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Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning

Aa of each h.s. at bedtime
AAA apply to affected area ID intradermal
a.c. before meals IM intramuscular
a.d. right ear IN intranasal
ad lib. as much as desired; inf. infusion
aq. Water inh. inhalation
a.s. left ear inj. injection
ATC around the clock IR immediate-release
a.u. both ears IU international unit
bib. Drink IV intravenous
b.i.d. twice a day K potassium
BP blood pressure Kg kilogram
bucc. inside cheek L liter
c. With Lb pound
Cc cubic centimeter liq. liquid
cap. Capsule M meter
Cm Centimeter max. maximum
d.c.; d/c Discontinue mcg; μg microgram
dil. Dilute Mg milligram
disp. Dispense min. minimum
div. Divide mL milliliter
dL Deciliter Mm millimeter
fl. Fluid neb. nebulizer
FXD for 10 days NSAID nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug
g, gm Gram o.d. right eye
Gal Gallon ODT oral disintegrating
gr. Grain oint. ointment
gtt. Drop o.s. left eye
h., hr., hor. Hour OTC over the counter
Qt Quart o.u. both eyes
qty. Quantity p.c. after meals
q.p.m. every evening; every p.m. evening; after noon
day after noon
q.s. a sufficient quantity p.o. by mouth; orally
q.w. every week p.r. Rectally
Rx Prescription p.r.n. as needed (for)
s. Without Pt Pint
SC; SQ; SubQ subcutaneous p.v. Vaginally
sig. write; label Q every; per
SL; s.l. sublingually; under q12; q. 12 h.; q12° every 12 hours
the tongue
SOB shortness of breath q1-2; q. 1-2 h.; q1-2° every 1 to 2 hours
stat. Immediately q.a.d.; q.o.d. every other day
supp. Suppository q.a.m. every morning; every
day before noon
susp. Suspension q.d. every day
syr. Syrup q.h.s. every day at bedtime
tab. Tablet q.i.d. 4 times a day
TAD take as directed U Unit
Tbsp. Tablespoon u.d., ut. dict. as directed
t.i.d. 3 times a day ung. Ointment
top. Topical w. With
troch. Lozenge w/f with food; with meals
Tsp Teaspoon w/o Without

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