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My reflection about Confucianism is that we know that the word

Confucianism is came from Confucius in his religion. I’ve learned that
its have a similarity to the golden rule that is do unto others as others do
unto to you, it means that always do good to your neighbor because you
do it also in your own God.
I personally believe about Confucius golden rule, “Do not do to
others what you do not want them to do to you” ,which is denotes that
you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.
Confucianism is best understood as an ethical guide to life and living
with strong character.
By this virtue it is following a proper conduct including values
such as, justice, wisdom, diligence, generosity, among others. Because
Confucianism believes that improving ourselves independently is the
only way to produce a social change. It says that relationships are what
define us. Engaging with others makes us grow and become more
human, creating a collective goal of social harmony.

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