officers viewed problems with cognitive skills as a key barrier to

sentence compliance. They reported that these problems underpinned other factors

linked to compliance, such as meeting basic needs and skill acquisition. Probation

officers employed a number of social worker-oriented evidenced-based strategies,

including building high-quality relationships and being flexible, along with

modification of sentence requirements to increase supervisee compliance, especially

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with supervisees who faced considerable obstacles when engaging with a

community sentence.

(2022), Stated that Probation is an alternative sentence to incarceration

available in the court system. The role of probation in the correctional system is to

motivate violators to remain law abiding. Probation officers supervise juvenile and

adult criminal offenders in their community settings. They track offenders to ensure

they follow court orders – and report problems and progress to the courts.

Viglione, J., & Labrecque, R. M. (2021). Stated that community supervision

officer training programs aim to translate core correctional practices into routine

practice. These training programs emphasize skill-building designed to shift

supervision strategies from law enforcement/compliance-oriented to a focus on

promoting and supporting behavior change. Despite evidence of their effectiveness,

research finds trained officers use newly learned skills infrequently. The current

study examined the impact of a policy, implemented post-training, designed to

encourage trained officers to use skills emphasized by the Staff Training Aimed at

Reducing Rearrest (STARR) training program more frequently. The current study

examined the effectiveness of this policy on the frequency and type of skills used by

officers in their interactions with individuals on their caseload. Analyses suggested

the policy mandate was effective in increasing skill use, however officers still used

trained skills in less than half of their interactions. Implications and considerations for

increasing the use of skills are discussed.

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Hsieh L. ET. Al (2021), mentioned It is important to understand the statutorily

mandated roles of probation officers because such awareness would further inform

legislators and policymakers about the potential disjunction between the “ideology” of

the law and the “reality” of the practice. To fill this gap in the literature, the current

study employs a statutory analysis to examine the roles of probation officers. We

identify which probation roles are statutorily mandated today and whether such

requirements fit the trend of the “balanced” approach

Sloas, L., Lerch, Et. Al (2020) stated that the working relationship between

probation officers and probationers is an important area of research given recent

studies illustrate a strong relationship reduces recidivism. In this study, the

perceptions of the working relationship between officers and probationers were

examined among a group of substance-using probationers who participated in a

multi-site randomized clinical trial. After 6 months, probationers who reported greater

alcohol use and greater family and peer drug use on a baseline Addiction Severity

Index were less likely to perceive their probation officer as being

caring/fair/trustworthy, and older probationers were less likely to perceive their PO as

being tough. Important policy implications are discussed.

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Foreign Studies

Ersayan, Et al. (2022) The goal of the current study was to investigate

individual‐level factors associated with job burnout among probation officers (POs)

and, specifically, to examine if attitudes toward probationers were linked with job

burnout in the context of the recently established probation system in Turkey.

Participants (N = 115) were recruited from a probation office in Istanbul. Job burnout

was assessed via three components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and

professional accomplishment. Results of structural equation modeling indicated that

more favorable attitudes toward probationers were related to a lower sense of

depersonalization and higher experience of professional accomplishment. However,

POs’ attitudes toward probationers were not associated with emotional exhaustion.

Our findings are discussed in light of the present empirical literature on the

contextual factors influential in job burnout. Practical implications for burnout

prevention point to the potential effectiveness of working on attitudes among POs

toward the people they supervise.

Wirkus, Et al.(2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and

Public Health 18 (1), 355, 2021 The current article examined the relationship

between preferred styles of coping with stress and occupational burnout among

probation officers in Poland. The probation system in Poland is unique in comparison

to similar organizations in Europe and the world. It is characterized by two separate

specializations in the area of performed tasks: probation officers for adults and for

family and juvenile clients. The main purpose of the study was to assess the
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relationship between occupational burnout levels among probation officers (n = 390)

and their preferred styles of coping with stress. Two psychological tools were used in

the study: the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Coping Inventory for

Stressful Situations (CISS). A linear regression analysis was carried out to explain

the variance in occupational burnout. Occupational burnout was the dependent

variable and the CISS scales were the predictors. In order to test the moderating role

of the sociodemographic factors of gender, work experience, age, and probation

specialization in the relationship between coping styles and occupational burnout, a

range of moderation analyses using Hayes’ PROCESS macro on SPSS was carried


Ebony, R (2020) Probation officers have long had to balance social work and

law enforcement orientations to meet the needs of the individuals on probation and

to enforce the conditions of probation. In some jurisdictions, probation officers have a

large responsibility in the collection and enforcement of probation fees. Little

research has examined how that job function impacts the work of probation officers.

The rehabilitative and punitive goals of probation may become secondary to the

revenue generating goals. Transcripts of focus groups and interviews with 74

probation officers and managers in four probation jurisdictions in Texas were

analyzed. The major finding was that, with a central focus on collections, probation

officers risked moving away from an integrated social worker/law enforcer role

focused on criminogenic needs, to being focused on revenue collection, thus making

them akin to bill collectors.

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Tim May, Et. Al (2020) This chapter investigates the ability of an occupation

group to control the purpose, process, and outcome of its working activities. The

emergence of probation may be traced to the work of police court missionaries.

Beginning with the Church of England Temperance Society, their work was informed

by an evangelical spirit that placed absolute responsibility for a criminal act in doubt

due to the idea of ‘lapse’ from a moral way of life. In 1922, the Report of the

Departmental Committee on the Training, Appointment, and Payment of Probation

Officers noted that probation was not a profession in which people could expect to

command high salaries. Furthermore, the 1925 Criminal Justice Act made it

mandatory, rather than discretionary, for each area to have a probation officer

attached to it and to designate each petty sessional division a probation area.

Brandon, S. (2020). Exploring the Lived Experiences of Probation Officers’

Efforts to Reduce Recidivism (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University).The

research highlights the experiences and perspectives of probation officers, revealing

their skepticism about the effectiveness of current programs, the importance of an

offender’s commitment to following probation rules, and the need for additional

training to enhance their understanding of evidence-based practices in reducing

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Local Literature

Amazon (2022) In an interview on September 9, 2022, Solite, a representative

of the probation agency in Eastern Visayas, expressed the need for more volunteers

to support their operations. The current workforce is overwhelmed by the workload,

as they cater to over 4,400 clients, including both probationers and parolees across

six provinces in the region. The situation is particularly challenging in one office,

where only three officers handle 200 cases. Additionally, the agency faces time

constraints, as they are allotted a mere 60 days by the court to complete reports

determining whether clients will be granted probation.

Salas (2022) The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency

(PNVSCA) continues its efforts to promote volunteerism within national government

agencies. Executive Director Donald James D. Gawe visited the Parole and

Probation Administration (PPA) in Diliman, Quezon City, on April 25, 2022, to

explore potential partnerships in advancing the volunteerism agenda and framework

plan. The PPA is currently implementing the Volunteer Probation Assistant Program

(VPA) in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 968, Section 28.

Chan, H. J. (2021) Revealed that the implementation of the therapeutic

community modality program was effective and most of the rehabilitation activities

engagements of the parolees and probationers had a strong influence on their

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perspectives and notions in the pursuit of changing their lives for a brighter future

with their families.

Narag (2020) Probation officers in the Philippine Criminal Justice System

(PCJS) play a crucial role in supervising individuals who have received sentences of

up to 6 years. These individuals must meet certain criteria, including being first-time

offenders, having no negative records in the community, and being assessed as low

risk for re-offending. The probation officers ensure that their clients comply with the

conditions of their probation, avoid committing new offenses, and integrate

responsibly into the community. The article highlights the excellent work done by

probation officers in monitoring and mentoring their clients. The official success rate

is impressively high, with only 2 percent of probationers returning to jail or prison due

to new offenses or technical revocations.

Tumitit, A. A. (2020) stated that VPAs and PPOs encounter problems with the

budget, the absence of VPAs in the barangays, and long distances traveled by both

before reaching the clients’ workplaces or residences. Anyhow, the VPAs were

capable of coping with the challenges despite the financial difficulties they

experienced and were able to effectively carry out the tasks they have voluntarily

accepted. The PPOs as well were able to deal with the pressures and stresses

because of the commitment of their active supervising VPAs despite their busy hours

and the arduous travels to reach the clients.

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Local Studies

Annablon A. (2020), Stated that Correction officers devotedly function as an

important component of Criminal Justice System; however, crimes continue to exist.

Thus, the government conceived one of the major goals which is to establish a better

and more humane type of correctional system that promotes the reformation of

offenders which certainly reduces recidivism. This humane type of correctional

system, non-institutional corrections or the community-based corrections, mainly

refer to the probation services (Puguon, 2005; Gahar, 2012; Storh & Walsh, 2011,

&PD, 968).

Tumitit (2019) To assist the probation and parole officers in community-based

corrections, one must be recruited and motivated to volunteer. However, it is not

clear as to what method one can be effectively recruited and how their interests can

be sustained. Extensive research have been conducted on volunteerism but few

studies have been done focusing on recruitment and motivation of volunteers. This

study, therefore, evaluates the effective methods that can be used for the

recruitment of Volunteer Probation Assistants (VPAs) of DOJ-PPA of Region 2,

Philippines; the significant difference of the respondents when grouped according to

field office; the motivations that sustain their interests; and the significant difference

of the respondents when grouped according to demographic profiles. It is concluded

in this study that individuals are attracted to volunteer when effective methods of

recruitment were used which highlighted personal approach although there are

differences among field offices. Of the motivational factors, the VPAs were sustained
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with a sense of fulfillment, recognition, personal growth, and development, as well as

team building. Further, without regard to their demographic profiles, VPAs can be

motivated to volunteer when they feel satisfied with the tasks assigned to them.

Dioses, Et al (2019) Stated that the study aimed to determine the life

experiences of probationers in the Province of Quirino, Philippines. It determined

specifically the life experiences of probationers in the therapeutic community along

with the behavioral management, social and emotional category, intellectual and

spiritual category, and vocational and survival categories. It utilized a qualitative

approach through case study design to understand the nature of a setting and the

experiences others have in this context. Results showed that the life experiences of

probationers focused on awareness training, improving social skills, improving and

maintaining personal hygiene, promoting healthy relationships, counseling, spiritual

awakening, government agencies’ collective effort, and livelihood training programs.

Moreover, their life experiences revolve around personality development trainings

upon undergoing the said program training they display positive behaviors because

they have internalized the program which leads them to have a positive outlook in

life. It is recommended that the parole and probation may consider seeking the

assistance of different agencies to continuously and sustainably facilitate training

needed to promote human and social transformation among its clients and additional

research is recommended to expand the scope of this study, and other researchers

may conduct study not covered by this study

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Mariano Et al. (2019). Results showed that the life experiences of

probationers focused on awareness training, improving social skills, improving and

maintaining personal hygiene, promoting healthy relationships, counseling, spiritual

awakening, government agencies’ collective effort, and livelihood training programs.

Moreover, their life experiences revolve around personality development training

upon undergoing the said program training they display positive behaviors because

they have internalized the program which leads them to have a positive outlook in


Yangco C. (2019), The reintegration of offenders into their own community

and society is one of the universally accepted goals of corrections, whether the latter

is carried out in institutions or through non-custodial measures. To ensure that

offenders discharged from detention centers, jails, penal institutions or rehabilitation

centers re-claim their part and role in society, there is a need to assist them in their

reunification with their families and reentry into the community. Thus, it is imperative

to sustain rehabilitation and achieve reintegration through the community-based

treatment of Ex offenders.

The foreign literature provides insights into probation officers' approaches to

enhancing compliance and behavior change, addressing issues such as cognitive

skills, basic needs, and skill acquisition. It also highlights the significance of building

strong relationships and employing evidence-based strategies. On the other hand,

the local literature emphasizes the importance of volunteerism in the probation

system and sheds light on the challenges probation agencies face, such as heavy
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workloads and limited resources. It also delves into the experiences and

perspectives of probation officers and probationers in the Philippines, including their

engagement in therapeutic programs, reintegration efforts, and the impact of

government initiatives.
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Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

College of Criminal Justice

Chapter 3


This section focuses on the information and the procedures on how the

researchers conducted the data used in this study, the research design, and the

sampling technique.

Research Design

The researchers are going to use a phenomenological method to determine

the Lived Experiences of Probation Officers in Taguig City: Input towards proposed

Capability Enhancement. This method will be instrumental in capturing the depth and

richness of their experiences, shedding light on their challenges, motivations, and

the intricacies of their daily work.

The researcher will use a focus group interview to get information from the

participants; they will all be asked the same questions to ascertain what common

observations they can draw from their varied experiences. According to Seville

(2018), interviewing is a flexible method that allows the researcher to explore a

greater depth of meaning than can be obtained with other techniques, interpersonal

skills can be used to facilitate cooperation and elicit more information.

Republic of the Philippine
City of Taguig 28
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

College of Criminal Justice

Population and Sampling Technique

The respondents of this study are the Probation officers in Taguig/Pateros.

The total number of participants is 5.

A judgemental or purposive sampling method was used in selecting the

respondents in the qualitative phase. Stephanie (2015) stated that it is a technique

where a researcher selects a sample based on their knowledge about the study and


The study will be conducted within Taguig City. The researchers will get the

information from the Parole and Probation Office. The participants of the study are

supervising and assisting individuals who have been placed on parole or probation

as part of their criminal sentences. They play a crucial role in the rehabilitation and

reintegration process of these clients. The researchers have chosen participants who

are authorized, close by, and willing to participate in the study.

Republic of the Philippine
City of Taguig 29
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

College of Criminal Justice

Description of the Respondents

Table 1

The table shows the percentage distribution of the respondents of the study.

Respondents Number of Sample Respondents

Parole and Probation Officer 5


Description of Respondents

The researcher will give 5 survey questionnaires to the Parole and Probation

Administration office of Taguig-Pateros, during their monthly session with the

probationers. The respondent’s profile is presented in terms of age, gender, civil

status, length of service, location of residence, and their highest educational


Data gathering procedures

After the validation of the research instrument, the researchers prepared a

letter of approval to conduct a study about the Live Experienced of Probation

Officers in Taguig City: Input Towards Capability Enhancement because the data

gathering will be conducted through interviews, audio and video recordings, and

transcriptions. Once the request was granted, the researchers proceeded with the

gathering of data. The researcher conducted the study at Taguig City University.
Republic of the Philippine
City of Taguig 30
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
After collecting all the data, the researchers proceeded to transcribe the audio
College of Criminal Justice
recordings of the respondents and interpret the data that was gathered. Hopefully,

the result will help the future of the education field.

Instrumentation Validation

This study will contain a focus group interview, and the respondents' personal

responses will be necessary to strengthen our study, which will include

documentation, interviews, audio, and video recordings. An interview was used to

obtain data with their permission.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In the process of finding the answer to the problem in this study, the researched

information was gathered, analyzed, calculated, and interpreted them.

The following was the statistical treatment used in this study:

1. Percentage will be used to find the proportion of respondent variables such as age,

gender, highest educational attainment, and years in service

P= FX100


P - Percentage

F - Frequency

N - Total Number of respondents

100 - Constant
Republic of the Philippine
City of Taguig 31
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

College of Criminal Justice

2. Weighted mean a statistical tool was used to determine the central tendency of the

profile of the respondents in the evaluation of the Lived Experiences of Probation

Officers In Taguig City: Input Towards Proposed Capability Enhancement.



AWM - Average Weighted Mean

F - Frequency

W - Weight

N - Number Of Respondents

4-Point Scale:

Rage of Means: Verbal Interpretation:

4.00 – 3.50 Very Effective

2.50 – 3.49 Effective

1.50 – 2.49 Less Effective

1.00 – 1.49 Not Effective

Republic of the Philippine
City of Taguig 32
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City

College of Criminal Justice

Rage of Means: Verbal Interpretation:

4.00 – 3.50 Very Serious

2.50 – 3.49 Serious

1.50 – 2.49 Less Serious

1.00 – 1.49 Not Serious

Rage of Means: Verbal Interpretation:

4.00 – 3.50 Highly Recommended

2.50 – 3.49 Recommended

1.50 – 2.49 Less Recommended

1.00 – 1.49 Not Recommended

Chi-square since the data are categorical, the researcher use the non-parametric chi-square

to determine such as age, sex, highest educational attainment, family status, and religious


X2= E (0 – e)2


X2= chi square o= observe frequency

Republic of the Philippine
City of Taguig 33
Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City
E= summary symbol e= expected frequency
College of Criminal Justice

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