Final, IOQM T-Series, Test - 2, 06-08-2023

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20. For how many natural numbers n between 1 and 24. Let S  1     ...   . Find
2 3 4 99 100
8n [S].
2014 (both inclusive) is an integer?
9999  n
You may use the fact that
21. Consider all possible integers n  0 such that
(5 × 3m) + 4 = n2 holds for some corresponding
integer m  0. Find the sum of all such n.
 n  n 1    
n  1 for all integers

22. Find the number of integer solutions of the equation n  1.

x2016 + (2016! + 1!)  x2015 + (2015! + 2!)  x2014 +...+ 25. The total number of times the digit ‘2’ appears in
(1! + 2016!) = 0, where n! = n × (n – 1) × ... × the set of integers {1, 2, ..., 1000} is K. Then the
3 × 2 × 1, for n  1. K
value of . For example, the digit ‘2’ appears twice
23. Find the number of integer solutions of 15
in the integer 229.
 x  x 
100 100    5. Let  and  be the roots of the equation
   26.
x2 + x – 3 = 0. Find the value of the expression
4 2   3 .

Space for rough Work

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