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Subject: PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 Subject Teacher: Lerramie J.


Section: MODULE: II

Importance of Quantitative Research Across Fields

Why do people conduct Research?

 Knowledge production
 To find solution to a problems
 Human convenience
 Research precedes progress
 Make the world better

Quantitative Research Across Disciplines

1. Quantitative Research and Anthropology

Anthropology- deals with the scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies in the past and
present. This what human beings human.
o Study of human culture
o Customs and beliefs in pre- industrial societies
o Ethnography the extensive long term work
o Understand how institution developed
o Functioning society
Types of Anthropology
a. Political anthropology
b. Medical anthropology
c. Historical anthropology

It's said that there are five steps to follow in conducting true experiments with people:
1. You need at least two groups
2. Individuals must randomly assigned
3. Measure the dependent variables through pretest
4. The intervention is introduced
5. The dependent variables are measured again. This is often the post-test.

2. Quantitative Research and Communication

Researchers are often interested in how an understanding of a particular communication phenomena might
be generalized to a larger population.

3. Quantitative Research and Medical Education

Quantitative research in medical education tends to be predominantly observational research supported

surveys or correlational studies.
Experimental research designs may enhance the standard of medical education.

4. Quantitative Research and therefore the Behavioral Sciences

The output of this research focuses on how human behavior relates with another people and also the
individual differences that may affect human relationships.

5. Quantitative Research in Education and Psychology

Many educational principles in understanding human behavior are the offshoot of this research.

6. Quantitative Research and therefore the Social Sciences

Quantitative approaches are typically related to positivist perspectives in social research.

The methods employed during this kind of quantitative social research are most typically the sample survey
and survey.

"Research is creating new knowledge."

- Neil Armstrong

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