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Activity 6

Lab review 1
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. D
Lab review 2
1. B and C
2. A
3. C
4. A and C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
Problem Solving Activity
A.They conduct the wave of depolarizing from the muscle
fiber membrane to the myofibril.
- I reject this explanation because the conductor of depolarizing
wave is the sarcoplasm.
B.They release calcium ions into the sarcoplasm during
depolarization of the muscle cell.
- I reject this statement because the one that store calcium are
the SR and t-tubules are just the channels of electrical
C.They release ATP into the cisternae of the sarcoplasmic
- I accept this explanation because the t-tubules are the
channels of electrical energy in the form of ATP to enable
muscle to contract.
D.They are the primarily conduits for calcium ions.
- I reject this statement because t-tubules are channels of ATP
not calcium ions.
E.They pump calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic
reticulum from the sarcoplasm.
- I reject this statement because calcium ions are used up in
muscle contraction.
Activity 7
Label the following
1. Latissimus dorsi
2. Trapezius
3. Deltoid
4. Biceps brachii
5. Triceps brachii
6. Brachioradialis
7. Pectoralis Major
8. Serratus Anterior
9. Rectus Abdominal
10. External Abdominal Oblique
11. Gluteus Maximus
12. Rectus Femoris
13. Vastus Lateralis
14. Vastus Medialis
15. Biceps Femoris
16. Semitendinosus
17. Semimembranosus
18. Gastrocnemius

Organize Your Muscle Knowledge

Muscle acting on
humerus Rotator Cuff Muscle
1.Deltoid 1.Teres Minor
2.Pectoralis Major 2.Supraspinatus Tendon
3.Latissimus Dorsi 3.Subscapularis
4.Subscapularis 4.Infraspinatus
5.Teres Major
6.Serratus Anterior

Muscle Acting on
Muscle Acting on Wrist/Digits
Radius/Ulna -Anterior
1. Pronator Teres 1.Pronator quadratus
2.Flexor Carpi Radialis 2.Retinaculum
3.Flexor Carpi Ulnaries 3.Lumbricalis muscles
4.Palmaris Longus 4.Intrinsic hand muscles
2.Lumbricalis muscles
3.Intrinsic hand muscle
4.Extensor pollicis langus tendon

Muscle Acting on Femur Quadriceps

-Abductors 1.Vastus Intermedius
1.Iliopsoas 2.Rectus Femoris
2.Abductor longus 3.Vastus Medialis
3.Gracilis 4.Vastus Lateralis
4.Abductor magnus
2.Tensor Fasciate Latae
3.Sartorius Hamstring
4.Iliotobial tract 1.Biceps Femoris

Muscles Acting on
knee Muscles Acting on foot
1.Tibialis posterior 2.Extensors
Lab Review Questions
1. What is the definition of prime mover muscle?
- The prime mover muscle provides the primary force used to conduct
the action of a single muscle or group of muscle also known as
2. What muscle is the prime mover for forearm flexion?
- Biceps Brachii
3. List 5 criteria for naming skeletal muscle?
- Location
- Shape
- Size
- Orientation of Fascicles
- Origin and insertion
4. Which muscle is used to close and pucker the lips?
- Orbicularis Oris
5. Describe the action of the sternocleidomastoid
- Sternocleidomastoid is responsible for the flexession of the neck in
order to extend the head and also its rotation from side to side.
6. What is the action of the deltoid muscle?
- It flexes and extends the shoulder, also rotates the arm.
7. What are the names of the four quadriceps muscle and their
- Rectus feromis (flexis the hip)
- Vastus Intermedius (helps to extend the knee)
- Vastus medialis (helps to extend the knee)
- Vastus lateralis (helps to extend the knee)
8. What are the names of the three-hamstring muscle and their
- Semitendinosus (medially rotates the leg and extends the hip)
- Semibranosus (medially rotates the leg and extends the hip)
- Biceps Femoris (laterally rotates the leg and extends the hip)

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