Koenig 1980

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H. A.

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
and Orthodontics.

R. Vanderby Force Systems from Orthodontic

Illinois Institute of
Technology Research Institute. Appliances: An Analytical and
D.J. Solonche
Director of Bioengineering,
Experimental Comparison
University of Connecticut Health Center; Experimental data is compared with the simulated displacements from a computer
formerly, Assistant Professor, program for the clinical activations of two separate orthodontic appliances un-
Department of Orthodontics. dergoing a total offour separate loading conditions. Good agreement is shown over
the entire range of activation. Suggestions for future strengthening of both the
C. J. Burstone analytical and the experimental methods are given. An interactive design graphics
Professor and Head,
system is shown to be imminently available to the research orthodontist.
Department of Orthodontics.

The University of Connecticut

Storrs, Conn. 06268

A primary goal of Orthodontic research is to design ap- analysis, any appliance may rapidly be investigated to
pliances which will deliver predetermined force systems. In calculate the force system which is developed upon activation
order to achieve this goal, a system must be developed of the loop. The maximum stresses in the wire may also be
whereby a complex loop design may be analyzed to determine determined to insure that the activation is within the elastic
the forces and moments which will be delivered upon ac- range. Deactivation forces and moments may also be
tivation. Moreover, the capability of redesigning any ap- calculated upon insertion of the resulting tooth movement.
pliance which does not deliver the correct forces, must be Redesign of the appliance takes place employing an in-
available. Two distinct approaches are possible. teractive graphics technique which is coupled to the basic
One may rely on a purely experimental system to achieve analysis. A perturbation to the basic shape may be made and
the goal of force system orchestration. In this method, a the new appliance is reanalyzed. This process continues until
highly sophisticated set of experimental equipment must be the final loop design is achieved. Basic geometric parameters
constructed so that each individual appliance can be analyzed such as interbracket distance, loop lengths, loop heights may
to determine the activated force system. be easily varied so that the effect of their changes may be
Experimental studies for a particular configuration are studied. Future appliance designs can use the knowledge
performed varying design parameters such as loop height, obtained from these studies.
width, placement of helices and interbracket distances. Data In this paper, the experimental and analytical techniques
can be plotted for interpolation and a predictive mathematical are compared with one another for two separate loops un-
model can be constructed which is used for design im- dergoing a total of four separate activations. A T-loop and a
provement. New designs are then tested experimentally. rectangular loop are activated both experimentally and
Experimental approaches have the advantage that actual analytically. Results show close agreement between the two
force systems are measured which may include variables that techniques over a wide range of activations.
are not included in an analytical model. Unfortunately,
current experimental devices are not completely isometric Experimental Method
and, hence, are inaccurate for high load-deflection ap-
pliances. A device for measuring uniplanar forces and moments (Fig.
A second distinct direction towards loop design may be 1) delivered by orthodontic appliances was developed in the
pursued. This, the analytical approach, is based upon the Bioengineering Laboratory of the Department of Or-
development of an accurate computer program which is based thodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University of Con-
upon fundamental principles of engineering. Using this necticut Health Center (Solonche, et al. [8, 9] and Vanderby,
et al., [10]). Forces and moments are converted to linear and
angular displacements, respectively, and then transduced to
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL
OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering
electrical signals. These signals are Analog to Digital con-
Division, October 16,1979; revised manuscript received July 24, 1980. verted and fed to a mini-computer for analysis. The appliance

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Fig. 1 Experimental setup Fig.2 Two·chuck arrangement

to be tested is mounted in two chucks (Fig. 2). Each chuck is Table 1

attached to an angular displacement transducer (TRANS-
TEK, Ellington, Conn.) whose moveable member is mm n-mm n n-mm n
restrained by a torque element, so that the angular
displacement sensed by the transducer is proportional to the 0.26 0.6801 0.085 0.1796 -0.0075
0.50 1.3056 0.157 0.3013 -0.0176
torque applied by the appliance. The transducers are mounted 0.76 2.0028 0.232 0.4131 -0.0244
on a cantilever beam whose vertical displacements are 1.00 2.7039 0.302 0.5159 -0.0266
proportional to force and are monitored by an L VDT 1.26 3.4035 0.379 0.6875 -0.0284
(TRANS-TEK). One of the transducers is mounted on a 1.50 4.1046 0.446 0.7234 -0.0281
1.76 4.8734 0.530 0.8042 -0.0280
moveable carriage (Velmex, E. Bloomfield, N.Y.), whose 2.00 5.5262 0.584 0.8950 -0.0271
motion can be controlled by a variable speed motor and
monitored by an L VDT displacement transducer (TRANS-
TEK). Thus, the forces delivered by the appliance as it is
activated by the moving carriage can be measured.
Data from the transducers is fed through an Analog to Analytical Method
Digital Converter (Information Design, Bedford, Mass.) to a An analytical approach has been developed (Koenig and
mini-computer (Computer Automation, Irvine, Calif.), which Burstone [2, 3, 7]) which is capable of analyzing the force
controls displacements and calculates forces and moments system which is developed by any complex orthodontic ap-
(Table 1). pliance that is undergoing large activations. The analysis is
The displacement transducer was calibrated against a gage based upon engineering principles which govern the large
block. The other transducers were calibrated by deadweight three-dimensional displacements of arbitrary curved and
techniques. All transducers showed repeatability and linearity twisted beams of arbitrary cross section and material
better than 1 percent. properties. The governing equations for this analysis are

- - - - Nomenclature

center of gravity to center of

bending, mm
A cross-sectional area, mm 2 K2 vector coordinate from 7 = twist of beam, mm- I
b inertia and/or body force center of gravity to center of <I> angle of rotation of beam,
fA (pj{ - pw)dA bending, mm rad
moment due-to b M bending moment, gm-mm X vector position from center
modulus of elasticity in m externally applied moment, of gravity to shear center,
direction, gm/mm 2 gm-mm mm
shear modulus in cross g shear force, gm w = vector relating to center of
section, gm/mm 2 q externally applied load, gm twist, mm- 1 gm- 1
shear modulus in cross §: arc length along beam, mm
section, gm/mm 2 w deflection of beam, mm
area moment of inertia, ex shear correction factor b binormal direction
mm 4 (3 shear angle, rad n normal direction
area moment of inertia, e angle of cross-sectional t tangential direction
mm 4 rotation, rad 1 first principal direction
polar moment of inertia, K = curvature of beam, mm -I 2 second principal direction
mm 4 p density of beam material, 3 third principal direction
vector coordinate from gm-s 2 /mm 4 (same as t)

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- . 5 —4
B .I96l4n

.19614 n

FIXED END ROTATION WITH LOAD 0,M l ) . 1.919862 (10 ° ) RAD

A"2 ^
Fig. 3 T-loop undergoing intrusive activation (F = 0.19614 n)
Fig. 4 T-loop

Table 2 Theoretical versus experimental comparison of a

vertically activated T-loop
Quantity Experiment Analytical % deviation 1° „
M 3.138 n—mm 3.1520 0.44 X
Q(a, 0.l96n 0.1893 3.50
0.0 n 0.0180 0.00 y-
w<"> 6.9 mm 6.62 4.06
w"» 3.5 mm 3.58 2.29 z
t a >
mesial-distal i«-
, b >
intrusive-extrusive a 3-
^ 2-

presented in Appendices A and B for completeness. A

complete discussion of the engineering theory and equations is
presented by Koenig [7] and by DeFranco [6]. Fig. 5 Theoretical versus experimental comparison of end rotations
The theoretical development results in a system of twelve (T-loop)
simultaneous nonlinear differential equations which are
solved by means of a computer code, This code has previously
been used to study special appliances undergoing certain
activations which were deemed clinically relevant (Burstone
and Koenig [1-3]). Design parameters were studied for
retraction springs and straight wires. Important clinical in­
formation was derived from these studies. Only recently,
however, has an attempt been made to calibrate this analysis
relative to its accuracy and sensitivity.

Analytical-Experimental Comparison
If the ultimate goal of the researcher is to have a predictive
tool with which to analyze, design and redesign appliances for
clinical application, confidence must be gained in the
analytical approach described in the foregoing. The best
means of achieving this goal is to simultaneously activate
certain appliances using the experimental apparatus described 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.25 15 1.75 2.0
in the foregoing while simulating these activations using the DEFLECTION-W -mm 2

computer code, which is derived from the theoretical ap­ Fig. 6 Theoretical versus experimental comparison of mesial force (T-
proach. loop)
Figure 3 shows a T-loop which is activated by applying a
0.196-N vertical load on one end while attempting to com­ end rotations, activation force, and end moments, respec­
pletely restrain motion at the other end. The cross section of tively, for both the experimental and analytical methods. The
the wire is nominally 0.01 in. x 0.022 in. (0.25 mm x 0.56 small deviations which result encourage the future use of the
mm), but has been measured for its exact properties as shown. computer code as a predictive tool. The numerical values for
The rotation of the transducer chuck at the fixed end was the T-loop are shown in Table 3.
measured as 0.11 deg. This end rotation was also inserted in Figure 8 shows a rectangular loop which was chosen for
the computer code. Table 2 shows that a maximum deviation further comparisons. Two sets of experiments were per­
of 4.06 percent results between the analytical and ex­ formed. A negative displacement of the wire in the intrusive
perimental output. direction yields the comparisons shown in Figures 9-11 and
Figure 4 shows the geometric parameters of a T-loop which demonstrate the accuracy of the theoretical development for
is given an experimental activation of 2 mm. This activation predictive purposes. Figure 12 shows a distal force which is
for a 7-mm interbracket appliance closely simulates the predicted by the computer program. Since this force has a
clinical practice for cuspid retraction. Figures 5-7 show the value which is approximately 36 percent of the intrusive force,

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- * - EXPERIMENTALtNominal Anterior)
- 0 - EXPERIMENTAL(Nomiial Posterior)

2 -

0.75 1.0 1.25 ISO

Fig. 7 Theoretical versus experimental comparison of an- Fig. 10 Analytical versus experimental comparison of extrusive force
terior/posterior moment (T-loop) moment (rectangular loop, negative displacement)

Table 3 T-Ioop

Displacement Force Ma THa Mp THp

(mm) (n) (n—mm) (deg) (n—mm) (deg)

0.25 —0.255 — 1.053 0.059 0.822 0.055

0.50 —0.525 —2.129 0.119 1.940 0.130
0.75 —0.788 —3.124 0.175 2.962 0.198
l.OO — 1.022 —4.122 0.231 3.982 0.267 - EXPERIMENTALWomlnoi Anterior)
1.25 — 1.251 —5.113 0.286 4.918 0.330 -THEORETICAL
1.50 — 1.492 —6.013 0.337 5.871 0.393 • EXPERWENTAUNominol Posterior)
1.75 — 1.715 —7.020 0.393 6.794 0.445 §20oJ-
2.00 — 1.933 —7.859 0.440 7.677 0.514

• R (= I mm TypJ

F i g . 11 A n a l y t i c a l v e r s u s e x p e r i m e n t a l c o m p a r i s o n of a n -
terior/posterior m o m e n t (rectangular loop, negative displacement)

Fig. 8 Rectangular loop


F i g . 9 Analytical versus experimental comparison of e n d rotations Fig. 12 Analytical description of mesial force (rectangular loop,
(rectangular loop, negative displacement) negative displacement)

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, —^-EXPERifcENTALtNomlnol Anterior)
-o~-Ex.PEfmEmM.gi — © - EXPERIfcENTALfltonlnal Posterior)

< /&'
/ ?/ /
a A>'
/ #//

5 /?" __-^^=e=-—
jSs* — — " ^ ^
SJ3 -~ ~"1!H—^— ~~
jfesfi^ 'i —i 1 1 1 1 1 ZM
Fig. 13 Analytical versus experimental comparison of end rotations
(rectangular loop, positive displacement)
Fig. 15 Analytical versus experimental comparison of an-
terior/posterior moment (rectangular loop, positive displacement)


y 60
U.* 40

.... 075 I.O 1.25

Fig. 14 Analytical versus experimental comparison of extrusive force
(rectangular loop, positive displacement) Fig. 16 Analytical description of mesial force (rectangular loop,
positive displacement)

it cannot be neglected. Clinically, however, this force is

undesirable since it would produce retraction of the cuspid.
Figures 13-16 show similar comparisons and results for a
positive or extrusive activation of the rectangular loop. The Table 4 Rectangular loop
numerical values for the rectangular loop are shown in
Table 4. Displacement Force Ma THa Mp THp
(mm) (n) (n—mm) (deg) (n—mm) (deg)
Conclusions 0.25 —0.0781 0.2123 0.012 0.471 0.032
0.50 —0.1684 0.3126 0.018 1.116 0.075
An accurate computer code is now available which will 0.75 —0.2275 0.5455 0.031 1.735 0.116
predict the force systems which result from the arbitrary 1.00 —0.3098 0.7903 0.044 2.289 0.153
three-dimensional activations of orthodontic appliances. 1.25 —0.3861 0.9083 0.051 3.004 0.201
Further, the capability to design and redesign an appliance is 1.50 —0.4557 1.2055 0.068 3.731 0.250
1.75 —0.5392 1.1412 0.064 4.375 0.293
imminent. 2.00 —0.5978 1.2590 0.071 5.128 0.344
The following efforts must be expended to render this tool
—0.25 0.0897 —0.2742 0.015 —0.507 0.034
as more accurate and capable of computer-aided design for
—0.50 0.1744 —0.5957 0.033 — 1.154 0.074
the development of improved appliances. —0.75 0.2629 —0.8463 0.047 — 1.683 0.113
— 1.00 0.3684 — 1.1410 0.064 —2.228 0.149
1 The analytical approach must be strengthened by — 1.25 0.4288 — 1.4840 0.083 —2.741 0.184
allowing for large strains and the iteration of the solution for — 1.50 0.5313 — 1.5020 0.084 —3.268 0.219
greater accuracy. — 1.75 0.6645 —2.1580 0.121 —3.763 0.252
—2.00 0.6997 —2.5300 0.142 —4.238 0.283
2 The experimental procedure must be strengthened to
allow a more accurate measure of end rotations and the
capability of measuring the other forces and moments in a 3 A design graphics system must be completed which will
three-dimensional activation. This will allow for a precise allow for the interactive design and analysis of wires.
calibration of the analytical tool. Redesign capability will immediately follow.

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References /3„=4>n + ( 5 + i ? l ) (14)
1 Burstone, C.J., Koenig, H.A., and D. Solonche, "Force Systems from Pb=4>b-(N+Nl) (15)
Two-Tooth Bracket Segments," Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 52, 1973, p.
2 Burstone, C.J., and H.A. Koenig, "Force Systems from an Ideal Arch,"
American Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 65, No. 3, 1974, pp. 270-289. r/cos20 sinz2 00 \
3 Burstone, C.J., and H.A. Koenig, "Optimizing Anterior and Canine X
Retraction," American Journal of Orthodontics, Vol. 70, No. 1,1976.
4 Burstone, C.J., Baldwin, J.J., and Lawless, D.T., "The Application of
Continuous Forces to Orthodontics," Angle Orthodontics, Vol. 31, 1961, pp. /sin0 cos0 sinfl cose
cos0 \ "»
1-14. (16)
5 Burstone, C.J. , "Bio-mechanics of the Orthodontic Appliance," Current E3IX
Orthodontic Concepts and Techniques, ed., T. Graber. W.B. Saunders Co.,
1969, pp.160-178. f/sin0 cos0 sinfl cos0\
6 DeFranco, J.C., Koenig, H.A., and C.J. Burstone," Three-Dimensional
Large Displacement Analysis of Orthodontic Appliances," Journal of K-^—E-ir)M"
Biomechanics, Vol. 9, 1976, pp. 793-801.
7 Koenig, H.A,, and Burstone, C.J., "Analysis of Generalized Curved
/sin 2 0 cos 2 0\ ~)
Beams for Orthodontic Application," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 7, 1974,
8 Solonche, D.J., Burstone, C.J., and R. Vanderby, " A Device for
z= (18)
Determining Force-Moment Characteristics of Orthodontic Appliances," IEEE
Transactions on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, BME 24(6), 1977, pp.
9 Solonche, D.J., Burstone, C.J., and Ratches, J., " A Computer Con- C/K
_X(K 2 2 cos0 K,t sin0\
K sin0 ~)
trolled Device for Determining the Mechanical Behavior of Orthodontic Ap-
pliances," abstract, 30th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and i\-JYE3-i-
7, +^Ej
E3i2 -m
Biology, Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 1977.
10 Vanderby, R., Burstone, C.J., Solonche, D.J., and Ratches, J.A.,
"Experimentally Determined Force Systems from Vertically Activated Or-
thodontic Loops," Angle Orthodontics, Vol. 47, No. 4, 1977, pp. 272-279.
Y\ K ±ir--JEirm
K22 sin0
sin0 Ky cos0\
K, cos0 ~) (20)
[X 2 cos0+^r,sin0]\
eff J 3 )Q"
X,sin0 X.COS0
(- Geff^3
+— )ot] (21)
The equations which govern the small deflections of an GeKJ3
arbitrary curved and twisted beam in space are f/ cos'0 sin2z 00 \
dQ, ~ l\aiGnA G23A/Q"
•KQn = -q,+b, (1)
/ sin0
sin cos0 sin0 cos0
DS0\ ~)
dQn \ a,[GnA «2G23
-TQb + KQt = -q„+b„ (2)
r / s i n 0 cos0
- sin0 cos0
~l\ uiGnA a2G23A ) Q n
+ TQn = -qb+bb (3)
/ sin 2 0 cos20 \ ~j
+ + (23)
dM, \aiGl3A a2G23A/Qb)
— KM„ = —171, +B, (4)
-^+KM,-TMb = -m„ + Qb +B„ (5)
M = ((« 1 cos0-w 2 sin0)M r ) (25)
dMh B\ = {(o)1sin0 + w2cos0)Af,) (26)
+ TM„ = -mb-Q„+Bb (6) l
ds B, = (sto2f>\/_1 _)d_(Q*\
V 2 /VaiG13 a2G23/ds\A/
~P--K4>„=Z+Z\ + K(B+B\) (7)
co»2*) (*)(-! -)(%)
d<j>„ \ds/\aiGn a2G23/\A )
K<t>,-T<j>b+ -^ =X+X1-(TN+B' +TN1+B1') (8)
ds 1 d(a2G23)
+ (T)(t)[ (a 2 G 2 3 ) 2 ds
+ rcl>n = Y+Yl+N'-TB + Nl' -TBI (9)
1 d(a,G13)
— i,CW„:
(cv,G13) 2
ds H
J ' V a i G 1 3 +' a2G23/ds\A J

ds E3A
\34"/L\a1G13/Sln \<fc/
<t>n=- + TW„ (11) 1 tf(a,G13)„:
ds 2
• ( • • • • )

(a,G 1 3 ) 2 ds
+ «uV.-TV, (12) 2
ds (\ a-,^G-,,W
^ H
\ ds /
- L V
Va, G-n /
3,=*, (13)

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dMt 1 rf(a2G23)"|
B\' = (t^sinfl + o^cosfl) + (<*2G23)2 (30)
~~ds~ ds J
.. T „ d0 . dec, dd dw21
+M, L>,cos0 — + sin0 — - - « 22 sin0— + cos0 — - (28)
L ds ds ds ds J G e f f =0.5G 1 3 +0.5G 2 3 (31)
Nl' = (i^cosfl — w2sin0)
r . dd „ da>, d0 dw 2 1 , „ m
+ M , -tt,sin0 — +0080-—!- -<o 2 cos0— - s i n 0 — - (29)
L ds ds ds ds J
r, /cos20 | sin20 \ d / Q „ \
\a, Gn a2G2,'ds\A/ The equations which govern the geometric characteristics of
the centerline of a curved and twisted beam are

<n-(^k,>o r_(s)=x(s)i+y(s)j+Z(s)k
,. ,- r,,,
e , = -f =x'i+y'j + Z'k

i d
( a l G 1 3 ) . _ o 22 ds ~
cos 0
(«,G 1 3 ) 2 ds de ,
2 ds
+ (\a G' / W^W^V^^sin
\ds/ \a G / ds
2 2i 2 2i de_,
/sin20\/_J 1_W / & \ ~ds~
V 2 /\a,G„ axGn) ds \A ) de
•• — ne t + re (36)
1 1 ds
+ COS26
(fs)( of,G 13 a2G23- /) V
( !.4) deb
Q„6\\ rr --7
7 d(a!G13) ds
\ 2 / \ ^ 4 /L(a,GI3) ds e
.,xe„=eb (38)

Call for Papers

1981 Biomechanics Symposium Deadlines

Submission of typed masters: December 15, 1980
Site: University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Review and selection completed: February 1,1981
Date: June 22-24,1981 Authors notified by: March 1,1981
The 1981 Biomechanics Symposium is sponsored jointly by
the Applied Mechanics, the Bioengineering, and the Fluids Typing instructions and blank masters may be obtained by
Engineering Divisions of the American Society of Mechanical writing to either of the co-chairmen:
Engineers, and the Engineering Mechanics Division of the Dr. Savio Woo Dr. William C. Van
American Society of Civil Engineers. This call is to request Division of Orthopaedic Buskirk
papers in all areas of mechanics which relate to biological Surgery Department of
phenomena and/or medical applications. M-004 Biomedical
A total of six sessions is planned to run consecutively over University of California, Engineering
the three days of the meeting. A special three-session sym- San Diego Tulane University
posium on Mechanical Properties of Bone is also planned. La Jolla, CA 92093 New Orleans, LA
There will be a limited number of invited general lectures. 70118
To encourage maximum participation and exchange of
information among those in biomechanics, only the compact
format will be used. Papers should be submitted on author
prepared mats and are limited to two pages plus not more
than two pages of figures. Accepted papers will be published
in a bound symposium proceedings and presented and dis-
cussed at the meeting.

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