Soal Bahasa Inggris Ardi 11 Nov

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Dialogue for no 1 - 4

Bari : I’m so happy to hear you win the competition.

Mita : So am I. I never thought that I would win.
Bari : Why ? you are talented at dancing.
Mita : The participants were so good. They dance beautifully on the stage.
Bari : But, you are the best one. That’s why the judges chose you as the winner.
Mita : I was lucky this morning to win the competition.
Bari : You deserve it. Well done, Mita! I’m so proud of you.
Mita : Thank a lot.

1. What has Mita Just won ?

a. A singing contest c. A marathon

b. A dancing contest d. A beauty contest

2. When did mita join the competition ?

a. Last night c. This morning

b. Yesterday d. Tomorrow

3. The underlined words are used for . . .

a. Congratulating Mita d. Complimenting Mita’s

b. Thanking to Mita appearance
c. Asking for Mita’s apology

4. What do the bold words imply ?

a. Bari congratulates on Mita’s c. Bari responds to Mita’s

achievement congratulation
b. Mita congratulates on Bari’s d. Mita responds to Bari’s
achievement congratulation

5. What is the purpose of having breakfast ?

a. In order to do a test well at c. In order to save money

school d. In order to esteem our mother’s
b. In order to have energy to do cooking
the activity

6. Rere : We have to water the plants twice a day to make them grow well.
Dika : You’re right. Let’s water them.
From the dialogue, we know that Rere . . .

a. States the purpose of watering c. Disagrees with Dika’s

the plants statement
b. Agrees with Dika’s statement
d. Asks Dika’s purpose of
watering the plants

7. Keke : I feel sleepy.

Candra : You should drink coffee to get rid of the drowsiness
Keke : I see what you mean, but I prefer washing my face to having coffee.
From the dialogue, we know that . . .

a. Keke tells the purpose of c. Keke doesn’t agree with

drinking coffee Candra
b. Candra tells the purpose of d. Keke agrees with Candra

8. It’s cold. We need to wear a jacket . . .

a. So that we feel warm d. So that we can show our new

b. To let us feel cold jacket
c. In order to look good

Text for no 9 – 13

What kinds of product is it ?

a. Spicy flavoured powder c. Mango flavoured powder

beverage beverage
b. Avocado flavoured powder d. Orange flavoured powder
beverage beverage

10. The product in the label is kind of . . .

a. Snack c. Medicine
b. Beverage d. Spices

11. From the label, we know that the product is produced by . . .

a. Indonesia c. PT Sehati
b. The people in Medan d. PT Nusantara

12. Where is the best product made ?

a. In Medan b. In Palangkaraya
c. In Kupang d. In Papua

13. What is the purpose of the label ?

a. To entertain the readers
b. To promote the product
c. To inform that So Cool is produced in Medan
d. To give information of the brand name, production, and expired date of the
14. You have to . . . hard every day in order to pass the exam.

a. Studies c. Studied
b. Study d. Studying

15. I must do the homework in the afternoon . . . watch my favourite show at night.

a. Because c. In order to
b. Althought d. However

16. Which one is the expression of showing disagreement ?

a. What’s your opinion? c. I don’t agree with you.

b. I couldn’t agree more. d. You’re right about that.

Text for no 17-20

1. Make sure that the power cord is firmly

connected to the back of the CPU and
connected to electricity source.
2. Connect the monitor cable to the back of the
3. Connect the keyboard and mouse cords to
the back panel of the CPU,too.
4. Press the power button located on the front
panel of the CPU. The desktop will start a
booting proccess in your computer.
5. When you finish using the computer, click
the “Start” button and choose the “Turn off
computer” option. This will display the
options to “Stand by”, “Restart” or “Turn
off” the computer.

17. The text above tells you about . . . a computer.

a. Building c. Turning off
b. Operating d. Using keyboard on
18. What should you do before connecting the mouse cord to the CPU ?
a. Connect the monitor cable to the back of the CPU.
b. Press the power button located on the front panel.
c. Connect the power cord to the electricity source.
d. Click “Start” button or restart the computer.
19. “ . . . the power cord is firmly connected . . .” (step 1) The Italic word has the same
meaning as the word . . .
a. Fairly c. Faithfully
b. Tightly d. Steadily
20. “ This will display the options . . .” (step 5). The underline word refers to . . .
a. Clicking “Turn off” c. Clicking “Star” button
b. Pressing the power d. Connecting a cable

Dialogue for no 21 – 24
Kevin : Where were you yesterday ?
Armand : I was in a supermarket.
Kevin : I came to your house to return your guitar.
Armand : I’m sorry. I was not at home. I was accompanying my mother
Kevin : There was only your father in the house.
Armand : Yeah. He didn’t want to join us to shop.
Kevin : When I opened the gate of your house, he was washing the car.
Armand : Did you give the guitar to my father ?
Kevin : I did. Doesn’t he tell you about that ?
Armand : No. Perhaps he forgets.
21. Who was in the supermarket ?
a. Kevin c. Kevin’s father
b. Armand and his mother d. Kevin and armand
22. Why did he go to the supermarket ?
a. To return the guitar c. To wash the car
b. To shop d. To meet Kevin
23. Who was at Armand’s house when Kevin came ?
a. Armand’s father c. Armand
b. Armand’s mother d. Armand’s brother
24. When was Armand’s father washing the car ?
a. When Armand came c. When Armand’s mother came
b. When Armand opened the gate d. When Kevin opened the gate
25. A. Intan and Dika have some new toys.
B. Mira has wiped the window.
C. Dilang has some juice for you.
D. Eka and Ardi have discussed about the issue.
E. Tari has no idea about the film.
Which statements use the present perfect tense ?
a. B and D c. A and D
b. A, C, and E d. B, C, and E
26. Wati (water) the plants.
a. Water c. Has watered
b. Watering d. Have watered
27. Tina : Have you washed your hands before eating ?
Rian : Yes, I . . .
a. Has c. Do
b. Have d. Did
28. Adinda : Have you visited the Fatahilah Museum ?
Bayu : No, I haven’t.
Adinda : I have visited the museum twice. First, I visited it last two years and I
visited it again last week.
From the dialogue, we know that . . .
a. Adinda has not visited the Fatahilah Museum yet.
b. Bayu visited the Fatahilah Museum but he still remembers every single thing
about the museum.
c. Adinda visited the Fatahilah Museum once.
d. Adinda visited the Fatahilah Museum but she still remembers every single thing
about the museum.
29. Raka : Look. I have the novel “Laskar Pelangi”.
Indah : I have read the novel. If you want, I can tell you the story.
Raka : No, thanks. I’m going to read it.
What does the underline sentence imply ?
a. Raka read the novel in the past but he still remembers the story.
b. Indah forgets the story of the novel that she ever read.
c. Indah read the novel in the past but she still remembers the story.
d. Raka refuses Indah’s offer.
30. Dira : I am so nervous for the swimming competition next week.
Intan : You’ve practised hard so far. I’m sure you will win the competition.
Dira : Thanks for your support.
a. I hope to walk out from the competition.
b. I hope to do my best at the competition.
c. I hope to find other student to represent our school at the competition.
d. I hope to lose at the competition.

Correct the verb in the bracket into the Present Continous Verb!
1. The Present Continous Tense (+, -, ?)
a. They have shower when I came
2. The Simple Past Continous Tense (+, -, ?)
a. The teacher punish my classmate
b. Mother eat salad in the dinning room
3. The Simple Past Continuous Tense (+, -, ?)
a. My grand parents eat some biscuits
b. Anto finish the painting at sevent tomorrow evening
4. The Present Perfect Tense (Nominal +, -, ?)
a. Arman is in pekanbaru
5. The Present Perfect Tense (Verbal +, -, ?)
a. Ratna do the homework, so she may wacth her favourite show

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