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Literature Review

A. Social media

Social media is internet media that allows users to present themselves and

interact, cooperate, share, communicate with other users and form social bonds

virtually (Nasrullah, 2015, p. 11). In his research, Kaspani (2019) said that social

media is media that can allow one or many people to interact using technology

(social applications). This interaction includes exchanging messages,

information, ideas, pictures, and videos. Romel Tea (2004) separates the notion

of online media into two categories as follows.

1. Online media in general

Online media in general is a type or format of media that can be accessed

through the internet network which contains text, photos, sound and video.

Online media can be interpreted as online communication. That way, what is

included in online media in general is e-mail, BBM, Twitter, Facebook,

WhatsApp and other social media.

2. Online media in particular

Online media is specifically a type of media in the context of miss

communication. Specifically, media can be interpreted as press media or

online journalistic media. This, what is included in online media in particular

are portals, online radio, and online tv.

Of course, social media is supported with the latest features to be liked by


There are 4 benefits and uses of social media for your life :

1. As Social Media The benefits of social media are, of course, as a medium

for socializing between individuals because it makes it easier for those

who are far away to become close. And of course socialization with the

media is easy to do anytime, anywhere, not limited by time and place.

2. As Entertainment With social media, of course, it can be entertainment

because you can see friends' status, interesting stories, and funny pictures.

That way, of course, it will make you confused and relieve your fatigue,

replaced by laughing or smiling.

3. As Information Media Social media can be used as information media. Of

course you get information and you can provide information to others.

This information can be used as asking for help, helping search for

missing people and can also add insight in their field.

4. Online Business Media and Promotion The rapid development has made

social media used as an online business place and promotion. Because

making purchases and sales transactions online is now considered easier

to do, saving time and effort too.

In the use of social media, of course, there are positive impacts and negative

impacts, namely as follows :

1. Positive impact :

a. Make it easy for someone to form a community and be able to express

together through social media.

b. With the development of increasingly sophisticated technology,

companies utilizing social media as a marketing tool with a very

attractive form of advertising.

c. Make it easy for social media users to disseminate information quickly

compared to old media.

d. Make it easy for social media users to interact with friends or family

regardless of distance.

2. Negative impact :

a. Anxiety in question is anxiety that begins with a person's desire to

express himself which is unrealistic and wants to create perfection that

the person is unable to do, causing anxiety for the user.

b. Depression In the use of social media, another impact is depression,

this impact is triggered by the failure to form intimacy with the

opposite sex. Users are more likely to want to show success than to be

honest as they are.

c. Criminal activity an irresponsible person will use social media as a

tool to hide their true identity. They use social media to carry out

various crimes such as cyber bullying, fraud.

B. Mental health

Mental health according to Darajat (1983) is a knowledge and action that has

the aim of forming and utilizing all potentials, talents. Existing traits to the fullest

extent possible, so as to give happiness to oneself and those around them and to

be able to avoid the problem of mental illness. According to Bernard (1970) (in

Rosmalina, 2020), mental health is defined as an individual's adjustment to

himself and his surroundings as effectively as possible, happiness, positive social

behavior, and the ability to face and accept the realities of life that he goes.

From the several definitions of mental health as mentioned above, it can be

concluded :

a. Mental health is seen as a condition or state of mental health.

b. Mental health is seen as knowledge, action, even art to achieve a healthy

mental state

c. Mental health is seen as an individual adjustment activity to obtain a healthy

mental condition.

Mental health is influenced by 2 factors, namely:

a. Internal factors are factors that come from within the individual such as

nature, talent, heredity and so on. Characteristics, such as gentle, angry and
evil. Talent, for example singing talent, writing talent, acting and so on.

While aspects of heredity such as emotional heredity, potential, intellect

and so on.

b. External factors are factors that are influenced from outside the individual.

For example environment, law, politics, socio-culture, religion and


C. Relationship between social media and mental health

The use of social media is an external factor of mental health. The use of

social media can have an impact on users in terms of mental health, including

anxiety and depression. The anxiety in question is anxiety that begins with a

person's desire to express himself that is unrealistic and wants to form perfection

that the person is unable to do causing anxiety for the user. Social media seems

to be a place for users to express themselves and show off their daily activities.

This certainly raises the envy of other users. This jealousy can cause mental

disorders in the form of depression to its users. Many of its users feel depressed,

and even decide to commit suicide because they are humiliated by other users on

social media.

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