Questions 4 To 8

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Indicate all the consultants and their tasks

- Ar. Carl stated that for the consultants, they have allied professionals that anytime they
need their service, they can contact them in order to cater the needs of a specific project. He gave
an example for residential, drawings like structural plans are in need of a civil engineer. This is
followed by mechanical engineer for in need of expert in mechanisms and then the master
plumber for the overall sanitation and septic tank needs of a house. He then said that every time
the firm does sets of working drawings, the allied professions are there to guide and extend their

5. What references do you use for your designs and strategies?

- Ar. Carl answered that when it comes to their design, they always incorporate
“modern” in their design since we are already in the modern era. It is not only the design evolves
but also the clients; they are updated on the new trends when it comes to their preferences to
design. Due to that, the references they use are from online since there so many possible guides
and they fuse it from the past like references from collectible magazines and other printed copies.
He said that designing is really limitless because of the unknown number of references that can
be gathered. Also, the projects that they have completed becomes part of their references as
when they build or create a project, at the end of it there is always a learning, he stated. From
there, they will have stepping stone in order to improve to the next project. This is also an edge
for them because from their previous projects, they follow and improve their designs resulting to
good impressions for their probable clients.

- When it comes to storing their references and documents, Ar. Carl said that they do both
traditional storage for archives and storing them digitally. This is to secure copies and also
protect their profession, such as storing contract documents and other files that contains
signatures and approval.

6. How do you manage your firm’s finances?

- When it comes to managing the firm’s finances, he gave an example on their basis just
like per square meter and lump sum or other possible basis on their fees. When they acquire
profit from their architectural drawings, they always save. Aside from their net profit, they
always save for their firm. This for them to prepare just like unwanted cost in the future, they
will have sufficient funds and having revolving funds indicates that the firm or company is
growing. And on the capital to start up a firm, he stated that it really depends, especially to his
scenario, they are partnership in which his partner is his girlfriend and their division of cost is 50
– 50. That is most likely on partnership type of office and based on his tone, it seem to be more
comfortable to start when you know your business partner. He also said that when starting up a
firm or an office, it really depends on the set up you wanted but more likely focus on equipment
needed and on the later time it will start to grow. As for the equipment, they invested of personal
computer set ups with gaming specifications because of heavy rendering software that architects

7. How do you introduce and market your firms?

- When it comes to marketing the firm, he said that the first thing they consider is define
the services that they will provide for the people as architects. As for their case, they started from
drawings and they leveled up to construction. He said that for a firm to be known, when it comes
to the first project, it is normal to not achieve perfection but do the first project with all the best
efforts, from their the word of mouth will spread the satisfying service of the firm. For their case,
they introduce their firm through word of mouth and second is thru online. He followed it up that
social media marketing is just the second because the way to promote the firm is through word of
mouth from satisfied clients.

8. Do you have any specific strategy to make your firm unique from the others?

- Ar. Carl answered this question directly by saying that their specific strategy from other
firms is “continuous learning”. As part of the competition when becoming an architect, first is to
invest on the self, he said. This is because architects do not stop learning after they become one,
hence they need to cope up with the needs and the changing path of an architect. He also added
that aside from the works, learning is the simplest way of marketing strategy since it is the
creativeness that differentiates architects from others.

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