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If you have any questions or issues with the setup, please email me or send me a message on

Discord (when you get to that step).

Daily Tasks
1. Please let me know when you are working - do this by signing in to the daily-log channel
in the Discord and then signing out when you are done for the day.
a. This is so you don’t have to stick to a rigid schedule but I know when you are
active in case I need you
b. I am not tracking your time, simply gauging your work based on output, if you
plan on working over 40 hours per week please track your hours
2. Ask any questions you have about sourcing that will help clarify things you are running
into, I am here to help


1. Download LastPass Chrome extension

a. Accept my invitation that was sent to your email.
b. Sign up using the email address you provided me
c. This extension will auto-fill passwords on the tools that you will need to source
2. Install Discord
a. You will be invited to the backend server
b. We will contact each other through the backend server or DMs moving forward
3. Send me your Wise payment information via Discord Direct Message (Or PayPal if you
prefer that)
a. You will be paid after the first week so that you know I am trustworthy, after that,
you will be paid on the 1st and 15th of every month.

Sourcing-related Setup

1. Download Keepa Chrome extension

a. Ad Added Keepa - Amazon Price Tracker 4622
2. Download DS Amazon Quickview
a. DS Amazon Quick View - Chrome Web Store
3. Download SellerAmp
4. Make sure the login for Tactical Arbitrage works with LastPass autofill
5. Make sure you have access to edit your Google Sheets - this will have been sent to you
in a previous email

I have several YouTube videos outlining the processes I would like you to use to source
profitable leads for Amazon. Please watch these on the first day. A step-by-step process for
finding products will be below as well.

Watch these:

These should help increase your knowledge base and get a better idea of what I’m looking for
you to do

1. Check for coupon deals and cashback offers on all preferred websites, as well as other
trustworthy sites that you are comfortable sourcing from.
a. The preferred websites I want you to be checking for coupon deals are:
i. Walgreens
ii. Sally beauty
iii. Iherb
iv. Vitacost
v. Ulta
vi. Kohls
vii. JCpenney
b. We will source from more websites than this, but these sites should be checked
every day for sitewide or category sales
i. Other sites you should scan regardless of if there is a discount:
1. Walmart
2. Target
3. Lowes
4. Home Depot
c. Go to Rakuten and click “Hot Deals” and scan for websites with sitewide or
category-wide sales
2. Plug these sales into a Tactical Arbitrage search
a. Sitewide Sales
i. Go to “product search”
ii. Select the website
iii. Add as many categories into the easy bulk as possible iv. Change the
“Store Discount” under “Source Price Adjustments” to whatever the
store’s coupon deal is
v. Add the cashback percentage that Rakuten is offering for that website
plus 2% (this is credit card cash back)
vi. Click “search”
vii. Watch this video for clarity on this process:

b. Category Sales - one section of the store is on discount (for example, walgreens
beauty is 20% off)
i. Go to product search
ii. Select the website
iii. Copy the URL of the page on the website that has all of the items that
are eligible for the sale
iv. Type 1 in first page, and type whatever the last page number on the
source website is into the box that says last page
v. Change the Store Discount under Source Price Adjustments to
whatever the coupon deal is
vi. Add the cashback percentage that Rakuten is offering for that website
plus 2% (this is credit card cash back)
vii. Click Search
viii. Watch this video for clarity on how this works:

3. Sort through the data

a. Use filter set labeled “use these” on “Filter Manager” > “select saved style”
b. Use the process of eliminating products based on looking at the TA data that I
demonstrated in the YouTube videos.
c. Click through to the leads that look promising
d. If in stock, and the price is correct and profitable, load the data into the Google
Sheet that contains the profitable lead data
e. This is the hard part which will take the most time to get comfortable with, let me
know if you are confused on this topic and we can call to talk about how to get
better at this

Once you have exhausted the coupons for the day or have already scanned the coupons that
show up that day, run a search of with no price adjustments except for a 5%
Once you have completed that, begin “reverse searching” other storefronts for leads - as
demonstrated in this video:
● A good starting point for products like these are starting in brands like “great value”
“Walgreens” or even “Nike”

You will likely spend a good amount of time doing this method, as the TA searches typically do
not have enough sales or new products to consistently only use TA
Expectations ● You will find at least an average of 4 green leads (approved by
management or myself) every day


○ $3 profit minimum
○ 25% ROI minimum
○ Amazon is a seller less than 25% of the last 3 months
○ Average 90-day rank under 175,000
■ At least 30 total sales per month on the listing

● Use SellerAmp to validate this ○ Keepa shows consistent price

■ For example, the price that it is currently selling at is a reasonable price
to expect moving forward.
■ It should not be on a temporary price spike drastically above past selling
prices (no more than 30% higher than the price range it typically sells for)
○ Item is not sold by the brand owner
■ Check the stores that sell the item to ensure that the brand name is
not identical to one of the sellers of the product ○ Item is not in the IP
complaining brands database: ■
○ Item is in stock from the source website for delivery
■ Sites like HEB, Kroger, and others may not have the item available for
delivery nationwide, so please check this
■ Use Zip Code 84321 to confirm that there is at least a full order of the
item available to ship to either zip code

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