Effects of Flumzion and Mebo On 3rd Degree Burn

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Background and Rationale

Third-degree burns are the most severe type of burn, and they can cause significant damage to
the skin, muscles, and tissues. These burns can be very painful and can lead to infection, sepsis,
and even death. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for third-degree burns, but effective
treatments can help to improve the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

Flumzion and Mebo are two potential treatments for third-degree burns. Flumzion is a topical
cream that contains a combination of antibiotics and antifungals. Mebo is a Chinese herbal
ointment that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing

The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of Flumzion and Mebo in the treatment of
third-degree burns. The central research question is:

Question of the Study

What are the comparative effects of Flumzion and Mebo in the treatment of third-degree burns?

Goal of the Study

This study has the potential to make a significant contribution to the field of burn care. The
findings of this study could help to inform the development of new and improved treatments for
third-degree burns. This study could also have a positive impact on the lives of burn patients in
Afghanistan, where access to effective burn treatments is limited.

Literature Review

3rd-Degree Burns and Their Characteristics

Third-degree burns are characterized by complete destruction of the skin. The skin may appear
white, charred, or blackened. Third-degree burns can affect any part of the body, but they are
most common on the hands, feet, and face.

Third-degree burns can cause significant pain and can lead to infection, sepsis, and even death.
The treatment of third-degree burns is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Current Burn Treatment Options

The treatment of third-degree burns typically involves a combination of surgery, wound care,
and pain management. Surgery may be required to remove dead tissue and to close the wound.
Wound care may involve the use of topical creams, dressings, and antibiotics. Pain management
may involve the use of medication, such as opioids.

Flumzion: Mechanism of Action and Previous Studies

Flumzion is a topical cream that contains a combination of antibiotics and antifungals. The
antibiotics in Flumzion work by killing bacteria, while the antifungals work by killing fungi.
Flumzion has been shown to be effective in the treatment of superficial and deep partial-
thickness burns. However, there is limited data on the use of Flumzion in the treatment of third-
degree burns.

Mebo: Mechanism of Action and Previous Studies

Mebo is a Chinese herbal ointment that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, and wound-healing properties. Mebo has been used in the treatment of burns for
centuries, and there is a growing body of evidence to support its effectiveness. However, more
research is needed to confirm the efficacy of Mebo in the treatment of third-degree burns.


Research Design

This study will be a randomized controlled trial. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive
either Flumzion or Mebo. The primary outcome measure will be the time to complete wound
healing. Secondary outcome measures will include pain scores, infection rates, and patient


Participants will be adult patients with third-degree burns. The burns must be at least 10% of the
total body surface area. Participants must be able to provide informed consent.

Informed Consent

All participants will be required to provide informed consent before participating in the study.
The informed consent form will describe the study in detail, including the risks and benefits of

Patients Consent Form

Principal Investigator: ……………………

Institution: …………………………


You are invited to participate in a research study that is being conducted ……………………at
……………………………… The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of Flumzion
and Mebo in the treatment of 3rd degree burns.


If you agree to participate in this study, you will be randomly assigned to receive either
Flumzion or Mebo. Flumzion is a topical cream that contains a combination of antibiotics and
antifungals. Mebo is a Chinese herbal ointment that has been shown to have anti-
inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing properties.

You will receive the treatment for 12 weeks. During this time, you will be asked to come to the
clinic for follow-up visits. At each visit, your burns will be assessed and you will be asked to
complete a questionnaire about your pain and satisfaction with the treatment.

Risks and Benefits:

The risks of participating in this study include:

 Skin irritation or allergic reaction to the treatment.

 Infection.

The benefits of participating in this study include:

 The opportunity to help improve the treatment of 3rd degree burns.

 The possibility of receiving a more effective treatment for your burns.


Your privacy will be protected. All information collected about you will be kept confidential.
Your name will not be used in any reports or publications about the study.

Right to Withdraw:

You have the right to withdraw from this study at any time without penalty. If you withdraw, your data
will still be used for the study, but your name will be removed from the data.


If you have any questions about this study, please do not hesitate to ask. You can contact the
principal investigator, [Your Name], at [Your Email Address].


I have read and understand the information in this consent form. I agree to participate in this study.

Signature of Participant: ________________________

Date: ___________________________

Signature of Witness: ________________________

Date: ___________________________


Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either Flumzion or Mebo. Flumzion will be
applied to the burns twice daily. Mebo will also be applied to the burns twice daily.

Data Collection

Data will be collected at baseline and at regular intervals throughout the study. The data will
include wound measurements, pain scores, infection rates, and patient satisfaction.

Treatment Flumzion Mebo Flumzion

Participant ID 12345 67890 34567

Date 9/8/2023 9/9/2023 9/10/2023

Size: 5 cm², Depth: Size: 10 cm², Depth: 3rd Size: 2 cm², Depth:
2nd degree, Color: degree, Color: 1st degree, Color:
Red Blackened Pink
Pain Score Pain Score: 2 Pain Score: 3 Pain Score: 1

Infection Rate No infection Superficial infection No infection

Patient Satisfaction Satisfied Neutral Very satisfied

Age: 25, Gender: Age: 40, Gender: Age: 65, Gender:
Male, Race: White Female, Race: Black Male, Race: Asian
Medical History Previous burns: No Previous burns: Yes Previous burns: No
Medications Medications: None Medications: Aspirin
Allergies: Sulfa
Allergies Allergies: None Allergies: Penicillin
Smoking Status Smoking Status: No Smoking Status: Yes Smoking Status: No

Alcohol Use Alcohol Use: No Alcohol Use: Yes Alcohol Use: No

Other Relevant Factors

Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed using statistical methods. The primary outcome measure will be the
time to complete wound healing. Secondary outcome measures will be analyzed using
descriptive statistics.

Expected Results

The expected results of this study are that Flumzion and Mebo will be equally effective in the
treatment of third-degree burns. However, it is also possible that one treatment will be more
effective than the other.


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