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In many countries, the governments likes to spend more money on the arts.

Some people
agree with this. However, others think government should spend more on health and
education. Discuss both sides and give your opinion
It is argued that governments should invest more funds in the arts while some think that
health and education should be prioritized. I will shed light on both sides and give my
opinions in this essay.
On the one hand, investments need to be focused on many genres of arts because art plays
a vital role in the culture of distinct parts of the world. It has cultural and economic value,
which can attract more visitors to come to see with their naked eye. For that reason, the
tourism industry of each country that keeps and maintains the masterpieces can see a
significant surge. Moreover, the money earned from museums or galleries can be re-
invested or used for different domains such as health and education.
On the other hand, health and education should be deemed as a priority in funding. Arts
will be in vain if the citizens are not in good condition or not being well-educated. Health
and knowledge are essential to contribute to creating and enjoying arts. Hence, people may
find it hard to understand the underlying meaning of arts when they do not have a certain
level of specialised knowledge. Besides, the healthcare industry should be concentrated in
the infectious disease period such as Covid-19, which have been giving rise to the
increasing patient mortality since 2019.
In conclusion, I think the arts have a positive impact on people’s mental health while
physical health and education are of more significance. Governments should wisely
allocate the money for each of them and use a small sum to maintain art facilities.

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