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Four Seasons

of the Year
Pnm ro ,n the l'<:(\pl., .. Rcpu bhc of Ch,na
Four Seasons
of t Year

Written by Tang Lufeng and

Chen Hulllan
Illustrated by H. Yanrong

Zhaohua I'ubh,hlnl House

lkijing, 1984

Spring is coming,
lhe wea ther is wermer.
I to ke off my podded COOl,
end put on one lighle r.
Then I'U go outside 10 p loy on this lo vely do y.
In the spring breeze,
under the bright sunshine,
who t is sprou ting~
Wha t is blossoming?
Wha t is fly ing in the sky?
What is jump ing an the g r ound ?
The wheat is green,
the rapese e d flowers a re ye llo w.
RUllerflies are flullering,
be e s ore buuing.
We are digging earth and watering the tre e s we plant.
Summe r.

It is hot.
Summe r hc s c rrived.
No mo re heav y clothing,
we we or vests a nd shorts.
l e t's un roll a strew she e t,
a nd have a good nap.
Afte r a storm,
und e r the clear sky,
wha t is blossoming'?
Whot Is singing in the tre esi
What is flying in the a iri
Wha t is jumping Ofl the g rassi
The Moo n is recn d,
the Moo n is b right.
A palm-le af fan in han d,
we e njo y the cool ness , while
fireflie s a re da ncing ,
katy d ids are singing.
AUTu mn.

Autumn winds come,

The wectber becomes cool.
Apples turn red,
pe e rs become yell ow.
PuT on more clOThe S when y ou go ocr.
!he clouds ore mavin
.... the blue sky. g.
Who l is white2
Whol is waving and golden'?
Whal ore flying'?
Whol are fragranl'?
Maple leaves are red.
Chrysanthemums are yellaw.
Modlioes are rumbl ing.
Commune members are harvesting.
Baske t in hand, we are gathering groin.
W inter.

! ~~~"":~S
"'" ceeee,
gone .
~"" blo~, •
. . snows..
_ _ _:=:",,- 01'1 bee... y clothes.
Everything is white,
on the earth.
Wha t trees or e still green~
W hol flowers are b lossomin g ~
whet is hanging unde r the roan
W hol is hid den in the ceUor~
Make 0 snowmen,
fi ght with snow bolls,
never mind the flying snow ond cold wind .
Kee p on pla yi ng In winter,
it Will kee p us hea lthy and f it.

Something is rea lly funny here .

If il is winter, why is there suc h con fv si on~
When d oes the swa llow f1 y ~
W he n d oe s the lotus blossomi

When do ma ple leoves turn redi

When does it snow?
Thi s picture has six misT a kes,
please find them.
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