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(First Day of School)

Advanced Chem Physics

Before we start, let us pray. Who wants to lead the prayer? (Volunteer) Okay Miss ____________ please lead the prayer.

Okay good morning Grade 12- Manchester!

Let me introduce myself first. I am Ms. HEZIL MAE Z. MANCAO, 22 years old, and I am from Villanueva, Misamis Oriental. I will be
your Physics Teacher this entire school year.

Of course, the “FIRST DAY HIGH” will not be complete without the “Introduce Yourself”. Let us do it this way (shows slide)

What’s your name?

How old are you?
Where do you live?
What are your hobbies?
What are your expectations in this class?
What activities do you want to do in this class for you to enjoy?

Okay? Let us start. Calls a name of the student


Now let us proceed to our House Rules.

I want each of you to think one house rule that you want this class to implement the entire year. After that, we will be discussing if
that rule is fit in this class. We will list 5 or it depends if all of your rules are valid. Of course, I have my own rules too. I’m giving you
3 minutes to make your rule. Please be serious ha? And make sure the rule you will make is doable or easy to follow, okay? 3
minutes starts now!

(After 3 minutes) (Discuss)

Now I will be giving my rules in this class, including the grading system. Please take note. (Shows slide)

1. PARTICIPATION: Your participation will be 50% of your performance task, equivalent to 100 points. For example, I will ask a
question or I will let you solve a problem. I will decide if that question is worth 10 points, 5 points, or 3 points. If you want to get the
perfect score of 100, then you must participate well in my class. Once you perfected the 100 points, or you will go beyond 100
points, that extra points will be added on your quizzes. What if your answer to the question was wrong? Okay so if you answer a
10 point question but got it wrong, you will still get 3 points! If you answer 5 points and got it wrong you will still have 2 points, and
a wrong answer of the 3 point question is 1 point. Am I understood?

2. PROJECTS: This will be 30% of your performance task. I have 1 rule regarding the projects. I will give them to you earlier, but
the deadline will be at the end of the QUARTER. There’s no reason for you not to submit.

3. MAJOR EXAMS: This will be 20% of your performance task. Coverage will be the lessons until the end of every term (midterm
or finals)

4. ATTENDANCE. This will be 20% of your written works. Perfect attendance will get the 20% perfect. If you are absent or late,
then that 20% will decrease depending on how many days you are absent. Of course, if you have valid reason of being absent,
you have to send excuse letter; then that 20% will not be affected. It is understood in the orientation how will we determine LATES
and ABSENTS so take note of that.

5. HOMEWORKS: This will be 30% of your Written Works.

6. QUIZZES: This will cover the 50% of your Written Works.

(If naa pay time Q&A portion)

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