Claudia Bianca Moroi A03 Communication

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Communication A03

Assignment Brief
Claudia Bianca Moroi

This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills required to communicate in
a business environment. Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to
communicate in business both in writing and verbally.

Question 1:(AC1.1)
It is important to understand the communication needs of internal and external
stakeholders. Internal stakeholders include teams within your organisation and
management. External stakeholders include customers, suppliers, government
agencies, banks and the community in which the business operates.

Identify internal and external stakeholders from the list below.

Employees: Internal

Managers: internal

Business Owners: internal

Customers: external

Suppliers: external

Government: external

Question 2: (AC1.1)
You work as an administrator assistant in a high-ranking company. You are required to
arrange a meeting with business investors (external stakeholders) to discuss of a new
collaborating project.
1. Identify the form of communication you would use in the scenario above

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 1
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
(Formal or Informal). Stating why.
2. Analyse the form of communication you have chosen above. You are required
to write two advantages and disadvantages of the selected form of

For Example:

Advantage- Formal communication is more organised and systematic.

Disadvantage: In some companies, it is controlled communication and a time-consuming process.

For more reading, refer to this link formal communication.


Question 3
Scenario (AC1.1)
You work in an administrative department in a team of 6 members (internal
stakeholders). One of your team members graduated from his long training. At the end
of day, you have arranged a meeting at the restaurant to celebrate him.

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 2
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
1. Identify the form of communication you would use in the scenario above
(Formal or Informal). Stating why.
2. Analyse the form of communication you have chosen above. You are required
to write two advantages and disadvantages of the selected form of

For Example:

Advantage: informal communication is less planned and more casual so it is easier to arrange.

Disadvantage: It includes personal opinions and no decision can be taken depending upon such communication.

For more reading, refer to this link: Informal communication


Question 4
The process of transferring information from one person to another is called
communication. In companies, you will notice various models and patterns of

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 3
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
When your line manager gives you work instructions, it is called downward
communication. Similarly, when you report on the progress of your work to your
manager, it is upward communication.
Match the given work situations in table A with appropriate communication models
and patterns in table B.

Group A Group B
Your manager sends you feedback for Choose an item.
today's work.

You report the progress of your work to Choose an item.

the manager.

You are inviting a co-worker for lunch. Choose an item.

Sending an invoice to the customer. Choose an item.

Question 5 (AC.1.3)

1. What do you understand by upward and downward communication systems?

2. Give an example of a workplace environment situation to explain your answer.
3. Provide two advantages and disadvantages of each communication system

Upward Communication: Lower level to higher level, non-directive, non-authoritative, purpose is to provide feedback,
takes the form of reports, complaints and suggestions.

Downward Communication: Higher level to lower level, directive, authoritative, purpose is to ensure tasks are
achieved, takes the form of orders, instructions and circulars.

For more reading, refer to this link:

Downward communication
Upward Communication


London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 4
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.


Question 6

Scenario (AC1.2)
You currently work in a retail store. Your manager asked you to advertise for a price
reduction of certain products. You displayed information about the new price on the
front window of the shop.

a) What model of communication have you used?

b) Analyse different communication models (Linear, Transactional).


Linear Model: In a Linear model, communication is considered a one-way process where the sender is the only one
who sends a message, and the receiver does not give feedback or response.

Transactional Model: A Transactional model of communication is the exchange of messages between a sender and a

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 5
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
receiver where each take turns to send or receive messages.

For more reading, refer to this link: Communication Model

Note: You are required to analyse each model of communication. Mention at least one advantage and one
disadvantage of each model.


Question 7

Scenario (AC1.1)

You currently work for a digital marketing company in the UK. The company has
several branches across the world. You are required to send an urgent and private
document to your colleague in Italy.

Which of the following is the most appropriate method you will choose?
Group of answer choices
Question 8

Scenario (AC1.4)

You currently work for a digital marketing company in the UK. You are required to
send an urgent payment reminder to a customer. You have an option to choose from
different communication media, for example, email, letters, memos, face to face
meetings, webinars etc.

a) Identify which communication media you would use in this scenario?

b) Explain factors that affected your choice of media as identified in the above

There are different communication media you can use within a business environment, such as email, letter, phone call,
memo, text, intranet, face to face meetings, webinars etc.

There are different factors to consider when choosing the communication system, such as the aim of the message,
cost, urgency, security, audience size, formality (formal or informal), the complexity of information, and timing.

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 6
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
For more reading, refer to this link: Communication Media


Question 9

Scenario (AC1.5)

Michael works in the HR department. He sent the invitation for interviews to all the
shortlisted candidates.

a) Explain how the format, structure, spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the email
will affect business communication.
b) How will the candidates perceive Michael and the organisation?
Format: formal writing, informal writing, text layout, font size and style, etc.
Structure: paragraphing, layout, etc.
For more reading, check the link:


London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 7
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
Question 10

Scenario (AC1.6)

Michael works in the HR department. He sent the invitation for interviews to all the
shortlisted candidates.
Explain the factors that Michael must consider in planning the phone call and
structuring the email for the invitation of interview?

Tip: Important elements to consider when writing your email include: sending address, subject, font, greeting,
introduction, body, closing, signature, etc.


London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 8
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
Question 11

Scenario (AC1.9)

Michael had many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in his first draft. His
manager has provided support and guidance, and Michaela could draft a fit for
purpose email to be sent out. He has used various proofreading techniques to ensure
the adequacy of communication. Below is the email which his manager finally

Explain various proofreading techniques that James must have used to ensure correct
business communication?

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 9
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
Question 12

Scenario (AC1.7)

Cathy works in a sport centre. She deals with an increasing range of ethnic groups. The
centre is busy, and there is only a maximum of two staff at the main reception desk at
peak times.

The centre is considering installing a self-check-in facility, where members must enter
their information into a computer.

a) Identify at least two potential barriers to communication that the sport centre
must consider when installing a self-check-in facility.
b) Explain methods to overcome those barriers.

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 10
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
Question 13 (AC1.8)

How come that someone stamping their feet while yelling ‘I’m not angry’, does not
come across as credible? That is why Albert Mehrabian developed a communication
model, in which he demonstrated that only 7% of what we communicate consists of
the literal content of the message. The use of one’s voice, such as tone, intonation and
volume, takes up 38% and as much as 55% of communication consists of body
language. This 7 – 38 – 55 -model is still much used today.

You are appointed as a team leader, you are running a new sales project in your
company. You communicated this to the team members just now. Below are the
reactions of each team member.

George Michael

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 11
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.

Use Dr Albert Mehrabian's theory provided above to explain your judgement of your
team members body language

London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 12
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.
London Professional College | This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills 13
required to communicate in a business environment. Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to communicate in business both in writing and verbally.

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