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1. This task is about the events leading up to the Second World War.

Below you will find excerpts about German expansion and territories marked with
numbers on the map. Match each excerpt with the number of the territory it refers to.
Write the appropriate number after each excerpt. There is one extra number. (1 point for
each correct item.)

Target areas of German expansion in the 1930s

(Numbers do not indicate chronological order)

a) ‘At five o’clock a.m. the international police troops formed up […] and took over […] the roads
and border stations leading to France and the German Reich in order to secure the voting against
any sudden attacks. […] If 85-90 percent of the votes were cast in favour of Germany […], this
would be a great victory for Hitler.’ (Contemporary account)

a) „Hajnali öt órakor felvonult a nemzetközi rendőrhadtest és […] megszállta […] a

Franciaországba és a Német Birodalomba vezető utakat és határállomásokat […], hogy a
szavazás biztonságát minden rajtaütésszerű támadás ellen biztosítsák. […] Ha a szavazatok
nyolcvanöt-kilencven százaléka Németország javára esik […], ez Hitler nagy győzelmét
jelentené.” (Korabeli beszámoló)

b) ‘I now call this country to a new mission. To one that matches the command that once called
here the German settlers from all the provinces of the ancient empire: From now on, let the
ancient Ostmark [Eastern border area] of the German people be the youngest bastion of the
German nation and thus of the German Reich. […] This country is German, it has understood its
mission, it will carry it out, and nobody will ever surpass it in its loyalty to the great German
community of peoples.’ (Speech by Hitler)

b) „Most ennek az országnak új missziót hirdetek. Olyat, ami megfelel annak a parancsolatnak,
amely egykor ide hívta a német telepeseket az óbirodalom összes tartományából: Legyen a
német nép ősi Ostmarkja [keleti határvidéke] mostantól a német nemzet és ezáltal a Német
Birodalom legfiatalabb védőbástyája. […] Ez az ország német, megértette a küldetését, teljesíteni
fogja azt, és a nagy német népközösséghez való hűségében soha senki nem fogja túlszárnyalni.”
(Hitler beszéde)

c) ‘Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy, taking into consideration the agreements
which have already been reached in principle for the cession to Germany of […] territory, have
agreed on the following terms and conditions governing the said cession and the measures
consequent thereon, and by this agreement they each hold themselves responsible for the steps
necessary to secure its fulfilment.’ (Excerpt from a treaty)

c) „Németország, az Egyesült Királyság, Franciaország és Olaszország, tekintetbe véve a […]

terület elcsatolására vonatkozólag elvben már elért megállapodásokat, megegyezett ennek az
elcsatolásnak […] feltételeiben és módozataiban, valamint az ennek következtében
foganatosítandó intézkedésekben, és a jelen egyezménnyel egyenként felelősséget vállalnak az
egyezmény végrehajtásának biztosításához szükséges lépésekért.” (Szerződésrészlet)

d) ‘[…] the spheres of influence of Germany and the U.S.S.R. shall be bounded approximately by
the line of the rivers Narew, Vistula, and San. The question of whether the interests of both
parties make desirable the maintenance of an independent […] state and how such a state should
be bounded can only be definitely determined in the course of further political developments.’
(Excerpt from a treaty)

d) „Németország és a Szovjetunió érdekszféráját hozzávetőleg a Narev, Visztula és a Szan folyók

vonala határolja el. Azt a kérdést, hogy a kétoldalú érdekek kívánatosnak tüntetik-e fel egy
független […] állam fenntartását, és melyek lennének ezen állam határai, végleg csak további
politikai fejlemények során lehet tisztázni.” (Szerződésrészlet)

2. This task is about the events leading up to the Second World War. (K/4)
Answer the questions with the help of the sketch map and your own knowledge. (1 point
for each correct item.)

Europe on the eve of the Second World War

a) The map shows the political borders at the end of a certain year. Which year is it? Circle the
number of the correct answer.

1. 1937 2. 1938 3. 1940

b) Considering the borders depicted in the map, which of the following territories was most
recently annexed by Germany? Circle the number of the correct answer.
1. Alsace and Lorraine 2. The Saar 3. Sudetenland

c) The independence of one country, which emerged after the First World War, had ceased by
the period depicted in the map as a result of German expansion. Which is this country?

3. This task is about the events leading up to the Second World War. (K/4)
Do the tasks using the cartoon and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item.)

Cartoon depicting the Munich Conference in 1938. The seated figures in the picture from left to
right: Hitler, British prime minister Chamberlain, French prime minister Daladier, Mussolini.
The standing figure is Stalin

a) The cartoon depicts a conference of great powers where the division of a state was
agreed. Which state was this?

b) Name the participating politician whose territorial demands were satisfied.


c) What do the clothes of the people depicted in the picture refer to? Circle the number
of the correct statement.

1. They refer to the system of alliances that existed later, in World War II: the representatives
of the Axis powers wear light clothes, while the Allied politicians wear dark ones.
2. They refer to the political organisation of the given countries: leaders of democratic
countries wear civilian clothes, while leaders of dictatorships wear military uniforms.
3. They refer to the state organisations of the given countries: prime ministers representing
kingdoms wear military uniforms, while politicians heading republics wear civilian clothes.

d) What was the Soviet Union’s attitude to the agreement reached at the end of the
meeting depicted in the cartoon? Circle the number of the correct statement.

1. It disapproved, as according to the agreement Poland, considered an enemy of the Soviet

Union, received significant territories.
2. It was neutral, as the agreement did not directly affect the Soviet Union.
3. On hearing about the agreement, it re-evaluated its policy of alliances, considering that the
Western powers had left their former ally, now in conflict with Germany, on its own.

4. This task is about the history of Nazism. (K/4)

On the basis of the sources and your own knowledge, choose which statement explains
the phenomenon illustrated in each picure. Circle the number of the appropriate
statement. (1 point for each correct item)

a) Members of the German Labour


1) Political opponents and Jews were conscripted into labour service as punishment.
2) The Communist and Social Democratic Party made an alliance against the Nazis, and brought the Labour
Front into being.
3) The Labour Front was established in order to overcome unemployment and to provide military training.

b) Hitlerjugend activity

1. The Hitlerjugend was one of the voluntary organisations for children interested in technical sciences.
2. As the mandatory youth organisation of the Nazi dictatorship, the Hitlerjugend also organised popular
3. The Hitlerjugend was an elitist organisation which offered luxury programmes to the children of the Nazi
party leadership.

c) Nazi activist with a placard saying ‘Germans, don’t buy

from Jews’
1) Refusing to buy goods from Jewish merchants was one of the first steps in the process which resulted in
the Jews’ losing all their rights.
2) The activities of the Nazi activists were obstructed by the police up to 1939.
3) The primary aim of the boycott against Jews was to protect German workplaces.

d) The holiday resort of Prora on the shores of the

Baltic sea

1) The Nazis confiscated the holiday houses, some of which belonged to the Jewish elite, and distributed them
among the members of the party leadership.
2) The Nazis built holiday complexes in order to provide mass holidays for the working class.
3) The Nazis intended the conquered Crimean peninsula to become a new holiday paradise.

5. This task is about the history of Nazi Germany. (K/3)

Provide arguments supporting the truth of each statement using the pictures, the
definitions and your own knowledge. (1 point for each correct item)
The caption of the poster: ‘In times past, just like today Labour Service parade
We shall remain comrades. German Labour Front.’

Imperial Labour Service: an obligatory 6-month period of labour service to be completed prior
to compulsory military service.
German Labour Front: the united organisation of employees and employers.

a) Statement: Labour service was a means of overcoming the Great Depression.

b) Statement: The establishment of the Labour Front abolished the safeguarding of workers’
c) Statement: The Labour Front and the Labour Service promoted the militarization of society.

6. This task is about the history of Nazi Germany. (K/3)

Match each of the concepts given below with one of the extracts marked a)-b)-c)-d) (Score:
0.5 points for each correct item)

the final solution anti-left principles the Führer Principle racial laws

a) ‘I solemnly swear in the presence of God that I owe unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler,
the leader of the German people and the German Reich, the chief commander of the Armed
Forces, and as a brave solder I am always prepared to stake my life for this oath.
I swear that I will faithfully and obediently serve Adolf Hitler, leader of the German people and
the German Reich […]’ (Military and civil servants’ forms of oath; 1935)

„Isten színe előtt szent esküvel fogadom, hogy a német nép és a Német Birodalom vezérének,
Adolf Hitlernek, a Véderő legfőbb parancsnokának feltétlen engedelmességgel tartozom, és bátor
katonaként mindenkor készen állok arra, hogy ezért az esküért életemmel feleljek.
Esküszöm, hogy Adolf Hitlert, a német nép és a Német Birodalom vezérét hűségesen és
engedelmesen szolgálom […]” (Katonai és köztisztviselői esküszövegek; 1935)

b) ‘1. § Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or some related blood are forbidden.
Such marriages contracted despite the law are invalid […]
2. § Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are
4. § Jews are forbidden to raise the imperial and national flag or display the imperial colours.’
(Law for the protection of German Race and German Honour;1935)

„1. § Zsidó és német állampolgárságú vagy némettel rokon vérű személyek között a
házasságkötés tilos. Az ennek ellenére kötött házasságok semmisek. […]
2. § A házasságon kívüli érintkezés zsidók és német állampolgárságú vagy némettel rokon
személyek között tilos.
4. § Zsidók nem vonhatják fel a birodalmi és a nemzeti zászlót, s nem viselhetik a birodalmi
színeket.” (Törvény a német vér és a német becsület védelmében; 1935)

c) ‘And then we face the question: what should happen to the [Jewish] women and children? I
have decided to find an absolutely clear cut solution here too. Because I do not consider it right
to exterminate the men – kill them or have them killed – but to allow those, in the form of
children, who will take revenge on our children and grandchildren, to grow up. This is why we
have to take this difficult decision to wipe these people [Jews] off the face of the Earth.’
(Himmler; October 1943)

„És akkor szembetaláljuk magunkat a kérdéssel: mi történjék a [zsidó] nőkkel és a

gyermekekkel? Elhatároztam, hogy itt is egészen világos megoldást találunk. Nem tartom
ugyanis jogosnak azt, hogy a férfiakat kiirtsuk – megöljük vagy megöletjük -, de azokat, akik a
gyermekeinken és az unokáinkon bosszút állnak, a gyermekek alakjában felnőni engedjük. Ezért
kellett azt a nehéz döntést meghozni, hogy ezt a népet [a zsidóságot] a Földről eltöröljük.”
(Himmler; 1943. október)

d) ‘There is no mercy now, whoever is in our way, we shall knock them down. The German
people would not sympathise with softness. Wherever they show up, we shall shoot all
communist officials. Communist representatives must be hung this very night. There is no more
forbearance for Social Democrats […] either.’ (Hitler in front of the burning Reichstag; 1933)

„Most nincs kegyelem, aki az utunkba áll, azt leütjük. A német nép nem lenne megértéssel a
lágyság iránt. Ahol megjelenik, minden kommunista funkcionáriust lelövünk. A kommunista
képviselőket még az éjjel fel kell akasztani. A szociáldemokraták […] iránt sincs többé kímélet.”
(Hitler a lángoló Reichstag előtt; 1933)

e) The expression ‘Nazi’ was created by shortening a foreign word. What is the English
equivalent of the original foreign expression? (1 point)

7. This task is about 20th-century European dictatorships. (K/2)

Match the pictures with their definitions, and write the numbers of the definitions next to
the appropriate letters in the table. (Score: 0.5 points for each correct item)
1. The personality cult prevailed: it was most obviously manifested in absolute submission to
the leader of the country, and in his unbounded and uncritical glorification.
2. The private household plots of peasants were forcibly confiscated.
3. Hounding Communists. Advocating racial hatred against Jews; the restriction of their civil
rights, their persecution.
4. The principle of the absolute authority of the leader prevailed, which was linked to the
launching of large-scale munitions production.

Picture Definition number


8. This task is about 20th century German history. (K/3)

Do the tasks by analysing the poster.
This is the election poster of the national
socialist party (NSDAP) from 1932. The Nazi
party stood for election under list number 1.
‘Arbeit und Brot’ means ‘Work and bread’.

a) Name the symbol which makes it quite clear that this is the poster of the Nazi
party_________________________________________________________ (Score: 0.5 points for correct answer)

b) Underline the correct statement. When was the poster made? (Score 0.5 points for
correct answer.)
1. The poster was made after the Nazi party came to power.
2. The poster was made before the Nazi party came to power.

c) Underline the correct answer to the question: How did the Nazi party want to gain
power? (0.5 points)

1. The poster encouraged people to overthrow the existing system through armed uprising.
2. The aim of the poster was to win voters and thus gain power legally (in the parliamentary

d) Explain the meaning of the outstretched arms holding tools in the poster. (0.5 points)

e) Was this a successful poster in Germany, in 1932? Give reasons for your answer. (1

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