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Electric Current: The Flow of Charge

Our ancestors relied on fire for light, warmth and cooking.

Today at the flick of a switch, turn of a knob or the push of a
button, we have instant power. This is possible because of the
electric current. Do you know what is current? In this article,
let us learn and find how electric current has revolutionised
modern-day living.

It is one of the important discoveries that helped us

transform our way of living. From the time we wake up till the
time we sleep at night, our life is dependent on electricity.
From the basic bread toaster and baking oven to the
commonly used television all require electric current to
operate. The most common device, mobile phones, uses the
electric current to charge the battery for operation.

Besides playing a major part at home, electricity also plays an

important role in industries, transportation and
communication. In this article, let us learn to define electric
current as an important resource that we are highly
dependent on.
Table of Contents:

Electric Current Definition

Prerequisites for the Current to Flow in a Conductor
What Is an Electromotive Force?
Unit of Electric Current
Visualising Electric Current
Conventional Current flow Vs Electron Flow
Properties of Electric Current
Effects of Electric Current
Heating Effect of Electric Current
Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
Chemical Effect of Electric Current
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
Electric Current Definition

Let us now define electric current and also know about

conductors and insulators.

Electric Current is the rate of flow of electrons in a conductor.

The SI Unit of electric current is the Ampere.

Electrons are minute particles that exist within the molecular

structure of a substance. Sometimes, these electrons are
tightly held, and other times they are loosely held. When
electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, they are able to
travel freely within the limits of the body. Electrons are
negatively charged particles hence when they move, a number
of charges moves, and we call this movement of electrons
as electric current.
It should be noted that the number of electrons that are able
to move governs the ability of a particular substance to
conduct electricity. Some materials allow the current to move
better than others. Based on the ability of the material to
conduct electricity, materials are classified into conductors
and insulators.

Conductors: these materials allow the free flow of electrons

from one particle to another. Conductors allow for charge
transfer through the free movement of electrons. The flow of
electrons inside the conducting material or conductor
generates an electric current. The force that is required to
drive the current flow through the conductor is known as

Examples of conductors: Human body, aqueous solutions of

salts and metals like iron, silver and gold.

Did You Know?

Silver is the best conductor of electricity.

Insulators: Insulators are materials that restrict the free flow
of electrons from one particle to another. The particles of the
insulator do not allow the free flow of electrons; subsequently,
the charge is seldom distributed evenly across the surface of
an insulator.

Examples of Insulators: Plastic, Wood and Glass

Prerequisites for the Current to Flow in a Conductor

Some of the prerequisites for the electric current to flow in a

conductor are discussed here. The circuit includes an energy
source (a battery, for instance) that produces voltage. Without
voltage, electrons move randomly and are undirected; hence
current cannot flow. Voltage creates pressure on the
electrons, which channelises them to flow in a single

The circuit forms a closed conducting loop through which

electrons can flow. A circuit is said to be closed or complete
when a switch is turned ON.


What Is an Electromotive Force?

The motion of free electrons is normally haphazard. If a force
acts on electrons to make them move in a particular direction,
then up to some extent random motion of the electrons will be
eliminated. An overall movement in one direction is achieved.
The force that acts on the electrons to make them move in a
certain direction is known as electromotive force, and its
quantity is known as voltage and is measured in volts.

: Electromotive Force

Unit of Electric Current
Let us know what is current and the unit to measure it.

The magnitude of electric current is measured in coulombs

per second. The SI unit of electric current is Ampere and is
denoted by the letter A. Ampere is defined as one coulomb of
charge moving past a point in one second. If there are 6.241 x
1018 electrons flowing through our frame in one second, then
the electrical current flowing through it is ‘One Ampere.’

The unit Ampere is widely used within electrical and

electronic technology along with the multipliers like milliamp
(0.001A), microamp (0.000001A), and so forth.

Read More: Ampere


Visualising Electric Current

To gain a deeper understanding of what an electric current is

and how it behaves in a conductor, we can use the water pipe
analogy of electricity. Certainly, there are some limitations
but they serve as a very basic illustration of current and
current flow.

Water Pipe Analogy of Electricity

We can compare the electric current to the water flowing

through the pipe. When pressure is applied to one end of the
pipe, the water is forced to flow through the pipe in one
direction. The amount of water flow is proportional to the
pressure placed on the end. This pressure can be compared to
the electromotive force.


Conventional Current flow Vs Electron Flow

There is a lot of confusion around conventional current flow
and electron flow. In this section, let us understand their

Conventional Current Flow vs Electron Flow

Conventional Current Flow

The conventional current flow is from the positive to the

negative terminal and indicates the direction in which positive
charges would flow.

Electron Flow

The electron flow is from negative to positive terminal.

Electrons are negatively charged and are therefore attracted
to the positive terminal as unlike charges attract.


Properties of Electric Current

After we define electric current, let us learn the properties of

electric current. Electric current is an important quantity in
electronic circuits. We have adapted electricity in our lives so
much that it becomes impossible to imagine life without
it. Therefore, it is important to know what is current and the
properties of the electric current.

We know that electric current is the result of the flow of

electrons. The work done in moving the electron stream
is known as electrical energy. Electrical energy can be
converted into other forms of energy such as heat energy,
light energy, etc. For example, in an iron box, electric
energy is converted to heat energy. Likewise, the electric
energy in a bulb is converted into light energy.

There are two types of electric current known

as alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC). The
direct current can flow only in one direction, whereas the
alternating direction flows in two directions. Direct
current is seldom used as a primary energy source in
industries. It is mostly used in low voltage applications
such as charging batteries, aircraft applications, etc.
Alternating current is used to operate appliances for both
household and industrial and commercial use.

The electric current is measured in ampere. One ampere

of current represents one coulomb of electric charge
moving past a specific point in one second.
1 ampere = 1
coulomb / 1 second

The conventional direction of an electric current is the

direction in which a positive charge would move.
Henceforth, the current flowing in the external circuit is
directed away from the positive terminal and toward the
negative terminal of the battery.

Effects of Electric Current

After defining electric current, let us learn various effects of

electric current. When a current flows through a conductor,
there are a number of signs which tell if a current is flowing or
not. Following are the most prominent signs:


Heating Effect of Electric Current

When our clothes are crumpled, we use the iron box to make
our clothes crisp and neat. Iron box works on the principle of
heating effect of current. There are many such devices that
work on the heating effect.

When an electric current flows through a conductor,

heat is generated in the conductor.
The heating effect is given by the following equation

The heating effect depends on the following factor:

The time ‘t‘ for which the current flows. The longer the
current flows in a conductor more heat is generated.
The electrical resistance of the conductor. Higher the
resistance, the higher the heat produced.

The amount of current. The larger the amount of current

higher the heat
If the current is small then the amount of heat generated is
likely to be very small and may not be noticed. However, if the
current is larger then it is possible that a noticeable amount
of heat is generated.

Read More: Heating Effect of Electric Current

Magnetic Effect of Electric Current

Another prominent effect that is noticeable when an electric

current flows through the conductor is the build-up of the
magnetic field. We can observe this when we place a compass
close to a wire carrying a reasonably large direct current, and
the compass needle deflects. The magnetic field generated by
a current is put to good use in a number of areas. By winding
a wire into a coil, the effect can be increased, and an
electromagnet can be made.

Read More: Magnetic Effect of Electric Current


Chemical Effect of Electric Current

When an electric current passes through a solution, the
solution ionizes and breaks down into ions. This is because a
chemical reaction takes place when an electric current
passes through the solution. Depending on the nature of the
solution and the electrodes used, the following effects can be
observed in the solution:

change in the colour of the solution

metallic deposits on the electrodes
a release of gas or production of bubbles in the solution
Electroplating and electrolysis are the applications of the
chemical effect of electric current.

Read More: Electroplating and Electrolysis

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Why are copper wires used as connecting wires?

Because they offer low resistivity for the flow of electrons.

What is the reciprocal of conductance?

Resistance is the reciprocal of conductance.

What happens to the resistance of pure metals and

semiconductors with an increase in temperature?

The resistance of pure metals increases with the increase in

temperature, and the resistance of semiconductors decreases
with an increase in temperature.
What is the unit of electric conductivity?

mho/metre or Siemens/metre.

Which method is used for the absolute measurement of

The Wheatstone bridge method is used for the absolute
measurement of resistance.

What are insulators?

Insulators are materials that restrict the free flow of electrons

from one particle to another. The particles of the insulator do
not allow the free flow of electrons.

Define ampere.

Ampere is defined as the unit of electric current that is equal

to the flow of one Coulomb per second.

What is electromotive force?

Electromotive force is defined as the electric potential

produced by either an electrochemical cell or by changing the
magnetic field. EMF is the commonly used acronym for
electromotive force.

What is an electric charge?

Electric Charge is the property of subatomic particles that

causes it to experience a force when placed in an electric and
magnetic field.

State Coulomb’s law.

The magnitude of the electrostatic force of attraction or

repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional
to the product of the magnitudes of charges and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them.


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