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What is woke politics?

Woke politics is a term used to describe a set of beliefs and practices that emphasize
the importance of social justice and equity. Woke politics often focus on issues such as
race, gender, and sexuality, and they often challenge traditional power structures.

The term "woke" originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and was
originally used to describe someone who was aware of racial injustice. However, the
term has since been adopted by a wider range of people and is now used to describe a
variety of progressive political views.

Woke politics is often seen as a backlash against the perceived complacency of

mainstream liberalism. Woke activists argue that mainstream liberals are too focused on
civility and consensus-building, and that they are not willing to challenge the root causes
of social injustice.

Woke politics has been praised by some for its focus on social justice and equity.
However, it has also been criticized by others for being too focused on identity politics
and for being intolerant of opposing views.

Here are some of the key tenets of woke politics:

 The belief that racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression are systemic and
not just individual acts.
 The belief that marginalized groups should be empowered and given a voice.
 The belief that it is important to challenge traditional power structures.
 The belief that it is important to be aware of one's own privilege and to use it to
help others.

Woke politics has been criticized for the following:

 Being too focused on identity politics and not enough on class politics.
 Being intolerant of opposing views.
 Creating a climate of fear and intimidation.
 Being used to silence dissenting voices.

Whether or not woke politics is a positive force is a matter of opinion. There are valid
arguments to be made on both sides.

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