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COMPUTER OPERATOR AND PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT NSQF LEVEL - 3 TRADE THEORY SECTOR: IT & ITES (As per revised syllabus July 2022 - 1200 hrs) cane Cer lg DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF TRAINING MINISTRY OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA = NATIONAL INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA INSTITUTE, CHENNAI Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 Sector: IT&ITES Duration: 1 Year Trade + COPA - Trade Theory -NSQF Level -3 (Revised 2022) ‘Develoned & Published by ‘National Instructional Media Institute Post Blox No, 3142 ‘Guindy, Chennai- 600032 iNCIA Email chennai-rimigpnic in ‘Wetbsite weve ram gov en First Edition =: Janusry2023 Copies: 4,000 oy FOREWORD ‘The Government of India hrs set an ambstious targat of impairing sills to30 crores people, one out ot every four jnevans, by 2020 to help them secure jobs 2s part ofthe Nations! Skis Development Policy Industrial Training institutes (ITIs) play a-vital role inthis process especialy interms of providing skied manpawer Keeping this in mind snd for providing the current industry relevant Skil training to Trainees, IT sytabus yas beer recenty updated withthe nelp of Mentor Councils commnsing vanous stakehakiers viz. indusiies, Entrepreneurs, Académcians and represertatves from [Tl ‘The National Instructional Media instute (NIM), Chennai has naw come up with instructional material to: suit the revised curriculum for GOPA Trade Theory NSOF Level - 3 (Revised 2022) in IT & ITES Sector, The NSOF Level - 3 Trae Practical wf help the trainees to. get anintemations| equivalency “standard where their lil proficiency andi competency Wil be duly recognized across tne gidhe andihs wit isa increase the scope of recugntion of prior learning NEGF Level-3 trainees willaiso get he apportuniies to promote life long leeming ond skill development | have no doubt that with NSOF Level-3 the trainers and trlinaes of Tis. and ail stalveholders will dertve mamxamum benetits from these (MPs.and that NIMPs effort will go 2 long way in improving the quality of Vocational training in the ‘county The Executive Director & Sta of Nil] and members of Media Development Commitee deserve appreciation ‘Tor their contribution in bringing out this publication Jaiing Ms, TRISHALJIT SETHI Add Secretary/Orrector General (Training) Ministry of Stall Development & Entrepreneurship, Government of iedia New Deli 710.001 iy PREFACE The National Instructions! Media inetiule (NIM) wis established in 1896 at Chennai by then Directorate General of Emproyment and Training (O.GE 47), Mistry of Labour andEmplaymert, (now uncer Minestry of Skil Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of india, with techrical assistance fromthe Govt Of the Federal Republic ol Germany The prime objective of thes inatitute isto develop and provide instructional ‘materiais for various trades is per ine prescribed syllabl (NSC LEVEL - 3) under the Craftsman anal ‘Apprenticeship Training Schemes The instructional matenals are created keeping in mind, the main objective ot Wocational Training under NCVTINAC in india, which isto helpan indlvidualio master skis to do. job. The mstructionatmstenais are generated inthe form of insinzctional Media Packages (IMPs), AnIMPconsiéts af Theory book, Practical book, Test ane! Assignment book, Instructor Guide Augio Visus! Aid (Wall chats and Transparencies} 2nd other support materials ‘The trade practical book consists of senes of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop. These exercises are designed tnengure that allthe skits nthe prescribed syllabus afe covered Thetrade Ineory Donic provides reiated theoretical knowledpe fequired to enabve the trainee to dow job. The testand assignments will enabie the instructor to give eesignmentstor the evalization of the performance ofa trainee. ‘The wall charts and transparencies are uréaue. asthey not ony helpthe nstrictns to effectively present a topic but aiso help iim to assess the trainee’s understanding The instructor guide enables the instructor'to plan fis schedule of instruction, pisn the raw matenal requirements, day to day lessons snddemanstrations. inorder to performthe sls in 2 productive mariner instructional videos ate embeddedin OR cose ofthe exercise inthis instructional materialso as to wtegrate the skal leaming with the procedural practical steps given inthe exercise The inettuctonal videos willimprove the qually of standard on practical traitung.and ‘él mottvate the trainees to focus and perform the sicl seamlessly IMPs.atso deals with thie complex stats required to be developed for effective teamwork Necessary care has alsa been taken te include impattant shil areas of alled trades as presoribed inthe syllabus. The availabilty of 2 complete Instructions! Media Package in gn insite helps both the trainer arid management folimpart effective treining: The IMPS.ate the outéome of collective sitors.ot the stam members ot NIM and the members of ne Media Development Committees specialy drawn from Public and Frvate-sectorinaustries, various {raininginsittes Lunde the Directorate General of Training (OST), Government and Private ITs NIM! Would tke to takes this oppostunity to convey sincere tharks to the Directorsof Employment & Training ofvarious State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors, Officers of DGT and DGT held insidites, proof readers, incevicual mcia davelapersiand coordinators, taut lor Whose active support NIMi would not nave been able to bing oul this matenals ‘Chennai -600.032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (y) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT National instructonel Media Institute (MIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks tot the co-operation and ortribution extended by the follayring Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations te bing out this. Instructonal Material (Trade Theory) for the trade of COPA (NSOF LEVEL - 3} (Revised 2072) under IT &ITES Sector for ITs. MEDIA DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS ‘Smt M. Banumattiy Assistant Training Officer, GovtrT Ampattur Smt V Revathé Assistant Training Offices, Govt Tl Coimbatore. NIMICO-ORDINATORS ‘Shri Nirmatya Nath Deputy Director, Nibtie Chennai 32 ‘SHLG Michie! Janey =| Managee ‘NIM Chennai: 32. iM records ts appreciation for the Data Eriry. GAD, OT Poperators for heirexceliert and devoted services the process of evelopment ofthis instructional Materiat NIM! alco acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NiMI-staff who have contributed townr0s the developnentof ths Instrustionat Material NMI also-gratefu to everyone who has directly or mdivectly neiped in developing thes instruchonal Matera, (wy INTRODUCTION TRADE PRACTICAL, ‘Tee trade practical manual isinléhledto be usedin werkshop.Itconsista ofa Series Of practical exercisestatbe ‘completed by the trainees during the course of the COPA Trade supplemented and supported by instructions! informations to assis! n performing the exercises: These exercites ate designed to ensure that al the eli it complence with NSGF LEVEL -3 Module = Sate Working Practoes: Module 22 - Manage Tablesand Butgted Tet Modite2 - Assemble 2 Gesktop PC Module Z3 - Manage Graphic Elements Module3 - Using Windows Operating System Module 24- Manage Auch & Video Elements Module - Computer Basics & Software Module 25 - Manage Transitionsand Animations Instoation Module 26 - Manage Cossboration RSIS 7, DES Cctna eae Line periaes: Module 27 - Demonstrate on MySGL Moduleé . install Ubuntu Linux operating system Moduse 28 - Demonstrateon Queries and execute basic | inuc commands. Module 29 - Demonstrate on Functions ModuleT - Using Word Processing Software Module 30 - Set-up Contigure a Computer Module’ - Formatoocuments ‘Networle Modfuled ~ Manage Tables andLists Modite 1 - Create Simple Static WebPages using Module 10. Create andMarage References HIML Tags Module 11 - Manage Graphic Elements Modules? - JavaSenptimbedJavaSeretin Module 12. Manage Document Collaboration HTML Pages Module 13.) Manage Mailings Module 33 - Data Visualization or Analysis Module 14. Spread Sneet Applicaton, Manage ‘using Excet Worksheets and Workbooks Modute24- Browse E-Commstoe Sitesto ideniity Products & Services Module 15. Manage Data Celis and Ranges Nae 18 Manage Tabisare Tate Dat eee easier Genie Module? Perform Operations using Formulas -other Malicious Code ner Module 36 - Cloud Computing Mextae 16> Menge Chart, Module 37 - Develapanappticationandpettormthe Module 18-- Manage PivotTables Application DevelopmentLite Cycle Module 20 - PowerPoint Presentations ShOduie 38 to 42 - Elective Module | Programming Medule21- FormstFresentations in Python Module 38 to 42 - Elective Module I! « Progeamming in JAVA, “The skiitrainng inthe shop foots planned throughs senes of prachoal exercises centred. atound some practicat ‘ploject However, there ate few instances where the individual exercise does not forma part of project ‘White developing the practical manual asncere efortwas rade to prepare each exercise which wit be easy to urderstarl arsicamty outeveniby below average taines. However the developreyitieamacoertinatthere sa scope {orfurtherimproverrent, NINVjeoksforward fothe suggestionsfromtheexneriencedifaining faculty fo moroving themanual TRADE THEORY ‘The manual of race teary consists of theoretical infarmavon for the course of the COPA Trade. The contents _are sequenced according Lo the practical exercise corkained in the marualon Trade practical. Aitempt hasbeen madeto relate the theortical aspects withthe skill coveredineachexerciseto the extent possible This co-vetabon ‘smainisined to help ine trainees to clevelop the percerxional capahikiies tar performing tne skis, “The Trecethoory nas tonetaugh andieamtaicng withthe corres ponding ee!ose contained inthe manual oritracke practical The imlicating about the omespanding practice! exe esse até Given in every AMER OF this. MANU itil pretetable to teachiearnthe trade theory connected each exercise atleast one class betore performing ‘he related Skis in the shop floce. The trade theory tobe treated as anintegrated part of each exercise ‘The mnsteriatis atthe purpose af celflearnigandshould be consideredas supplementary tocless room instruction, / vi) CONTENTS xercise No. Title of the Lesson Learning | Page No. Module 1: Sate Working Practices 4101802 | Btectical safety 1 1103804. | Safely practice -fre einguishers 2 Module 2: Assemble a Desktop PC 1205806. | Introduction to‘computers 7 Module 3: Using Windows Operating System 12.0713 | Introduction ta CRU architecture and motherbesrd 6 Module 4: Computer Basics & Software Installation 14d View the BIOS settings and their modifications a 14s Inetail Windows operating system a 1416 Fotmat hard diskand create partition 4 1417 Identity and rectify common hardware anid sakware issues during ‘03 instalation 6 1418 Install necessary application software for Windows |e, Orica Package. POF Reader, Media Player ete ES) 1498 (Configure Biuetootrs ana WF] Settings * 1.420821 | DVDs, CDs ana burning OVDs 2 Module §: DOS Gommand Line Interface isa Use basic DOS commands for dractory listing a 1523 Manage files and folders using DOS comnarids a Module 6: Install Ubuntu Linux operating system and execute basic Linux commands. 1824825° | Introduction to Linux operating system EI 1628-29 Handing commends and vattous ecfions 55 Module 7 Using Word Processing Software 1720-33, MS WORD 2010 THEORY 9 Module 8: Format documents 7888.36 Insert format text and paragraphs, Create and configure document sections ea Module @: Manage Tables and Lists 1937-99 __ | Create, moctty tables 2 Module 10 : Greate and Manage References: 4.10.40801 | Create andmanage relerence elements andtables 2 Modille 11: Manage Graphic Elements 41442.45 _| insert, format iustrations ardiext boxes % Module 42; Manage Document Collaboration 11246847 | Manage comments.cnange trackong anc mailings 2 Ee] (a), Exercise No. Title of the Exercise Learning | Page No. Outcome Module 13: Manage Mailings 2 11545 Perform mall merge 8 Module 14: Spread Sheet Application, Manage Worksheets and Workbooks. 2 4744054 | Open tiles in MS Excel 408 Module 18: Manage Data Cells and Ranges 5 Manipate data Module 16: Manage Tables and Table Data 1765880 | Crestennd fonrat tabies 404 Module 17: Perform Operations using Formulas and Functions 3 117.61-63 _| Functonsand formutas in MS-Excet 2010 05 Module 18; Manage Mailings é 1186466 | Manage Chars. +10 ‘Module 18: Manage Pivet Tables 3 49967 Create Pivot Tables a2 Madule 20: Power Point Presentations * 120674 Open files in MS PowerPoint Presentations 13 Module 21: Format Presentations eh AZ TS 77 iingert, Format text and paragraphs. nA Module 22: Manage Tables and Bulleted Text 4 1227880 Create tables, modify tables, modify bulleted text 5 Module 22; Manage Graphic Elements i 1.238783 | insert ilustrations, Format iiuetratons and text boxes: 6 Module 24: Manage Audio & Video Elements: i 12486885 | Audio & Video Elements 8 ‘Module 28: Manage Transitions and Animations - 12586867 | Ada shee transitions & animations 19 ‘Module 25: Manage Gellaboration 4 1.2688 Adéand manage commer 12 Module 27: Demonstrate-on MySQL 1278991 Install Troubleshoot, Create end Use of database in MySQL 4 421 jars | Designingdstabese using rotmalization rules vanous datatypes, dats integrity OOL_DMLBOGL Statements Enforcing Primary key andl Foreign ky 123 Module 28; Demonstrate on Queries 5 12897868 | insert and delete queries Update queries 15 Module 28: Demonstrate on Functions 120808100 | Using ine Number, Cate and Gristacter functions, (group by having, = se query 18 (si Exercise No. Title of the Exercise Learning | Page No: Guteome Module 20: Set-ip & Configure-a Computer Network 130401-112 | Connect a computer'te a network and share Devices ie. Printers, e fies, folders. and airves 128. Module 31: Create Simple Static Web Pages using HTML Tags 13013 Web designing 7 137 13tite Intoauction 16 CMS and web authoring toot 158 Module 32: JavaScript Embed JavaScript in HTML Pages 192115 Unerstancing JavaSciipt 18 152.1368117 | Using JavaScript Variable and data lypes % nea 132118 Cottrot statements, Loops and Popup boxes in JavaScrigt 199 132119 ‘Artaysin JawaSeript 175 132.120 Develop dynamic HTML pages sing JavaScript 182 43221 Deploy web project using IS. 198 Module 33: Data Visualization or Analysis using Excel 5 1.33122-128 | Create sdvancedtormulas andimacros: 205 Module 34: Browse E-Commerce Sites to Identify Products a@ Services 7134130-122'| E-Commerce ssope and benetits a0 an 134133 ‘Unde take transactions onan e-commerce site ag 134134137 | E-Commerce Security issues and Payment Gateways 21a Module 38: Protect Information, Computers and Networks from Viruses, Spyware and other Malicious Gode < 1.35198 ‘Overview of iormation skourity and threats: 26 4:35199 Privacy Protectionand ITAct 245, Module 96: Cloud Computing 2 436740133 | “Wortong with Cloud Services 250 Module 37: Develop an application and perform the Application Development Life Cycle 72 1.37-1488745| entity Phases.of ine Application Development Lite Cycle 284 Module 28 te 42 : Elective Module | - Programming in Pythan 4.3601802 | Programming language (Python) Use Rythan trom command line =a 1.390306 | Perform Operations using Data Types.and Operators 3 i] 140.08807 | Control Flow with Decisionsand Loops 264 Y41.08808° | Documentand Structure Code er 14210811 | -Peiform Gperabons Lising Modules afd Tools 283 Module 98 te 42: Elective Module Ii Programming in JAVA 13801-08. | Object Oriented Prograrrmingand JAVA Language 287 13904.07 | Demoneirate writing JAVA programs. 4 21 1.800616 | JAVAProgiam Flow Controt sa 14117-23 | JAVACIosses, Overloading ard Inhettance x 71422430 | “Abstract Classes ana interfaces in JAVA, 316, (ee, LEARNING / ASSESSABLE OUTCOME ‘On completion of this book you shall be able to NOS: SSCINaa22) S.No. Learning Outcome Ret. Ex.No. 1 Install and setup operating system and related software in a computer following safety pracautions. (Mapped NOS: SSC/N3022) 4.4.09-1.6:29 2 Create, format, and edit document using word processing application softveare.(Nwapped NOS; SSCIN3022) 4.7.20- 1,138.48 3 Create, format, edit and develop a workbook by using spreadsheet application software, (Mapped NOS: SSC/N3022) 11449-1,19.67 4 Create and customize slides for presentation. (Mapped NOS: SSC/N3022) | 4.20.68-1.26.88 5 Greate and manage database file by using MySQL, (NOS: SSCmta401) 4,27.80-1.28.100 6 Install, setup/eonfigure, troubleshoot, and secure computer network including Internet. (Mapped NOS: SSC/N3022) 1,90.401 -1.30.112 7 Develop web pages using HTML and CSS, (Mapped NOS: SSC/NOSC3, SSCINOSO1) 1.1.113-431.114 8 Develop web pages using JavaScript. (Mapped NOS: SSCN050S, SSCINOs01) 1.92.115-1.92.121 9 ‘Create workbooks with advanced formutis, macros, charts, pivot tables and demonstrate ability to use Power tools. (NOS: SSC/N6402) 4.33122-1.93.128 10 | Browse, solect, and transact using E- commerce websites (NOS: S8C/NB403) 434430. 4.34.137 " Secure information from Internet by using eyber security concept. , (NOS: SSCINB404) 4.25,138-1195.138 12 | Explain Cloud concepts &services and Describe Application Development Life Gycte. (NOS: SSC/ws4405) 1.36140 -1.37.145 13 | Write programs using Python language. (NOS: SSC/N8406) 1.38.01 1.42.14 14 | Writing programs using JAVA. (SSC/N8407) 1.38.01 -1.47.30 ‘SYLLABUS Duration | Reference Learning Professional Skilts Professtonal Knowledge ‘Outcome (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory) ‘with indicative hours Professional |/nstail and setup | Safeworking practices (10Hrs) | introduction to Computers (3 Hrs} Sii-94 Hrs; [operating system and |1 VistCOPALaD ofthe institutes: |- Sateworengpractioes a |felated softwere ina | and locate the electrical |. Sospe of heCOPA trace Knoniccye (combuterfohowng safety | conneations with computer |, sataty nies and ealely SpoweCe lprecautons. (Mapped | systomsiciup (3H4s) one ry identtying safety symbols and hazard enifcaton (2s) 3 Practioe sate methods. of fire fighting incage of electrical fire (2 Hrs). 4. Use of fire extinguishers: (2t4r8) Assemble a Desktop PC (8 hrs) 5. Wdentty computer peripherals and internal ‘components of & desktop eomputer. (4 Hrs) 6 Assemble components of desktop competer. (4 Hrs) Using Windows Operating ‘Systems (20 hrs) 7 Practice on Windows interface and navigating windows (3 Hes] + Typesend working of fre extinguishers. Introducton Camputer components, Introduction to computer ‘system (4Hrs) + Concepts and Software, + Function ‘of mother board components and various processors + Vanous — inpuly Output Gevices in Use and their features introduction Windows Operating System (9 His) to of Harare i [a Practice on managing fies and] ~ folders using removable cktwes. 4] « Hrs) le 9, Custame the desktop (2 hs} Hosetings ard menage user accounts. (1 Hr) 11: View systent propeities and] ‘control panal dtails (3 Hrs) 2Ware wit keypoara enoneu}, EeTonesandherteatres | allen bat is8Qes and their solutions: T3Pnnt end scan document using) Fagin oMtererecarmancs. (she) |” Uae ot Applicaton Computer bass aon ‘Software installation (20 Hrs) modifications. (3 Hrs) 15 [natal Windows operating system |” (ahs) 16 Format hard disk and create|* partion (34s) Identify and rectity common|* hardware and software issues] ‘during OS installation (3 Hrs) 48 install necessary application] + ‘software for Windows (@. Cfice Package, POF Reader. Media| Player etc: (2 Hrs) 19.Connigure Blustoatn and Wi-F} settings: (1 Hi) 20 Install Dovers for painter. scanner, webeam and DVD ete: (2 Hrs} 24 Burn data, video and auto hes on| CD/DVD! Using: application software. (2 Hr) DOS Command Line Interface (Stes) 22. Use basic DOS commands for irectory tsting (5 Hrs) 23. Manage files and folders ising DOS commands, (4 Hrs) Install Ubuntu Linux operating system and execute basic Linus commands (27 Hrs} 24 fnstallation of Ubunty Litus| operating system (6 Hrs} 25 Install Necessary appiication| software for Linux ie Office! Package, PDF Reader, Media| Player etc. (4 Hrs) 26 Use Basic Linux cornmarcs for Girectory listing, file and tolder| management, password ete. (6) Fee): 27 Use the Linux graphicat user interface for file ana folder] management. exploring the] system eto (6 Hrs} 28 Customize desitop settings ana] ‘Tanage user accounts in Lirkux (Hrs) introduction to [process (Hrs) Slintroduction te, B08 Comm Line interface & Linux opening [+4 View the BOS setings and net ion {ntroduation to operating System Main features of Windows OS Concept of various shortcu! commends, the booting! Intraduction to various types off Introduction to basic DOS intemal add External Commands IntocutiontoOpen So uf ee} Sofware Intreduction to Linise Opera System featines. structure, fie and processes Basic Linuiccommanda om RS View system properties ond manage eystem setting in Linux Hrs) KL 7 Hrs. faHrs Create, format, ‘ind eatt document using word processing application software (Mapped NOS:SSCINOZ2) uta herarnecre ara RReEE TT Manage documents (11 Hrsi) 30 Navigate within documents (2 Hrs} + Searchtectext + Link to lasations docuimerts [+ Mave lo pectic Geatons and obiedts indocurares + Show and hide formatting eymbeis| and hiddenttext 31. Format documents (4.8Hrs) + Set up document pages + Apply style sets + insertendmodty headers endtlocters + Coxrfigute page beckgruundelements 32.Save and share documents (245) Savedocumens in alternative fikstormats + Medty properties + Modity print settings: +See documents slestronicaly 33nspect documents for Issues| (24H) + Locate and remove hidieen properties and persona information + Locate and corre et scceseslty issues. * Locate ares compaubity issues Format documents (8 Hes.) 34 Inserttext and paragraphs (2 1s) + Findand replace text + insert symbolsandspesial characters) 35. Format text anc paragraphs (341s) Apply text effects + Apply formatting by using Format} Painter within) base document| correct + Set ine and paragraph spacing and indentation + Apply buit-in styles to text Cleat feemating 26, Geunte et soriijuie daca sections (3 Hrs) + Format text on rhultiple cokirres + inser page. ‘sections n dl calummbreas + Change page ‘setup options for a section ‘Manage tables and lists (9.5 Hrs) 37.Create tables (3 Hrs) + Comnverttest to tables + Comverttables totent ee ‘Word Processing Software (14 + Introduction to the-various applications: in MS office * Introduction te Word Office button, toolbars + Creating, caving and formatting and printing documents using Word. + Working with objects, macro, ait merge, templates end other tools in Word features, bat) + CHESS EES by SpEST I TOWS TOT cols 38.Modity tables (3Hrs) + Sortable cata + Configure cai margins.and spacing + Merge and split cells: + Resze fables, rows, an dl columns * Spitiables Configure a repeating row header 39.Create and modify tists (8 Hrs) + Formatpsregrophs2s numbered andl bulleted bss + Change bullet characters and number formats + Define eustom bullet charasters andl number formats + Increase and decrease let levels + Restant and cortenue list numbering + Setstafingrumber values Create and! manage mterences (3 Hr ) 40.Create and manage reference ‘elements (1.4 Hrs} + Insert foonotes = a nd endnotes + Modify footnote and endnote Properties + Gese and mo dity ‘bibliography cttatoh sources, + Insert citations tot tabiographies 41.Create and manage reference ‘tables (1.6 Hrs) + insert tables of contents + Customize tables of contents + Insert bibiogrartnes Manage graphic elements (8.5 Hrs.) 42.insert litustrations and text boxes: (BHrs) losert enapes Insert pictures Insert 3D models Insert Smact Art graphics Insert screenshots and scteen| clippings + Inpert text boxes 43.Format illustrations and textboxes: {3Hrs) + Apply arfistc ettects + Apply petune eects an picture styles Remove picture tackgrouires Format graphic elements Format SmartArt graphics Format 2D mode's 44,Add text to graphic elements (1 Hr) + AGE and modity fest in text boxes + Ackiand modly text in shapes Add and modity SmartArt graphic| content tH) Modify graphic elements (1.5Hrs) Postion objects Wrap text around objects Ag steratve text ot bjects for aocessiility nage document colisboration SHS) Add and manage comments (1 Hrs) Add comments, ° Revew and feo tg comments Resolve comments Deletecomments H7.Manage change tracking (2.6 Hrs) ‘Track changes Review tracked changes ‘Accept and reject tracted changes Lockand unlock ch ange traclerg age Mailings (3.6 Hrs) Perform mail merge (3.6 Hrs} ‘Create envelopes ‘Crestelapets Create anew rraling bet Performrmal merge using an exesting jessiorsl [Cheale, format, edit|Spread Sheet Application (72 Hrs) jlppresdsheetl43.Open tiles in MS Excel( 1.6 Hrs) essollappiicationl Openms Excel ‘Greate a naw Excel hie Create a new Excel file from a template ‘Open an exieting Excel fe 50 emp ata 8 He) impor data from Mes. + import data fram cay tiles: (S1_Navigate within workbooks (2Hrs) J+ Search data + Navigate to ramed cells, ‘afiges cx workbook eleens nts insert andtemave hyperincs he Hrs and J Adjust ow neight and zotume wicth J. Gustomie peadersard/ooters 83.Customize options and views: (BHF) Display ana modify content in Siforerd ve Freeze tows andcolienne ‘Changewndow views Modty base warkbook properties Display formutss Spread Sheet Application (18 Hrs} + [nirodiuction to Excel features and Data Types. Cell feferenengand inking Sheets + Irtreduetion to warious functjores iH all eategories of Excel + Concegtsofsoning titenny aon a valilating data + Analyzing datz using charts, data tables, pivot tables. goal seek and seensries. i) Cconfigure content © collaboration (2Hrs) + Seta print ares + Save warkoaoks in alternative fil formats + Configure print settings Manage data cells and ranges (12 Hrs ) S$. Manipulate data (2 Hrs) Paste data by using special pasta ‘options + Fill. cots by using Auto Fit + Insert and delete mutiple columns of tees + Insert and deiete cells 66.Format celts and ranges (5 Hrs) + Metgeand Linmerge cells » Modty cell Slignment ‘orientation and inderation Format cells using Format Painter Wisp text within cells ‘Apply numberformsts ‘Apply cell formats trom the Forma cells dialog box + Apply cell styies + Cleat cell torrtstting S2.Define and reference name Fanges (4 Hrs) + Define anamed range + Name atabie + Summarze cata visually | sparicines + appy ait in condtionat formasting + Remave conditional formatting Manage tables and table data (12 Hrs. 58.Croate and format tables (4 hrs) + Create exne! abies tromueliranges + Apply tabie styles + Convettiabies tocell ranges 59 Manage tables ard tabie data (8 Hrs) + Add orremove table rewsand column + Conligure table style options + Inger and configure folal rows 60 Filter and sort table data (3 Hrs} + Fiter records. + Sort data by mapie cotumnns Per operations Using formule’ an functions (12 Firs.) 61, Insert references (3 Hrs) + Insert relative, absolute and mix teferences + Reference named ranges andina tables in formulas 82.Calculate and transform tata (5 Hi + Perform calculations usin /AVERAGE(), MING, MAX0 and SUM + Count cells by. using COUNT() COUNTIFD and COUNTALANK) + Pert - conditional operates tev) ‘using tne FQ fonation Format and madiy text Hrs) Formal tet ou s i ng RIGHT) LEFT( and MOQ tunetions Format tex using UPPER), LOWERY andLENQ functons Forttat text using CONCAT() and] ‘Cinate Charts (3 Hrs) Greate charts (Create chartsneets . Modify charts (4Hrs) ‘Add cata series to-charts Switch between rows ard columns in source data Add and maddy chartelemerte ‘Add trend lines to-chan Format charts (5 Hrs) ‘Apply chan iayouts ‘Apply chart styles: Add alternative text to charts tor Bocessibiity nage Pivot Tables (12 Hrs.) Create Pivot Tables(12 Hrs) ‘Create Pivot tables from cell ranges Manipulate fields (columns) to get desired analysis Use Fiters for pvt tables Represent data a6 Count, Sum, Average & % of row / column Group data in Columns & rows far aggregate reports [Professoral [Create ‘and|Power point Presentations (8.5 Hrs.) [Sill - 53 customize slidestor|6B. Open files in MS PowerPoint]. {Hrs presentation | (1Hr) [Professional (Mapped NOS.|+ CpenMS PowerPoirt " [sscansaz2) + Greate a new PowerPoint fle hatte Greate a new PowerPoiet fle roms. template Oper an exisfing PowerPoint file PowerPoint Presemtations (1.5 Hrs) Add slides. Add titles and text Select slice layouts Ad Powerit temixates Ougticste slides: Modify slide masters, handout masters, and note masters (2Hrs) Crane the slide ‘master theme ot background Modify side master content Modi slide layouts 171. Change presentation options and views (1.5 Hrs} |. Change slide size +} Oeplay presentations} on Gilerent views Power point Presentations (12Hrs,) image eating, Presentations + Inttoquction te Gpen Cffice + Invocuction tothe properties a nd ‘editing of mages, + Introduction to- different formats of leages andithee uses + Introduction to Pawer Point and its advantages Cieaing Slide Shows Fife uring the prvvantaticn areca Presentation tecnnique Gan T2Save and share PowerPoint Presentations (1.5 Hrs) + Savepresentanons in alternative! fie formats * Configure citlereré Prict settings + Stee presentations! electratically 73.Configure.and present siide shows. (Hn + Hide unwanted slides wnite| presenting: + Carfigute side show options + Present slide shows by using) Presenter View TAPrepare presentations 1 or collaboration (1 Hrs) + Protect presentations py! using passwords + Expo presentations to other formate| Format presentations (6.5 Hrs.) 75.insert text and paragraphs (2 Hrs) + Findand replace text + Insert symbols and special] characters 76.Format text and paragraphs (2 Hs) + Apply test effects + Apply formatting by using Format] Painter + Set lie ard = paragrapn| ‘spacing and indentation = Apply built-in styles to text 77.Greate and configure sections: (25Hrs) + Fonmst text om multiple columns + Text and krage prosectation styles + Clearformating Manage tables and bulleted text, (Hrs) 78 Create tables (8 Hes) + Insert tables in PowerPoint = Apply built-in table styles + Creale lables by spectying rows and] colymnens: 79.Modity tables (9 Hs) insert and delete tabie rows and] cokers + Gantigure gel margins and specing + Mergeand spilt eets + Resize — tables tos, andl cohen 80.Croate and modify bulleted text (2trs) + Foret pwagteche =e | numbered and bulleted iste + Change bulet craracters and ruber formats + Increase and decrease ist indents Gori > Set gianiag runibervaioes + Restart and continue list numbering. on diferent slides Creme and manage reference ‘elements (hyperlinks) (1-25 Hrs) + Create hyperlinks within Presentations + Create Hyperiinks in pretartationstor files and other sources ‘Manage graphic elements (11.5 Hrs) 81 insert illustrations and text boxes (8.5Hrs} Ingert shapes insert petures insert SmartArt graphics: Insert screenshots and screen clippings 82.Format illustrations and text boxes (4 Hrs) + Apply artatic effects + Appy picture effects a nt prture styles Remove picture backgrounds Cropimages Format graphic elements Format SmartArt graphics 83.Add and modify text in graphic elements (4 Hrs) + Add and modity text in text boxes + Add end modity text in shapes ‘Add and modty SmartArt graphic tet reste, insert and mociy charts Manage Audio & Video elements. (65Hrs) ddd Audio elements (2 Hrs) + import axio fies | on presentations + Configxe aun playback options 85.Add Video elements (4.5 Hrs) + impo veeo files 1 presentations + Resize video to kde + Cortgse vdeo playback onions ‘Manage transitions and animations (oHrs) SE-Add sikda tase Mcrre (6 Fis) Ack sare tide banstion for ashes + Set transition effect duration + ‘Configure transition start and inst opbans + Customise select s 1 | doe transtions ‘87.Add animations (4 Hrs) + Animate text and graphic eternants + Order shapes. images: and text boxes + Group shapes, images, and text boxes ov [Frofessenar Ishii Hts, Professional kre chad Install Create and manage| datanase by using MySQL. (NOS. SScnNga01) nowiedga (3 Hrs: ‘setups @lconfigure, troubleshast, and] secure computer| network including} Internet (Mapped) NGS 7 Conlgare SrITsbon ETS + Configure animation pats + Reotdet animations ona slide ‘Manage collaboration (0.75 Hrs) 88 Ackiandmanage comments (075 Hrs] * Add comments: Review and repy tol comenents Demonstrate on (18 Hrs.) 89 installation of MySOL. (1!Hr) S0.Troubleshoating basic instaviation| issues (11H 81 Creation andiuse of database. (3H) 82. Designing of taties. (3 Hr} 53 Applying data integgity rules. (2 Hr} fie statements. (2 His) 85, Erforcing constraints primaty key and foreign key. {2 Hes} 96 Adding indices to Tables. (1 Hr) Demonstrate on (18 Hrs) 57 Sunple select queries. (5 Hrs) 98 Insert and delete quenes Update quetes. (10 Hrs) Demonstrate on (23 Hes) 559 Using the Numbey, Cate and (Character functions Joins and Funcbans (19:5 Hrs) 400. Joins, Group: by, Having, Sub query (51 SHS) ‘Computer Network (68Hrs)) Setup & configure a Computer Network (84s) 101 View Network connectians, (2 Hrs) 102. Connect acomputer to a network andshare Devices e Printers, fies, folders and drives, (4 Hs) 103. Work’ with various Network devices, connectors and cabies Create stratght andcross cable and punch @ UTP cable in the patch socket 4nd test the connectivity (4Hrs) 104 Practice IP. Addressing and ‘Subnet masking for PVA PVE and pinging to test networks. (4 Hrs} 105. Configure Hub and Switch (4 Hrs) 108 Set up and configure wired and Wireless LAN In » Computer. Lab within st least three computers. (6 Hrs) Wired LAN andinstaling & configuring Intemet connection ina singe PG and. inaLaN (Hrs) 108. Sel up a proxy server? DHCP ‘Server win fvewall (Hs) 4108. Sel up video conterencing using open-source sofware (41Hrs) S4Using the ODL, OGL and OML|, 107 Use patch panel & / Box for |” Database Concepts (4 Hrs.) Conzept of DEMS, ROBMS Diets Models, Concept of OBA, Dstabase Users + Database Schema + Designing Database using Normalization, Rules Vatious data types Data inteirity, DOL DML and DOL statements + Enforcing Primary key andYorean hey > Adding Indices ‘Queries (4Hrs) CConcests of Transactons ACID Property of Transaction Constraints Joins and Functions (§ Hrs) + doinng of tables + SubQuenes" Functions used query like sum, average, max, mi count ete + Communicating ona Local Network Principles. of Communicators How co Ethernet Networks Woet?, How are Networks Bult? Routing Across Networks Explain how end: user dewioes and ocal networks interact withthe global Internet} + Communicating in a Connected Wo Explain the-concegt ot = networl sorrmunication + Lora! Networks Explain the roles of devices in.a network. \What.Boes a Home Network Look Like How Does Wi-Fi Work? Introduction to LAN Devices, Intemetworking Devices, Internet Concepts = (4Hrs) introduction io ww, Conceprot Internet, Web Browsers, intemet servers and searhengnes. + Concepts of Domain nsiming Systems| na E mail communication + introduction to video chatting tosis and ‘Social Networking concepts. rich i im Use vanous tools [by opan source] an} for network (roubleahooting maintenance and security for bath ‘Wireciand Wireless (6 Hrs) Setup Internet socess & cammunication (10 Hre} ‘Set-up internet connectivity Set-up digttal communication [112 Use the internet (10 Hrs) Browse the internet Use e-mail Use Social Mein Use-the: phone tor online activities (Create simple statle web pages using| HTML tags (87 Hrs.) 113 Practice HTML (46 Hrs) Practice wath basic HTML elements (e.g head, title, body), tag and attributes Design simple web page with text paragraph andlline breaktusing HTML tags Format text, change background (olor and insert pictures inweb page Design simple web page with tables nd bts. Use marquees, hyperinis. ard mail to link in designing web pages Create frames. odd style and design fayout Display awebpage withina webpage: using frames. Inset teid, check and Combo Bd in webpage Design web page using password field, subret button Reset button and rarka button etc: Design a web page adding flash tie sudo snd videotiles, (Design web pags win forms and form cantrols using HTML tags 114. Create simple static web pages| Using GSS (21 Hrs ) CSS syntax, Adding colors, fonts, backgrounds, images borders, text alignment, text transtorrtation, Lists ete Stypes.of CSS: ‘Adding 3 Navigation Bisrsivertical/ Potizontatbars) CSS drop downs & Forms ‘O88 counters and website layout Mute backgrounds & Putting the styleshestin a separate fle CSS Animations & CSS Buttons Web Oesign Concepts (17 Hrs) ‘Concepts of Static and Dynamic Web pages * Introduction to HTML andd various tags inHITML + Concepts of different controts used inWebPages + Concepts of CSS ard applying CSSto HTML + Introguction to. open source ‘GMS viz, Joomla. Word press etc and Web authoring tools viz Kompozer, WordPress, Front Page ete Introduction — to JavaScript {35Hrs) + Introduction to Programming land Senpting Languages

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