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ANANTHAPURA^ U - 5t5 002 (A.P)

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M.Tech - flf Semester Regulor Morch 2023 Exominotions
(for students odmitted in 2021 only)

Time: 10:00 A/\A to 01 :00 PM

02.o3.?o?3 04.o3.20?3
Thursdoy Soturdoy
Computer Aided Structurol Engineering (CASE)
Structurol Engineering (Stuc. E)
Structurol Engineering & Construction Monogement
Geol echnical Enginaering (6TE)
Construction Plonning & Monogement (CPM)
Hi ghw oy Engi neer ing (HE)
Electricol Power Systems ond Power System (EPS & PS)
Power E lectronics ond
Power Electronics & Electricol Drives (PE & PEED)
VLSI, VLSI Design, VLSI System Design
VLSI & Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems & VLSI
ond VLSI d Embedded System Design
(VLsI&Es, Es&VLsI ond VLSI&E5D)
Progrom Elective
Digitol Systems & Computer Electronics (DSCE) Open Elective
Course - V
Embedded Systems (ES) (See Annexure-II)
(See Annexure-I)
Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
Digitol Electronics & Communicotion Systems (DECS)
Computer Networks (CN)
Softwore Engineering (SE)
Computar Science & Engineering (CSE)
Artificiol Tnt elfigence & Mochine Leorning (AIA,I L)
Thermol Sciences & Energy Systems (TS&ES)
Thermol Engineering (TE)
Refrigerotron & Air Conditioning (RAAC)
Production Eng ineering (PE)
Advanced Monufocturing Systems (AMS)
Mochine Design (lAD)
Production Engtneering & engineering Design (PE&ED)

Note: (a) Any omissrons or closhes in this tlme toble moy pleose be informed to the undersigned ,mmedidiely.
(ii) Even if government declores holidoy on ony of lhe above dotes, the exominotions shoil be conducied os usuol.

Date 76-0?-?023 ,"Wk)n{.minotions

Annexure - |

M.Tech lll semester (R21)

Program Elective Course - V
Branch Code 5ub.iect Name
Computer Aided Structural Engineering 21D3 5301a Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings
Computer Aided Structural Engineering 21D35301b CAD & Computer Applications in Structural EngineerinB
Computer Aided Structural Engineering 21D35301c Management lnformation Systems
Structural Engineering 21D35301a Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings
Structural Engineering 21D20301a Low Cost Housing Techniques
Structural Engineering 21D20301b Building Construction Management
Structural Engineering & Construction Management 21D91301a Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Engineering Structures
Structural Engineering & Construction Management 21D91301b Construction Planning, Scheduling & Control
Structural Engineering & Construction Management 21D91301c Construction Methods & Equipment
Geotechnical Engineering 27D72307a Foundation Engineering for Problematic Soils

Geotechnical Engineering 21D1230).b Remote Sensing & its Application in Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering 21,D72307c Off Shore Geotechnical Engineering

Construction Planning & Ma nagement 21D21301a Low Cost Housing Techniques
Construction Planning & Management 2lD2130Lh Building Services
Construction Planning & Management 27D273OIc Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
Environmental lmpact Assessment for Transportation
Highway Engineering 21D93301a
Highway Engineering 21D93301b Transportation System Management
HiBhway Engineering 2lD9l30l c lntelligent Transportation Systems
Electrical Power Systems and Power System 21D07301.a Restructured Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems and Power System 21D07301b Reliability Engineering & Applications to Power Systems

Electrical Power Systems and Power System 27D07307c Power System Automation
Power Electronics and
21D54301a Control & lntegration of Renewable Energy Sources
Power Electronics & Electrical Drives
Power Electronics and
21D54301b Energy Storage Technologies
Power Electronics & Eie(tri(al Drives
Power Electronics and
21D54301c Hybrid Electric Vehicle Engineering
Power Electronics & Electrical Drives
VLSI, VLSI Design and VLSI System Design 2lD57301,a Bi-CMOS Technology & Applications
VLSI, VLSI Design and VLSI System Design 21D5 7301b Optimization Techniques & Applications in VLSI Design
VLSI, VLSI Design and VLSI System Design 21D06203a SoC Architecture
VLsl & Embedded Systems, Embedded Svstems & VLSI and
21006204b Adhoc & Wireless Sensor Networks
VLSI & Embedded System Design
VtSl & Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems & VLSl and
21,D51204c VLSI Signal Processing
VLSI & Embedded System Design
VLsl & Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems & VLSI and
2tD57204b loT & its Applications
VLSI & Embedded System Design
Digital SVstems & Computer Electronics 21D06301a Embedded Systems Protocols
Digital Systems & Computer Electronics 21D06301b Soft Computing Techniques
Digital Systems & Computer Electronics 21D06301c Communication Buses & lnterfaces
Embedded Systems 21D06301a Embedded Systems Protocols
Embedded Systems 21D06301c Communication Buses & lnterfaces

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Annexure - I

M.Tech lll semester (R21)

Date: 02.03.2023
Program Elective Course - V
Branch Cod e Subject Name
Embedded Systems 21D55301a Robotics
Electroni€s & Communication Engineering 21D38301a Voice & Data Networks
Electronics & Communication Engineering 21D51204h loT & its Applications
Electronics & Communication Engineering 21D38301b Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning
Digital Electronics & Communication Systems 21D38301a Voice & Data Networks
Digital Electronics & Communication Systems 21,D57204b loT & its Applications
DiBital Electronics & Communication Systems 21D38301b Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning
Computer Networks 21D08301a Cluster Computing
Computer Networks 27D58201, Operating System lnternals
Computer Networks 21D08301b Architecture of Software Defined Networks
Software Engineering 21D08203a Mobile Utilities Development
Software Engineering 21D5 8203 b Service Oriented Architecture & Micro Services
Software Engineering 21D25301a Block Chain Technologies
Computer Science & Engineering 21D58301a Software Defined Networks
Computer Science & Engineering 21058301b Reinforcement Learning
Computer Science & Engineering 21D58301c Data Analytics
Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning 21,D973O7a Reinforcement Learning

Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning 21D97301b Game Theory

Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning 21D97301,c Applied Artificial lntelligence
Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems 21D 11301a Solar Passive Architecture
Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems 21D 11301b Advanced Power Plant Engineering
Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems 21D 11301c Cogeneration & Waste Heat Recovery Systems
Thermal Engineering 21D883 01a Optimization Techniques & its Applications

Thermal Engineering 21D88301b Jet Propulsion & Rocketry

Thermal Engineering 21D883 01c Aircraft & Space Propulsion

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 21.D17307a Design of Air Handling Systems

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 21D17301b lndoor Air Quality Control
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 21D 11301c Cogeneration & Waste Heat Recovery Systems
Production EngineerinB 21D04103a Advances in Manufacturing Technology
Production Engineering 21D90101 Rapid Prototyping
Production Engineering 21D94301 Machine Tool DVnamics
Advanced Manufacturing Systems 21.D8/30la Total Quality Management
Advanced Manufacturing Systems 21D87301b Theory of Elasticity & Plasticity
Advanced Ma nufacturing Systems 21D87301c Design & Manufacturing of MEMS & Micro Systems
Machine Design 21D15301a Quality Concepts in Design
Machine Design 21D15301b Design of Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems
Machine DesiBn 21D 15 301c Applied Engineering Acoustics
CAD/CAM 21D04 3 01. Advanced Tool Design

cAD/CAM 21D04301b Design for Manufacturing

CAD/CAM 21D04301c Computer Aided Tools for Manufacturing

PaBe 2 of 3
Annexure - I

M.Tech lll semester (R21)

Program Elective Course - V
Branch Code Subiect Name
Production Engineering & Engineering Design 21D90301a Design & Manufacturing of MEMS & MICRO Systems
Production Engineering & Engineering Design 21D90301b Quallty Engineering
Production Engineering & Engineering Design 21D90301c Product Data lManagement

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Annexure - ll
M.Tech lll semester (R21)
Open E lective
Branch Code Subject Name
Computer Aided Structural Engineering 21DO E 3 01a Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Computer Aided Structu ra I E ngineering 21DO E 301 b lndustrial Safety
Computer Aided Structural Engineering 21DOE301c Business Analytics
Structural Engineering 21DOE301a Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Structural Engineering 21DOE301b lndustrialSafety
Structural Engineering 21DO E 301c Business Analytics
Structural Engineering & Construction Management 21DO E 3 01a Cost Management of Engineering projects
Structural Engineering & Construction Management 21DOE301b lndustria I Safety
Structural Engineering & Construction Management 21DOE301c Business Ana lytics
Geotechnical Engineering 21DO E3 01a Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Geotechnical EnBineerinB 21DO E301b lndustrial Safety
Geotechnical Engineering 21DO E301c Business Ana lytics
Construction Pla nning & Management 21DO E30 La Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Construction Planning & Management 21DOE301b lndustrial Safety
Construction Pla nning & Management 21DOE301c Business Ana lytics
Highway Engineering 21DO E30 La Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Highway E ngineering 21DO E301b lndustrialSafety

Highway Engineering 21DO E301d Ope ratio ns Resea rch

Electrical Power Systems and Power System 21DO E 301e Waste to Energy
Electrical Power Systems and Power System 21DO E 301a Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Electrical Power Systems and Power System 21DOE301i lnternet of Thin8s & its Applications
Power Electronics and
21DOE301e Waste to Energy
Power Electronics & Electrical Drives
Power Electronics and
21DOE301a Cost Management of Engineering Projects
Power Electronics & Electrical Drlves
Power Electronics and
21DO E 3 01i lnternet of Thin8s & its Applications
Power Electronics & Electrical Drives
VLSI, VLSI Design and VLSl System Design 21DOE301b lndustrialSafety
VLSI, VLSI Design and VLSI System Design 21DO E 301c Business Analytics
VLSI, VLSI Design and VLSI System Design 21DOE301e Waste to Energy
VLSI & Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems & VLS| and
21DO E 301b lndustrial Safety
VLSI & Embedded System Design
VLSI & Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems & VLSI and
21DOE301c Business Analytics
VLSI & Embedded System Design
VLSI & Embedded Systems, Embedded Systems & VLSI and
21D O E 301e Waste to Ene rgy
VLSI & Embedded System Design
Digital Systems & Computer Electronics 21DOE301b lndustrialSafety
Digital Systems & Computer Electronics 21DOE301c Business Analytics
Digital Systems & Computer Electronics 21DOE301e Waste to Energy

Page L of 3
Annexure - ll
M.Tech lll semester (R21)

Open Elective
Branch Code Subject Name
Embedded Systems 21DO E301b lndustrial Safety

Embedded Systems 21DOE301c Business Analytics

E m bedded Systems 21DO E 301e Waste to Energy
Electronics & Communication Engineering 21DO E301b lndustrialSafety
Electronics & Communication Engineering 21DO E301c Business Ana lytics

Electronics & Communication Engineering 21DOE301e Waste to Energy

Digital Electronics & Communication Systems 21DOE301b lndustrial Safety
Digital Electronics & Communication Systems 21DO E 3 01c Business Analytics
Digital Electronics & Communication Systems 21DO E 301e Waste to Energy
Com puter Networks 21DO E 3 01b lndustrial Safety
Computer Networks 21DO E 3 01c Business Ana lytics
Computer Networks 21DOE301f Optimization Techniques
Software Enginee ring 21DO E 3 01b lndustrlal Safety
Software Engineering 21 DO E 301c Business Analytics

Software Engineering 21DO E 3 01f Optimization Techniques

Computer Science & E ngineering 21DO E 301b lndustrial Safety

Computer Science & Engineering 21DO E301c Business Analytics

Computer Science & Engineering 21DOE301f Optimization Techniques

Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning 21DO E 301b lnd ustria I Safety

Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning 21DO E301c Business Ana lytics

Artificial lntelligence & Machine Learning 21DO E 301f Optim izatio n Tech n iq ues

Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems 21DO E 301c Business Analytics

Thermal Sciences & Energy Systems 21DOE301g lnternet of Things

ThermalSciences & Energy Systems 21DOE301h Mechatronics
Thermal E ngineering 21DO E 301c Business Analytics

Thermal Engineering 21DO E301g lnternet of Things

Thermal Engineering 21DO E 301h Mechatro nics
Refrigeration & Air Cond itio n ing 21DOE301c Business Analytics

Refrigeration & Air Cond itioning 2 1DO E 3019 lnternet of Th ings

Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 21DO E 3 01h Mechatronics

Production Engineering 21DOE301. Business Ana lytics
Production E nginee ring 2 1DO E 3019 lnternet of Th ings
Prod uctlo n E ngineering 21DOE301h Mechatron ics
Advanced Manufacturing Systems 21DOE301c Business Analytics

Advanced Ma nufacturing Systems 21DOE301g lnternet of Things

Adva nced Ma nufactu ring Systems 21 DO E 301h Mechatronics

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Annexure - ll
M.Tech lll semester (R21)
Open Elective
Branch Code Subject Name
M ach ine Design 21DO E 301c Business Analytics

Machine Design 21DOE3019 lnternet of Things

Machine Design 21DOE301h Mechatronics
CAD/CAM 21DOE301c Business Analytics
CAD/CAM 2LDOE301g lnternet of Things
CAD/CAM 21DO E 301, h Mechatronics

Production Engineering & Engineering Design 21DO E301c Business Analytics

Production Engineering & Engineering Design 2 1DO E 3018 lnte rnet of Things
Production Engineering & Engineering Design 21DO E 301h Mechatronics

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