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Electronics Systems and Technologies

Melvin C. Arceo

1. He developed the first successful FM radio system

a. B.E.Alpine

b. N.S. Kapany

c. E.H. Armstrong
d. A.C.S. Van Heel

2. Results whenever the phase angle of sinusoidal wave is varied with respect to time

a. angle modulation

b. digital modulation

c. amplitude modulation

d. pulse modulation

3. In the spectrum of a frequency -modulated wave

a. the carrier frequency disappears with a large modulation index

b. the amplitude of any sideband depends on the modulation index

c. the total number of sidebands depends on the modulation index

d. the carrier frequency cannot disappear

4.What is the frequency swing of an FM broadcast transmitter when modulated 60%

a. 60 kHz

b. 45 kHz

c. 30 kHz

d. 25 kHz

5. Varying the frequency of a constant -amplitude carrier directly proportional to the amplitude
to the modulating signal at a rate equal to the frequency of the modulating signal

a. amplitude modulation

b. angle modulation

c. phase modulation

d. frequency modulation

6. The amount of frequency deviation from the carrier center frequency in an FM transmitter is
proportional to what characteristic of the frequency signal?

a. amplitude

b. frequency
c. phase

d. shape

7. It is a modulation where the angle of a wave carrier is varied from its reference value

a. amplitude modulation

b. angle modulation

c. analog modulation

d. digital modulation

8. Both FM and PM are types of what kind of modulation?

a. amplitude

b. phase

c. angle

d. duty cycle

9. Varying the phase of a constant amplitude carrier displacement proportional to the amplitude
of the modulating signal at a rate equal to the frequency of the modulating signal.

a. amplitude modulation

b. angle modulation

c. phase modulation

d. frequency modulation

10. The difference between phase and frequency modulation

a. is purely theoretical because they are the same in practice

b. is too great to make the two systems compatible

c. lies in the poorer audio responses of phase modulation

d. lies in the different definitions of the modulation index

11. The relative angular displacement of the carrier phase in radians with respect to the reference
phase is called __________.

a. phase deviation
b. carrier deviation

c. frequency deviation

d. information deviation

12. If the amplitude of the modulating signal decreases, the carrier deviation

a. increases

b. decreases

c. remains constant

d. goes to zero

13. On an FM signal, maximum deviation occurs at what point on the modulating signal?

a. zero-crossing points

b. peak positive amplitudes

c. peak negative amplitude

d. both peak positive and negative amplitudes

14. The amount of oscillator frequency increase and decrease around the carrier frequency is
called _________.

a. frequency deviation

b. phase shift

c. intelligence frequency

d. baseband

15. The relative displacement of the carrier frequency in hertz in respect to its unmodulated value
is called _____________.

a. frequency deviation

b. phase deviation

c. information deviation

d. carrier deviation

16. A pre-emphasis circuit provides extra noise immunity by

a. boosting the bass frequencies

b. amplifying the higher audio frequencies

c. preamplfying the whole audio band

d. converting the phase modulation to FM

17. It is the instantaneous change in phase of the carrier at a given instant of time and indicates
how much phase of the carrier is changing with respect to its reference phase.

a. instantaneous frequency

b. instantaneous frequency deviation

c. instantaneous phase

d. instantaneous phase deviation

18. Calculate the amount of frequency deviation caused by a limited noise spike that still cause
an undesired phase shift of 35 degrees when the input frequency is 5kHz.

a. 2.40kHz

b. 3.05kHz

c. 1.29kHz

d. 4.45kHz

19. Which of the following determines the rate of carrier deviation?

a. intelligence frequency

b. frequency deviation

c. carrier frequency

d. broadband frequency

20. It is the precise phase of the carrier at a given instant of time

a. instantaneous phase deviation

b. instantaneous phase

c. instantaneous frequency deviation

d. instantaneous frequency
21. In PM, a frequency shift occurs while what characteristic of the modulating signal is

a. shape

b. phase

c. frequency

d. amplitude

22. In FM, it is a device that in which amplitude variations are derived in response to frequency
or phase variations

a. detector

b. discriminator

c. demodulator

d. receiver

23. Maximum frequency deviation of a PM signal occurs at

a. zero-crossing points

b. peak positive amplitudes

c. peak negative amplitude

d. peak positive and negative amplitude

24. Since noise phase-modulates the FM wave, as the noise sideband frequency approaches the
carrier frequency, the noise amplitude

a. remains constant

b. is decreased

c. is increased

d. is equalized

25. It is the instantaneous change in frequency of the carrier and is defined as the first time
derivative of the phase deviation

a. instantaneous frequency

b. instantaneous frequency deviation

c. instantaneous phase

d. instantaneous phase deviation

26. Since noise phase- modulates the FM wave, as the noise sideband frequency approaches the
carrier frequency, the noise amplitude

a. remains constant

b. is decreased

c. is increased

d. is equalized

27. It is the precise frequency of the carrier at a given instant of time is defined as the first time
derivative of the instantaneous phase.

a. instantaneous frequency

b. instantaneous frequency deviation

c. instantaneous phase

d. instantaneous phase deviation

28. It is the output-versus-input transfer functions for modulators which give the relationship
between the output parameter changes in respect to specified changes in the input signal.

a. frequency deviation

b. deviation sensitivity

c. transconductance curve

d. phase deviation

29. When the modulating frequency is doubled, the modulation index is halved, and the
modulating voltage remains constant. The modulation system is

a. amplitude modulation

b. phase modulation

c. frequency modulation

d. any of the above

30. In PM, carrier frequency deviation is not proportional to:

a. modulating signal amplitude

b. carrier amplitude and frequency

c. modulating signal frequency

d. modulator phase shift

31. To compensate for increases in carrier frequency deviation with an increase in modulating
signal frequency, what circuit is used between the modulating signal and phase modulator?

a. low-pass filter

b. high-pass filter

c. phase shifter

d. bandpass filter

32. Indicate which one of the following is not an advantage of PM over AM:

a. better noise immunity is provided

b. lower bandwidth is required

c. the transmitted power is more useful

d. less modulating power is required

33. With phase modulation, the maximum frequency deviation occurs during what value of the
modulating signal?

a. positve peak value

b. rms value

c. negative peak value

d. zero crossings

34. With frequency modulation, maximum frequency deviation occurs _____ of the modulation

a. positive peak value

b. both positive and negative peak value

c. negative peak value

d. zero crossings

36. With phase modulation, peak phase deviation is called _________.

a. modulation index

b. frequency deviation

c. phase deviation

d. instantaneous phase

37. The FM produced by PM is called

a. FM

b. PM

c. indirect FM

d. indirect PM

38. In a broadcast superheterodyne receiver, the

a. local oscillator operates below the signal frequency

b. mixer input must be tuned to the signal frequency

c. local oscillator frequency is normally double the OF

d. RF amplifier normally works at 455kHz above the carrier frequency

39. If the amplitude of the modulating signal applied to a phase modulator is constant, the output
signal will be

a. zero

b. the carrier frequency

c. above the carrier frequency

d. below the carrier frequency

40. To prevent overloading of the last IF amplifier in the receiver, one should use the

a. squelch

b. variable sensitiivity
c. variable selectivity

d. double conversion

41. The peak-to-peak frequency deviation is sometimes called __________.

a. phase deviation

b. peak phase deviation

c. carrier swing

d. instantaneous frequency

42. A 100MHz carrier is deviated 50 kHz by 4kHz signal. The modulation index is

a. 5

b. 8

c. 12.5

d. 20

43. With angle modulation, it is defined as the ratio of the frequency deviation actually produced
to the maximum frequency deviation allowed by law stated in percent form.

a. modulation index

b. percent modulation

c. frequency deviation

d. phase deviation

44. In a broadcast FM system, the input S/N = 4. Calculate the worst case S/N at the output if the
receiver's internal noise effect is negligible.

a. 19.8:1

b. 21.6:1

c. 23:1

d. 15:1

45. It is a circuit in which the carrier is varied in such a way that its instantaneous phase is
proportional to the modulating signal.
a. frequency modulators

b. amplitude modulators

c. phase modulators

d. mixers

46. In a ratio detector

a. the linearity is worse than in a phase discriminator

b. stabilization against signal strength variations is provided

c. the output is twice that obtainable from the similar phase discriminator

d. the circuit is the same as in a discriminator, except that the diodes are reversed

47. The maximum deviation of an FM carrier is 2kHz by a maximum modulating signal of

400Hz. The deviation ratio is

a. 0.2

b. 5

c. 8

d. 40

48. The unmodulated carrier is a single-frequency sinusoid commonly called _________.

a. unrest frequency

b. rest frequency

c. frequency-modulated frequency

d. carrier frequency

49. It is a circuit in which the carrier is varied in such a way that its instantaneous phase is
proportional to the integral of the modulating signal

a. phase modulator

b. phase deviator

c. amplitude deviator

d. frequency modulator
50. The typical squelch circuit

a. cuts off an audio amplifier when the carrier is absent

b. eliminates the RF interference when the signal is weak

c. cuts off an IF amplifier when the AGC is maximum

d. cuts off an IF amplifier when the AGC is minimum

51. Frequency modulators are also known as _________.

a. phase deviators

b. frequency deviators

c. phase modulators

d. amplitude deviators

52. A 70 kHz carrier has a frequency deviation of 4 kHz with a 1000Hz signal. What is the
bandwidth of the FM signal?

a. 4kHz

b. 7kHz

c. 10 kHz

d. 28 kHz

53. The controlled oscillator synthesizer is sometimes preferred to the direct one because

a. it is simpler piece of equipment

b. its frequency stability is better

c. it does not require crystal oscillators

d. it is relatively free of spurious frequencies

54. A system with a differentiator followed by an FM modulator is called

a. PM modulator

b. FM modulator

c. PM demodulator
d. FM demodulator

55. The image frequency of a superheterodyne receiver

a. is created within the receiver itself

b. is due to insufficient adjacent channel rejection

c. is not rejected by the IF tuned circuits

d. is independent of the frequency to which the receiver is tuned

56. A system with FM demodulator followed by an integrator

a. PM modulator

b. PM demodulator

c. FM modulator

d. FM demodulator

57. A system with an integrator followed by a PM modulator

a. PM modulator

b. FM modulator

c. PM demodulator

d. FM demodulator

58. An FM transmitter has a maximum deviation of 12kHz and a maximum modulating

frequency of 12 kHz. The bandwidth by Carson's rule is

a. 24kHz

b. 33.6kHz

c. 38.8kHz

d. 48kHz

59. A system with PM demodulator followed by a differentiator

a. PM modulator

b. FM modulator
c. PM demodulator

d. FM demodulator

60. A receiver has poor IF selectivity. It will therefore also have poor

a. blocking

b. double-spotting

c. diversity reception

d. sensitivity

61. Three point tracking is achieved with

a. variable selectivity

b. the padder capacitor

c. double spotting

d. double conversion

62. He mathematically proved that for a given modulating signal frequency a frequency-
modulated wave cannot be accommodated in a narrower bandwidth than an amplitude modulated

a. R.C. Alpine

b. E.H. Armstrong

c. J.R. Carson

d. J.J. Thomson

63. The maximum allowed deviation of the FM sound signal in TV is 25 kHz. If the actual
deviation is 18kHz, the percent modulation is

a. 43 percent

b. 72 percent

c. 96 percent

d. 139 percent

64. The local oscillator of a broadcast receiver is tuned to a frequency higher than the incoming
a. to help the image frequency rejection

b. to permit easier tracking

c. because otherwise an intermediate frequency could not be produced

d. to allow adequate frequency coverage without switching

65. Which of the following is not a major benefit of FM over AM?

a. greater efficiency

b. noise immunity

c. capture effect

d. lower complexity and cost

66. Low-index FM systems are also known as __________.

a. wideband FM

b. narrowband FM

c. commercial FM

d. medium FM

67. For high-index signal, a method of determining the bandwidth is called ________ approach

a. quasi-stationary

b. quasi-movement

c. quasi-deviation

d. any of these

68. When a receiver has a good blocking performance, this means that

a. it does not suffer from double-spotting

b. its image frequency rejection is poor

c. it is unaffected by AGC derived from a nearby transmission

d. its detector suffers from burnout

69. He established a general rule to estimate the bandwidth for all angle-modulated system
regardless of the modulation index.

a. R.C. Alpine

b. E.H. Armstrong

c. J.R. Carson

d. J.J. Thomson

70. An AM receiver uses a diode detector for demodulation. This enables it satisfactority to

a. single-sideband, suppressed carrier

b. single-sideband, reduced carrier

c. independent sideband

d. single-sideband, full carrier

71. The primary disadvantage of FM is its

a. higher cost and complexity

b. excessive use of spectrum space

c. noise susceptibility

d. lower efficiency

72. A rule that approximates the bandwidth necessary to transmit an angle-modulated wave as
twice the sum of the peak frequency deviation and the highest modulating frequency.

a. Carson's rule

b. Shannon's rule

c. Hartley's law

d. Hartley-Shannon law

73. It is the worst case modulation index and is equal to the maximum peak frequency deviation
divided by the maximum modulating signal frequency

a. peak phase deviation

b. frequency deviation
c. deviation ratio

d. signal to noise ratio

74. The receiver circuit that rids FM noise is the

a. modulator

b. demodulator

c. limiter

d. low-pass filter

75. The phenomenon of a strong FM signal dominating a weaker signal on a common frequency
is referred to as the

a. capture effect

b. blot out

c. quieting factor

d. domination syndrome

76. The highest side frequencies form one channel are allowed to spill over into adjacent
channels producing an interference known as _________.

a. co-channel interference

b. adjacent channel interference

c. splatter

d. overmodulation

77. A pre-emphasis is usually a ________.

a. high-pass filter

b. band-stop filter

c. low-pass filter

d. bandpass filter

78. Frequency modulation transmitters are more efficient because their power is increased by
what type of amplifier?
a. class A

b. class B

c. class C

d. all of the above

79. Noise interferes mainly with modulating signals that are

a. sinusoidal

b. non-sinusoidal

c. low frequencies

d. high frequencies

80. A de-emphasis is usually a _________.

a. high pass filter

b. band-stop filter

c. low-pass filter

d. bandpass filter

81. A pre-emphasis is a __________.

a. integrator

b. differentiator

c. either integrator or differentiator

d. neither integrator or differentiator

82. A de-emphasis is a _____________.

a. integrator

b. differentiator

c. either integrator or differentiator

d. neither integrator or differentiator

83. Pre-emphasis circuit boost what modulating frequencies before modulation?

a. high frequencies

b. mid-range frequencies

c. low frequencies

d. all of the above

84. The primary disadvantage of direct PM

a. relatively unstable LC oscillators must be used to produce carrier frequency which

prohibits using crystal oscillators

b. relatively high frequency deviations and modulation indices are easily obtained due to
the fact that the oscillators are inherently unstable.

c. crystal oscillators are inhrently stable and therefore more difficult for them to
achieve high phase deviations and modulation indices

d. carrier oscillator is isolated form the actual modulator circuit and therefore can be
stable source.

85. It is an angle modulation in which the frequency of the carrier is deviated by the modulating

a. direct PM

b. PM

c. indirect FM

d. any of these

86. One of the following is a method of performing frequency up conversion

a. heterodyning

b. amplification

c. modulation

d. none of these

87. A pre-emphasis circuit is a

a. low-pass filter

b. high-pass filter
c. phase shifter

d. bandpass filter

88. Pre emphasis is compensated for the receiver by a

a. phase inverter

b. bandpass filter

c. high-pass filter

d. low-pass filter

89. A circuit that compares the frequency of the noncrystal carrier oscillator to a crystal reference
oscillator and then produces a correction voltage proportional to the difference between the two

a. AFC

b. squelch circuit

c. AGC

d. heterodyning circuit

90. A frequency selective device whose output voltage is proportional to the difference between
the input frequency and its resonant frequency

a. modulator

b. squelch circuit

c. frequency discriminator

d. FM transmitters

91. Allows FM receiver to differentiate between two signals received with the same frequency
but different amplitudes

a. flywheel effect

b. amplitude limiting

c. noise immunity

d. capture effect

92. If an FM transmitter employs one doubler, one tripler, and one quadrupler, what is the carrier
frequency swing when the oscillator frequency swing is 2kHz?

a. 24 kHz

b. 48 kHz

c. 14 kHz

d. 12 kHz

93. The cut-off frequency of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits is

a. 1 kHz

b. 2.122 kHz

c. 5 kHz

d. 75 kHz

94. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of angle modulation?

a. wide bandwidth

b. complex

c. high cost

d. less noise

95. In FM receivers, which of the following rejects the image frequency?

a. preselector

b. detector

c. IF amplifier

d. mixer

96. In FM receivers, which of the following provides most gain and selectivity of the receiver?

a. detector

b. RF amplifier

c. local oscillator

d. IF amplifier
97. Another name for Voltage Variable Capacitor is

a. PIN diode

b. varactor diode

c. snap diode

d. hot carrier diode

98. The depletion region in a junction diode forms what part of a capacitor?

a. plates

b. leads

c. package

d. dielectric

99. Which of the following removes the information from the modulated wave in FM receivers?

a. amplifiers

b. mixer

c. speakers

d. discriminator

100. The final IF amplifier in FM receivers is sometimes called ___________.

a. tuned amplifier

b. limiter

c. passband filter

d. any of these

101. _________ are frequency-dependent circuits designed to produce an output voltage that is
proportional to the instantaneous frequency at its output

a. PM receivers

b. PM demodulators

c. FM demodulators
d. FM receivers

102. Increasing the reverse bias on a varactor diode will it cause its capacitance to

a. decrease

b. increase

c. remains the same

d. drop to zero

103. The capacitance of a varactor diode is in what general range?

a. pF

b. nF

c. uF

d. F

104. Which of the following is the simplest form of tuned-circuit frequency discriminator?

a. Foster-Seeley discriminator

b. Ratio detector

c. slope detector

d. PLL detector

105. It is simply two single-ended slope detectors connected in parallel and fed 180 degrees out

a. Foster-Seeley discriminator

b. quadrature detector

c. balanced slope generator

d. PLL detector

106. The frequency change in crystal oscillator produced by a varactor diode is

a. zero

b. small
c. medium

d. large

107. A phase modulator varies the phase shift of the

a. carrier

b. modulating signal

c. modulating voltage

d. sideband frequency

108. Which of the following tuned-circuit frequency discriminator is relatively immune to

amplitude variations in its input signal?

a. ratio detector

b. slope detector

c. balanced slope detector

d. quadrature detector

109. In FM demodulators, it is also called coincidence detector

a. quadrature demodulator

b. PLL demodulator

c. Foster-Seely discriminator

d. ratio detector

110. The widest phase variation is obtained with ________.

a. RC low-pass filter

b. RC high-pass filter

c. LR low-pass filter

d. LC resonant circuit

111. An FM receiver provides 100dB of voltage gain prior to the limiter. Calculate the receiver's
sensitivity if the limiter's quieting for an FM receiver is 300mV?

a. 4.5 uV
b. 3.0 uV

c. 2.1 uV

d. 1.3 uV

112. The small frequency change produced by a phase modulator can be increased by using

a. amplifier

b. mixer

c. frequency multiplier

d. frequency divider

113. In FM receiver, limiters produce a constant-amplitude output of all signals above a

prescribed minimum input level called _________.

a. threshold voltage

b. capture level

c. quieting level

d. any of these

114. The inherent ability of FM to diminish the effects of interfering signals is called _______.

a. capture effect

b. noise suppression

c. adjacent channel rejection

115. A crystal oscillator whose frequency can be changed by an input voltage is called _______.

a. VCO

b. VXO

c. VFO

d. VHF

116. Which oscillators are preferred for carrier generators because of their good frequency
a. LC

b. RC

c. LR

d. crystal

117. Which of the following frequency demodulators requires an input limiter?

a. Foster-Seely discriminator

b. Pulse-averaging discriminator

c. quadrature detector

d. PLL

118. Provides a slight automatic control over the local oscillator circuit and compensates for its
drift that would otherwise cause a station to become detuned.

a. AGC

b. AFC

c. VVC

d. VCO

119. ________ of an FM receiver is the maximum dB difference signal strength between two
received signals necessary for the capture effect to suppress the weaker signal.

a. capture effect

b. capture gain

c. capture ratio

d. capture loss

120. When two limiter stages are used, there is called ___________.

a. double limiting

b. two-time limiting

c. reserve limiting

d. ratio limiting
121. Which discriminator averages pulses in a low-pass filter?

a. ratio detector

b. PLL

c. quadrature detector

d. pulse-averaging discriminator

122. Which of the frequency demodulator is considered the best overall?

a. ratio detector

b. PLL

c. quadrature

d. pulse-averaging discriminator

123. One of the prominent advantage of FM over PM is

a. FM requires frequency multipliers to increase the modulation index and frequency

deviation to useful levels

b. the voltage controlled oscillators of FM can be directly modulated and produce

outputs with high frequency deviations and high modulation

c. the modulation index of FM is independent of the modulating signal frequency

d. FM offers better signal-to-noise performance than PM

124. What special speaker is used for low frequency?

a. baffle

b. base

c. tweeter

d. woofer

125. Each speaker assembly at the receiver reproduces exactly the same information

a. monophonic

b. multiphonic

c. stereophonic
d. any of these

126. In a pulse averaging discriminator, the pulse are produced by a(n)

a. astable multivibrator

b. zero-crossing detector

c. one-shot

d. low-pass filter

127. A reactance modulator looks like a capacitance of 35pF in parallel with the oscillator-tuned
circuit whose inductance is 50 uH and capacitance is 40 pF. What is the center frequency of the
oscillator prior to FM?

a. 1.43 MHz

b. 2.6 MHz

c. 3.56 MHz

d. 3.8 MHz

128. The frequency of an SCA channel subcarrier is _______.

a. 38 kHz

b. 15 kHz

c. 67 kHz

d. 53 kHz

129. The L-R stereo channel in FM broadcasting is between

a. 50 Hz to 15 kHz

b. 60 kHz to 74 kHz

c. 23 kHz to 53 kHz

d. 20 Hz to 20 kHz

130. An FM demodulator that uses a differential amplifier and tuned circuits to convert
frequency variations into voltage variations is the

a. quadrature detector
b. Foster-Seeley discriminator

c. differential peak detector

d. phase-locked loop

131. The output amplitude of the phase detector in a quadrature detector is proportional to

a. pulse width

b. pulse frequency

c. input amplitude

d. the phase shift value at center

132. The output to a PLL is 2MHz. In order for the PLL to be locked. The VCO output must be

a. 0 MHz

b. 1 MHz

c. 2 MHz

d. 4 MHz

133. With stereo transmission, the maximum frequency deviation is

a. 75 kHz

b. 15 kHz

c. 25 kHz

d. 3 kHz

134. The L + R stereo channel occupies _________.

a. 50 Hz to 15 kHz

b. 60 kHz to 74 kHz

c. 23 kHz to 53 kHz

d. 20 Hz to 20 kHz

135. The band of frequencies over which a PLL will acquire or recognize an input signal is
called the
a. circuit bandwidth

b. capture range

c. band of acceptance

d. lock range

136. The three primary frequency bands are allocated by FCC for two-way FM radio
communications except:

a. 132 MHz to 174 MHz

b. 450 MHz to 470 MHz

c. 806 MHz to 947 MHz

d. 1026 MHz to 1035 MHz

137. The maximum frequency deviation for two-way transmitters is typically

a. 25 kHz

b. 5 kHz

c. 75 kHz

d. 3 kHz

138. Decreasing the input frequency to be locked PLL will cause the VCO output to

a. decrease

b. increase

c. remains constant

d. jump to the free-running frequency

139. The range of frequencies over which a PLL will track input signal variations is known as

a. circuit bandwidth

b. capture range

c. band of acceptance

d. lock range
140. The maximum modulating signal frequency for two-way transmitter is typically

a. 3 kHz

b. 5 kHz

c. 15 kHz

d. 75 kHz

141. Over a narrow range of frequencies, the PLL acts like a

a. low-pass filter

b. bandpass filter

c. tunable oscillator

d. frequency modulator

142. The output of a PLL frequency demodulator is taken from the

a. low-pass filter

b. VCO

c. phase detector

d. none of these

143. The primary advantage of FM over AM

a. capture effect

b. noise immunity

c. FM can use class C amplifiers

d. FM is more efficient

144. The usual cutoff frequency of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in broadcast FM?

a. 50 Hz

b. 75 Hz

c. 2122 Hz

d. 3183 Hz
145. The maximum deviation for narrowband FM?

a. 2500

b. 5

c. 1.67

d. 75

146. Which of the following is best frequency demodulator in use?

a. Foster-Seeley discriminator

b. ratio detector

c. slope detector

d. PLL

147. The range of frequencies over which the PLL will capture an input signal is known as

a. lock range

b. capture range

c. bandwidth

d. sidebands

148. Type of FM demodulator that is widely used in TV audio demodulators

a. ratio detector

b. quadrature detector

c. PLL

d. pulse-averaging discriminator

149. A variation of Foster-Seeley discriminator widely used in oldr TV receiver designs

a. ratio detector

b. PLL

c. quadrature detector
d. crosby modulator

150. The range of frequencies over which a PLL will track an input is called

a. lock range

b. capture range

c. track range

d. driving range

151. What is the maximum deviation for monoaural TV sound

a. 25 kHz

b. 75 kHz

c. 50 kHz

d. 125 kHz

152. What is the maximum deviation for stereo TV sound?

a. 25 kHz

b. 75 kHz

c. 50 kHz

d. 125 kHz

153. In FM stereo broadcasting, the L + R signal

a. double-sideband modulates a subcarrier

b. modulates the FM carrier

c. frequency modulates a subcarrier

d. is not transmitted

154. In FM stereo broadcasting, the L - R signal

a. double-sideband modulates a subcarrier

b. modulates the FM carrier

c. frequency modulates a subcarrier

155. The SCA signal if used in FM broadcasting is transmitted via

a. a 19 kHz subcarrier

b. a 38 kHz subcarrier

c. a 67 kHz subcarrier

d. the main FM carrier

156. Which of the following is considered as an indirect method of generating FM?

a. reactance modulator

b. balanced modulator

c. varactor diode modulation

d. armstrong system

157. In an FM system, if the modulation index is doubled by halving the modulating frequency,
what will be the effect on the maximum deviation?

a. remains the same

b. doubles

c. decrease by 1/2

d. increase by 1/4

158. Determine from the following the common use of DSB in broadcast and

a. satellite communications

b. FM/TV stereo

c. two-way communications

d. telephone systems

159. Phase modulation emission type

a. F3F

b. G3E

c. F3E
d. F3C

160. The range of frequencies over which a PLL will cause the input of the VCO signals to
remain synchronized is known as the _________ range.

a. capture

b. lock

c. acquisition

d. any of these

161. If the PLL input is zero, the VCO will operate at its ____________ frequency.

a. free-running

b. natural

c. operating

d. any of these

162. Since a PLL will only respond to signals over a narrow frequency range, it acts likes a

a. low-pass filter

b. high-pass filter

c. bandpass filter

d. bandstop filter

163. In a PLL demodulating an FM signal, the VCO output is an exact reproduction of the

a. modulating signal

b. carrier signal

c. carrier amplitude

d. VCO output

164. In a PLL demodulating an FM signal, the VCO output is an exact reproduction of the

a. FM input
b. VCO input

c. modulating signal

d. error signal

165. After the IF stages have been aligned, the next state to align in FM receiver is

a. local oscillator

b. limiter stage

c. RF amplifier

d. mixer stage

166. The modulation system used for telegraphy is

a. frequency-shift keying

b. two-tone modulation

c. purse-code modulation

d. single-tone modulation

167. What is emission F3F?

a. Facsimile


c. modulated CW

d. television

168. What is a frequency discriminator?

a. a circuit for filtering two closely adjacent signals

b. a circuit for detecting FM signals

c. an FM generator

d. an automatic bandswitching circuit

169. Type of radio communication transmission utilizing frequency modulation technique

a. television video
b. broadcasting in 535-1606 kHz

c. single sideband HF transmission

d. television audio

170. Why was FM first developed?

a. to compete with AM

b. to overcome noise

c. to increase listeners

d. to supplement AM

171. To what feature of the modulating tone is FM deviation proportional?

a. amplitude

b. frequency

c. phase

d. phase shift

172. Which of the following is not a basic filed of FM?

a. broadcast

b. TV video

c. mobile communications

d. amateur radio

173. Under what condition would a 1 kHz AF signal produce a single pair of FM sidebands?

a. wideband

b. broadcast FM

c. TV audio FM

d. narrowband FM

174. What deviation is considered 100% for FM broadcast stations?

a. 75 kHz
b. 220 kHz

c. 270 kHz

d. 75 kHz or 220 kHz

175. In FM broadcasting, what is the highest required modulating frequency?

a. 75 kHz

b. 50 kHz

c. 25 kHz

d. 15 kHz

176. In FM broadcasting, what is the lowest required modulating frequency?

a. 50 Hz

b. 30 Hz

c. 10 Hz

d. 5 Hz

177. What is the disadvantage of slope detection of FM>

a. no discrimination against noise

b. less AF distortion

c. less AF out

d. no filtering of carrier

178. What is the unction of the dc that comes out of the dc amplifier in a PLL-type FM detector?

a. carrier signal

b. filter signal

c. error signal

d. phase signal

179. What is the function of the dc that comes out of the dc amplifier in a PLL-type FM
a. oscillators

b. AF signal

c. RF signal

d. carrier signal

180. Why should discriminators be tuned for a straight characteristic S-curve?

a. less AF distortion

b. greater AF out

c. less RF out

d. less RF distortion

181. What band for high-Q coils be more desirable for stagger-tuned-type discriminator

a. wide

b. intermediate

c. interfacing

d. narrow

182. In a Foster-Seeley circuit, the AF output voltage is ________.

a. varying DC

b. varying AC

c. steady DC

d. steady AC
183. In a stagger-tuned discriminator, the AF output voltage is _________.

a. varying DC

b. varying AC

c. steady DC

d. steady AC

184. In a ratio detector, the AF output voltage is

a. steady AC

b. varying AC

c. steady DC

d. varying DC

185. In a gated-beam detector, the AF output voltage is _________.

a. steady DC

b. varying AC

c. varying DC

d. steady AC

186. Which of the following discriminator circuits require limiters ahead of them?

a. quadrature detector

b. foster-seeley discriminator

c. slope detector

d. stagger-tuned

187. Which of the following discriminator circuits provide an automatic gain control voltage?

a. ratio detector

b. balanced slope detector

c. quadrature detector

d. stagger-tuned detector

188. Which of the following discriminator circuits has its diodes in series?

a. ratio

b. quadrature detector

c. round-travis detector

d. slope detector

189. To what frequency must the gated-beam quadrature circuit be tuned in a TV receiver?
a. 10.7 MHz

b. 455 kHz

c. 70 MHz

d. 4.5 MHz

190. To what frequency must the gated-beam quadrature circuit be tuned in an FM broadcast

a. 4.3 MHz

b. 10.7 MHz

c. 11 MHz

d. 4.8 MHz

192. With what FM detectors would AGC be an advantage?

a. foster-seeley detector

b. ratio detector

c. quadrature detector

d. phase-locked loop

193. What is the reason for using pre-emphasis?

a. increase amplitude

b. reduce carrier shift

c. amplify RF signal

d. reduce noise reception

194. What are the two types of stages in an FM receiver that differ from those in an AM

a. limiting IF and detectors

b. oscillators and IF amplifiers

c. mixers and RF amplifiers

d. local oscillators and mixers

195. What special circuits are used in a squelch system that can follow changing noise levels?

a. noise amplifiers

b. rectifier

c. dc amplifier

d. any of these

196. Why might FM be better than AM for mobile ________.

a. better coverage

b. not affected by solar cycles

c. reduce flutter

d. not absorbed by ionosphere

197. What is the order of circuit alignment in an FM receiver?

a. discriminator, limiters, IF, mixer and RF

b. RF, limiters, IF, mixer and discriminator

c. limiters, mixer, RF, discriminator and IF

d. RF, mixer, RF, IF, limiters and discriminator

198. What is the another name for the reactance-tube modualtor?

a. Crosby

b. Foster-Seeley

c. Round Travis

d. Messier

199. What effect would be produced if a small inductance were used in plasce of the 50 pF
capacitance in the reactance-tube modulator?

a. the circuit becomes resistive

b. reactance modulator looks like an inductive circuit

c. reactance modulator looks like Xc

d. any of these

200. The following are significant circuits in the AFC system except:

a. crystal

b. mixer

c. IF

d. filter

201. Besides the reactance-tube modulator, what is another method of producing direct FM?

a. armstrong modulator

b. voltage variable capacitor

c. impeadance modulator

d. slug indicator

202. What is the advantage of PM?

a. can use crystal oscillator

b. uses more multistage

c. less selective fading

d. simplicity

203. What was the first broadcast FM system called?

a. Arc transmitter


c. Armstrong

d. crystal

204. Why are limtiers used in FM transmitters?

a. any of these

b. clip noise peaks

c. prevent overdrive of discriminators

d. prevent overdeviation

205. Why are limiters used in FM receivers?

a. provide better noise performance

b. clip noise peaks

c. prevent overdrive of discriminators

d. any of these

206. What signals might feed into an FM broadcast station audio control console?

a. microphones

b. turntables

c. remote lines

d. any of these

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