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1.Distinguish between firewall and encryption.


2.What steps can individuals and businesses take to make their Information System more secure?

3. Suppose your business had an e-commerce website where it sold goods and accepted credit card payments. Discuss the
major security threats to this website and their potential impact. What can be done to minimize these threats? 04

4. Explain Internet/e-commerce revenue models. 05

5. List any three e-commerce sites of US, Japan and UK and identify and explain the features of those e-commerce sites.

6.List basic BI tools. Write short note on "RFM Analysis".

7.Explain any three-e-commerce process 05

8.Imagine that you are the owner of a small business. How might you use datamining to improve your performance?

Write short note on market basket analysis.

9.Differentiate between primary key and foreign key. 04

10.Explain DBMS capabilities with some codes/commands.05

11. List and discuss the key capabilities of BI systems

12 Why are information systems so essential for running and managing a business today?

13 What are data integrity problems and when do it happen? As a manager some data administering tasks. Write short note on
data normalization.

14 Write short note on lol and cloud computing".

15 Write short note on DRP and computer forensics.

16 Why there is a growing need for cyber security responds team? What potential security threats do you see in the increasing
use of Internet in business? Explain.

17 List five global e-commerce platforms and explain their Internet/e-commerce revenue models.

18 Distinguish between digital market and traditional market.

19 Write short note on "RFM Analysis" with an example.

20 Distinguish between profiling and personalizing and content and catalog management.

21 Differentiate between spear phishing and whaling.

22 What is BI infrastructure? Write short note on encryption.

b List and discuss the key capabilities of BI system. Who are power users of BI System? 03

23 What is moon-lighting? Why is it harmful for the organization?

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