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(First Day of School)


Before we start, let us pray. Who wants to lead the prayer? (Volunteer) Okay ________ please lead the prayer.

Okay good morning Grade 9-Princeton! It’s good to see you again.

We already have introuduced ourselves right? But this is a different subject so I will ask you again these questions:

What are your expectations in this class?

What activities do you want to do in this class for you to enjoy?

Okay? Let us start. Calls a name of the student


Now let us proceed to our House Rules.

Since this is a different subject as I’ve said earlier, so the house rules will be a little bit different. For 3 minutes, I want each of you
to think one house rule that you want this MAPEH class to implement the entire year. 3 minutes starts now! You may write on a
paper it so you could say it well.

(After 3 minutes) (Discuss)

Now I will be giving my rules in this class, including the grading system. Please take note. (Shows slide)

1. PARTICIPATION: Unlike in our Chemistry Class, your participation will be 25% of your performance task, still equivalent to 100
points. Same rules and point system okay?

2. PERFORMANCES OR PROJECTS: This will be 25% of your performance task. I have 1 rule regarding the projects. I will give
them to you earlier, but the deadline will be at the end of the QUARTER. There’s no reason for you not to submit.

3. REPORTING: This will be 30% of your performance task. I will assign you the topics ahead of time. You must study and report it
to the class. You will be the one also to create a 5-10 item quiz about your report. And you will be conducting the quiz the next
meeting before the next reporter’s turn.

4. LONG TEST: This will be 20% of your performance task. This covers the lessons in the entire quarter.

5. ATTENDANCE. This will be 20% of your written works. Perfect attendance will get the 20% perfect. If you are absent or late,
then that 20% will decrease depending on how many days you are absent. Of course, if you have valid reason of being absent,
you have to send excuse letter; then that 20% will not be affected. It is understood in the orientation how will we determine LATES
and ABSENTS so take note of that.

6. HOMEWORKS: This will be 30% of your Written Works. You will see it in the silidLMS.

7. SHORT QUIZZES: This will be 20% of your Written Works. This includes the quizzes made by the reporters.

8. UNIT TEST: Every end of a unit we will have your unit test. This will cover the 30% of your Written Works.

(If naa pay time Q&A portion)

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