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16. Number of exams given in Chemistry course.
1. Term used to mean a statement about one or more ➢ Ratio
parameters of a population.
➢ Hypothesis 17. Unemployment rate
➢ Continuous
2. The probability of committing a type 1 error is 18. Every unit has a chance of being selected and that
called? chance can be quantified.
➢ Level of significance ➢ Probability

3. In Sloven’s formula N=? 19. Principle: select all units with randomly selected
➢ Population size geographic clusters.
➢ Cluster sampling
4. Referred to as area sampling?
➢ Cluster 20. In Sloven’s formula e=?
➢ Margin of error
5. The most reliable method of obtaining a simple
random sampling is with. 21. Midpoint of a class interval.
➢ Random digits ➢ Class mark

6. Referred to as the father of Modern Statistics. 22. Most frequently occurring score in the ungrouped
➢ Adolf Quetelet data
➢ Mode
7. Refers to the method of getting a small part of a
population. 23. Referring to what is average.
➢ Sampling ➢ Mode

8. Use numbers for the purpose of identifying names in 24. Sometimes called the critical value.
a group or category. ➢ Tabular value
➢ Nominal data
25. Cumulative frequency polygon is also known as?
9. Discovered Gaussian Distribution Curve ➢ Ogive
➢ Carl Gauss
26. The circle is divided into sectors for pie-shaped
10. One of the most easily interpreted charts. pieces.
➢ Histogram ➢ Pie chart

11. Refers to the field of statistics that includes methods 27. Application of statistical methods to medicine and
of collecting, classifying, graphing, and averaging biological problems.
data. ➢ Biostatistics
➢ Descriptive statistics
28. Demands a higher degree of critical judgement.
12. Similar to interval data ➢ Inferential statistics
➢ Ratio data
29. A variable that can assume any numerical value
13. Raw materials which statistician works. over an interval.
➢ Data ➢ Continuous variable

14. Measures of population 30. Measures of the population.

➢ Parameters ➢ Parameters

15. Use numbers for the purpose of identifying names or


True limit is also known as?

➢ Class boundary

Snowball sampling/ respondent-driven sampling.

➢ Non-probability sampling

Who further developed the small-sample theory in the

20th century?
➢ Sir Ronald Fisher

Tabular value is also known as?

➢ Critical value

Drinking red wine may reduce the risk of heart disease

by 12% is an example of what kind of statistics?
➢ Inferential

It is commonly recommended to prevent the possibility of

bias or erroneous inference.
➢ Simple Random Sampling

➢ Stratified Random Sampling

➢ Cluster Sampling
➢ Simple Random Sampling
➢ Systematic Random Sampling

A solid solution of the impurity within the precipitate.

➢ Non-isomorphic inclusion

Who discovered the equation of the normal distribution

in 1773?
➢ Abraham De Moivre

It is an assertion or conjecture concerning one or more

➢ Statistical Hypothesis

It is a type of variable that is numeric in nature and can

be ordered or ranked.
➢ Quantitative variables

It is a measure that will tell whether the data is normal or

➢ Skewness

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